Pete Zorn

American Folk/Roots musician
Died on Tuesday April 19th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Pete Zorn:

@DML74: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@BlairDunlop: Very saddened by the news of Pete Zorn's passing. Incredible musician and warm, encouraging, loving man - he'll certainly be missed #RIP - 9 years ago

@RecCollMag: EXCLUSIVE NOT FORGOTTEN: Pete Zorn Bill Henderson Jack Hammer Patty Duke Victoria Wood Gato Barbieri Mike Gibbons - 9 years ago

@tomasanjose: RIP Billy Paul - and the hits just keep on coming - Prince, Lonnie Mack, Richard Lyons of Negativland, Brit folkie Pete Zorn, Papa Wemba ... - 9 years ago


@eEquals__mc2: Merle Haggard, Frank Sinatra Jr., Pete Zorn I know theres more - 9 years ago

@RIP_2016: RT @Lowlandslady: RIP Pete Zorn, integral to so much of my favourite music. On sax here - 9 years ago

@RIP_2016: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@RIP_2016: #RIP Pete Zorn. Musician who played with Steeleye Span & #RichardThompson. Had a Top 10 hit in 1979 with Driver 67 - 9 years ago

@MoodyBluesApp: - 9 years ago

@mike_tadara: @theagilmore And the amazing Pete Zorn. Sad week. - 9 years ago

@josvanderblij: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@ben_m71: So that's a second great musician in 3 days, - 9 years ago

@sue_skilton: What about Keith Emerson and Pete Zorn?@Independent ?#losttalent - 9 years ago

@culabula: Also, let us not forget multi-instrumentalist Pete Zorn #RIP - 9 years ago

@driver67: Pete Zorn and me - 9 years ago

@ccohanlon: How did I forget Gato Barbieri and Pete Zorn? Thanks @sunsentinello - 9 years ago

@sunsentinello: @ccohanlon Pete Zorn, Merle Haggard, Gato Barbieri ... - 9 years ago

@Lowlandslady: @prodigalbum Also Pete Zorn. Personally I'll miss him most. (I do realize that was a funny tweet) - 9 years ago

@PeteCHall: Pete Zorn also passed away recently. He played with Richard Thompson, among many others. Saw him play with... - 9 years ago

@sdutPosner: @Boomskie Keith Emerson, George Martin, Merle Haggard, Pete Zorn. As you said ... on and on. - 9 years ago

@FranWescott: Pete Zorn and Prince. What huge losses. Very, very sad right now. #dovescrying - 9 years ago

@Kosmo100: And amongst all the other departures I missed the going of Pete Zorn - 9 years ago

@TheAfterword1: RIP Pete Zorn. At this rate there’ll be no-one left by Xmas. - 9 years ago

@sdutPosner: Keith Emerson, Glenn Frey, Maurice White, Paul Kantner, Pete Zorn - 9 years ago

@SteveCostello: Pearl Washington yesterday, Prince today, and Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Pete Zorn, Doris Roberts, Jimmy Van... - 9 years ago

@mirandlesykes: @HampshireKarin Pete Zorn - 9 years ago

@geoffreytucker1: R.I.P. Pete Zorn :( - 9 years ago

@barber_graeme: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@barbara19261: @TheMediaTweets As opposed to a tribute for Pete Zorn. - 9 years ago

@Dan_Hughesmusic: We have lost an extraordinary musician and human being, RIP Pete Zorn :( - 9 years ago

@Boncratious: Any fan of English music knows Pete Zorn. He could play anything and everything well. It sad to hear of his... - 9 years ago

@sdk14754977: RT @BarbaraDickson: Pete Zorn, great multi instrumentalist and general good guy, has died, aged 65. May perpetual light shine upon him and… - 9 years ago

@vegashal67: Pete Zorn dead at 65 - 9 years ago

@melodicDIRT: Pete Zorn Dead At 65 - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 8298) #Multi #instrumentalist Pete #Zorn #dead at 65 after a #cancer #battle : 2016-04-20 - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 8297) Pete #Zorn (1950-2016) , #American #musician , Died at 65 : Apr 19, 2016 - 9 years ago

@TBirdatGM: Pete Zorn Dead; Folk-Rock Instrumentalist Was 65 - Best Classic Bands - 9 years ago

@gilmeve7: Pete Zorn nació el 29 de mayo de 1950 en Somerset, Pennsylvania, y falleció el 19 de abril de 2016 en Londres, a... - 9 years ago

@WetWednesdays_: RT @BristolFolkFest: Together with the rest of the Folk community we morn the loss of Pete Zorn today and pass our love and support to... h… - 9 years ago

@Gemmsky: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@FunkThisWay: RT @peterkidder: Pete Zorn dead at 65. - 9 years ago

@Subtlecolour: RT @oldspicemark1: Not only Victoria Wood but Pete Zorn too.....grade A bastard of a year. - 9 years ago

@24hrRock: Pete Zorn dead at 65 - 9 years ago

@ue16party: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@Boggis61: RT @ProgMagazineUK: Pete Zorn (Richard Thompson, Steeley Span) dead at 65… - 9 years ago

@oldspicemark1: Not only Victoria Wood but Pete Zorn too.....grade A bastard of a year. - 9 years ago

@Haversham101: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@GumbyBoots: Victoria Wood and Pete Zorn, yet more decent talented people gone, RIP xxx - 9 years ago

@jcsolomons: Pete Zorn, who played with Richard Thomopson for many years and was in the Arizona Smoke Review too is dead at 65 - 9 years ago

@GEEEJAYELL: @NigelKeir More sad news - 9 years ago

@Adrastosno: Milt Pappas & Pete Zorn, R.I.P. - 9 years ago

@bankstatement5: RT @CharismaLabel: Sad to see the death of musician Pete Zorn , who played with the likes of Steeleye Span ,Albion Band and Richard Thompso… - 9 years ago

@MudcatCafe: Obit: Instrumentalist Pete Zorn (1950-2016) (6 msgs) - 9 years ago

@JensenMusicJMI: RT @steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live https… - 9 years ago

@FemmeEnergy: RT @peterkidder: Pete Zorn dead at 65. - 9 years ago

@Tcsgrv: Farewell Pete Zorn (29 May 1950- 19 April 2016) - 9 years ago

@steeleye_span: Very sad to hear the passing of our old friend and collaborator, Pete Zorn. RIP 'Thomas the Rhymer' with Pete live - 9 years ago

@peterkidder: Pete Zorn dead at 65. - 9 years ago

@northdevontwit: Victoria Wood and Pete Zorn, so very very sad. - 9 years ago

@OTR_RadioHour: RT @RavenVal: #RIP Pete Zorn - 9 years ago

@joehigham: RT @CharismaLabel: Sad to see the death of musician Pete Zorn , who played with the likes of Steeleye Span ,Albion Band and Richard Thompso… - 9 years ago

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