Peter Adam

German-born British filmmaker and author.
Died on Saturday October 5th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Peter Adam:

@VincentvanDar: @itvnews Peter Adam Smith was brilliant! - 5 years ago

@plantationmissy: RT @maryb54542091: @Maureen6Johnson @Politicalpete55 Well done Peter Adam Smith, best interview of Nicola Sturgeon I have seen, he didn’t k… - 5 years ago

@hials1: RT @maryb54542091: @Maureen6Johnson @Politicalpete55 Well done Peter Adam Smith, best interview of Nicola Sturgeon I have seen, he didn’t k… - 5 years ago

@Maureen6Johnson: RT @maryb54542091: @Maureen6Johnson @Politicalpete55 Well done Peter Adam Smith, best interview of Nicola Sturgeon I have seen, he didn’t k… - 5 years ago


@comicaccuracy: @Adam_Ledgeway @ThwipnTDKR Happy told him to just be him. You are aware that wasn’t a lesson peter was learning rig… - 5 years ago

@DennisLeeuwenbu: Peter and Apostle to Jesus, Peter born a Psalm 82:6 Jew god? Bible says that Jesus would build his church on Peter… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Ledgeway: @comicaccuracy @ThwipnTDKR No because right before that happy tell peter, to just be him then the did that what gos… - 5 years ago

@maryb54542091: @Maureen6Johnson @Politicalpete55 Well done Peter Adam Smith, best interview of Nicola Sturgeon I have seen, he did… - 5 years ago

@LiamFitzroy1: @Adam_Pearson Conclusion of this article is that special needs children are not really children or really pupils! D… - 5 years ago

@thefilmcynic: RT @nonfics: This year's nominees include documentaries by Peter Jackson, Martin Scorsese, Ron Howard, and Bruce Springsteen. Honored narra… - 5 years ago

@nonfics: This year's nominees include documentaries by Peter Jackson, Martin Scorsese, Ron Howard, and Bruce Springsteen. Ho… - 5 years ago

@comicaccuracy: @BatmanTurner @Adam_Ledgeway @ThwipnTDKR It’s very much not thematically confused. The audience is supposed to unde… - 5 years ago

@pillarofash: When I was 17, these guys Peter and Adam used to take me to Bush Park at night and run away from me saying the Blai… - 5 years ago

@ANBunnell: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@c4ltoe: Será que o Thor vai morrer? Adam como vilão ou herói? Valquíria vai aparecer? Gamora e Peter vão ficar juntos? surto - 5 years ago

@cwazz1995: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@bsports1997: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@CeltsBanner18: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@xERICxBLAUx: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@CaptAnarchy: RT @_TyAnderson: That's the fifth career hat trick for David Pastrnak. Other Bruins with at least five career hat tricks: Gregg Sheppard, B… - 5 years ago

@Lazer9192: Behind closed doors against trump but yet we have all this evidence against James Comey Hillary Clintion John Bren… - 5 years ago

@adam_otb: @captionrapfr Quand jme fait péter par les contrôleurs - 5 years ago

@Lexikonical: @Brennan_and_Riz @DDLomax @ShenaeChase @CarolynRuffles @DerekRKing2 @DBCarterAuthor @Newdawnnewday12 @wordrefiner… - 5 years ago

@matbrown012: @Brennan_and_Riz @DDLomax @ShenaeChase @CarolynRuffles @DerekRKing2 @DBCarterAuthor @Newdawnnewday12 @wordrefiner… - 5 years ago

@livingwithhope7: RT @MattSmethurst: Adam fell. Noah got drunk. Abraham lied. Jacob cheated. Moses murdered. Rahab prostituted. David fornicated. Jonah fled.… - 5 years ago

@cinetime_sinema: Bazen filmle ilgili bir obje çok şey ifade eder. Spiderman’in bu alternatif afişine bakınca 2002 yılındaki Örümcek… - 5 years ago

@CamineroPeon: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@barb_avon: @Brennan_and_Riz @DDLomax @ShenaeChase @CarolynRuffles @DerekRKing2 @DBCarterAuthor @Newdawnnewday12 @wordrefiner… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @AlanKelloggs: @peter_levy When I first got satellite many years ago, I used to watch other regions' news, just because I could. Blimey,… - 5 years ago

@Darniel_WaZz: @khenja1 Gott schuf adam und Eva und nicjt adam und Peter! - 5 years ago

@robsiss: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@Sofhia022: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@Gegs1973: @realDonaldTrump Didn’t you just dramatize a conversation between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? How come it’s okay f… - 5 years ago

