Pete Carr

American guitarist.
Died on Sunday June 28th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Pete Carr:

@carr_pete: @rhettrospective @KevinBartlett29 @Richmond_FC @CollingwoodFC This goal is crazily good!! - 5 years ago

@AnnieYeg: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@AnnieYeg: RT @billhinds: Oh dear. Rest well Pete Carr, Wild Bill Emerson, and Alan Schulman. Muscle Shoals music history has taken quite a hit this w… - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @cousinrod @TheHolyBoot i reckon it was second quarter before halftime. Might be wrong. But they were smassssshing us!! - 5 years ago


@cousinrod: @carr_pete @TheHolyBoot From memory we were losing badly then that happened. The icing on a crappy cake of a game. - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @cousinrod At first I thought it was Trent Bartlett celebrating also... - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @cousinrod I was below right behind it. With you mr @TheHolyBoot I still get a hollow feeling in my stomach when t… - 5 years ago

@CoXSapRsZ4z9lH0: Pete Carr - Knockin' On Heaven's Door - 5 years ago

@Vaspuhh: @RepulseGod4 bill burr, jimmy carr and pete davidson - 5 years ago

@dtgreg: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Main… - 5 years ago

@wera6dt: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@miKllavotS: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@ClearCreek_POP: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@HighNoonMedia: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@we4rblesd2: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musi… - 5 years ago

@carr_leb: RT @MarcusRashford: @PeteBoyle70 Yes Pete! 👏🏾 - 5 years ago

@pete_0978: @9_Moley @SSFCRABBITOHS @9_Moley honest opinion. Who would you have. Gagai, Johnson or possible addo-Carr - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @TheHolyBoot Feels very 1993 to me. Friday night. Richmond game. Empty Western stand. Shiny seats. - 5 years ago

@ssw_folkrock: 昨日はPete Carrでちょっとだけ盛り上がったが、やはりEddie Hintonだよな!と思い、このCDを引っぱり出してきた😊 Fred Styles "Bandcestors"、全16曲中7曲でEddie Hintonがリー… - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @Adrian_Poly Surely not.. - 5 years ago

@Pewdaddy: RT @aldotcom: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstreet," t… - 5 years ago

@OperatingSumo: RT @aldotcom: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstreet," t… - 5 years ago

@aldotcom: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Main… - 5 years ago

@JohnBoudet: @rasmansa @kareem_carr @ArmIPunk Nice try, but all people have to do is scroll up to see that is indeed what he sai… - 5 years ago

@daveMeredith2: Mission accomplished. Safe and punctual service delivered. Thanks to all today. @BTPNotts , @Dazzybaby123 ,… - 5 years ago

@Pete_Bassist: @itvstudios Bloody ell, you bang on about inclusive an political correction yet Alan Carr has just been sizist, cal… - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: I know a lot of Americans are showing interest in AFL. I reckon this video will help.. - 5 years ago

@blueshamilton: Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr passes: - 5 years ago

@jb_ghoul: @carr_pete @NickWelch51 It’s just...too perfect. A thing of beauty! - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @jb_ghoul @NickWelch51 I love his hair!!! - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @LeanneRayner72 Great attack on the footy - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @cousinrod Whereas North is entering the hub like this now.. - 5 years ago

@yazzooooo: RT @6jokilistener2: ピートカーが亡くなったこと昨夜遅く知った。 ピートカー=ルブラン&カーのカーだと全く知らなかった70年代のあの頃のあの曲この曲のギターが彼のプレイだったとは。ヒットポップスには欠かせない、ヒ… - 5 years ago

@mt_zooey: Pete Carr "Tuscumbia Lover" - 5 years ago

@ketobodymaker: 朝の #ウィークエンドサンシャイン で、聴きました。 かっこいい!!😍 こう言うギターが大好き!🥰 自分のライブラリーを見たら、自分のiTunesに入っていた!💦 Pete Carr - "Tuscumbian Lover"… - 5 years ago

@ssw_folkrock: 今日のウイークエンドサンシャインはPete Carrのミニ特集 Muscle Shoals録音のアルバムの中ではMike Harrisonの"Smokestack Lightning"が印象深いが、私が最初に思い出すのはWayne… - 5 years ago

