Paul Van Doren

American entrepreneur
Died on Friday May 7th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Paul Van Doren:

@blmohr: Co-Founder of Vans Sneaker Company Cultivated Skateboarders “Paul Van Doren, who has died at age 90, dropped out o… - 4 years ago

@LAST_TIME_DEALS: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@DrawBrains: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@__merna_: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago


@ChocolateNick: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@AndrewPDuncan2: “My work ethic was always my calling card,” said Paul Van Doren, sneaker mogul, who has died at age 90 - 4 years ago

@Rob_Regis: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@TicDaWest: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death : Vans founder Paul van Doren has died | Sneakerjagers {Click link below to read… - 4 years ago

@too2miii: RT @Hypebeast_JP: Vans の共同創設者 ポール・ヴァン・ドーレンが死去 - 4 years ago

@sinofclaws: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@Thomastrumpet47: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@Arquine: Paul van Doren, California y off the wall | - 4 years ago

@DiscoveredMag: "It was never about waving around the brand flag, it was always about the people." With the help of Steve Van Dor… - 4 years ago

@Lisaluvzsmllbiz: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - 4 years ago

@Hypebeast_JP: Vans の共同創設者 ポール・ヴァン・ドーレンが死去 - 4 years ago

@Merkerler: RIP Paul Van Doren 🛹👟 - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death : Legendary Vans Co-Founder Paul Van Doren Has Passed Away – City Mil... - 4 years ago

@missjewel22: Paul Van Doren, Co-Founder Of Iconic Vans Sneaker Company, Dead At 90 | HuffPost - 4 years ago

@xusernameherex: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboard… - 4 years ago

@RealBrandgarden: Ende einer Ära: Vans-Gründer Paul Van Doren verstorben - 4 years ago

@Cervan1ino: Vans co founder Paul Van Doren dies at 90; cause of death unknown, a man with a lot of vision...😢 - 4 years ago

@lissaknudsen: @obedmanuel Tell anyone who asks you are in mourning. ;) - 4 years ago

@JNole9497: I wear these occasionally on casual Fridays but thought them particularly appropriate with Paul Van Doren’s recent… - 4 years ago

@rosamorenohotm1: RT @NTelevisa_com: Van Doren abandonó la escuela secundaria y se mudó al sur de California desde el área de Boston - 4 years ago

@JobHuntNews: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@mugabiimran: RT @bertybanget: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN Idk anything about him personally, but I just know he helped create my favorite clothing brand. Thank y… - 4 years ago

@presa44: @New_AllyO VANS off the wall Since 1855 .... started in Anaheim, CA by the Van Doren bros. as The Van Doren Rubber… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death : Paul Van Doren, Co-Founder of Vans Shoes, Has Passed Away at... - 4 years ago

@K__TequilaShots: RT @JenetAllDay: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@JenetAllDay: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@LORD_DOBERMAN: RIP Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@muhammad_tanzil: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@PerspectivaGT: #Perspectiva I El exitoso empresario estadounidense Paul #VanDoren dejó su huella a través de los diseños de las ic… - 4 years ago

@gigavisor: È morto il 'papà' delle Vans, Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@mequetrefeh: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@InterstellarPOP: RT @InterstellarPOP: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of @VANS_66, detailed his history with the shoe manufacturer in a personal memoir which was… - 4 years ago

@jpmendocha: Paul Van Doren has skated off at age 90, co-founder of Vans sneakers. He cultivated skateboarders, which proved to… - 4 years ago

@Pminn76: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboard… - 4 years ago

@SportVenueEvent: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of @VANS_66 shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@acabracho: primeiro dia do ano que eu tirei as vans do armário e o paul van doren morreu justo hoje :'( ripaço - 4 years ago

@Saltacequias_: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@jatphaesun: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Obituary - Death : "It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passi... - 4 years ago

@bindertesla: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@frenchcori: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren died last week at age 90, - 4 years ago

@xxmrbxx1: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@RevistaCalzado: Fallece Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death : Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies aged 90 {Click link below to read more htt… - 4 years ago

@harborpointmall: A random doodle drawn by founder Paul Van Doren has become the unmistakable—and instantly recognizable—hallmark of… - 4 years ago

@davidgarrickh: If you’re like me you’ve owned more @VANS_66 than you can count. The man who invented them Paul Van Doren passed aw… - 4 years ago

@redhotpoker17: Check out this article: Paul Van Doren (1930–2021), co-founder of Vans - - 4 years ago

@JobHuntNews: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@jayar_sagabaen: RT @VANS_66: Meet Paul Van Doren and learn of his unlikely journey from high-school dropout to sneaker-industry legend in Authentic, A Memo… - 4 years ago

@PaulJPatane: RT @InterstellarPOP: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of @VANS_66, detailed his history with the shoe manufacturer in a personal memoir which was… - 4 years ago

@InterstellarPOP: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of @VANS_66, detailed his history with the shoe manufacturer in a personal memoir which… - 4 years ago

@izzy20777: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@AlkiSurfShop: Founder of multi-billionaire dollar Vans shoe empire Paul Van Doren, dead at ninety, one week after launching memoi… - 4 years ago