@LLewellyn2709: @AdamPaulBarlow @thisisabsentDJ I'm not talking mega money Adam....simply that Radz has reached his limits and is c… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Dickerson: RT @realDonaldTrump: Adam Schiff now doesn’t seem to want the Whistleblower to testify. NO! Must testify to explain why he got my Ukraine c… - 5 years ago

@stylesmercurys: Peter Pan (2003) my 6 yr old ass had a huge crush on Adam Sandler that time - 5 years ago

@dirk_adam: RT @supersgd1953: Peter #Ducke feiert heute seinen 78. Geburtstag, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die sportliche Leistung des einstigen Ausnahmesp… - 5 years ago

@reivajmar: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@alikorniejko: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@DJdZ8EdB2hmJ3R4: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Fox59: @Adam_Stott @vanOnselenP Houston isn't just a religious advisor, he's an advisor who covered-up his own father's ra… - 5 years ago

@HeyOpenStudio: Check out our newest YouTube video! How to Get Started Transcribing - Peter Martin & Adam Maness | You'll Hear It S… - 5 years ago

@dennis_peter_58: RT @charliekirk11: Why is Adam Schiff holding impeachment hearings behind closed doors? Why isn’t he releasing transcripts of interviews h… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Schafer1: RT @GOPChairwoman: .@RepLeeZeldin is absolutely right. The three ingredients to an Adam Schiff political charade are: 1. Cherry-picking l… - 5 years ago

@JackieWithnall: RT @gilltaylor: I'm still looking for an Adam and two thirds of the Holy Trinity for The Players of St. Peter's production of scenes from m… - 5 years ago

@camara_romy: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@martucci_peter: RT @realDonaldTrump: “Congressman Adam Schiff, who when seeing the REAL Ukraine phone call Transcript decided he’d better make up one of hi… - 5 years ago

@LachlanLachlang: @RonnyLerner Heath Black, Adam McPhee, Peter Bell - 5 years ago

@noegonmas: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@jenCar32: @Adam_Levy Please don't think I am a crazy fan. it's just I fell in love with the character you where playing. If y… - 5 years ago

@peter_vagianos: @FrMatthewLC @Adam_Curtis96 @Pontifex There is no saints symbol when you type #NewOrleansSaints lol, it was “purpos… - 5 years ago

@Pied_Peter: @TonyTon717 @realDonaldTrump Partisan hack Chris Wallace "believed Christine Blasey-Ford was extremely credible." H… - 5 years ago

@drambm: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@Richielombardi: @peter_johnson24 Fully healthy? C.J Mosley? Osemele? Not hurt but Chris Herndon. Garrett got out coached by Adam Ga… - 5 years ago

@bryankav123: @GeochemOz @landrights4all @EconomyRealitic @The_NDL @7NewsSydney @PRIME7Tamworth @ArmidaleExpress @9NewsAUS… - 5 years ago

@DennisLeeuwenbu: Peter and Apostle to Jesus, Peter born a Psalm 82:6 Jew god? Bible says that Jesus would build his church on Peter… - 5 years ago

@rodolfocarrete1: RT @legendario1988: #FelizMartes #LunGenteChachi14Oct #FelizLunes #DomGenteChachi13Oct #FelizDomingo El arte original de Adam Martinakis… - 5 years ago

@kaghat_adam: RT @NetflixFR: À quoi bon grandir, alors que Peter Pan est disponible ? - 5 years ago

@gilltaylor: I'm still looking for an Adam and two thirds of the Holy Trinity for The Players of St. Peter's production of scene… - 5 years ago

@adam_lightner: RT @Seamuskitty: See Peter Arnett’s personal account of the fall of Saigon here. - 5 years ago

@brettmiller81: @GilWritesHere It’s a classic Freo trade. Get rid of a hack player who goes on to bigger and better things elsewher… - 5 years ago

@caittsandercock: Adam Ladouceur Peter Fais Kenny Unwin Jordan Renée we all know I’m the 💣 . Com @ this hahah - 5 years ago

@Harvey210611051: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@RepublicanGold: @ByronYork Republicans should start doing "dramatic readings" of secret testimony ala Adam Schiff. It could be gre… - 5 years ago

@peter_zigy: @Rachealrac2 Adam dint do introduction ceremony and wedding - 5 years ago

@PaulCrute1: The Iron chairman had his say on a range of subjects including Paul Hurst, the Iron's start to the season and Adam… - 5 years ago

