Paul Virilio

French philosopher and urbanist
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Paul Virilio:

@CardinaldeRetz: RT @DJakovljevic: I wrote this over the weekend... invitation to read Paul Virilio and some personal thinking... plus song at the end :-) -… - 6 years ago

@Vattel: RT @DJakovljevic: I wrote this over the weekend... invitation to read Paul Virilio and some personal thinking... plus song at the end :-) -… - 6 years ago

@ZachMelzer: RT @juspar: Blitzkrieg Baby - Ryan Bishop and me on Paul Virilio - 6 years ago

@henryjsantana: Un mensaje para los vendedores de volvo BRT: “la aceleración del tiempo humano cambia nuestra relación con el mundo… - 6 years ago


@BookOblivion: Open Sky by Paul Virilio: - 6 years ago

@juspar: RT @karppi: Blitzkrieg Baby. Why Paul Virilio’s critiques of warfare, acceleration, and media technologies remain prescient and essential,… - 6 years ago

@miltonpacejr1: A morte de Paul Virilio, o ensaísta que dizia que o mundo se divide entre os realistas e os mentirosos - 6 years ago

@kennethtay_: RT @juspar: Blitzkrieg Baby - Ryan Bishop and me on Paul Virilio - 6 years ago

@EgbertoBaptista: A morte de Paul Virilio, o ensaísta que dizia que o mundo se divide entre os realistas e os mentirosos - 6 years ago

@scivias_: Comentaba Paul Virilio que "suele decirse que proponer ideas contrarias a las abandonadas o retomar antiguas teoría… - 6 years ago

@giocaillet: RT @areasvellas: Exterior Details of Paul Virilio and Claude Parent’s, “Church of Sainte Bernadette du Banlay”, 1963-66... - 6 years ago

@karppi: Blitzkrieg Baby. Why Paul Virilio’s critiques of warfare, acceleration, and media technologies remain prescient and… - 6 years ago

@lvrdg: RT @juspar: Blitzkrieg Baby - Ryan Bishop and me on Paul Virilio - 6 years ago

@meduzalove: RT @juspar: In dromological terms, we are already rather late to this but here's our brief text on Paul Virilio: - 6 years ago

@AndreaRoversi3: RT @hdemo_italy: Una leggenda mai confermata, ma anche mai smentita, racconta che Mohamed Atta, il capo del gruppo terroristico che ha abba… - 6 years ago

@studioany: RT @juspar: Blitzkrieg Baby - Ryan Bishop and me on Paul Virilio - 6 years ago

@german_sierra: RT @juspar: In dromological terms, we are already rather late to this but here's our brief text on Paul Virilio: - 6 years ago

@amt_office: RT @juspar: In dromological terms, we are already rather late to this but here's our brief text on Paul Virilio: - 6 years ago

@hdemo_italy: Una leggenda mai confermata, ma anche mai smentita, racconta che Mohamed Atta, il capo del gruppo terroristico che… - 6 years ago

@L_Hesse: RT @stefankaempfer: Zu #Virilio (1932-2018) siehe die #Zeittheorie von #WolfgangKaempfer (1923-2009), der zu Lebzeiten einen Dialog mit Pau… - 6 years ago

@stefankaempfer: Zu #Virilio (1932-2018) siehe die #Zeittheorie von #WolfgangKaempfer (1923-2009), der zu Lebzeiten einen Dialog mit… - 6 years ago

@myeloid_sarcoma: RT @juspar: In dromological terms, we are already rather late to this but here's our brief text on Paul Virilio: - 6 years ago

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