@wizon_no_jo: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 | Guitar World バラカンさんのウィークエンドサンシャインにて今知りました。黙祷。 - 5 years ago

@FlipTheScript8: RT @aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musician died… - 5 years ago

@John_W_L: @FatknackersC @UprightSpeedway Yep the Gunners were 4TT winners in 1979. Team on the day Jacko, Steve Finch, Louis… - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: Ham & Phillips sounds like they would rival Hall & Oates #AFLPiesDons - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: Sonia Kruger looks like she needs some sleep. - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @Adrian_Poly Josh Bruce is sadly mailing it in on game day also #godogs - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @AndyMaherDFA - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @smokiedawson can be entertaining at times! I still laugh at the crowds reaction to Richmond and Collingwoods draw in round 2.. - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: @NickWelch51 My sources have informed me it was cold leftover pizza - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: #wuj789 #beachfm @shonanbeachfm カックル兄さん! わがままリクエスト Pete Carrさん🎸追悼 ありがとう!😅🙏✨ - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: #wuj789 #beachfm @shonanbeachfm ダメ元なわがままリクエスト Pete Carrさん🎸一番の名演 Rod Stewart sailing⛵️ - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: #wuj789 #beachfm @shonanbeachfm paul simon kodachrome‼️ これもPete Carr‼️さん🎸😌🙏 - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: #wuj789 #beachfm @shonanbeachfm カックル兄さん!いきなり Pete Carrさんの追悼😌✨ リクエスト採用ありがとう!😅🙏 - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: New tune. Download for free or whatever price you fancy. - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: #wuj789 #beachfm @shonanbeachfm カックル兄さん!こんにちは✋ コロナ大丈夫ですか??😅 追悼リクエスト!😌🙏✨ 6月27日にPete Carr🎸さんが お亡くなりになったので彼の 名演が聴ける… - 5 years ago

@HBKStingFan24: RT @NORTHTRENTON: Happy Birthday to Lynne Brindley, Jon Trickett, Anatoliy Solomin, Johnny Colla, Mark Hart, Chris Huhne, Jere Fields, Pete… - 5 years ago

@NORTHTRENTON: Happy Birthday to Lynne Brindley, Jon Trickett, Anatoliy Solomin, Johnny Colla, Mark Hart, Chris Huhne, Jere Fields… - 5 years ago

@aradia1952: RT @tomyamaguchi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70. Carr would meet and play with Bob Seger, Paul Simon, Willie Nelso… - 5 years ago

@JeffPlankenhorn: @shinyribs @k5tr @stephen_doster Who is this fresh-faced genius? Oh yeah, we know Pete Carr - and I’d bet long any… - 5 years ago

@islandives: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@HelloPoppet_: @Phoenixgirl70 @thisshittoxic @emilyrblais @spillseshYT Go cancel Jimmy Carr, Stephen Tries, Pete Davidson, Frankie Boyle, David Dobrik - 5 years ago

@HobbyBroadcastr: Dispelling myths about the legal range of .@FCC compliant #Part15Radio AM #broadcasting, finding clean-lyric song e… - 5 years ago

@CassieJFox: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Guitarist_Mag: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @UltClassicRock: Late rocker Pete Carr's resume included work with @BobSeger, @PaulSimonMusic, @rodstewart and many more: - 5 years ago

@LukeCMe: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@Bolonie40: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@Greg__Stark: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@aldotcom: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@HelloPoppet_: @yikesarat @kyla_rhoads Making jokes isn’t the same as being a paedo. I’m not okay with words getting thrown about… - 5 years ago

@Sysoon: Pete Carr (1950 - 2020), died at age 70 years - 5 years ago

@JManasco84: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@AntheRhodes: RT @reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Mainstree… - 5 years ago

@reckonalabama: Shoals guitarist Pete Carr left behind a legacy in guitar sounds, including his signature lick on Bob Seger's "Main… - 5 years ago

@D80David: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@MLembo: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@aldotcom: Many music fans likely have no idea who Pete Carr was, but millions know his guitar playing. The Muscle Shoals musi… - 5 years ago

