Penny Marshall

American actress (Laverne & Shirley) and director (Big
Died on Tuesday December 18th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Penny Marshall:

@jwordfish: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@elevenslay: RT @NYMag: “We’ve lasted longer than all of our marriages combined. Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly,” wrote Penny Marshall in her mem… - 6 years ago

@tvshows: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@elevenslay: RT @MissBeaE: The Carrie Fisher-Penny Marshall birthday party was so epic David Bowie and Iman crashed the party. - 6 years ago


@bmolynch: RT @HenryJGomez: Just saw an “in memoriam” montage on local news that included George Bush, John McCain, Robin Leach, Penny Marshall ... an… - 6 years ago

@Debwrightjones: All time favorite movie of mine. RIP Penny Marshall - 6 years ago

@That_Tonya: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@dawnk777: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@AnthonyMione: RT @conmccashin: “I’m a director. I’m a woman. But to classify man-directors, woman-directors — can’t we just say director?” —Penny Marsh… - 6 years ago

@graceloum: RT @HenryJGomez: Just saw an “in memoriam” montage on local news that included George Bush, John McCain, Robin Leach, Penny Marshall ... an… - 6 years ago

@HowardKushlan: RT @HenryJGomez: Just saw an “in memoriam” montage on local news that included George Bush, John McCain, Robin Leach, Penny Marshall ... an… - 6 years ago

@Little_Moff: Note to self. - 6 years ago

@StarWarsTime: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@girlallday: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@fatilatuti: RT @Casting_Elite: Penny Marshall May her memory be a blessing 1943-2018 - 6 years ago

@JulieDu93928194: @KennyKruger1 Clint Walker, from Cheyenne, Penny Marshall, our beloved weatherman Chris Bradley - 6 years ago

@NoortjeSchoute: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@silverlynx35: @MoviesSilently Penny Marshall directing two time academy award nominee, Martin Weir in “Get Shorty” in, “Get Short… - 6 years ago

@katherinemiller: RT @HenryJGomez: Just saw an “in memoriam” montage on local news that included George Bush, John McCain, Robin Leach, Penny Marshall ... an… - 6 years ago

@dreamwalkarts: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@yeahiroy: Ahhhh the Portlandia with Penny Marshall 😞 - 6 years ago

@adamspong: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@MelissaFoersch2: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@tacomadan: RT @NYMag: “We’ve lasted longer than all of our marriages combined. Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly,” wrote Penny Marshall in her mem… - 6 years ago

@3dOLLabILL: RT @wmag: Penny Marshall didn't mean to become a pioneering female director, she just did. - 6 years ago

@tacomadan: RT @MissBeaE: In 1981, Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall began hosting joint birthday parties. The parties which drew A-list celebrities las… - 6 years ago

@tacomadan: RT @MissBeaE: The Carrie Fisher-Penny Marshall birthday party was so epic David Bowie and Iman crashed the party. - 6 years ago

@SqueenWood: RT @MsJoelyFisher: Name a more iconic duo...I’ll wait! Feircly funny, incredibly loyal , flawed and finally at rest. Penny Marshall #RIP in… - 6 years ago

@xxoxox_6: RT @FilmLinc: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly. We’ve always said it’s because we never liked the same drugs or men, but I know there… - 6 years ago

@PegsKatzencats: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@LeopoldJody: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@wmag: Penny Marshall didn't mean to become a pioneering female director, she just did. - 6 years ago

@tacomadan: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@thecostumeczar: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@LiaBarber: Love when me and @biankathebrave talking about which serie couple we would love to be with our partner in the futur… - 6 years ago

@spudchapp: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@susan_keeney: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@Rossfilms: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@annestone: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@marvelanne97: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@JewDyke: RT @evangelestia: “I want to thank Carrie Fisher, my friend & partner in crime for more than 30 years,” Penny Marshall wrote. “We’ve lasted… - 6 years ago

@Hot10Trends: Penny Marshall Quotes About #Positive - 56155 - 6 years ago

@ahnie: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@Koolmom12Nance: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@annalunoe: i didn't have time to process it at the time but so sad for penny marshall passing. i realise what HUGE inspo she i… - 6 years ago

@MARVELSCEVANS: RT @FilmLinc: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly. We’ve always said it’s because we never liked the same drugs or men, but I know there… - 6 years ago

@over_nurse3: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@PrettyGonzo: RT @FilmLinc: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly. We’ve always said it’s because we never liked the same drugs or men, but I know there… - 6 years ago

@AxholetheGreat: RT @AnitaHelmet: Tonight, my hometown Milwaukee lights up city hall with Penny Marshall’s name. RIP, Laverne ❤️ - 6 years ago