@Cdl91863010: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@hazeempow: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@leoriveraa_ink: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@JoJoCla56315772: Paul Van Doren, Vans Founder and Sneaker Industry Icon, Dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@vivian_mota: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Paul Van Doren, cofundador da Vans, morre aos 90 anos de idade > - 4 years ago

@kate2k47: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@nationsurf: RIP Paul you kept generations true: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - CNN - 4 years ago

@Idk24482228: RIP Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@TendenciaMXo: #News || ¡Tus @vans_mx están ahora a sólo un click de distancia! La marca fundada por Paul Van Doren sorprendió con… - 4 years ago

@CoyoteInfoMX: #Moda Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, falleció este 7 de mayo. En este artículo platicamos sobre su historia en… - 4 years ago

@Bolgiizie: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@BetheMckenzie: RT @ABC7NY: REST IN PEACE: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at a… - 4 years ago

@SANTIAGORO03: - 4 years ago

@ThiamyJ14: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Takunachola: RT @LankyObserver: Paul Van Doren founded Vans in 1966 with his brother James. He was 36. He died yesterday aged 90, just nine days after… - 4 years ago

@domquille: RIP Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@pinacol: Vans の共同創設者 ポール・ヴァン・ドーレンが死去 - 4 years ago

@Eduf123: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@j3rry7701: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@sioNew: RT @Hypebeast_JP: Vans の共同創設者 ポール・ヴァン・ドーレンが死去 - 4 years ago

@hazzrulnaim: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@JusSraya: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@ChristianOteroC: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@xorianaaaa: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@jovi_heist: R.I.P Paul Van Doren. - 4 years ago

@skatereviewer: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@theoriginalDAT: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@arrobakau: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@MBollmann: Morre Paul Van Doren aos 90 anos - 4 years ago

@MBollmann: Morre Paul Van Doren aos 90 anos - 4 years ago

@GstarMikee: RT @berrics: Paul Van Doren co-founded Vans in 1966. RIP. - 4 years ago

@vitterrific: RT @highsnobiety: A true legend 💔 - 4 years ago

@danayoung: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@RobbReportMx: Paul Van Doren dejó su huella en el mundo con Vans 👟🛹 - 4 years ago

@ruizyovis: RT @vans_mx: Con gran pesar en el corazón Vans anuncia el deceso de nuestro co-fundador Paul Van Doren. Paul no solo fue un emprendedor, si… - 4 years ago

@fed_errik: RT @Arquine: NUEVO en Arquine | Paul van Doren, California y off the wall | - 4 years ago

@tomokun_mnst: RT @Hypebeast_JP: Vans の共同創設者 ポール・ヴァン・ドーレンが死去 - 4 years ago

@Michel_Telles: Luto! Morre Paul Van Doren, cofundador da marca de tênis Vans - 4 years ago

@AmusedDragon_27: RT @Aeonz_: @AmusedDragon_27 Esta en especial es por el fallecimiento de Paul Van Doren co-fundador de Vans. La noticia se dio hace unos dí… - 4 years ago

@Montana98Torres: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JuanPabloEspej7: RT @Arquine: NUEVO en Arquine | Paul van Doren, California y off the wall | - 4 years ago

@louisstanica: Paul Van Doren😭 - 4 years ago

@morgan_adrian: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Vans Co-Founder Paul Van Doren Dead at 90 | - 4 years ago

@RoxioA: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@WalkerTerhune: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@alexandrester: RT @CNN: Paul Van Doren, the co-founder of Vans sneaker and clothing company, has died at age 90, the company announced Friday. - 4 years ago

@NathanHaleCC: "If you know and believe in your gut in what you are doing, taking a risk isn't risky." -Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@FAFierroP: Paul Van Doren era un innovador. Los atrevidos experimentos de Paul en diseño, distribución y marketing, junto con… - 4 years ago

@mcgumrey: RT @RepSteel: My thoughts are with the family of Paul Van Doren, a fixture in our Southern California Community. I was glad to pay tribute… - 4 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepSteel: My thoughts are with the family of Paul Van Doren, a fixture in our Southern California Community. I was glad to pay tribute… - 4 years ago

@RepSteel: My thoughts are with the family of Paul Van Doren, a fixture in our Southern California Community. I was glad to pa… - 4 years ago

@Animal_woman: Bellas,mis primeras #Vans Descanse Sr #Van Doren - 4 years ago

@andreszamudiofc: RT @forbescolombia: Adiós a la leyenda de los tenis para skaters: El empresario, quien falleció de 90 años, fundó la empresa que le dio vid… - 4 years ago

@forbescolombia: Adiós a la leyenda de los tenis para skaters: El empresario, quien falleció de 90 años, fundó la empresa que le dio… - 4 years ago

@werkudara103: RT @cultarchives: Membuat simple artwork untuk koleksi vans yang beberapa masih belum terfoto. Paul Van Doren, suwun for your legacy. Terba… - 4 years ago

