Pete Overend Watts

English bass guitarist (Mott the Hoople)
Died on Sunday January 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Pete Overend Watts:

@VMozghovyi: RT @AngelAirRecords: Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - BBC News - 8 years ago

@digital33rpm: RIP , Pete Overend Watts (1947-2017) bajista de @MottTheHoople #glamrock - 8 years ago

@DarrenJohnson66: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@PaulDeMarco1: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago


@Steve_ofPA: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@yuuminanami: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@JBFazz1213: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@PowerPopBlog: Pete "Overend" Watts 1947-2017 - 8 years ago

@feedmehits: R.I.P. Mott the Hoople Bassist Pete Overend Watts - 8 years ago

@suckfreeradio: Pete Overend Watts, bassist with Mott the Hoople – obituary - - 8 years ago

@wupplesguitar: RT @Thepalaisroyale: A piece of #glitter goes out from the wonderful and influential #glamrock era RIP Pete Overend Watts #bass #guitar #Mo… - 8 years ago

@jonnyhammer66: RT @Thisdayinmusic: Very sad to hear that Mott the Hoople founding member Pete Overend Watts has died aged 69. - 8 years ago

@FireWheels1970: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@Larisa_rock_fan: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@mikiesask: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@JustinBaileyart: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@M_Coll_writer: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@kcfennessy: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@TRextasyBand: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@BroknHeadphones: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@clem_burke: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@ShanMarie19: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@tubeway: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@DJSKYFALL69: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@Sharla_76: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@SwarbsNicola: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@kyohneko3: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@iHeartJTE: RT @PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac h… - 8 years ago

@PlanetRockRadio: NOW: Joe Elliott has tributes to Mott The Hoople's Pete Overend Watts. Plus David Bowie, Down n Outz & Fleetwood Mac - 8 years ago

@Marlaz7: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@lastnametaco: RT @timmysommer: My salute to Overend Watts and THE Great British Rock band of the 1970s! - 8 years ago

@Thepalaisroyale: A piece of #glitter goes out from the wonderful and influential #glamrock era RIP Pete Overend Watts #bass #guitar #MottTheHoople #YoungDude - 8 years ago

@DesBlackadder: RT @MottTheHoople: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@bluzybiker: RT @RockTalkFM: Mott The Hooples Pete Overend Watts Dead At 69 Recap: Mott The Hoople bassist and founding member Pete… - 8 years ago

@oggmoneyonme: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@hunterharrier: RT @IanHunterdotcom: Here's a very nice tribute to Overend Watts. - 8 years ago

@mfod42: Overend Watts R.I.P... - 8 years ago

@SimonPhilo: In memory of Pete Overend Watts, purveyor of high-end pop joy - - 8 years ago

@ledzeptickets: RT @LedZepNews: Here's the latest news roundup from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 8 years ago

@MetroPulseUSA: RT @LedZepNews: Here's the latest news roundup from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 8 years ago

@weehaggis23: Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - BBC News - 8 years ago

@kineukineu: RT @1025KZOK: Rest in peace Pete. - 8 years ago

@feedmehits: R.I.P. Mott the Hoople Bassist Pete Overend Watts - 8 years ago

@right_left2017: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@hirafarcalm: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@chocorobby: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@donna_simmonds: RT @KeithWeir: R.I.P Pete Overend Watts ...Another good guy gone :( @MottTheHoople - 8 years ago

@ClaraAut2015: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep news update and my blog can be seen on TBL website now -check it out at - 8 years ago

@DresdenSaints: The great Pete 'Overend' Watts. - 8 years ago

@DresdenSaints: For Pete 'Overend' Watts - 8 years ago

@ZsoPol: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep news update and my blog can be seen on TBL website now -check it out at - 8 years ago

@LedZepNews: Here's the latest news roundup from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 8 years ago

@TheRockClubUK: Album to Commute By: @MottTheHoople - ‘Mott’ - A classic! Remembering Pete Overend Watts (1947 – 2017)… - 8 years ago

@LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep news update and my blog can be seen on TBL website now -check it out at - 8 years ago

@VH__5150: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep TBL news and views and my weekly blog update on TBL website now - check it out at - 8 years ago

@katty220: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@mchallamlaw: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@Joa_nnePaterson: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@audreyandray: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@Mac78321: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@HandsomeRandall: Pete Overend Watts, (Mott the Hoople) Butch Trucks (Allman Bros. Band) and Now Mary Tyler Moore. Sad start to 2k17. - 8 years ago

@rlouis707: RIP Mott the Hoople’s Pete Overend Watts, the Ideal Glam Rock Bassist - 8 years ago

