Paul Polak

American psychiatrist and entrepreneur
Died on Monday October 21st 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Paul Polak:

@koszmarka: @vestax47 @srankaaniehanka Serio, jak zobaczyłam Twoje zdjęcie to myślałam, że to Paul Wesley Nie, żebym się bardz… - 5 years ago

@Polak_Maly: RT @ajboekestijn: Mocht U in de buurt van Breda wonen dan is het misschien een idee om een opname van Boekestijn en de Wijk mee te maken aa… - 5 years ago

@molldoyle: RT @kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!" stories… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @d_rev_org: "His optimism and drive for change and his unwavering commitment to ending poverty is a model for many of us." Read @kmd_d… - 5 years ago


@OutofPoverty: RT @kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!" stories… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @JoelBomane: A psychiatrist’s prescription for rural poverty: market forces. He called himself a troublemaker and often criticized mai… - 5 years ago

@lipwnis: Paul Polak, Entrepreneur for Those Living on $2 a Day, Dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@RaffertyNeil: A psychiatrist’s prescription for rural poverty: market forces. - 5 years ago

@jthorpe11: This guy with Canadian roots gave new meaning to: If you want something done.... - 5 years ago

@johnmccaa: Paul Polak Built Better Tools for Farmers in Poor Countries - 5 years ago

@WesternU: RT @westernuAlumni: A refugee from Nazi persecution, #WesternU @SchulichMedDent alumnus Paul Polak became a psychiatrist and eventually a s… - 5 years ago

@mguggenheimer: What an impressive life story of a giver and serial entrepreneur. Dr. Polak was constantly looking to solve everyda… - 5 years ago

@Paul_Goodchild: @Brambleburg @SanFranAnt @Angry_Polak @StonesLivePoker @JFKPokerTD <facepalm.gif> - 5 years ago

@colinmc092374: RT @PSandovalShow: "You can't donate people out of poverty..." Dr. Paul Polak - 5 years ago

@SocEntLive: RT @MillerSocent: "Paul and his accomplishments were a great inspiration to the early team of Miller Center’s GSBI® Accelerator programs. W… - 5 years ago

@MillerSocent: "Paul and his accomplishments were a great inspiration to the early team of Miller Center’s GSBI® Accelerator progr… - 5 years ago

@JoelBomane: RT @iDEorg: "The small farmers I interviewed became my teachers and friends. They were not people that I could swoop in from outside and te… - 5 years ago

@lvandriest: “You can’t donate people out of poverty.” — Paul Polak - 5 years ago

@PSandovalShow: "You can't donate people out of poverty..." Dr. Paul Polak - 5 years ago

@iDEorg: RT @JoelBomane: A psychiatrist’s prescription for rural poverty: market forces. He called himself a troublemaker and often criticized mai… - 5 years ago

@cmarquez04: RT @OutofPoverty: Paul Polak (1933-2019) Pioneer of pro-poor technologies and irreverent wit, passed away peacefully this morning, surround… - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Paul Polak, entrepreneur for those living on $2 a day, 86 - 5 years ago

@nadjmat29: We can't "donate" people out of poverty. “Right. People have to invest their own time & money to move out of pover… - 5 years ago

@nadjmat29: Why did you switch from psychiatry to poverty? “In working with mentally ill people, I learned that their poverty… - 5 years ago

@TechExLab: We are saddened to hear of the death of Paul Polak, the founder of @iDEorg and a leader in the worldwide movement t… - 5 years ago

@EwanGraves: Paul Polak, Entrepreneur for Those Living on $2 a Day, Dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@reflexionont: @grognakus @LLG2022 @GeneralPilou Le Polonais gardera sa tronche et son sang de polak, son amour de Jean-Paul II, d… - 5 years ago

@TribesforGood: RT @Villgro: Paul Polak, CEO, & Founder of Winehouse International, whom we had the privilege of hosting at two of our #Unconventions, pass… - 5 years ago