@annavanness16: RT @70sWestern: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🏼 the creator of Vans Shoes a dreamer and creator , someone who believed in the creativity of youth. a… - 4 years ago

@abbypage24: RT @70sWestern: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🏼 the creator of Vans Shoes a dreamer and creator , someone who believed in the creativity of youth. a… - 4 years ago

@novusmors: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@frozenangel85: - 4 years ago

@word2ferb: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@WhiteSweaterAws: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@leakcityradio: Paul Van Doren, Co-Founder Of Vans, Passes Away At 90 - 4 years ago

@letsgopunk69: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@AngusDearmore: RT @70sWestern: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🏼 the creator of Vans Shoes a dreamer and creator , someone who believed in the creativity of youth. a… - 4 years ago

@cultarchives: Membuat simple artwork untuk koleksi vans yang beberapa masih belum terfoto. Paul Van Doren, suwun for your legacy.… - 4 years ago

@tessakrug20: RT @70sWestern: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🏼 the creator of Vans Shoes a dreamer and creator , someone who believed in the creativity of youth. a… - 4 years ago

@nayo4u: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@13DavidAlan: RT @WPXI: Paul Van Doren, who co-founded the footwear brand Vans out of a small retail operation in Southern California more than five deca… - 4 years ago

@OrtizSeed: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ananse10: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@darthony: RT @CodigoLibreMex: Muere Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans #PorSiNoLoViste - 4 years ago

@lofiphase: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@LuisGyG: RT @CodigoLibreMex: Muere Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans #PorSiNoLoViste - 4 years ago

@highergtv: @VHeadID @BNNewportBeach @VANS_66 RIP Mr. Paul Van Doren, founder of our fav sneaks, Vans. #Vans #RIPPaulVanDoren… - 4 years ago

@rananicolee: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@blugoddessrocks: - 4 years ago

@puiguelo: RT @icon_elpais: El fundador de Vans decidió que sus zapatillas se podían comprar individualmente. Algo que le venía fenomenal a los skater… - 4 years ago

@MabelRo78129653: RT @vickyhaddock: Paul Van Doren, the co-founder of @VANS_66 sneaker and clothing company, has died at age 90. #vans #Shoes #fashion https:… - 4 years ago

@s__omarfo: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@WofahKay1: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Rikverburg: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@bugupido: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@AkayezuJa: RT @IGIHE: Umunyemari w’Umunyamerika, Paul Van Doren washinze sosiyete ikora zimwe mu nkweto zikunzwe cyane zizwi nka Vans, yitabye Imana k… - 4 years ago

@SCecarini: New post (Falleció Paul Van Doren, cofundador de tenis Vans, a los 90 años) has been published on Factor Nueve -… - 4 years ago

@boy_eddy__: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@juesito: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@rezagrd: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JosieBliss: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@jimrfagan5: RT @ConwayShow: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90, the shoe company announced today. @VANS_66… - 4 years ago

@taufikdhnn: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Jesskkoketa: RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: #ÚLTIMAHORA Paul Van Doren, cofundador de los icónicos tenis Vans, muere a los 90 años. - 4 years ago

@TuraEnLinea: Falleció Paul van Doren, el legendario cofundador de la marca - 4 years ago

@BerthaHistoria: RT @nelida_martha: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de los icónicos tenis Vans, muere a los 90 años - 4 years ago

@mayeesha_: RT @monicakdv: Disdain for huge corporations aside, Ive been wearing Vans for 10+ years. Theyre just shoes but theyre part of a music cult… - 4 years ago

@mad_cea: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@PhooBarre: RT @7NewsDC: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders and bec… - 4 years ago

@Nuk_Nuik221: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@satrian: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@jindul_: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@DefOr88: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@1_KayArthur: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@foggybottomgal: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@carlsl: RT @deathbyhibachi: 🛹 - 4 years ago

@fisco24_info: E' morto il 'papà' delle Vans, Paul Van Doren aveva 90 anni: L'imprenditore statunitense fondò l'azienda in Califor… - 4 years ago

@w00kieeballz: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@crow_gore: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - 4 years ago

@ItsMeYorkie: RT @AP: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders and became a… - 4 years ago

@_soyelnegro: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@KerenaValpo: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@BiggeanVillarr1: RT @el_pais: Paul Van Doren, cofundador de Vans, la empresa de zapatillas de California inseparables de la cultura skater y el punk de los… - 4 years ago

@The_Melvis: 👟 - Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the #Vans company whose iconic Southern #California sneakers were beloved by… - 4 years ago

@avalgh: Muere Paul Van Doren, cofundador de la firma de ropa y calzado Vans, a la que dio nombre - 4 years ago

@thingabmajig: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Aaron2G: RT @AP: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders and became a… - 4 years ago

@shaulns: RT @VencedorMRT: Muere Paul Van Doren, cofundador de la firma de ropa y calzado Vans, a la que dio nombre - 4 years ago

@MrrAgyei: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@RafaelG26426571: RT @ActualidadRT: Muere Paul Van Doren, cofundador de la firma de ropa y calzado Vans, a la que dio nombre - 4 years ago