@gban62: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@GioPontiFan: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@fudloe: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@leonardfoujita: もう若い人は知らないだろうけど、モット・ザ・フープルのベーシストのPeteが亡くなったとの報。最近夜起きていると訃報ばかり。R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@ZsoPol: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep TBL news and views and my weekly blog update on TBL website now - check it out at - 8 years ago

@BigStarryEyes: @Chris_Fetters @coslive Add Mike Kellie (Spooky Tooth, Only Ones) Pete Overend Watts (Mott The Hoople, British Lions). - 8 years ago

@ZosoRisingJPLZ: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep TBL news and views and my weekly blog update on TBL website now - check it out at - 8 years ago

@AnnSalo: RT @hennemusic: #MottTheHoople bassist #PeteOverendWatts dead at 69 #rock #music #news - 8 years ago

@negroperro: RT @LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep TBL news and views and my weekly blog update on TBL website now - check it out at - 8 years ago

@LedZeppelinTBL: Latest Led Zep TBL news and views and my weekly blog update on TBL website now - check it out at… - 8 years ago

@bottle091: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@grandmaking25: pete overend watts sprayed his hair silver, REVOLUTIONARY - 8 years ago

@MetalTitans: RT @NightswithAlice: : ( Alice'll be playing some Mott in upcoming shows.... RIP Mott the Hoople’s Pete Overend Watts: - 8 years ago

@crispmp: RT @chrishall57: BBC News - Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@chrishall57: BBC News - Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@radiomarina1: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@SamNBrown52001: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@AnnieRouge: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@paulnery: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@atuapila: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@wtvdebs: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@VySe87: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@kaszmiramercury: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@mccoy1875: RT @jezc: BBC News - Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@Jason__Slack: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@SienkoAnia1: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@Louisifm: RT @Thisdayinmusic: Very sad to hear that Mott the Hoople founding member Pete Overend Watts has died aged 69. - 8 years ago

@JosMartellista: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@aqueenofmagic: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@Queen4everBlog: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@johndeaky: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@MrsBlackStar15: RT @DrBrianMay: RIP Pete Overend Watts. A gentle soul and a pure rock and roll heart. Bri - 8 years ago

@artsguitarparts: RT @93XRT: RIP Pete Overend. - 8 years ago

@cqb99: RT @QueenFacts1991: Pete Overend Watts, bass player from Mott the Hoople, sadly died yesterday aged 69. RIP. - 8 years ago

@chiefsace: RT @AnythingKISS: RT PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thr… https… - 8 years ago

@chiefsace: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@LordTed2011: RT @Thisdayinmusic: Very sad to hear that Mott the Hoople founding member Pete Overend Watts has died aged 69. - 8 years ago

@hotbevvy59er: Passings: Pete Overend Watts of Mott the Hoople (1947 - 2017) - 8 years ago

@amunradoh: Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69#MottTheHoople - 8 years ago

@flexi_bell: RT @BestDrWho: Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@DoctorLennonRBX: Sorry to hear about the death of Pete 'Overend' Watts of Mott The Hoople. What a fantastic band. My thoughts are with his family/bandmates. - 8 years ago

@Duarte60Matias: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@TheMekons: RT @johnrobb77: Pete ‘Overend’ Watts (Mott The Hoople) RIP - Mott bass hero and friend of the site RIP : Louder Than War - 8 years ago

@stonicklisa: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@TheFutureHeart: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@andyh2602: Another for Rock n Roll Heaven 😢RIP Pete Overend Watts - Mott the Hoople - 8 years ago

@Fairlyodd45: In Memoriam: Pete Overend Watts - 8 years ago

@lostcause627: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@eno10: Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@TillyFlop1: 😢 BBC News - Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@93XRT: RIP Pete Overend. - 8 years ago

@Fairlyodd45: - 8 years ago

@birigo100: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has... - 8 years ago

@Poodlewrestler: RT @Thisdayinmusic: Very sad to hear that Mott the Hoople founding member Pete Overend Watts has died aged 69. - 8 years ago

@JohnRussellRei2: BBC News - Mott the Hoople bassist Pete Overend Watts dies aged 69 - 8 years ago

@heroesstardust: RT @Thisdayinmusic: Very sad to hear that Mott the Hoople founding member Pete Overend Watts has died aged 69. - 8 years ago

@evie_owrid: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

@pgonzontight: RT @VerlaineJohn: ' ... and Overend's just a rock & roll star' Pete 'Overend' Watts RIP - 8 years ago

@DarrenRCochran: RT @PaulStanleyLive: How sad. Pete "Overend" Watts-Bass player for legendary Mott the Hoople has died. It was a thrill to tour together. ht… - 8 years ago

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