Pedro Morales

Puerto Rican professional wrestler (WWA
Died on Tuesday February 12th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Pedro Morales:

@HossWWENetwork: 923. 14/02/1978 Rocky Johnson & Pedro Morales vs. Ivan Koloff & Mr Saito. NWA Florida Tag Team Title Match. Rating:… - 6 years ago

@DiegoVelasco67: ".... fuerte y feliz, cuando aprovechando las riquezas atesoradas del saber humano, la educación desarrolla en él l… - 6 years ago

@pedro_pan1: RT @el_Periodico: En elPeriódico tuvimos acceso a documentos que evidencian la triangulación de fondos entre el restaurante Fulanos y Menga… - 6 years ago

@angel_zeno: @HistoryofWrest 6. The card was saved by Pedro Morales and Jimmy Valiant - 6 years ago


@Vixxo_Morales: RT @richar1979BC: Estoy en casa de mi hermana. Tiene la tv puesta. Llevan 15 minutos hablando del colchon de Pedro Sanchez... No es broma y… - 6 years ago

@BBGWPod: RT @BBGWPod: ***NEW PODCAST*** @Vandertodge, @Nick_Davie & @brummieol discuss #WWE #EliminationChamber, the passing of Pedro Morales & #DX… - 6 years ago

@kekoplazascros: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@photo_athletes: #ThursdayThrowback photos of me with 4 of the greatest @WWE world heavyweight champions in Bob Backlund, Bruno Samm… - 6 years ago

@JoeDelToro: You could make a big budget movie about any wrestler instead of the backstabbing wank Hogan Jake Roberts Randy Sav… - 6 years ago

@IC_NoPoint: @THETOMMYDREAMER @Starshot9 @apter1wrestling @davidlagreca1 @OldWrestlingPic I can only spot Gorilla Monsoon and my… - 6 years ago

@Allan_Straarup: RT @THETOMMYDREAMER: The answer to last nights tweet Pedro Morales Joe Turco Stan Stasiak Gorilla Monsoon Manuel Soto Pancho Valdez Mike Pa… - 6 years ago

@jaredpedro2: @MashiRafael Estimado amigo saludos cordiales deceandole q se encuetre bien usted y su familia. Queremos pedirle u… - 6 years ago

@pedro_morales_7: RT @TheRealSpaid: I trip because I care, be careful when I’m silent. - 6 years ago

@daveleon1974: I’m in to play Pedro Morales. Or maybe Vince McMahon. #Brother - 6 years ago

@Martinezgunners: RT @_wwearg: Bob Backlund fue la única persona en asistir al funeral de su amigo y leyenda Pedro Morales, con quién fue campeón en parejas… - 6 years ago

@ClaraMolla_: Qué acertado, @RMoralesJimenez - 6 years ago

@rangers6768: RT @THETOMMYDREAMER: The answer to last nights tweet Pedro Morales Joe Turco Stan Stasiak Gorilla Monsoon Manuel Soto Pancho Valdez Mike Pa… - 6 years ago

@CoolhandLG: @THETOMMYDREAMER @Starshot9 @apter1wrestling @davidlagreca1 @OldWrestlingPic I know Captain Lou, Pedro Morales, & Gorilla Monsoon - 6 years ago

@ChikilynHdz: RT @_wwearg: Bob Backlund fue la única persona en asistir al funeral de su amigo y leyenda Pedro Morales, con quién fue campeón en parejas… - 6 years ago

@MizJennieR: Apparently WWE did not send any representatives from the company. Very disrespectful! Bob Backlund Only Wrestler To… - 6 years ago

@CodyTracy5: RT @THETOMMYDREAMER: The answer to last nights tweet Pedro Morales Joe Turco Stan Stasiak Gorilla Monsoon Manuel Soto Pancho Valdez Mike Pa… - 6 years ago

@btg3: 2 Pedro 1: 2 AMP "Que la gracia (el favor de Dios) y la paz (que es el bienestar perfecto, todo el bien necesario,… - 6 years ago

@THETOMMYDREAMER: The answer to last nights tweet Pedro Morales Joe Turco Stan Stasiak Gorilla Monsoon Manuel Soto Pancho Valdez Mike… - 6 years ago

@BIGPIPE_: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@braulio_riveros: RT @MonicaAparicioA: @Satirulo @vilar_blan @MonicaA80226984 @RafoRoblesRojas @srodrigosalinas @martindiazmeave @CFValverde @ivanariasduran… - 6 years ago

@animoramos: @vladimirpadrino General le escribe el TF. Pedro Morales, usted sabe que esta perdido reflexione piense en sus hijo… - 6 years ago

@JCDex1974: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@RockySwayzo: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@Drakeo2point0: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@poyer1023: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@Blasko4life: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@AgustinRocker: espero que lo de Pedro Morales sea una broma de mal gusto solamente... espero.... - 6 years ago

@badtakejustin: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@BrettEWilliams1: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@riotsquads_: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@NewWardOrderYT: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@_wisnuwardhanaa: @MemoriLigina Wahyudi, leo, pedro, patricio morales, antonio claudio, firman usman, glen dan sisanya ga tau 😁 - 6 years ago

@MrPremium2002: RT @TheRealXPac: I was really sad to learn Bob Backlund was the only pro wrestler in attendance at Pedro Morales funeral. - 6 years ago

@Crisantillalop: RT @albermoreno73: Otra más de Sabino? Ahora parece no quiere pagar por Aranguiz, suena Pedro Morales.. quiere puro sacar a Kudelka. Vaya q… - 6 years ago

@ElNacionalWeb: #Opinión Debate público presidencial | Por: Pedro Morales - 6 years ago