@DiarioMTN: 😢👟 Vans de luto: murió Paul Van Doren, el legendario cofundador de la marca - 4 years ago

@hrlmbngggg: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@tonlinepanorama: RT @tonline_news: Vans-Mitbegründer Paul Van Doren gestorben - 4 years ago

@tonline_news: Vans-Mitbegründer Paul Van Doren gestorben - 4 years ago

@Petittwitteur: RT @latimes: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@ronhams_idn: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@TeoPellegrino: RIP. I know which kicks I'll be wearing today! Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@bys_king11: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@anthony50277355: Paul Van Doren: Vans shoes co-founder dies at age 90 - CNN - 4 years ago

@ghanyfadzli: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@GrayHall6abc: RT @6abc: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at age 90, the compan… - 4 years ago

@elascity: RT @6abc: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at age 90, the compan… - 4 years ago

@AsanteFarda: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@motelonfire: RT @kinsellawarren: Paul Van Doren: Vans shoes co-founder dies at age 90 - CNN - 4 years ago

@ahmdh_ziq: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@6abc: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at age… - 4 years ago

@kinsellawarren: Paul Van Doren: Vans shoes co-founder dies at age 90 - CNN - 4 years ago

@fernie915: RT @MattressMack: Rest in Peace Paul Van Doren. After Harvey, Vans donated thousands of shoes to Houstonians. Paul was always a good friend… - 4 years ago

@amirulsyahfiq23: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@KompasTV: Paul van Doren Meninggal, Ini Sejarah Sepatu Vans hingga Jadi Warisan Budaya Pop - 4 years ago

@nmegaswarar: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@Avid_Dh: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@nanbarter: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@WoodStockID: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@WoodStockID: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@baffuor_awuah: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@woodroker: RIP Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@Alya_19A: RT @Oriza_mp19B: "Do what's right. Stand behind what you do every single minute of every day. Take care of people" - Paul Van Doren @Amril… - 4 years ago

@Kii1Ki: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@_hellohowl: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@dpmeylani: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@nana_kobbie_: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@adjie_lilo: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@yapheezy: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@dw19kur: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JUSTraihan: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@RahSillyyo: Co-founder of Vans shoes dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@Kevlongg: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@daysbeforecraig: RT @winchester_boye: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans brand, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company said Friday. #vans #… - 4 years ago

@Unmistakerble: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Alificious: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@AndreJunoo: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ArdizaSeptian: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ejnews0: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@UnioneSarda: #California: addio a Paul Van Doren, co-fondatore del brand di scarpe #Vans - 4 years ago

@kofii_ababio: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@ywtasman: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@wkyc: Co-founder of Vans shoes dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@ayoitsinsyanggg: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Tookiedidthat: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@ardigress: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@irvanbenhim: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@xyzealous: RT @WHAS11: Co-founder of Vans shoes dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@itsme_dean: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@10TV: Co-founder of Vans shoes dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@tikanggrainii: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@euloluh: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@TrentSergio66: RT @jaysneakgh: Founder of Vans, Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90. #RIP - 4 years ago

@CapaMagStyle: Vans'in ortak-kurucusu, sneakers dünyasının dahilerinden biri olarak gösterilen Paul Van Doren, 90 yaşında hayatını… - 4 years ago

@xpiejahx: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@AyoMo87: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Michellelanious: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Octwo2: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@anggraytama: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@HsuAngel: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@krosehawaii: RT @CityNewsVAN: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders and… - 4 years ago

@Slowdive_in: Ya Allah jauhkanlah hamba dari vans slip on bulan ini ya Allah. Rest in peace Paul Van Doren, thanks for bring the shoes to this world. - 4 years ago

@oim8fxckit: RT @6abc: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at age 90, the compan… - 4 years ago

@5hiny2ombie: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - Los Angeles Times Vansの創業者Paul Van Dorenが死去 - 4 years ago

@NaifAiman17: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@zulhelmiCM: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Deriko___: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@TessDeKegel: RT @NBCLA: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90, the shoe company announced Friday. - 4 years ago

@ahhhyudis: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@rudiihrtn_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dompadilla_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@zeedeeace: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@joonahaatainen: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Beany525: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@JakTimNews1: Pendiri Sepatu Vans,Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun,Paul: Kenal Baik Customer Kami Yang Surfer - 4 years ago

@Astral_Abram: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@azmanamir11: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@fabiofusco76: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@oxsa3378: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@mutyprawhita: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@0athmeal: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@21irham_: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@AgungAristianto: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@mailblessyotrap: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@andribyers: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@KMBMDW: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ajnstnnnn: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@etdbrief_ro_1: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - NBC News - 4 years ago

@Rijki2lapan: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@i_mchey: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - NBC News - 4 years ago

@Shahid11828: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 Paul Van Doren, the co-founder of Vans sneaker and clothing com… - 4 years ago

@marek4130: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@Inside_Finance: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JUANCUKKKK: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@AmirulDanyel: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Birjel_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@lordprettyflako: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@chanwiran: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@RaiKaiZen: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@tatocenato: RT @CNNIndonesia: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia - 4 years ago

