Peter Benson

English actor (Heartbeat
Died on Saturday September 8th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Peter Benson:

@VanesaStubrin: @Liv_Noah_Benson @mbyo @DDubsLady77 @HargiHero @Mariska Yeah Peter and Ice T were inside the hudson museum when I g… - 6 years ago

@VanesaStubrin: @Liv_Noah_Benson @mbyo @DDubsLady77 @HargiHero @Mariska Peter and Ice T where there but no mariska so I left lol - 6 years ago

@kartikpower: Happy Birthday To Carol Benson Of Peter's Friends Dr. Lisa Laventhorp Of Love Hurts Sally Shelton Of A Weekend In C… - 6 years ago

@jegteg: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago


@mckinlay_liz: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@CarolineTiley1: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@JulietMEvans: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@spencerbungard: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@C_MorrittEsq: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@Cybrarian64: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@Louise43264941: RT @heartbeat536: Saddened to hear about the death of the lovely Peter Benson who played Bernie Scripps. Peter appeared in 235 episodes bet… - 6 years ago

@Louise43264941: RT @FionaDolman: What sad news. Peter Benson was one of the best. Kind, funny, brilliant, gentle and deliciously sarcastic. He was an absol… - 6 years ago

@Louise43264941: RT @J_Kerrigan: RIP Peter Benson. Such a lovely, kind soul with such a wry sense of humour. Best ‘tache in the trade to boot. He was one of… - 6 years ago

@erin_space: Good one Peter? I try to be supportive, i return to the store and i’m also trying to be economical, so i ask Brooke… - 6 years ago

@Liv_Noah_Benson: RT @svu_love: Peter zaddy🔥 Hermann - 6 years ago

@StoneLord1: Peter Benson portrayed Henry VII perfectly…as a weasel to end all weasels. - 6 years ago

@falvonen: @LariskaPargitay @DocPetska @detbensonn Ep. 4 - Carisi has taken up being a cat. Rollins is voting for Trump Fin is… - 6 years ago

@musser_benson: RT @GartrellLinda: Here's how #CrookedClinton laundered money through the DNC. Remember #SlimBallComey's brother Peter's firm did the fake… - 6 years ago

@selfcarequeenn4: Boy Names Continued🧢🐟🏈⚾️ -Beck -Clark -Sawyer -Creed -Lux -Romeo -Pedro -Orlando -Ellis… - 6 years ago

@masila_masha: @AthianiFM @UuNiweMwendwa Prince kasuku, Titus muema matheka, muuo musembi, Charles kiilu, mike wathome wakiene, Be… - 6 years ago

@Bluevertu: Manhattan 111 Drh 7 dit Je Serai Présent aussi pour échange & Colis Arpa Silver Jack d'Abel 2 Alex Axel Red Sirènes… - 6 years ago

@WhosOnTV: Watching #Heartbeat on ITV3? William Simons (Alf Ventress) was in The Sun Makers in 1977. Peter Benson starred in T… - 6 years ago

@scowlyguy: Heartbeat actor Peter Benson dies aged 75 - 6 years ago

@Liv_Noah_Benson: RT @lovingmariskah: “Peter and I, we’re so different that it’s been amazing how we complement each other..He knows everything I don’t.” - @… - 6 years ago

@bowtiekreative: Reaction video to Peter Benson rendition of Michael Jackson's Beat It: - 6 years ago

@SharryCArtists: @kateplantin So many talented, iconic actors are departing. Our lovely Liz Fraser, Fenella and Peter Benson. Sad times. - 6 years ago

@007Singlebloke: RT @joeandthedead: RIP Heartbeat & Blackadder Actor Peter Benson. - 6 years ago

@DNO365: Lives remembered: Peter Benson Obituary,1943 - 2018 - - 6 years ago

@NEWSANTANDER: Lives remembered: Peter Benson Obituary,1943 – 2018 - 6 years ago

@peter_murunga1: Tuned From riruta police station Rausha chief jim Osiromo @TomkimzBarasa @KapedoShem @anyedamgorgor Ekapel Charles,… - 6 years ago

@peter_murunga1: Tuned From riruta police station Rausha chief jim Osiromo @TomkimzBarasa @KapedoShem @anyedamgorgor Ekapel Charles,… - 6 years ago

@peter_murunga1: Tuned From riruta police station Rausha chief jim Osiromo @TomkimzBarasa @anyedamgorgor Ekapel Charles, mzee Onzuun… - 6 years ago

@peter_murunga1: Tuned From riruta police station Rausha @TomkimzBarasa @anyedamgorgor Ekapel Charles, mzee Onzuunga,… - 6 years ago

