Peggy Lipton

American actress.
Died on Sunday May 12th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Peggy Lipton:

@ra__na: RT @monchicon: Quincy Jonesの奥さんだった女優のPeggy Liptonも先日亡くなってしまいましたが、ミュージシャンでもあった彼女のピアノ、今は娘のRashidaのパートナーでもあるEzra Koenigが使っているみたいです。泣ける…。 https… - 6 years ago

@SneakyOstrich69: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: Twin Peaks cast and crew gathered tonight to toast to Peggy Lipton (via @madchenamick). #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@okenyomusic: RT @BernardZuel: As @Briggs puts it with no sarcasm at all - definitely not! - Life Is Incredible. Sure. Alongside him in a new playlist ar… - 6 years ago

@ConnieKuhns: @ClaireShrugged I didn't know that Rashida Jones was the late Peggy Lipton's daughter, and yet her smile is there f… - 6 years ago


@faveamanda: Peggy Lipton looking sharp on #NationalRescueDogDay - 6 years ago

@RobertThomass15: @LokiLoptr Tks, I did not know that RIP Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@F1princess: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@peri_pan: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@Capncampos: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@TwinPeaksBotNew: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@twinpeakstuff: Peggy Lipton and David Lynch on the set of Twin Peaks, 1989. - 6 years ago

@BrianRatigan: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@underthefan113: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@remu10: Here's the biggest news you missed this weekend Here's the biggest news you missed this weekendNew Orleans flo… - 6 years ago

@vicksvapor77: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@CasperFox: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: David Lynch Misses Peggy Lipton Like Crazy: “Such A Beautiful Soul, Face, And Being” #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@thegoochpalms: RT @BernardZuel: As @Briggs puts it with no sarcasm at all - definitely not! - Life Is Incredible. Sure. Alongside him in a new playlist ar… - 6 years ago

@Love4rmJudeGirl: 📷 modbeatnik: Peggy Lipton, 1969 - 6 years ago

@TraderSunrise: RT @cnnbrk: Peggy Lipton, a Golden Globe award winning actress and star of the hit television show "Mod Squad," has died. She was 72. https… - 6 years ago

@Mandy_RunWater: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@LokiLoptr: All this mayhem this week and it flew right past me-- Peggy Lipton passed away last week. Among other things, she m… - 6 years ago

@patrykwodzinski: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@DanVit: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@loveaboveallth1: - 6 years ago

@Srirachachau: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@VK_HM: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@TheEricGoldman: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@Cap_Kat: RT @underthefan113: From one of #PeggyLipton's last interviews: "Rejection is okay—pushing myself is what matters. [...] I put myself out t… - 6 years ago

@stephenrr: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle Mac… - 6 years ago

@StaticVeins: RT @thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering right now.… - 6 years ago

@BernardZuel: As @Briggs puts it with no sarcasm at all - definitely not! - Life Is Incredible. Sure. Alongside him in a new play… - 6 years ago

@LaurelPhoenix1: RT @underthefan113: From one of #PeggyLipton's last interviews: "Rejection is okay—pushing myself is what matters. [...] I put myself out t… - 6 years ago

@Spcng: RT @BlackLCult: Peggy Lipton has passed away. We lose a great actress, a wonderful woman. Forever in our memory. Forever in our hearts. Res… - 6 years ago

@WorrelSarah: Norma Jennings from Twin Peaks died yesterday :( - 6 years ago

@underthefan113: From one of #PeggyLipton's last interviews: "Rejection is okay—pushing myself is what matters. [...] I put myself o… - 6 years ago

@thebigm: The great @DAVID_LYNCH on the late Peggy Lipton’s beautiful soul and how “Big Ed is someone who is really suffering… - 6 years ago

@galootus: @DecadesNetwork is having a "mod squad" weekend binge 📺 in memory of peggy lipton ( 1946-2019 ) - 6 years ago

@IndieRay02: @WilmaJazz @NemesisUK Yea, I had to SHOUT OUT @decadesnetwork for cancelling the #Vegas weekend binge they had plan… - 6 years ago

@skoochie23: RIP Peggy Lipton 💙 - 6 years ago

@michaelbergero2: @LexG_III ever notice how in the intro to MOD SQUAD that Michael Cole and Peggy Lipton are out of breath and runnin… - 6 years ago

@pauls_nyc: I do not follow the entertainment world and MSMs as I used too, missed this, very sad ... I remember watching her f… - 6 years ago