@AndySteer: This is a real #innovation story, and what incredible customer focus. RIP. - 4 years ago

@boatengjunior4: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@fairulramzi: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@Harian_Jogja: Paul Van Doren, Pendiri Brand Sneakers Vans Tutup Usia - 4 years ago

@JayThaGod: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@ardifjrn: rest in peace. Paul Van Doren 🥺🥀 - 4 years ago

@christianriand1: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@tinyyyiko: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@adammoosa: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@jaykayne2x: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@yessitsadi: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@democracybrief: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@ErikReyesr: RT @dennisjromero: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - 4 years ago

@caroleannmarie: rt @MeloniFulvio: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@jyvds1: RT @latimes: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@EllenYChang: RT @dennisjromero: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans shoes, dead at 90 - 4 years ago

@vebrivalentinus: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@puyuikk: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@sleeepisme1005: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@saci566: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@stateofstill: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@perjumpaan_: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@riofredicson: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@toilletree: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Hasanahmd_: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@Eki_FoundGlory: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🙏🙏 #paulvandoren #RestInPeace #ripPaulVanDoren - 4 years ago

@kemalnunu: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@AshleyCheyanS: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@viencastillooo: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@feedpushr: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@blueveg3ta: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@RabidOtters2: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@fvnprayogo: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@Guzeka_13: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@FakeGyllenhaa1: RT @jakehsnider: RIP Paul Van Doren. We will wear your shoes. - 4 years ago

@Brought_to_You: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@maccaronnyy: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@maccaronnyy: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@maccaronnyy: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@maxvaldes: NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@boypabloescobam: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@IvorGoodbody: RIP Paul van Doren, 90, whose Vans #sneakers gave happy feet to millions from 1966 on. His key to success? Listen t… - 4 years ago

@acidkacit: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@alanabuthan: RT @HaiMagazine: Pendiri Vans, Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@doyochi__: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@finetodaayz: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@Starfleet_IRV: Shred in Peace Paul Van Doren, even tho I posted a Lakai shoe video just now, VANS ARE STILL THE GOAT - 4 years ago

@iamkxlson: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@KjendisDB: Paul Van Doren, grunnleggeren av den amerikanske skogiganten Vans, ble 90 år gammel. - 4 years ago

@winsits: RT @asumsico: Selamat jalan, Paul Van Doren 😢 - 4 years ago

@xirfnx: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@BeachDan: Vans shoes co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90 - 4 years ago

@qiiiqiii11: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@rajaminyak_oil: RT @uradn: The canvas boat shoes vulcanized rubber outsoles became part of the casual dress code for skateboarders, surfers, snowboarders &… - 4 years ago

@abhadiw: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@KrispySupremes: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ahmadpuntah: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@SansAjaBreee: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@nazrinaminuddin: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@kathastrofi: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@tamerasanchez_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@fajaarwibowo: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JgJmg1997: RT @KTLA: “Paul was not just an entrepreneur; he was an innovator," the company said in a Twitter post on Friday. - 4 years ago

@stephfajar: RIP Paul Van Doren. Vans forever. 🏁 - 4 years ago

@fajaarwibowo: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@fiendsfriend: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@zariq_eam: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@SnoopMikey: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@elgolfo: Dos veces me presentaron a Paul Van Doren. Dos veces en que pude ver su entusiasmo por la vida, la música y los esp… - 4 years ago

@tamerasanchez_: Damn Paul Van Doren died ? 😭 - 4 years ago

@kuhml: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@8NEWS: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboard… - 4 years ago

@AbdhemaS: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@hayyeren: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@MeowGarfield: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@danniblaise: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@GneissShorts: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@erzavailable: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@mLwnAdalahKunci: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@xrukunjayax: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@mbadruzaman__: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@sTnez: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@KinkadeNau: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@evamoa: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@marisollbbh: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@_Its_Torii_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@enzzzzs: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@AllAboutThe216: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@rendisoeroso: REST IN POWER, PAUL VAN DOREN - 4 years ago

@DJMISCHIEVOUS: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@resaaa____: RT @asumsico: Kabar terbaru: Paul Van Doren, pendiri brand sepatu legendaris Vans meninggal dunia di usia 90 tahun. Yakin deh, pasti di r… - 4 years ago

@_Its_Torii_: RT @business: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders, has d… - 4 years ago

@1loriking: RT @NBCNews: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, has died at age 90, the shoemaker's parent company says. - 4 years ago

@Tamichimon: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@charlienice_: RT @business: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders, has d… - 4 years ago

@TheRadioTFI: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - KABC-TV - 4 years ago

@Sart0rial_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@in_hoping: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Akbarfawzi: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@rezzaekprdn: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@jebichii_diana: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@mfuadrahim: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Colten_Pretty: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@AirlanggaAndraR: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@olamiposialola: RT @business: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders, has d… - 4 years ago

@PeterSchiller96: R.I.P Paul Van Doren. @VANS_66 - 4 years ago

@makeithoppy: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Charles51062212: RT @FOX61News: Paul Van Doren was a high school dropout who helped create the company known for its iconic Southern California sneakers. ht… - 4 years ago