@RenegadeSol: RT @KBAndersen: Trump has accused Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and the Times op-ed writer in his Administration of “t… - 5 years ago

@dunyine: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@scunthor_pe: What Peter Swann said on Paul Hurst, Iron's start to the season and Adam Hammill - Grimsby Live - 5 years ago

@RobertPWeiss: @christechouk Moses, Peter, and Jesus spoke of the “crooked and perverse generation” (Deut 32:5, 20; Acts 2:40, Mat… - 5 years ago

@kerimoglunuman: RT @uzdrnesrinunal: Macaristan Başbakanı Victor Orbân ve Dışişleri Bakanı Peter Szijjarto İki Yiğit - 5 years ago

@patriot_rogue: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@MCSADIK71: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@peter_pfg173: RT @MADE__USA: BREAKING!! Trump Suggests Suing Pelosi For Defending Adam Schiff's Fake Statements!!! RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WANT TRUMP TO… - 5 years ago

@koelner2010: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@ad03551: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@bkenes: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@can56116995: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@ecoutecheerie: RT @olenmel: 🇫🇮 peter franzen, bu adam için kurşun atar kurşun yerim belaya batar çıkarım hiç sorun değil bu kalıbı da ilk defa kullanıyoru… - 5 years ago

@simatkmk: @MovieGrafMG Lan Peter Parker benim. Adam ol Mysterio - 5 years ago

@Peter_Germany: RT @mattybob1979: 13th October sees Adam Baxter​​, shit, I mean Ash Hartwell. He's been with #burdizzofamily since day one, it's always goo… - 5 years ago

@hakkisoylem: RT @bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla meşgul adam,… - 5 years ago

@bkenes: Dinime dahleden, bari müselman olsa! Gece gündüz harami İslamofaşist Erdoğan’ın (abv) münasip yerlerini yalamakla m… - 5 years ago

@ibrhmydk: Örümcek adam filminde beni en çok heyecanlandıran şey örümceğin Peter Parker'ı ısırdığında gözlerinin düzelmesi. Du… - 5 years ago

@KaylaPainter: @peterdysart @adamwalton Thanks for spinning the new tune adam! And thanks for the kind words Peter ✨ - 5 years ago

@stephen72939660: RT @gra_ellis1: @stephen72939660 @MCCCityCentre @GNWManchester @ManCityCouncil @gmpolice @GMPCityCentre @NWAmb_GMControl @stjohnambulance @… - 5 years ago

@gra_ellis1: @stephen72939660 @MCCCityCentre @GNWManchester @ManCityCouncil @gmpolice @GMPCityCentre @NWAmb_GMControl… - 5 years ago

@CTMARIE7: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@psnappy_peter: RT @charliekirk11: Why is Adam Schiff holding impeachment hearings behind closed doors? Why isn’t he releasing transcripts of interviews h… - 5 years ago

@MoHiPuck: @MoHiPuck goes up 2-1 on a goal by #8 Adam MacArthur, assists by #16 Sam Zis and #21 Peter Trainor! #skoyotes #chc #coyoteshockey #cphl - 5 years ago

@CraigReid10: @White_Adam @RalphyHeraldSun Thought Peter Hanscomb a bit out of line laying all the blame with SA. - 5 years ago

@gravis1: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@Youngki10547278: Goodnight to you god peter and pual and Adam 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@VardyMagic: @swishtter @Cornesy12 Is Peter his uncle? Definitely not Matthew's dad. Peter's son is Adam, who played a season or… - 5 years ago

@SusanVogel8: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@harvey332: @Adam_Currie_NZ @peterjackson905 I see a lot of people crying and bitching about Peter Jackson. Please explain how… - 5 years ago

@TrumpHasBalls1: @OurRepublic12 @jasoninthehouse And we both know Adam Schiff has his cruddy hands all over this. Adam Schiff=Peter… - 5 years ago

@dense_pr: RT @trestlerecords: 'Of Eyes Clean' is minimal & arresting music for Electric Guitar & Double Bass. Filmed @state51 HQ in Bethnal Green, Lo… - 5 years ago

@falaaan: Ne istiyosunuz aga siz pivot forvet mi ??peter crouch mı??Sultan kösen mi?? . 1.90 adam merhaba dese tanışmanız üc… - 5 years ago

@CoolCat4America: RT @FiveRights: Consider the actions of these Dems: Jane Fonda Hillary Clinton John Podesta James Comey Loretta Lynch John Brennan Peter St… - 5 years ago