@seto12571: 今日の仕事着はFAMEのTシャツ。一曲目は2日前に亡くなったマッスルショールズのピート・カーのソロアルバムからこの曲を。 Pete Carr - "FireFox" (Track 2 From "Not A Word On It"… - 5 years ago

@DavidPSawyer: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@skybeat_travel: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@gypsyjhoni_08: Check out: - 5 years ago

@martijaxn: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@RealBrotherCane: RT @DamonJOfficial: What a career. So many great statements. That lick in Down On Mainstreet is as timeless and perfect as has ever been re… - 5 years ago

@LHCBMatt: That's a shame. Pete Carr was one of those guys you'd see in album credits & never realized how much he brought to… - 5 years ago

@SPARS_Sessions: Muscle Shoals music’s unsung guitar genius. Few know about Pete Carr, but he was one of the best before his untimel… - 5 years ago

@OmegaProds: Muscle Shoals music’s unsung guitar genius. Few know about Pete Carr, but he was one of the best before his untimel… - 5 years ago

@omegalive_com: Muscle Shoals music’s unsung guitar genius. Few know about Pete Carr, but he was one of the best before his untimel… - 5 years ago

@jude_gold: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@lvictorcardoso: RT @schisam: Pete joined my family late in life (through marriage to my Aunt Charlotte). He had an amazing spirit and was a loving husband… - 5 years ago

@schisam: Pete joined my family late in life (through marriage to my Aunt Charlotte). He had an amazing spirit and was a lov… - 5 years ago

@Conqueroo1: RT @spiritsongs7: Pete Carr. 🌹 - 5 years ago

@spiritsongs7: Pete Carr. 🌹 - 5 years ago

@Surf973: DJ Vern here. I'm on the radio airwaves 1 pm to 4 pm on Surf 97.3 FM today. Sadly, we've lost 4 entertainment celeb… - 5 years ago

@PyramidDJs: On the radio airwaves 1 pm to 4 pm on Surf 97.3 FM today. Sadly, we've lost 4 entertainment celebrities in the past… - 5 years ago

@I3Guitar: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@big95kbgo: Pete Carr of LeBlanc & Carr fame has passed away - 5 years ago

@aThirdOfDuane: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@1057thehawk: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70: Musician played on material by Paul Simon, Bob Seger, Rod Stewart a… - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: - 5 years ago

@carr_pete: Made a music video. Nearly finished making an album at home. Enjoy it in all its DIY-ness! - 5 years ago

@michaellemagnum: RT @BenAtkinsonPhD: Corey Irwin: "Jesse Willard 'Pete' Carr...died on June 27 at the age of 70. ...Material with Bob Seger, Paul Simon, Rod… - 5 years ago

@costellaElviss: 私が20年掘っているマッスル・ショールズ・ギタリスト Pete Carrが亡くなり残念です。バエズやハンク・ジュニアのどの盤か知っていますか? ま、discogs見れば一発ですが - 5 years ago

@krispyweiss: Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section Guitarist Pete Carr Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@BenAtkinsonPhD: Corey Irwin: "Jesse Willard 'Pete' Carr...died on June 27 at the age of 70. ...Material with Bob Seger, Paul Simon,… - 5 years ago

@Motobec810: Pete Carr, #MuscleShoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@DEW17761: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 "Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70" - 5 years ago

@BossReggaeRadio: RT @capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” Rod… - 5 years ago

@gr8musicvenues: RT @capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” Rod… - 5 years ago

@dcf03e6961f44be: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@lifeasicit: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@RockMeeting_MD: R.I.P. #PeteCarr - Le guitariste de la "Rhythm Muscle Shoals Section", qui a œuvré avec Bob Seger, Rod Stewart, Joe… - 5 years ago

@BossReggaeRadio: RT @Conqueroo1: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@ETRocksOfficial: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Souvenirs_fm: EN ONDES Falling D [Lenny LeBlanc & Pete Carr] PAR LeBlanc & Carr SUR - 5 years ago

@Pradecosmetics: - 5 years ago

@SmithGerge: RT @RedDirt_Roots: Jesse Willard “Pete” Carr, guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, died on June 27 at the age of 70. Via @UltCla… - 5 years ago