@SkkylerW: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@CoachCooke16QB: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@pendrxgxn: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@5ftofAfroTexan: RT @Tillys: today we mourn the loss of paul van doren, the co-founder of vans, and great friend and partner of ours. our love and deepest s… - 4 years ago

@IshmaeilDLuthfi: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@steve_dnartreb: Sad day... Paul VAN Doren, co-founder of my favorite shoes, @VANS_66 has passed away. Thank you for keeping my feet… - 4 years ago

@LAT_ChrisStone: RT @LadyViii: Being from Anaheim, Vans is woven into my DNA. I’m really humbled to write this small obit on Paul Van Doren for @latimesspo… - 4 years ago

@ParthaGS: RT @ARTschorn: Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@optimalwc: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@RumorHasITtunes: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@dp_roc79: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@FCN2go: RIP🕊: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skat… - 4 years ago

@bleuheartzz: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@kamalouss: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@iBetaEcho: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Aaron_Smith_26: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@brandowilly2000: RT @latimes: A focus on custom kicks and an early embrace by SoCal skaters helped him build a multi-billion-dollar brand - 4 years ago

@the_TexanHtown: RIP Paul Van Doren. Started wearing your shoes in 83 and never stopped. #Vans - 4 years ago

@sixsihk6: RIP paul van doren. Makasi uda nyiptain sepatu yg bagus dan keren di dunia ini. - 4 years ago

@EvilJester01: RT @ConwayShow: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90, the shoe company announced today. @VANS_66… - 4 years ago

@Karll_brinkus: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@stephlevac: RT @CityNewsVAN: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboarders and… - 4 years ago

@Phil_Gonzo: R.I.P Paul Van Doren thank you, not only for your awesome shoes, but for everything you did for skateboarding and skateboarders - 4 years ago

@CityNewsVAN: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboard… - 4 years ago

@NEWS1130: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of the Vans company whose iconic Southern California sneakers were beloved by skateboard… - 4 years ago

@sarmadii_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Calling081: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@sydney_natalia: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@BathGod_: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@hdhargrove: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@ad198741: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@vinnyreb: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Crossterminal: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@deealhadi: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JCNY1225: RT @ABC7NY: REST IN PEACE: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at a… - 4 years ago

@Number1AssEater: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@syusukesyafa: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@O_TECH_STEAL_O: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@SICK6SIGMA: RT @ConwayShow: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90, the shoe company announced today. @VANS_66… - 4 years ago

@madalyn_amato: RT @latimes: A focus on custom kicks and an early embrace by SoCal skaters helped him build a multi-billion-dollar brand - 4 years ago

@bebutler: Thank you sir #Vans Paul Van Doren, cofounder of Vans shoes, dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@kc0ryz: Vans Co-Founder, Paul Van Doren, Dies at 90. - 4 years ago

@TwtManap: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@aquaphase: RIP to the man, the myth, and legend that is Paul van Doren. My fanciful life would not be nearly the same without… - 4 years ago

@Twenty7evenths: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@bill_slawski: RT @nbcsandiego: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90. "Paul was not just an entrepreneur; he was… - 4 years ago

@NURlN92: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Riiisssaaa: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@cathyempey: RT @NBCLA: Vans Co-Founder, Paul Van Doren, Dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@twocentheaven: RT @DTLRVILLA: Rip Paul Van Doren 🙏🏽 #ripPaulVanDoren - 4 years ago

@aprilsaez: RT @KTLA: “Paul was not just an entrepreneur; he was an innovator," the company said in a Twitter post on Friday. - 4 years ago

@DannyTh91144680: RT @latimes: A focus on custom kicks and an early embrace by SoCal skaters helped him build a multi-billion-dollar brand - 4 years ago

@becky_boyer26: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@pointsweekly: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@maineymario: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@satansyari: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@jeezus_noah: RT @nbcchicago: Vans Co-Founder, Paul Van Doren, Dies at 90 - 4 years ago

@ArabianMango: Damn rip Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@ShippinOut31: RT @CBSLA: #BREAKING: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doran has died at 90 years old, the company announced Friday - 4 years ago

@cookiesinheaven: RT @latimes: A focus on custom kicks and an early embrace by SoCal skaters helped him build a multi-billion-dollar brand - 4 years ago

@thighswideclyde: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JonLandman: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Daniellenikolee: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies at age 90, company announces - 4 years ago

@studio29292835: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren dies (via KTLA 5 | Youtube) - 4 years ago

@eye_amSTEVO: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@clamucog: RT @nbcsandiego: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90. "Paul was not just an entrepreneur; he was… - 4 years ago

@miiiiiiiitchell: RT @ABC7NY: REST IN PEACE: Paul Van Doren, who helped build a single Anaheim store into the Vans sneaker and clothing empire, has died at a… - 4 years ago