@peter_mallett93: RT @Nationals: WASHINGTON NATIONALS RF ADAM EATON LINES A DOUBLE DOWN THE LINE! Big City scores. Trea scores. TOP 8 // #Nats 3, Cardinals… - 5 years ago

@jimlovesmarcy: RT @MattSmethurst: Adam fell. Noah got drunk. Abraham lied. Jacob cheated. Moses murdered. Rahab prostituted. David fornicated. Jonah fled.… - 5 years ago

@Real_Adam_A: RT @Nick_Britten: Spike Milligan and Peter Ustinov talking to Terry Wogan about just some of their experiences during WW2. We don't have c… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Barlow10: Champions 2019 @Adam_Barlow10 - 5 years ago

@reecerobinson94: Cant believe im even tweeting this but im watching a film with adam sandler, kevin james, sean bean and PETER FUCKI… - 5 years ago

@adam_alkhal: RT @PeterInPhotos: Peter Griffin chasing after the #Joker. - 5 years ago

@Peter_mog: RT @Nerdbunker: Mistério no Mediterrâneo, filme com Adam Sandler e Jennifer Aniston, terá sequência - 5 years ago

@Adam_Kotleszka: @dominikfiuk82 youtube --> Peter Nowak Chicago Fire goals - 5 years ago

@Philskybay1: @gibson140 @Mavhure @caesarzvayi @i_sibanda @garweh2011 @sabetachichi @masiemsoko @BigTimmz @stbailey7 @BTonhodzayi… - 5 years ago

@3MBSArts: Morning! Arts Weekly coming up with Adam at 10am and we've got guests from @melbfestival, we talk to the directo… - 5 years ago

@bo_chini: No se si sabían pero Germán Garavano, bajo el seudónimo 'Peter Dante', aparece en más de una docena de películas de… - 5 years ago

@ChrisAJackson1: @MultiverseCon @ReadItAgain @clundoff @Catrambo Saturday October 19, 2019 11:30 am 12:30 pm Write Fast! WRITE (Sinc… - 5 years ago

@vespa2222: Saturday 12th October 2019 Afternoon Session - 12:00 PM to 15:30 PM Dúdú And The Skin Colored Pencil #BRAZIL by: Mi… - 5 years ago

@Youngki10547278: Good evening to you god peter and pual and Adam - 5 years ago

@anhillier_adam: RT @rickmercer: Seeing Peter MacKay mulling a leadership bid to replace Scheer is shocking ! At least Chrystia Freeland has the decency to… - 5 years ago

@LlandudnoAlbion: 75- Sub Off Adam Hold On Peter Jones #ForzaAlbion - 5 years ago

@Hellfireone8: Adam Schiff too 'biased' to lead Trump impeachment probe, Rep. Jim Jordan tells Hannity - 5 years ago

@peter: @MikeIsaac @nytimesbooks Where’s the conflict of interest disclosure? Isn’t this self-dealing? Are you basically Adam Neumann now? 🙃 - 5 years ago

@andyrew1989: RT @NEAmbulance: The Emergency Care finalists are Anthony Archer, Sarah Bushell & John Mothersdale, David Hare, Martin Lonsdale, Mark Merri… - 5 years ago

@waddell_adam: @RyWig @bpickbpick @stephen_m_w Agreed. "This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge… - 5 years ago

@isthatjb19: RT @NEAmbulance: The Emergency Care finalists are Anthony Archer, Sarah Bushell & John Mothersdale, David Hare, Martin Lonsdale, Mark Merri… - 5 years ago

@NEAmbulance: The Emergency Care finalists are Anthony Archer, Sarah Bushell & John Mothersdale, David Hare, Martin Lonsdale, Mar… - 5 years ago

@margaretannjac6: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@martucci_peter: RT @freedomcaucus: Being in contact with a key witness and then lying about it renders Adam Schiff unqualified to lead a fair and just inqu… - 5 years ago

@HeyOpenStudio: Check out our newest YouTube video! Fingering Basics - Peter Martin & Adam Maness | You'll Hear It S4E58 |… - 5 years ago

@adam_dodds: RT @ProfTerryHughes: What could be more Australian than the #GreatBarrierReef? To save it from further rapid degradation, we need urgent ac… - 5 years ago

@Sonshine_Carisi: @AWeeSparrow “That has nothing to do with why they aren’t happy with something you are doing.. Elijah is with Adam… - 5 years ago

@feyzatuhafiye: RT @uzdrnesrinunal: Macaristan Başbakanı Victor Orbân ve Dışişleri Bakanı Peter Szijjarto İki Yiğit - 5 years ago

