Pavel Srníček

Czech football goalkeeper
Died on Tuesday December 29th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Pavel Srníček:

@Spud_7689: RT @NUFC: TRIBUTES: Just some of the tributes being laid in memory of Pavel Srníček at the Alder Sweeney Memorial Garden. - 9 years ago

@fetudabeneb: RT @NUFC: TRIBUTES: Just some of the tributes being laid in memory of Pavel Srníček at the Alder Sweeney Memorial Garden. - 9 years ago

@zoeairsonxxx: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@girishNUFC4life: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago


@TowardAndrew: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@the_H_chee: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@DobsonJones: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Alishaw3009: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@leejrutter1980: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Topicek: Uděláte osvětu, že Pavel Srníček se ve skutečnosti jmenoval Srniček (s krátkým), a čtenářka vám 2 dny poté dá kouř, že mu ku*víte příjmení. - 9 years ago

@CalvinNUFC_1892: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@jackjohnson1999: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@jackjohnson1999: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@bettingspecials: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@McRufus: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@tartansinatra: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@bowiee17: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@nikoningsus: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@rachymoses: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@rachymoses: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@DougBell15: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@DougBell15: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Pedro_69_: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@montyreds: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@anfieldsharks: RT @footballskiFR: Les ultras du Banik Ostrava ont été rendre un dernier adieu à la légende Pavel Srníček. #RIPPavel - 9 years ago

@alexguiseley: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@BettyAnne32: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@pavel_fojtik: RT @OndrejNovacek: "Kauza" komolení jména Srníček vs. Srniček. A to jako vážně?! Odešel mladý člověk, některa média se zatím přiživují a ch… - 9 years ago

@Les36686724: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Starlin63: RT @footballskiFR: Les ultras du Banik Ostrava ont été rendre un dernier adieu à la légende Pavel Srníček. #RIPPavel - 9 years ago

@jmbradford86: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Newscastle_Utd: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Antho_Glb: RT @footballskiFR: Les ultras du Banik Ostrava ont été rendre un dernier adieu à la légende Pavel Srníček. #RIPPavel - 9 years ago

@headinho447: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@bbosher: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@SurreyMag: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@crbeswick99: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@YorkMagpie: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@CalebRees: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@GLawson25: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@elliot_SWFC99: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@lloydbentham: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@LeeStewart1995: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Andyo26: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@magstogether: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@PavelSrnicekUK: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@SteveRyanJr: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@SavageDean: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@Ljjackson1981: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@jamesgould18: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@shareefAminpour: RT @NUFC: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Pavel Srníček as he is laid to rest today. #pavelisageordie #NUFC - 9 years ago

@GeelanMandA: RT @talkSPORTDGoth: Pavel Srníček - Funeral Pictures Tribute January 4 2016 - 9 years ago

@LeroyNUFC: RT @talkSPORTDGoth: Pavel Srníček - Funeral Pictures Tribute January 4 2016 - 9 years ago

@sedivyp: Sparťanský trenér Zdeněk Ščasný: "Pavel Srníček byl profík, výborný trenér. A hlavně skvělý clověk." - 9 years ago

@OndrejNovacek: Pavel Srníček má dnes pohřeb, kola se točí dál... - 9 years ago

@dlczech: Funeral to be held for Pavel Srníček: The funeral will be held on Monday for former Czech and Newcastle United... - 9 years ago

@davidek_cerveny: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@sambeckwith: Slow day: Blesk devotes nearly a page to the news that Pavel Srníček's name was actually Pavel Srniček (no long I) - 9 years ago

@chrisclark85: Me & Pavel Srníček - Top 'keeper, all round nice guy & #NUFC legend. #RIPPav #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@___Cxmeron___: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@Viktorsfc: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Viktorsfc: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Viktorsfc: RT @NUFC: We've just observed a moment's applause at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Trongli: RT @NUFC: It is with immense sadness that we confirm the passing of former #NUFC goalkeeper Pavel Srníček today. - 9 years ago

@RedFish818: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@oldjarrovian: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@DaliborSosna: Přidal(a) jsem do alba „Pavel Srníček - tady zemřel“ na Facebooku fotky (6) - 9 years ago

@bluesarge75: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@IAmIzaaz: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@simonshirley72: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@jellycat1966: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@Flecko_85: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@hurststephen: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Jezcy: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@cieranodowd: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@zakcranston: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@limorotiduoiwak: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@radekventruba: RT @NUFC: We've just observed a moment's applause at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@DarylByrne17291: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@diasshadylady: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@jodiepow86: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@jodiepow86: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@NADEEMISLAM19: RT @NUFC: We've just observed a moment's applause at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@AlprazolamNufc: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@benjaminw10: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@adamglover90: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@WillsSensei: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@C_Rooonaldoo7: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@mussomichele: RT @CI_OfficialPage: L'ex portiere di Brescia e Newcastle Pavel Srníček ci lascia a 47 anni, troppo presto! RIP. - 9 years ago

@jonny1o: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@katieamanda__: RT @NUFC: It is with immense sadness that we confirm the passing of former #NUFC goalkeeper Pavel Srníček today. - 9 years ago

@Buckeobi: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@turturro89: RT @MinimalistFooty: Pavel Srníček - 9 years ago

@jadealex1992: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@shaun_gallimore: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@BeccaBarberella: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@philipslattery: So Alan Shearer words for the late Pavel Srníček was "He was always on time"... comic genius @BBCMOTD #MOTD - 9 years ago

@bazantik: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@DylanJCain9: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@Stacey_MW_WL: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@SurreyMag: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@nelsonrambo: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@BedsMags: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@charlton_brenda: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@patchwaytownfc: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@ales_rod: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@s_t_a_n_i_k: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@laurendiawara: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@ALEXZOEPOCHE92: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@RadekPlatos: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@JAEWIGHT: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@adamtones: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@david_licka: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@Alishaw3009: RT @NUFC: We've just observed a moment's applause at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@0VasekVavra0: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@leaforbeshunt: RT @TSBible: Newcastle United warmed up in special T-shirts this afternoon in memory of their former player Pavel Srníček. - 9 years ago

@MDill1: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@JanVild: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@michalschneider: RT @NUFC: ICYMI: #NUFC will walk out in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

@AndelinTom: RT @NUFC: #NUFC will warm up in special T-shirts at the Emirates Stadium in memory of Pavel Srníček. #pavelisageordie - 9 years ago

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