@Ronbrownz305: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@ekojuniawan23: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@nbcsandiego: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Costa Mesa-based Vans, has died at the age of 90. "Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@danielaeryth: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@brandithekid: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@malesaee: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@beksu_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dvniemademedoit: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@TrangDNguyen: RT @nicekicks: Vans co-founder Paul Van Doren passed away at age 90. Van Doren was part of building a shoe empire that took skate and surf… - 4 years ago

@siewpakchoi: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@agastaay: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@AyeCassieP: Paul Van Doren has passed away, days after I downloaded this audio book. Can't wait to listen #vansforlyfe - 4 years ago

@andhikasinggih: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@RizalMarmut: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@xVians: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@PREKSU: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@becak_balap: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@SNKR_SVAG: RT @kicksonfire: Rest In Peace to Paul Van Doren. Your legacy will live on 🙏🏽 - 4 years ago

@degawans: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Randiibahri: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@cfslclub: ALERTE: Le fondateur de Vans, Paul Van Doren, s’en est allé à l’âge de 90 ans. - 4 years ago

@ryanalfuadi: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@ciuwers: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ancremagazine: - 4 years ago

@BondanIchsan: RT @Gaallihs_: Rest in peace Paul Van Doren. Thankyou, sir🥀 #OffTheWall - 4 years ago

@yanirag__: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@SupirPete2: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Sharizanblank: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@faridzulkar9: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Bastiancoks: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ihsanwira: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Sambackup9: Caralho o Paul Van Doren morreu - 4 years ago

@_dirty_bastard_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@WomanSBuzz: Who was Paul Van Doren? - 4 years ago

@kokofrmnsh_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@sbsgayodaejunn: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@kusumayudhatxt: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ChrisMo1r: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@unkelzack: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@RetroMalek: Damn Rest In Peace Paul van Doren. - 4 years ago

@aurora_land: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@Reeq___: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@KeelyJo4: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@matcha508: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@defmarnes: RT @vans_mx: Con gran pesar en el corazón Vans anuncia el deceso de nuestro co-fundador Paul Van Doren. Paul no solo fue un emprendedor, si… - 4 years ago

@volkova: RT @vans_mx: Con gran pesar en el corazón Vans anuncia el deceso de nuestro co-fundador Paul Van Doren. Paul no solo fue un emprendedor, si… - 4 years ago

@Pierce92: RT @SoleSavy: Paul Van Doren, co-founder of Vans, passed away at the age of 90 today. RIP to a legend. - 4 years ago

@irfanrfnsyh: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@LizaRam67030105: - 4 years ago

@pablotrenth: RT @vans_mx: Con gran pesar en el corazón Vans anuncia el deceso de nuestro co-fundador Paul Van Doren. Paul no solo fue un emprendedor, si… - 4 years ago

@tianfajrianto: RT @jastairvine: RIP Paul Van Doren. Without him, there would be no VANS. - 4 years ago

@SituaShaun_: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🕊 - 4 years ago

@K___Anthony: RT @kicksonfire: Rest In Peace to Paul Van Doren. Your legacy will live on 🙏🏽 - 4 years ago

@pricknice: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@zaliyana: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Ariyasativa: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@atiqkah_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@betrikem: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@luckiest_ahmada: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@KieHill: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Andre_Hariya: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@FAKHROZIRMDHNT: Sok sokan "rip Paul van doren" beli sepatunya aja di pajus - 4 years ago

@AsiaRebelFlower: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@bolumoci: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@daduderob1: @longnoose @VANS_66 -Paul Van FUCKIN Doren. Nothing but respect. - 4 years ago

@SituaShaun_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Conradflocka007: RT @kicksonfire: Rest In Peace to Paul Van Doren. Your legacy will live on 🙏🏽 - 4 years ago

@danielfizie: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Platzetta: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@HaziqFiqri_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@wanaldo: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@kamalsyfq: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@figoardnsyh: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@zevjameson: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ANYudhp: RIP pak paul van doren.. Dari kami Vans emo (bukan Converse emo) - 4 years ago

@Jaayyaarr: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@febrialdyp_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@iqmlsyfq: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@FAKHROZIRMDHNT: RT @VIVAcoid: Pendiri Vans Paul Van Doren Meninggal Dunia di Usia 90 Tahun - 4 years ago

@SenahDebab: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@whatthepaq: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@papedoom: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@bukan_rumahmu: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dlijarsuf_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@paraparazi: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@mdiscosqamigos: Paul Van Doren, cofundador da Vans, morre aos 90 anos de idade > - 4 years ago

@younglogan101: One of the founders of vans passed away today. Honestly he’s made a huge influence with his shoes and should get pr… - 4 years ago

@Mellooo_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@ILYADAMPACHECO: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Call_Me_ivanb: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@philandren: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@adammasrul2: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@yakipatidolken: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@tiana_josephine: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@tputrak: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@flyyguyry: #rip Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@adioktaa: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@arifaminullahpr: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@adlyaizad: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@ABEGOABHEE: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dreamygidget: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dr_gendon: Biasa make vans premium mentok jepang"an gajelas aja segala buat rest in love paul van doren - 4 years ago