@ThomasMan44: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@AnaCamblorRubie: Blog de opinión Pedro Sánchez, el hombre que todavía puede ser rey - 6 years ago

@YoKurrax: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@murymm3: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@egret000: @D3Vlicious Nah they respect Pedro Morales so much, they offered a moment of silence for 3 hours - 6 years ago

@thenewlead2017: Evo Morales hace un museo en su honor, la dinastía norcoreana se construye estatuas gigantes, y Pedro Sánchez se id… - 6 years ago

@xuan1981cube: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@VBarbao: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@CanoAbogado: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@djmarcen4: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@patmas16: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@joseignacio_S: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@mariarri_: Yo creo que podemos postular al director del @INEHRM Pedro Salmerón como el primer comisario del gobierno lopezobra… - 6 years ago

@luis_4_23: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@WWEAdamBadger: This episode of #WWE Monday Night #RAW opens up with a graphic in memory of WWE Hall of Famer Pedro Morales, who pa… - 6 years ago

@ArtMuro12: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@GBouso: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@maytegu1313: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@JoanjPR: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@jordixtr: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@Rafacer75: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@nicoadarve: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@4onades: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@slamcasters: This week's episode is going to be packed. We're feeling #slammed with all the news over the past two weeks. Corey… - 6 years ago

@didel_alvaro: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@pedro_yoyoyo: RT @danieljadue: El Gobierno de Sebastian claramente esta cruzando todas las lineas éticas y morales con todos sus montajes y mentiras. Exp… - 6 years ago

@HuskyCast: I know it's not new but the news of Pedro Morales passing brings back memories. - 6 years ago

@yusi63: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@Susymayu: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@Migninho: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@angelitovk74: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@vicente_coslada: RT @RecuerdosACB: Reginald Johnson, Dani Pérez, Carlos Ruf, Pedro Martínez, Juanan Morales, José María Margall, Lemone Lampley, Antonio Med… - 6 years ago

@pedro_morales_7: @jjordynturner @NicoCalanchini Damn I’m getting called out over here 🤣 - 6 years ago

@jjordynturner: @NicoCalanchini @pedro_morales_7 same - 6 years ago

@pedro_lauze: RT @nytimes: "I'm 47, my son is 7 and my daughter is 5, but at the end of 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,' I'm the only family member w… - 6 years ago

@32Ssonko: RT @WWE: WWE is saddened to learn that WWE Hall of Famer Pedro Morales has passed away at age 76. - 6 years ago

@VinceMcDooDoo: @FujiMelvin @SamiZayn Has Pedro Morales stunk up the toilet in Hell yet? - 6 years ago


@Juan_A_Morales: La mayoría de este ajuste de 13.200 Millones lo deben hacer las Autonomías, que son las principales generadoras de… - 6 years ago

@ThroatPunchAll: @roylucier Bobo Brazil Pedro Morales Ricky steamboat teaming with jay Youngblood - 6 years ago

@The_Rode: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@wendygkennedy: RT @TheRealXPac: Pedro Morales was a great man & I'm honored to be able to say I knew him. #RIPPedroMorales #PedroMorales - 6 years ago

@GodKingHoover: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@jcny84: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@MOSTKC: @WWEUniverse @SashaBanksWWE @itsBayleyWWE @WWE Enough with the first time ever bullshit it's not the first time eve… - 6 years ago

@FrankGerechter: Pedro Morales: WWE hall of fame star and former champion dies aged 76 | US News | Sky News #SmartNews - 6 years ago

@pedro_morales_7: RT @GGYOUNGBOY: I think I’m better off by myself. - 6 years ago

@redskulls1247: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@jonahkue: There have been five men of Latino background to hold it: Pedro Morales, Eddie Guerrero, @DaveBautista,… - 6 years ago

@arts_pedro: RT @nytimes: "I'm 47, my son is 7 and my daughter is 5, but at the end of 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,' I'm the only family member w… - 6 years ago

@taborda_pedro: @EDUARDO_BITTAR Para ellos lo que debía el ilustre Morales Bello, cuanta razón tenia y no le prestamos atención - 6 years ago

@CWATalent: RT @TheAlexSurfire: I did this for Pedro Morales & every hardworking Latino. I did it for them. You're all welcome in what wr shall call th… - 6 years ago

@BradPeterson11: RT @BretHart: Goodbye to a great friend. One of the kindest, wisest wrestlers I ever knew. When I first started in WWE, he told me: “You ca… - 6 years ago

@joe90101: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@jairo_a_morales: RT @Jorgomezpinilla: Ahora que Rito Alejo del Río critica duramente a Uribe y dice que la muerte de Pedro J Moreno "no fue accidente", apar… - 6 years ago

@Higinio_Morales: RT @jotapevaldivia: Y el resto de los habitantes de los territorios subnacionales? No tenemos derecho a usar tren p solo los “chilenos” y l… - 6 years ago

@Higinio_Morales: @jotapevaldivia @ampliadodeltren @sebastianpinera @Pedro_Errazuriz @fesurchile @trenesaraucania @TrenesParaChile… - 6 years ago

@Higinio_Morales: @jotapevaldivia @ampliadodeltren @sebastianpinera @Pedro_Errazuriz @fesurchile @trenesaraucania @TrenesParaChile… - 6 years ago

@nickpantages: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@Dabundacus: RT @solomonster: SOUND OFF 586 is a loaded show talking #WWEChamber tonight... why Pedro Morales is @WWE's forgotten champion in many ways.… - 6 years ago

@NickGallegosR: RT @revmaslideres: #MásLíderesLife Las fotografías de nuestra gran celebración de aniversario. @ Miguel Cárdenas, Pedro Morales, Marianne P… - 6 years ago

@Morales_Sah: Sem base o tanto q eu amo o Pedro - 6 years ago


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