@fatfish59: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@country_baba: RT @RedDirt_Roots: Jesse Willard “Pete” Carr, guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, died on June 27 at the age of 70. Via @UltCla… - 5 years ago

@RedDirt_Roots: Jesse Willard “Pete” Carr, guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, died on June 27 at the age of 70. Via… - 5 years ago

@TimesDaily: FLORENCE — Pete Carr played on so many sessions at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio he had to continually create new guit… - 5 years ago

@stevenj847: RT @UltClassicRock: Late rocker Pete Carr's resume included work with @BobSeger, @PaulSimonMusic, @rodstewart and many more: - 5 years ago

@loudshin: RT @UltClassicRock: Late rocker Pete Carr's resume included work with @BobSeger, @PaulSimonMusic, @rodstewart and many more: - 5 years ago

@HardRockRadio15: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - - 5 years ago

@jcksaMusic: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@bcare21: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@megarockradio: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@rocksportsradio: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@CapStreetTeam: RT @capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” Rod… - 5 years ago

@arreglalo: RIP guitarist/producer/songwriter Pete Carr, one-half of THE slow-dance anthem of 1977-78, "Falling" by Leblanc and… - 5 years ago

@stncurtis: RT @capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” Rod… - 5 years ago

@Gratefuldyke: RT @capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,” Rod… - 5 years ago

@radiojeremy: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@capitoltheatre: RIP to Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. Carr’s iconic guitar can be heard on hits like Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome,”… - 5 years ago

@fulltiltboogie2: RT @GreggAllman: Sad to hear that legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist and member of Gregg's band The Hourglass, Pete Carr passed away on June… - 5 years ago

@RoadieGarth: Standout Guitarist Pete Carr Passes #RIP - 5 years ago

@scootgator51: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@Grateful24x7: RT @mhfm: We at the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum are deeply saddened by the loss of wildly accomplished session player, artist, produc… - 5 years ago

@FolkYouAll: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Conqueroo1: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist, Dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@CaptainSpunk: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@SteveF_Content: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@loudshin: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@808marv: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@diogoaraxapsa: RT @UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@UltClassicRock: R.I.P. Pete Carr, member of the legendary Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section: - 5 years ago

@Moonekev: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Darren_Fewins: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@DJKAZMIERCZAK: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 | Guitar World - 5 years ago

@magdog: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@farley697: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@sunglaspro80: RT @GreggAllman: Sad to hear that legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist and member of Gregg's band The Hourglass, Pete Carr passed away on June… - 5 years ago

@Quad_Cities: Jesse Willard (Pete) Carr - 5 years ago

@mg91919: #PeteCarr ピート・カー亡くなられたのか・・🎸😢 - 5 years ago

@mg91919: RT @BestClassicBnds: We join those mourning the passing of Pete Carr of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who played on favorites by Bob Seg… - 5 years ago

@TONYTAXI: @poppapete299 Pete jist a heads up. Watch alan Carr’s bullseye on Saturday night on itv. You will definitely recognise someone on there 👌 - 5 years ago

@passed_present: #obit by @leeroop via @aldotcom - 5 years ago

@KeniJefferson: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@melvinoshiro: @UndercoverIndi RIP Pete Carr... - 5 years ago

@melvinoshiro: RT @UndercoverIndi: In loving memory of Jesse Willard "Pete" Carr ; April 22, 1950 – June 27, 2020 RIP ☮️🕊️ - 5 years ago

@MusicREDEF: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 (@rich_bienstock - @GuitarWorld) - 5 years ago

@melvinoshiro: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@Imbolc22: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@KentHoover8: Today on Goin' Down South: A salute to Mississippi for dumping the Confederate flag, and memorial tributes to Pete… - 5 years ago

@MusicNazo: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@MusicNazo: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@melvinoshiro: @UndercoverIndi I'm so sorry to hear this...RIP Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@smartguitar1: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@TotalGuitar: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@pancraziovaleri: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@cmitsmnb: RT @GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@UndercoverIndi: In loving memory of Jesse Willard "Pete" Carr ; April 22, 1950 – June 27, 2020 RIP ☮️🕊️ - 5 years ago

@andrewkpeltier: RT @UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@UndercoverIndi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@GTechniques: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@Guitarist_Mag: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dies aged 70 - 5 years ago