@zakyBE: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@RVNGRLDADM_: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@Ivandilaksana: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@__eL_haRoun: @VANS_66 Rest in powers Paul Van Doren - 4 years ago

@malamjuli: RIP Paul van doren 🌹 - 4 years ago

@alanndozs: Terima kasih Mbah Paul Van Doren!! Ini lagu pengantar tidur panjang anda! - 4 years ago

@Syafiqrafiqi__: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@ddotpramono: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@novan_ardi: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN - 4 years ago

@AnginBaik: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@amurica10_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@dUzsk8: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@GomezErik: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@BalqisNabilahA: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@gabrielvfruet: paul van doren faleceu 😭😭 - 4 years ago

@elmuseoeterno: RT @whpotter: So sad to hear that Paul Van Doren has died 😢 - 4 years ago

@GomezErik: RT @VansArgentina: Con mucho dolor, anunciamos el fallecimiento de nuestro co-fundador Paul Van Doren. Paul no era solo un emprendedor; fue… - 4 years ago

@yausantos: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@QueenBSavageAF: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@emiliochaconnn: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@YungSchweppes: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@whpotter: So sad to hear that Paul Van Doren has died 😢 - 4 years ago

@khairulanwarji: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@BANGSAKT: rest easy legend 🥃 rest in peace paul van doren 🌹 ur legacy off the wall #Vans - 4 years ago

@keifhemmanuel: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@SergioAntonio: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@oddfella666: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@samsud_in: Rest in peace Paul Van Doren (1930-2021) - 4 years ago

@Brindishh: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ajarbhri: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@EadityaP: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@simpledumi: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@nohsr: RT @AmirRusydi: Meninggal dah Paul Van Doren. Orang baik, hari baik, bulan baik - 4 years ago

@MJBroughtMeBack: RIP Paul Van Doren #VansForever - 4 years ago

@Bollemeyeer: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@farleyzoom: “Não é um legado ruim para um garoto operário que não concluiu o ensino médio,” escreveu a Vans. Luto Paul Van Dor… - 4 years ago

@jude_aotik: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@DanPon919: Shoutout Paul Van Doren, Rest In Peace to a real one. - 4 years ago

@MakeSomeRice: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@clairvoyannt: Wow, RIP Paul Van Doren - He was the entire foundation of my Vans family and livelihood for skate culture. Glad I… - 4 years ago

@gabgasmmm: paul van doren died no one speak to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 - 4 years ago

@RWhite4life: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@janluvzyou: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@_MikeTaber: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@_manifestingmel: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@CozyBouton: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@DazedBambi: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@TeeSaxx: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@TheMultitude26: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@BreadExotic_: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@kresnasetya_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@prabangestu_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@kyle_ui: Doing research on e-commerce sites and stumbled on this powerful quote in tribute to the late co-founder of… - 4 years ago

@freakynuy_: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@CidneeRich: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@cartinaaffendi: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@fuckthatken: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ilovemytrapsoul: RT @VansBrasil: É com pesar que a Vans anuncia o falecimento do nosso cofundador, Paul Van Doren. Paul não era apenas um empreendedor; ele… - 4 years ago

@codygboltup: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@rafgaarcia: R.i.p Paul Van Doren 🖤🏁 - 4 years ago

@leizenomis: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@Yazidmunir4: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@alivingtruth: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@kimbokat_: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@primaJC: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@SteveBeard77: RIP, Paul Van Doren, co-founder of @VANS_66 - 4 years ago

@ouhhhnevermind: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@putreenrsyh: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@Lesliewbryan: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@amirulasyraf___: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Paul Van Doren - #PaulVanDoren #Paul #VanDoren #rip - 4 years ago

@godanhada: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@JoeCool00352598: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@joddie_rose: Rip paul van doren Tinggal pak steve van doren yg akan pegang brand kenamaan ini, tentunya dgn dibantu anak anakny… - 4 years ago

@ikoMd: RIP Paul Van Doren, co founder Vans - 4 years ago

@vnmncr: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@odanghd: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@quienten21: RT @kicksonfire: Rest In Peace to Paul Van Doren. Your legacy will live on 🙏🏽 - 4 years ago

@zekealmighty: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@adamzainnn: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@bjorncalleja: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@MJBroughtMeBack: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@MJBroughtMeBack: RT @Sneakerholics: Vans' Co-Founder Paul Van Doren Dies at Age 90 - 4 years ago

@HxDamarxC: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@bgsrrr: RIP Paul Van Doren 🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@deanlymanuel: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@ahmadafrzl: RT @VHeadID: RIP PAUL VAN DOREN FOUNDER OF VANS (1930 - 2021) 🙏 Condolences to the Van Dorens family 🙏 Thank you for being our hero and cr… - 4 years ago

@slowtai: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@nachopaulucci: RT @VANS_66: It's with a heavy heart that Vans announces the passing of our co-founder, Paul Van Doren. Paul was not just an entrepreneur;… - 4 years ago

@blondeandre: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

@cowboybeefloaf: RT @HYPEBEAST: Vans founder Paul Van Doren has passed away at age 90 Photo: Vans - 4 years ago

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