@USFJagsFan: A quick list of characters I want in #SSBU: - Spongebob - One Punch Man - Shrek - Shadow - Barry B. Benson - Toshi… - 6 years ago

@Peter_McKeefry: @GeoffsViewsofNZ What was benson-pope’s nickname again? - 6 years ago

@cal_beaudette: RT @STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Peter Man… - 6 years ago

@MissAndromeda4: RT @STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Peter Man… - 6 years ago

@STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Pet… - 6 years ago

@Liv_Noah_Benson: RT @svu_love: Alright guys here you go! Here’s our favorite cussing Peter Ps. I’m probably missing a lot but these are what I could find… - 6 years ago

@BestDrWho: Obituary - Peter Benson, actor known for Heartbeat - 6 years ago

@cruise_peter: RT @supriyadwivedi: Instead of reading that Jian piece, I plan on paying tribute to my lord and saviour Olivia Benson by watching several e… - 6 years ago

@MikePopke: RT @nadinesenack: "What is your spark?" The Thriving Formula includes a spark + 3 champions + opportunity! Peter Benson's Sparks: How Youth… - 6 years ago

@benson_mwathi: RT @MattxRed: It’s been 7 months... We cannot forget the trauma and pain felt every day. Americans cannot ignore the reality of gun viole… - 6 years ago

@Beachburg_PS: RT @nadinesenack: "What is your spark?" The Thriving Formula includes a spark + 3 champions + opportunity! Peter Benson's Sparks: How Youth… - 6 years ago

@nadinesenack: "What is your spark?" The Thriving Formula includes a spark + 3 champions + opportunity! Peter Benson's Sparks: How… - 6 years ago

@benson_mwathi: RT @ericswalwell: Tonight on @TheLastWord I talked about base #BlueWave energy I’ve seen across America. Last week, I saw it’s reached the… - 6 years ago

@jerzees_world: @ZachAJacobson @SconnieSports @sconniegirl66 @benson_nataly @JerseyAlGBP @Peter_Bukowski @CallMeMatub… - 6 years ago

@GMjtis: RT @STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Peter Man… - 6 years ago

@STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Pet… - 6 years ago

@AmiyraBader: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@London_Kate_: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@david_paul31: Sad to hear Peter Benson (Bernie Scripts in Heartbeat) has sadly passed away. R.I.P Peter x - 6 years ago

@Tomstansbridge: I should point out I’m referring to the Andrew Benson piece, though Peter Windsor’s assertions Liberty Media should… - 6 years ago

@ForeclosureOz: RT @truthsearch1957: @ForeclosureOz @shurtcircuit @musser_benson @ourkidz3 @adomantholdings @nadiaskin1 @DeadlyClear @BeyondTheBantr @Jeffm… - 6 years ago

@truthsearch1957: @ForeclosureOz @shurtcircuit @musser_benson @ourkidz3 @adomantholdings @nadiaskin1 @DeadlyClear @BeyondTheBantr… - 6 years ago

@yorkshireis: RT @IndMediaGroup: Heartbeat and Blackadder star Peter Benson dies aged 75 - 6 years ago

@bernardsmernard: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@cal_beaudette: RT @STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Peter Man… - 6 years ago

@STLChessClub: Learn more about the @WorldChessHOF's upcoming exhibitions, "Harry Benson: Kings & Queens" and "Universal Turf: Pet… - 6 years ago

@judas_twit: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 6 years ago

@ECCMA: Why Standard are Important? a featured article by Mr. Peter R. Benson - Project leader of ISO 8000 Data Quality, au… - 6 years ago

@tuwanrozan: Why Standard are Important? a featured article by Mr. Peter R. Benson - Project leader of ISO 8000 Data Quality, au… - 6 years ago

@KapedoShem: @RadioCitizenFM @MelodySinzore kutoka wanyororo B Nakuru rausha peter Obama,ERICK Sikowa,Benson,@Awilomarori #pambazukanaradiocitizen - 7 years ago

@calvindenni: RT @Trickyjabs: 11. Coun Bob Fahey - Racial Slur Against Asian Councillor Coun Simon Benson - “Too Many P***s In His Town” Coun Peter Hobbi… - 7 years ago

@falvonen: RT @DocPetska: 1.Peter Scanavino 2.Rollisi/interacial couples 3.Always ready to drag 4.Scammer Benson 5.Blockhead Stone Basically my favo… - 7 years ago

@DocPetska: 1.Peter Scanavino 2.Rollisi/interacial couples 3.Always ready to drag 4.Scammer Benson 5.Blockhead Stone Basicall… - 7 years ago

@Edina87: I said it before that I can't help but see Peter and Mariska in this scene and not Langan and Benson #SVURewatch… - 7 years ago

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