@GuitarWorld: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr has died at the age of 70 - 5 years ago

@biscuitRnRband: RT @AlexMagicpop: Muere el guitarrista Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@ArithmeticExe: RT @6jokilistener2: ピートカーが亡くなったこと昨夜遅く知った。 ピートカー=ルブラン&カーのカーだと全く知らなかった70年代のあの頃のあの曲この曲のギターが彼のプレイだったとは。ヒットポップスには欠かせない、ヒ… - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere el guitarrista Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@seto12571: ピート・カー 合掌🙏 Pete Carr - "Tuscumbian Lover"🎵→ - 5 years ago

@ReleaseTheMem12: Pete Carr’s guitar intro and rift made this song. RIP Pete Carr Muscle Shoals Alabama proud of all your accomplish… - 5 years ago

@overdriveplus: RT @6jokilistener2: ピートカーが亡くなったこと昨夜遅く知った。 ピートカー=ルブラン&カーのカーだと全く知らなかった70年代のあの頃のあの曲この曲のギターが彼のプレイだったとは。ヒットポップスには欠かせない、ヒ… - 5 years ago

@Nickelsong: RT @6jokilistener2: ピートカーが亡くなったこと昨夜遅く知った。 ピートカー=ルブラン&カーのカーだと全く知らなかった70年代のあの頃のあの曲この曲のギターが彼のプレイだったとは。ヒットポップスには欠かせない、ヒ… - 5 years ago

@belias8: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist on Many Hits, Dies - 5 years ago

@BrownSquirrel: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist on Many Hits, Dies - - 5 years ago

@6jokilistener2: ピートカーが亡くなったこと昨夜遅く知った。 ピートカー=ルブラン&カーのカーだと全く知らなかった70年代のあの頃のあの曲この曲のギターが彼のプレイだったとは。ヒットポップスには欠かせ… - 5 years ago

@mine_ik: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 ジェシー・ウィラード・ピート・カー Jesse Willard "Pete" Car 2020年6月26日アラバマ州フローレンスで死去。70歳。マッスル・ショールズ、フェイム・スタジオのギタリスト。同地で録音された多数のセッショ… - 5 years ago

@kazumusic527412: RT @KazumaSotozono: Muscle Shoalsの雄がまた一人・・・ Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@twheidmusic: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist on Many Hits, Dies | Best Classic Bands - 5 years ago

@conpati57: RT @KazumaSotozono: Muscle Shoalsの雄がまた一人・・・ Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@KazumaSotozono: Muscle Shoalsの雄がまた一人・・・ Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Colo_1002: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 ジェシー・ウィラード・ピート・カー Jesse Willard "Pete" Car 2020年6月26日アラバマ州フローレンスで死去。70歳。マッスル・ショールズ、フェイム・スタジオのギタリスト。同地で録音された多数のセッショ… - 5 years ago

@gitrithm: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@KenPaulson7: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@BellaSwannBooks: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@AnnBrenoff: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@BuffaloTribe: So saddened to hear of the passing of my buddy, Shoals guitar legend Pete Carr. Pete honored me by playing in two o… - 5 years ago

@MikeOliverAL: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 Best ever Knockin' on Heaven's Doo… - 5 years ago

@tex6mex: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@AshworthAndy: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@anytim: RT @ecodaren: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - - 5 years ago

@bakudanchonbo: RT @ecodaren: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - - 5 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Pete Carr, and thank you. - 5 years ago

@TheCaseGuy: RT @TimGarvinUW: A musician’s guitarist - Pete Carr passes away yesterday. You may not know it but I guarantee you have heard him: “Kodachr… - 5 years ago

@xblandx: RT @leeroop: Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr died today at age 70. Carr played on hit songs including "Kodachrome," "Tonight's the Night"… - 5 years ago

@babyrecordsjp: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Steven_Hyden: RT @NickInThe256: @Steven_Hyden Raise a toast to the great Pete Carr, who died yesterday. Great work on that tune, among many others recor… - 5 years ago

@SteveLuffRadio: - 5 years ago

@octaveresonance: RT @mhfm: We at the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum are deeply saddened by the loss of wildly accomplished session player, artist, produc… - 5 years ago