@PrettyGonzo: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@DaveDillon7: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@murielfp: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@journalsentinel: Here is a roll call of some of the people in arts, popular culture and entertainment who left the scene in 2018. - 6 years ago

@cherry_LA: RT @Jezebel: "There was a group of us, four or five regulars that hung out at Penny’s house in the hills. She called our coven Girls on Whe… - 6 years ago

@phillyfangirl: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@sarahvtompkins: RT @Jezebel: "There was a group of us, four or five regulars that hung out at Penny’s house in the hills. She called our coven Girls on Whe… - 6 years ago

@tvldiva: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@MyViewMary: RT @Sarah_Woolley: Best friends of 30+ years: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher had legendary joint birthdays. Bowie crashed one. - 6 years ago

@GojyoChan: RT @Jezebel: "There was a group of us, four or five regulars that hung out at Penny’s house in the hills. She called our coven Girls on Whe… - 6 years ago

@Jezebel: "There was a group of us, four or five regulars that hung out at Penny’s house in the hills. She called our coven G… - 6 years ago

@XIXGold: RT @FilmLinc: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly. We’ve always said it’s because we never liked the same drugs or men, but I know there… - 6 years ago

@OldSalz: RT @MsJoelyFisher: Name a more iconic duo...I’ll wait! Feircly funny, incredibly loyal , flawed and finally at rest. Penny Marshall #RIP in… - 6 years ago

@crutcher_sarah: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@mybeshert: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@GibsonSusi: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@iamaredcrayon: Jesus Christ twitter, why is it only now I am learning about Penny Marshall's passing? She's only the greatest Amer… - 6 years ago

@delong_jackie: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@balletbookworm: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@BradNicholsWrit: RT @MissBeaE: In 1981, Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall began hosting joint birthday parties. The parties which drew A-list celebrities las… - 6 years ago

@BradNicholsWrit: RT @FilmLinc: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly. We’ve always said it’s because we never liked the same drugs or men, but I know there… - 6 years ago

@fatgirlinohio: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@jennschiffer: * i lost ~25 lbs & gained hella muscle making it to the gym every single week * became a director, the penny marsha… - 6 years ago

@carolineverbs: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@MConsuella: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@tmibugbee: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@PsychicHealerC: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@NedRaggett: When your story's opening line is "Penny Marshall and I were the bridesmaids in Carrie Fisher’s wedding to Paul Sim… - 6 years ago

@Shannon63026658: RT @SeanSimonian: RIP Penny Marshall - 6 years ago

@MikeLBolton: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@CaryLeigh7: RT @IncredibleCulk: People like Penny Marshall are in a league of their own. And by “are in” I mean directed. People like Penny Marshall d… - 6 years ago

@valsadie: RT @Jezebel: Girls on wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher forever - 6 years ago

@jcolman: Every time I pass the @USEmbassyDublin, I notice that their flag is at half-mast. Been that way for at least a week… - 6 years ago

@KhsweetpeaCasey: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@RobDubJ: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@mofree36: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@mmakeoutmusic: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@KarenPasi1: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@BSPodPhx: RT @BendYourEarPod: My wife got me some new equipment for the podcast for Christmas. Can't wait to use it for the #NextEpisode I review "Ro… - 6 years ago

@hopebelievdream: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@kayexline: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@emkens123: RT @TwitterMoments: "Our crazy lives have meshed perfectly," Penny Marshall wrote of her best friend Carrie Fisher in her memoir. #RIPPenny… - 6 years ago

@LeftonPost: Girls On Wheels: Penny Marshall and Carrie Fisher Forever - 6 years ago

@EliMegibben: RT @sarahbaeleiber: today i found out that carrie fisher and penny marshall first met while respectively dating simon and garfunkel. anyway… - 6 years ago

@bravenouveaux: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@Victoria_Murad: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@lascadejapor: RT @evangelestia: “I want to thank Carrie Fisher, my friend & partner in crime for more than 30 years,” Penny Marshall wrote. “We’ve lasted… - 6 years ago

@bess_p_hamilton: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

@JamesK18230116: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@taken_it_back: RT @NancySinatra: The amazing Penny Marshall and me at Dodger Stadium in October of 2008. We will miss her. Godspeed, dear Penny. 😢💙 https:… - 6 years ago

@IRSHADA63194631: RT @ijattala: #RIP Penny Marshall - 6 years ago

@dangerhazzard: RT @jawnita: This piece remembering Carrie Fisher and Penny Marshall, written by their good friend Carol Caldwell, fucking rules. Read it!… - 6 years ago

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