@angelsinflight7: - 5 years ago

@vicentefenoll: RT @UnreasonableMx: Paul Polak, el emprendedor que trabajaba para los que viven con menos de 2 dólares al día, falleció a sus 86. Un ícono… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @iDEorg: "The small farmers I interviewed became my teachers and friends. They were not people that I could swoop in from outside and te… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @iDEorg: "Thinking of poor people as customers instead of as recipients of charity radically changes the design process." — Paul Polak,… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @iDEorg: How do you feel about the driver who cuts you off in traffic? @devindthorpe suggests that using Paul Polak's approach of listen… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @d_rev_org: Paul Polak was a force of nature that changed the trajectory of design for impact and #PovertyAlleviation. He will be sorely… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @iDEorg: In 2014, Larry Page of @Google said he would rather give his billions to Elon Musk than to charity. Paul Polak responded with a… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Paul Polak, who disdained charity in favor of helping people living on $2 a day make money by selling charcoal, cle… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!" stories… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @UnreasonableMx: Paul Polak, el emprendedor que trabajaba para los que viven con menos de 2 dólares al día, falleció a sus 86. Un ícono… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Paul Polak (85) American psychiatrist - 5 years ago

@Aliquisafrica: RT @kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!" stories… - 5 years ago

@En_TusManos: RT @UnreasonableMx: Paul Polak, el emprendedor que trabajaba para los que viven con menos de 2 dólares al día, falleció a sus 86. Un ícono… - 5 years ago

@d_rev_org: RT @kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!" stories… - 5 years ago

@kmd_drev: Thank you to many of you who have been sharing lovely remembrances of Paul with us! We love hearing "That was Paul!… - 5 years ago

@kayhaswings: Paul Polak, Entrepreneur for Those Living on $2 a Day, Dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@JoelBomane: RT @OutofPoverty: In an era when foreign aid is largely based on charity, Dr. Polak advocated training people to earn livings by selling th… - 5 years ago

@S3IDF: RT @iDECanada: "His most successful project was in foot-powered treadle pumps to pull water from the ground. In 1982, he sold millions for… - 5 years ago

@JoelBomane: RT @d_rev_org: "His optimism and drive for change and his unwavering commitment to ending poverty is a model for many of us." Read @kmd_d… - 5 years ago

@EOS_Intl: We are saddened by the loss of Paul Polak, founder of @iDEorg & pioneer of market-based development for people livi… - 5 years ago

@HenryLouie: Sad to hear the news. I read his books and even met him once. A real inspiration to those working with the poor. - 5 years ago

@UnreasonableMx: Paul Polak, el emprendedor que trabajaba para los que viven con menos de 2 dólares al día, falleció a sus 86. Un í… - 5 years ago

@ad198741: RT @NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @d_rev_org: "His optimism and drive for change and his unwavering commitment to ending poverty is a model for many of us." Read @kmd_d… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: Another franchise company Paul Polak started in #India was Spring Health, which uses battery power to convert salt… - 5 years ago

@rajkgc: RT @iDEorg: It is with a heavy heart that we share news of Paul Polak’s passing. Founder of iDE and CEO for 25 years, throughout his life h… - 5 years ago

@kyson: RT @NextBillion: Paul Polak, a pioneer of pro-poor technologies and social impact-focused business, passed away peacefully over the weekend… - 5 years ago

@GirlFuturist: RT @rstoddard: What an inspiring life - if my obit rated just one paragraph from a life as long and meaningful as this in the @nytimes, I'd… - 5 years ago

@calebcon: RT @CelestialSenti1: Boris Todbringer, Elector Count and Grand Duke of Middenland, Graf of Middenheim, Prince of Carroburg, Protector of th… - 5 years ago

@markgrimes: @ABetterJones A great question, but hard for me to answer. People like Wangari Maathai or Paul Polak that had posit… - 5 years ago

@rstoddard: What an inspiring life - if my obit rated just one paragraph from a life as long and meaningful as this in the… - 5 years ago

@LisaMaret: "The World Bank was subsidizing expensive diesel pumps that drew enough water to cover 40 acres. They were handed o… - 5 years ago

@gengelcox: RT @iDEorg: In 2014, Larry Page of @Google said he would rather give his billions to Elon Musk than to charity. Paul Polak responded with a… - 5 years ago

@RobynFehrman: RT @OutofPoverty: D-Rev’s Tribute to Paul Polak, the Original Social Entrepreneur: by Krista Donaldson @d_rev_org - 5 years ago

@iDEorg: In 2014, Larry Page of @Google said he would rather give his billions to Elon Musk than to charity. Paul Polak resp… - 5 years ago

@arcocielo: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@Shcove1: RT @NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@fesja: RT @NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@FallWagner: A revolutionary entrepreneur who sold millions of pumps in India. - 5 years ago