@MattCopeland72: RT @DamonJOfficial: What a career. So many great statements. That lick in Down On Mainstreet is as timeless and perfect as has ever been re… - 5 years ago

@DamonJOfficial: What a career. So many great statements. That lick in Down On Mainstreet is as timeless and perfect as has ever bee… - 5 years ago

@BestClassicBnds: We join those mourning the passing of Pete Carr of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who played on favorites by Bob… - 5 years ago

@wrwhite174: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@NickInThe256: @Steven_Hyden Raise a toast to the great Pete Carr, who died yesterday. Great work on that tune, among many others… - 5 years ago

@VinceFinley3: RT @Church_On_F1: Rest in peace Pete Carr. Pete was a prolific guitarist, having played on recordings for a large number of stars. He was p… - 5 years ago

@ccubbie_maule: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@syeaman3313: RIP Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@Church_On_F1: Rest in peace Pete Carr. Pete was a prolific guitarist, having played on recordings for a large number of stars. He… - 5 years ago

@guitarmaniax111: RT @mhfm: We at the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum are deeply saddened by the loss of wildly accomplished session player, artist, produc… - 5 years ago

@1943_ron: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@PaulCheeks1: RT @SandGNews: "Asked once to rank his biggest thrills in music, Carr cited meeting Paul Simon. He would play guita… - 5 years ago

@PaulCheeks1: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@NickResister: RIP Pete Carr session guitarist extroadinaire who played the guitar outro on this big Rod Stewart hit: - 5 years ago

@mhfm: We at the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum are deeply saddened by the loss of wildly accomplished session player,… - 5 years ago

@bitlikeyouandme: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@JohnJen59971996: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@somefinnspecial: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@kimstrick321: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@DTMysticBand: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@rubylittleCDLP: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@culturarnr: RT @Dirty_Rock: Adiós a Pete Carr, uno de los secundarios de lujo de la música americana - 5 years ago

@trampledamage: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70. Carr would meet and play with Bob Seger, Paul Simon, Willie… - 5 years ago

@rutaalrock: RT @Dirty_Rock: Adiós a Pete Carr, uno de los secundarios de lujo de la música americana - 5 years ago

@americanaESP: Adiós a Pete Carr, uno de los secundarios de lujo de la música americana - 5 years ago

@piasalton: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@keiki22: RT @ecodaren: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - - 5 years ago

@MikeyComictruth: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@ecodaren: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - - 5 years ago

@the3trujillos: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@garyc: Pete Carr R.I.P. #PeteCarr - 5 years ago

@SoalWil: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Notfadeaway16: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@zenjen53: RT @bearbryantfan1: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Mandobanjoman: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@Pauseandplay: R.I.P. Pete Carr (Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section guitarist played on "Kodachrome," "Tonight's the Night [Gonna Be Al… - 5 years ago

@reddirtpoets: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@bearbryantfan1: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@hideji28: 今日のbarakan beatで雄太さんのメール投稿で Muscle Shoals Rhythm Sectionの一員だったピート・カーさんの訃報を知りました。ありがとうございました。Pete Carr - Canadian Su… - 5 years ago

@RyeCrisp: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@immaris: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@JimWurster1: Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals Guitarist on Many Hits, Dies - 5 years ago

@BongomanF: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@iTTLES1: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@mevrouw_bee: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@mevrouw_bee: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@SDFurs: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Sadiesniece: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@LoriFulton: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@JJFarrell451: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@goodoldjimmyboy: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@warabee0930: RT @MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Simon’s 'K… - 5 years ago

@WFListeningRoom: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@LadyLakeMusic: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Rousseaus_Ghost: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@TimGarvinUW: A musician’s guitarist - Pete Carr passes away yesterday. You may not know it but I guarantee you have heard him: “… - 5 years ago

@MusicBeat5: Pete Carr, lead #guitarist for the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section who performed on such classic recordings as Paul Si… - 5 years ago

@Dirty_Rock: Adiós a Pete Carr, uno de los secundarios de lujo de la música americana - 5 years ago