@youceffkabal: rip Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@Stefano95876603: @moodvintage Splendida, Peggy Lipton. - 6 years ago

@exoame: RT @TwinPeaksArchve: Peggy Lipton (1946-2019) - 6 years ago

@galootus: @DecadesNetwork is having a "mod squad" weekend binge in memory of peggy lipton ( 1946-2019 ) .. bay area broadcast channel 1.2 .. - 6 years ago

@stansfunny4: @sigg20 Don’t forget Peggy Lipton. @LyleMSpencer @mspeggylipton @TwinPeaksArchve - 6 years ago

@blakewpeterson: Wrote about Doris Day, Peggy Lipton, and why their deaths feel like such losses: - 6 years ago

@Pop_Culture_Guy: Remembering Tim Conway, Peggy Lipton and Doris Day - 6 years ago

@mishlmc: Peggy Lipton, a beautiful, talented woman. Love and sympathy to her family. - 6 years ago

@apckrfan: @joshgad Safe travels! Did you get much chance to interact with Peggy Lipton in A Dog’s Purpose? - 6 years ago

@HotinCleveland3: Peggy Lipton, 'Mod Squad' and 'Twin Peaks' star, dies at 72 - Greensboro News & Record - 6 years ago

@PastiyaCuadrada: @cementerio no pusiste a Peggy lipton! - 6 years ago

@Real_Infinity95: RT @TIME: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle MacLachlan writes… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Including this ugly aids spreading hermaphrodite plastic surgery by Quincy Jones & Peggy Lipton obsessed to the poi… - 6 years ago

@NegroAlvarenga: RT @moodvintage: Peggy Lipton (1946-2019) - 6 years ago

@aquaworld007: @LisaBirnbach @CarolinesonBway R.I.P. Peggy Lipton!!! - 6 years ago

@60sfolks: Peggy Lipton, 'Mod Squad' and 'Twin Peaks' star, dies at 72   - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: My grandfather the President of the United States of America & his wife the First Lady Hey Girl on earth Dorothy ey… - 6 years ago

@Leslie2405: RT @StillJohnCA: Dear Celebrity Legends, - Peggy Lipton died. 72. - Doris Day died. 97. - Tim Conway died. 85. Rest in Peace. Now stop… - 6 years ago

@spookyclm: RT @BryanFuller: REST IN PEACE, PEGGY LIPTON, AND THANKS FOR THE CHERRY PIE - 6 years ago

@spookyclm: RT @heIensolloway: rest in peace to peggy lipton, an extraordinary woman and a master at her craft. thank you for bringing norma jennings… - 6 years ago

@StillJohnCA: RT @StillJohnCA: Dear Celebrity Legends, - Peggy Lipton died. 72. - Doris Day died. 97. - Tim Conway died. 85. Rest in Peace. Now stop… - 6 years ago

@slamminmusic: Quincy Jones Shares Tribute to Peggy Lipton: “Love Is Eternal” - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: The United States bee cause her husband heart of GOLD Tom the only living boy in New York Cayton Satan Caton should… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Had with medication that put her into having the most pain possible like being crucified before giving her a heart… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Dotty Brown McKinney whose mother is the grand mother of Ezra Koenig who Peggy Lipton & Quincy Jones ordered to be… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Who is the aunt of Peggy Lipton’s daughters with Hermaphrodite David Berg who are international & trying to rape &… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Quincy🤮Jones’ medication prescribed to him by their flirty fishing doctors they set up all over this world working… - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Rather die than sleep with them or any of their aids spreading flirty fishing family members who stalked Otto Warmb… - 6 years ago

@bitcaw: Damn. Just now heard about her passing. RIP Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@cooksey_calvin: 😑RIP ... O.G, Peggy Lipton dies of cancer at 72 with family at her side.💝 - 6 years ago

@ShoutTheBoogie: RT @TIME: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle MacLachlan writes… - 6 years ago

@PatThomas1964: "It is a strange, serpentine tale, snaking through Hollywood, Seattle, Boston and Buffalo, the characters as colorf… - 6 years ago

@ecodev59: @TheRealKrusher Forgot Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@DeborahMann97: RT @CourtenayCal: I had the honor of meeting Peggy Lipton at USC in 2013 when I covered the #TwinPeaks retrospective for the @redroompodcas… - 6 years ago