@jssibrrga: RT @gemhsm: Una gran pérdida para MÉXICO y el Mundo. En lo particular, uno de mis gurús en innovación social. QDEP 🙏🙏🙏 Paul Polak, Entrepr… - 5 years ago

@fyeahgreg: RT @johnmaeda: ”We need to change the way we approach development. We need to see the poor as customers rather than charity recipients.” —P… - 5 years ago

@steveportigal: RT @RetMiles: iDE | Paul Polak (1933 - 2019) inspired generations to assist the poor - 5 years ago

@steveportigal: RT @forbes_india: Paul Polak, the inventor and entrepreneur who helped India's poorest, dies at 86. His most successful project was to crea… - 5 years ago

@steveportigal: RT @NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@steveportigal: RT @johnmaeda: ”We need to change the way we approach development. We need to see the poor as customers rather than charity recipients.” —P… - 5 years ago

@prasadmuddam: RT @d_rev_org: "His optimism and drive for change and his unwavering commitment to ending poverty is a model for many of us." Read @kmd_d… - 5 years ago

@RaghuTanjavur: RT @forbes_india: Paul Polak, the inventor and entrepreneur who helped India's poorest, dies at 86. His most successful project was to crea… - 5 years ago

@TerlizziGerardo: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @itsbeccabutcher: Meeting Paul Polak 6 years ago in Tulsa was an incredible honor and inspiration. I am deeply saddened by the news of h… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: D-Rev’s Tribute to Paul Polak, the Original Social Entrepreneur: by Krista Donaldson @d_rev_org - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: RT @iDECanada: "His most successful project was in foot-powered treadle pumps to pull water from the ground. In 1982, he sold millions for… - 5 years ago

@gonzalezarratia: RT @gemhsm: Una gran pérdida para MÉXICO y el Mundo. En lo particular, uno de mis gurús en innovación social. QDEP 🙏🙏🙏 Paul Polak, Entrepr… - 5 years ago

@OutofPoverty: Paul Polak, entrepreneur who helped the words poorest, dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@dlab_mit: RT @OutofPoverty: In an era when foreign aid is largely based on charity, Dr. Polak advocated training people to earn livings by selling th… - 5 years ago

@GNakate: D-Rev's Tribute to Paul Polak, the Original Social Entrepreneur - D-Rev - 5 years ago

@MDRC_News: Paul Polak, Entrepreneur for Those Living on $2 a Day, Dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@sere__3: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@kmd_drev: We lost a giant in the field of social entrepreneurship with the passing of Paul Polak last weekend at the age of 8… - 5 years ago

@d_rev_org: "His optimism and drive for change and his unwavering commitment to ending poverty is a model for many of us." Re… - 5 years ago

@katytip: RT @itsbeccabutcher: Meeting Paul Polak 6 years ago in Tulsa was an incredible honor and inspiration. I am deeply saddened by the news of h… - 5 years ago

@wagnerblog: [quoted in his @nytimes obituary - 5 years ago

@iSnake_: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@wagnerblog: Paul Polak told an interviewer this year: “But, instead of trying to become a Bill Gates or a Donald Trump, I cam… - 5 years ago

@PromotedJanguss: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@ErasmoDAngelis: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@Fprime86: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@CircoloDiNoto: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@itsbeccabutcher: Meeting Paul Polak 6 years ago in Tulsa was an incredible honor and inspiration. I am deeply saddened by the news o… - 5 years ago

@giuliog: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@MaurizioMarzano: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@Aleksandraskin: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@DjSimma7: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@efarefar68: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@dritanhocja: RT @SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@SkyTG24: Addio a Paul Polak, l'uomo che portò l'acqua potabile ai poveri - 5 years ago

@rafaecheve: RT @gemhsm: Una gran pérdida para MÉXICO y el Mundo. En lo particular, uno de mis gurús en innovación social. QDEP 🙏🙏🙏 Paul Polak, Entrepr… - 5 years ago

@gengelcox: RT @NYTObits: Paul Polak, who taught entrepreneurship to the poorest of the poor, dies - 5 years ago

@enriquen: RT @gemhsm: Una gran pérdida para MÉXICO y el Mundo. En lo particular, uno de mis gurús en innovación social. QDEP 🙏🙏🙏 Paul Polak, Entrepr… - 5 years ago

@iDECanada: "His most successful project was in foot-powered treadle pumps to pull water from the ground. In 1982, he sold mill… - 5 years ago

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