@phoebe05228: 今宵「Phoe〜be」は、Pete Carr 参加マスル録音作レコ絡めつつ... Lenny LeBlanc→Kim Carnes→Percy Sledge(now)〜♪ #RIPPeteCarr - 5 years ago

@salibalaw: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@creaturemonster: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@downmattp: Sailing was one of the best singles released in the 70’s. It was recorded by Rod Stewart at Muscle Shoals Sound Stu… - 5 years ago

@ClayreInTucson: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@jbnbpt: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@the_smilingdog: RT @DavidGogoBlues: Farewell to the incredibly talented Pete Carr. Check out his amazing career - 5 years ago

@Brad6900: RT @whnt: Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Dirty_Rock: Nos deja uno de los secundarios de lujo de la música americana... Rip Pete Carr.... DEP #petecarr - 5 years ago

@nirfelder: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@moody609: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@PCBSNews19: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@FreedomFriez: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@PatrTod72: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@soulsearcher216: 訃報1 ジェシー・ウィラード・ピート・カー Jesse Willard "Pete" Car 2020年6月26日アラバマ州フローレンスで死去。70歳。マッスル・ショールズ、フェイム・スタジオのギタリスト。同地で録音された多数のセ… - 5 years ago

@SandGNews: "Asked once to rank his biggest thrills in music, Carr cited meeting Paul Simon. He would p… - 5 years ago

@JerryBalderson: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@hotburritonl: R.I.P. Pete Carr (April 22, 1950 - June 27, 2020) Take Me to the Mardi Gras - 5 years ago

@darylbrende: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: Leblanc and Carr with "Falling" top 20 song in 1978. RIP Pete Carr lead guitar..was the guitar you heard on Bob Seg… - 5 years ago

@LanceRamsay: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@RussGulley: RIP Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@RichA_NBA: RIP guitarist Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @ksun66: RIP Pete Carr (1950 - 2020) Here is a recent interview with #PeteCarr - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@DLC77381: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@QCNative12: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@BossReggaeRadio: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@h1a9r5u2: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Pete Carr (April 22, 1950 – June 27, 2020)  - 5 years ago

@ducatiepie: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@FCTempura: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@nickb_04: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@HansvanGemeren: @BobSeger Sad to read that #PeteCarr the great session-guitarist of #Mainstreet and other great songs… - 5 years ago

@HansvanGemeren: @shaunmurphy Sad to read that #PeteCarr the great session-guitarist of #Mainstreet and other great songs… - 5 years ago

@lynnejackaman: Rest in peace to the legendary Pete Carr 💔🎧 @Fame_Music - 5 years ago

@HansvanGemeren: @gerardekdom #PeteCarr Dé gitarist van #Mainstreet #BobSeger overleden. Geweldig goede sessiemuzikant. - 5 years ago

@djRatz: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@minnows: マッスル・ショールズ関連の訃報が続きますね..。それにしても参加作が名盤揃い。R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@jam911: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@torshavn12: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@HansvanGemeren: @robstenders #PeteCarr overleden. Dé gitarist van #Mainstreet #BobSeger. Gitarist van #MuscleShoalsRhythmSection. W… - 5 years ago

@HansvanGemeren: @LeoBlokhuis #PeteCarr overleden. De geweldige goede gitarist van The #MuscleShoalsRhythmSection. Bekend van Tonigh… - 5 years ago

@ksun66: RIP Pete Carr (1950 - 2020) Here is a recent interview with #PeteCarr - 5 years ago

@alta_fidelidad: Ha fallecido Pete Carr, guitarrista, ingeniero y productor. Su guitarra apareció en clásicos como Still Crazy After… - 5 years ago

@mhoover55: RT @PRCA_ProRodeo: 𝘽𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩 (𝘼𝙧𝙠.) • • • The Texas bull rider had an 87.5-point ride on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo's… - 5 years ago

@octaveresonance: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@AdamKillip: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@pbarakan: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@mactights: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@kentoveraker: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@DaMetalGod: RT GeneralBastard "RT ZRockBlog: Rest in peace Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@EthanSVG: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@moll_david: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Johnny_Timewarp: R. I. P. Pete Carr (1950-2020), Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section guitarist and record producer... - 5 years ago

@KLembrs: Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section-gitarist, Pete Carr is overleden. Speelde mee op o.a. "There goes ehymin' Simon" en "S… - 5 years ago