@gbiografias: Peggy Lipton | Actriz de cine y televisión - 6 years ago

@Babalon891969: Peggy Lipton’s Dying wish. I’m like who cares yam fucking Zayn. ⚰️ - 6 years ago

@consterned: Kyle MacLachlan's Tribute to 'Twin Peaks' Co-Star Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@raundaraunda: RT @fbailey: This week’s #wowreport on #radioandy. - 6 years ago

@fbailey: This week’s #wowreport on #radioandy. - 6 years ago

@60sfolks: Peggy Lipton: Twin Peaks and The Mod Squad star dies aged 72  The Guardian Actor shot to fame in the 1960s playing… - 6 years ago

@MICHAELANTONIO: Quincy Jones Shares Tribute to Peggy Lipton: “Love Is Eternal” - 6 years ago

@AngusHood2: RT @mirrorinthetext: P. Lipton Memorial Centre RIP Peggy Lipton #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@MarkAlcock317: RT @Kyle_MacLachlan: The RR diner is dark today. Very sorry to hear Peggy Lipton is gone. We’ve lost a beautiful soul. - 6 years ago

@TwinPeaksBotNew: RT @mirrorinthetext: P. Lipton Memorial Centre RIP Peggy Lipton #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@ApfelMaxime: RT @SHO_TwinPeaks: Our hearts are full of sadness as we mourn the loss of the talented Peggy Lipton. She gave us our beloved Norma, who s… - 6 years ago

@PaulHarrisShow: Tim Conway, Doris Day, and Peggy Lipton are among the names in the news that come up in the weekly topical trivia q… - 6 years ago

@mirrorinthetext: P. Lipton Memorial Centre RIP Peggy Lipton #TwinPeaks - 6 years ago

@MajicDC: Quincy Jones Pays Tribute To Late Ex-Wife Peggy Lipton: “Love is Eternal” - 6 years ago

@FilmRSchulz: R.I.P. Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@m_hawkins: RT @ThatsOurWaldo: “When she poured you a coffee at the counter at the Double R, her smile and calming voice made everything feel all right… - 6 years ago

@newstalk1130: RT @gregoryjon: The passing of #grumpycat is getting more ink than Peggy Lipton or Jim Fowler. (I was right... 😁 ) - 6 years ago

@vintageport014: @tyler_casper Yes, when I was 17, I dreamt that I was falling in love with Peggy Lipton. RIP @sweetie911 - 6 years ago

@gregoryjon: The passing of #grumpycat is getting more ink than Peggy Lipton or Jim Fowler. (I was right... 😁 ) - 6 years ago

@Miss_KristyB: RT @TIME: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle MacLachlan writes… - 6 years ago

@STARS_TyranT: RT @TIME: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle MacLachlan writes… - 6 years ago

@BlackLCult: RT @TIME: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle MacLachlan writes… - 6 years ago

@AllAntoinette: RT @JHotch726: Not only is he one of my favorite actors, he’s a wonderful writer as well. This is beautiful @Kyle_MacLachlan . Thank you.… - 6 years ago

@NickScifi: RT @JHotch726: Not only is he one of my favorite actors, he’s a wonderful writer as well. This is beautiful @Kyle_MacLachlan . Thank you.… - 6 years ago

@lizzyb9521: RT @PandoraGirlie: This is nice. I too loved Peggy Lipton on the Mod Squad. “Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad… - 6 years ago

@PSU_rose: @JamesRosenTV Peggy Lipton. Lena Horne. Grumpy Cat. We can think in threes if we want but it’s really a continuous list. - 6 years ago

@realTexasMike: @BigHeadBS You forgot Peggy Lipton - 6 years ago

@john_w_lowery: "Peggy Lipton's performance as Julie Barnes on 'The Mod Squad' made a huge impact on my whole generation," Kyle Mac… - 6 years ago

@woodyallenesco: En una semana se nos fue Peggy Lipton, Doris Day y Grumpy Cat. - 6 years ago

@EppersMichael: Peggy Lipton, Doris Day, Tim Conway and now Grumpy Cat. Tough Week. - 6 years ago

@coma_fm: Peggy Lipton - It Might As Well Rain Until September - 6 years ago

@sean_write: Peggy Lipton, Doris Day, Tim Conway, I.M. Pei, Grumpy Cat.... Who's next world, I ask you, who's next? #RIPGrumpyCat - 6 years ago

@girlnthetardis: Grumpy Cat, Peggy Lipton, Tim Conway and Doris Day all gone within the last several days?! 2019 is mean - 6 years ago

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