@Kondan1965: @TOAdamVaughan, @shurmanator just listened to the interview with Peter on radio 640 am. It is very hard to find on… - 5 years ago

@KDFCPlaylist: Ballade by Eric Ewazen performed by Julie Ann Giacobassi, English horn; Sarn Oliver, violin; Yukiko Kurakata, violi… - 5 years ago

@MarkMur02972908: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@MumbullsMa: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@cupcake25024446: RT @ShipperZS: JM - Edward ( Enchanted ) Zee - Adam ( Beauty & the Beast ) Mark - ? Toy - ? TM - Aladdin Poppy - Florian ( Snow White ) Nat… - 5 years ago

@Annie0174: RT @ShipperZS: JM - Edward ( Enchanted ) Zee - Adam ( Beauty & the Beast ) Mark - ? Toy - ? TM - Aladdin Poppy - Florian ( Snow White ) Nat… - 5 years ago

@scrappybeader: RT @MattSmethurst: Adam fell. Noah got drunk. Abraham lied. Jacob cheated. Moses murdered. Rahab prostituted. David fornicated. Jonah fled.… - 5 years ago

@MagaNordic: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@BwsCurtis: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@Leosawyer11: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago


@saintpruk9298: RT @ShipperZS: JM - Edward ( Enchanted ) Zee - Adam ( Beauty & the Beast ) Mark - ? Toy - ? TM - Aladdin Poppy - Florian ( Snow White ) Nat… - 5 years ago

@PXSGH1a1lAs2hxy: RT @ShipperZS: JM - Edward ( Enchanted ) Zee - Adam ( Beauty & the Beast ) Mark - ? Toy - ? TM - Aladdin Poppy - Florian ( Snow White ) Nat… - 5 years ago

@sandrawinchest5: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@JackWinfrey4: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago


@xode0000: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@LidiaRe24975858: RT @ShipperZS: JM - Edward ( Enchanted ) Zee - Adam ( Beauty & the Beast ) Mark - ? Toy - ? TM - Aladdin Poppy - Florian ( Snow White ) Nat… - 5 years ago

@jameshmay55: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@crumbedup: @CGobbos @Darkbunnyrabbit @Dracojustice How was the Vic Lock story about a Rabid fan? Also that wasn't Jamie's stor… - 5 years ago

@Duxgirl27: RT @anne19brown: So @SpeakerPelosi says NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.. Except of course Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Lois Lerner (be… - 5 years ago

@KevoWray: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@Adam_J_Roth: @Kodiva22 With the mad Peter Parker Steez! - 5 years ago

@Karenkgirl2017: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@Gracecourtwrig3: RT @BorgerTorg: Anthony WeinerD Fmr NY Rep/sexual exposure to minor Peter StrzokUnk susp D FBI Counter Intel chief. Adam SchiffD Californi… - 5 years ago

@EverythingKath: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@MzDeplorable: RT @Truth1773: 🚨 ARREST THEM ALL NOW! 🚨 Hillary Clinton Alexandra Chalupa Peter Strzok (FBI) -Charge them with treason, slander, and/or de… - 5 years ago

@ValorOf1776: RT @Truth1773: 🚨 ARREST THEM ALL NOW! 🚨 Hillary Clinton Alexandra Chalupa Peter Strzok (FBI) -Charge them with treason, slander, and/or de… - 5 years ago

@Peter__Redecop: RT @newsmax: .@RepKinzinger on Ukraine, impeachment: it's a "clown show," everyone's "losing credibility." - 5 years ago

@mckinney37397: RT @Truth1773: 🚨 ARREST THEM ALL NOW! 🚨 Hillary Clinton Alexandra Chalupa Peter Strzok (FBI) -Charge them with treason, slander, and/or de… - 5 years ago

@PatriotMarie: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@Truth1773: 🚨 ARREST THEM ALL NOW! 🚨 Hillary Clinton Alexandra Chalupa Peter Strzok (FBI) -Charge them with treason, slander,… - 5 years ago

@mustbfreealways: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@brizo52: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@PrzybyszRichard: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@deplorable513: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@Adam_knight12: RT @RadjaAfifKedah: The joker but he laughs like Peter Griffin - 5 years ago

@peter_donnelly: RT @mehdirhasan: Does @AIPAC have anything to say about their donor and board member Adam Milstein calling for a ‘ban’ on me or are they ok… - 5 years ago

@Youngki10547278: Good evening to you god peter and pual and Adam 🙏🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@LutierMT: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

@S_Devenish: RT @thebradfordfile: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr,… - 5 years ago

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