@allyrecordsnc: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@happy50thbirth1: @EddieTrunk @SIRIUSXM Another rock star croaking as Pete Carr, Muscle Shoals musician who worked with Bob Seger, Ro… - 5 years ago

@GeneralBastard: RT @ZRockBlog: Rest in peace Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@BoneyDiego: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@dr_sparklefairy: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@jesstugas: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@ethanxhoward: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@worksnet: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@LightHealing: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@bodie0: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@calcmonk: STATESBORO BLUES - Jam in Muscle Shoals Kunio Kishida : vo, guitar Scott Boyer : vo, guitar Pete Carr : guitar Jer… - 5 years ago

@BevStaite: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Kcragohansen: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@PrestonHornsby: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@calcmonk: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@Phil_Provence: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@PRCA_ProRodeo: 𝘽𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩 (𝘼𝙧𝙠.) • • • The Texas bull rider had an 87.5-point ride on Pete Carr Pro Rod… - 5 years ago

@MikeSnider: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@welchdagrape: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@InstantNewsPk: Muscle shoals guitarist Pete Carr died at 70 | Instant News - 5 years ago

@SEGMediaMusic: RT @ZRockBlog: Rest in peace Pete Carr - 5 years ago

@pecomamma: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@PDrabes: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@worksnet: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@PDrabes: RT @jonbream: RIP Pete Carr, supremely tasty guitarist of Muscle Shoals fame who was a friend of the Allmans and played on hits by @PaulSim… - 5 years ago

@njtunesmith: Aw, sad to hear my friend and beautiful guitarist Pete Carr of Muscle Shoals has passed. Heavenly music. - 5 years ago

@roepoeronnepon: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@gregscrews: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@andthebluehori1: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: カックル兄さんへ Pete Carr🎸さんが…😭 R.I.P.🙏 とても残念で悲しいです… #lazy897 @george_cockle - 5 years ago

@JohnForbes11: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@MattCopeland72: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@majik_eye: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: Pete Carr R.I.P.…😢🙏 - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@bobbyjean0120: RT @kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@toshiyuka: RT @mazzylynne: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 Kodachrome is one of my all time favorite songs! #RIPPeteCarr #Musc… - 5 years ago

@kenta45rpm: RIP... Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@GarvinJed: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@stephen_doster: @JasonIsbell @taddihno Rest in peace Pete Carr and condolences to his family, friends, and fans...there are many wh… - 5 years ago

@Jollymon99: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Jodyk1616: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@whittydkaren: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Jackson081402: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@AnnalesiaCee: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@whnt: Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @mazzylynne: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 Kodachrome is one of my all time favorite songs! #RIPPeteCarr #Musc… - 5 years ago

@denton18: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@taddihno: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@crimsonscholar: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@annestone: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@jmhill926: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@dela_2012: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@scasburn_life: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@AlBrand64: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@fukutopia: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@GreenChevyC10: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@ParkBandDrummer: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@teachersam_dmti: 😔 #RIP - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Pete Carr - #PeteCarr #Pete #Carr #rip - 5 years ago

@TheUnstrung: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@mazzylynne: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 Kodachrome is one of my all time favorite songs!… - 5 years ago

@EvansDonnell: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@dazi_lama: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Hiroshi1957: R.I.P. Pete Carr. 様々なミュージシャンのアルバムで数多くの名演を残しているけれども、やはり彼本人のアルバムからのこの曲で追悼しよう。 - 5 years ago

@jmshoffstall: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Ask4YourLawyer: Legendary Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr dead at 70 - 5 years ago

@RobKortman: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@turkchgo: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@Yale427: 😢 - 5 years ago

@mikczmarski: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@ThatsCLAMPaf: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@HonkyTonkSky: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@mark2061: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@BethBehrs: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@MrTrampledamage: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@BrandonPowe2: RT @KFinProductions: - 5 years ago

@Jim_Rosenow: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@sarajconner: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@butchworley: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@juepucta: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

@brohamand: RT @JasonIsbell: Rest In Peace to the great Muscle Shoals guitarist Pete Carr. It was an honor to know the man. Pete played lead guitar on… - 5 years ago

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