Paul Morantz

American attorney and investigative journalist.
Died on Saturday October 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Paul Morantz:

@kkathyrwn: RT @washingtonpost: Paul Morantz, crusading lawyer once attacked with rattlesnake, dies at 77 - 2 years ago

@RobertaGlassPod: RT @WilliamRamseyIn: Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long War Agai… - 2 years ago

@luckey_twitt: RT @TrueAnonPod: Paul Morantz, the attorney who Synanon attempted to kill with a rattlesnake, passed away - 2 years ago

@Narryiswool: RT @twitbituaries: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - - 2 years ago


@A1000eyes_888: RT @WilliamRamseyIn: Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long War Agai… - 2 years ago

@NancydrewI: RT @WilliamRamseyIn: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox. - 2 years ago

@NancydrewI: RT @WilliamRamseyIn: Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long War Agai… - 2 years ago

@WilliamRamseyIn: Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long War A… - 2 years ago

@WilliamRamseyIn: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox. - 2 years ago

@WilliamRamseyIn: Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long War A… - 2 years ago

@WilliamRamseyIn: however, meeting Paul Morantz remains an event I will always remember. Rest in peace and power. William Ramsey - 2 years ago

@WilliamRamseyIn: 1) Author and attorney Paul Morantz (August 16, 1945 – October 23, 2022) discusses his book Escape: My Life Long Wa… - 2 years ago

@JadeJurek: Paul Morantz, crusading lawyer once attacked with rattlesnake, dies at 77 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@midslumber_: RT @JENvTTI: My deepest respect and appreciation going out to Paul Morantz as he leaves this world. He was a hero to stand against a powerf… - 2 years ago

@wildworldnews: Mr. Morantz sued Synanon on behalf of several members who managed to escape. Three weeks after winning a $300,000 j… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Paul Morantz, crusading lawyer once attacked with rattlesnake, dies at 77… - 2 years ago

@JusticeForOurA2: RT @JENvTTI: My deepest respect and appreciation going out to Paul Morantz as he leaves this world. He was a hero to stand against a powerf… - 2 years ago

@yeahitsnatural: RT @JENvTTI: My deepest respect and appreciation going out to Paul Morantz as he leaves this world. He was a hero to stand against a powerf… - 2 years ago

@ChipJacobs1: The forgotten knight of LA! "Paul Morantz, a California lawyer who crusaded against brainwashing self-help gurus, c… - 2 years ago

@whatissecure: RT @JENvTTI: My deepest respect and appreciation going out to Paul Morantz as he leaves this world. He was a hero to stand against a powerf… - 2 years ago

@YEP4Rights: RT @JENvTTI: My deepest respect and appreciation going out to Paul Morantz as he leaves this world. He was a hero to stand against a powerf… - 2 years ago

@greenwombat: An obit that recalls the cult-crazy California of the ‘70s. Now, of course, it’s a national phenomenon. - 2 years ago

@chrispizzello: Wildest obit I’ve read in quite a while. Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted ratt… - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - - 2 years ago

@bephillip33: RIP. Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@FulForcForensic: Synanon was responsible for the snake. Morantz also tangled w Church of Scientology, Hare Krishnas, EST founder Wer… - 2 years ago

@handgunYoga: RT @CalDamage: This man knew cults. “When Trump was elected…[i]t felt like Charles Dederich won. Dederich…bragged he could run a country,… - 2 years ago

@CalDamage: This man knew cults. “When Trump was elected…[i]t felt like Charles Dederich won. Dederich…bragged he could run a… - 2 years ago

@hbeeinc: RIP - 2 years ago

@HarriDicht: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@freitano: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed years ago when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@WiseupBerni: Legend !! Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Los Angeles Times Obituaries - Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in… - 2 years ago

@tupointeau: Paul Morantz is remembered for Synanon rattler, but he also faced #Scientology's fangs - 2 years ago

@tupointeau: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@Scientology_411: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@freemelparker: RT @RickAlanRoss: Paul Morantz recently passed away, an attorney who successfully sued cults and helped many victims. Here is his website.… - 2 years ago

@DialogCentreUK: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@Cdbrow1: - 2 years ago

@RaynCS14: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@erigust: RT @RickAlanRoss: Paul Morantz recently passed away, an attorney who successfully sued cults and helped many victims. Here is his website.… - 2 years ago

@lightandlies: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@DatumOmNom: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@NancydrewI: RT @RickAlanRoss: Paul Morantz recently passed away, an attorney who successfully sued cults and helped many victims. Here is his website.… - 2 years ago

@RobertScott08: RIP to one of the greatest cult killers of all time, and the guy that Synanon tried to assassinate with a rattlesna… - 2 years ago

@tnams06: RT @RickAlanRoss: Paul Morantz recently passed away, an attorney who successfully sued cults and helped many victims. Here is his website.… - 2 years ago

@educofirebird: RT @TonyOrtega94: Attorney Paul Morantz was nearly killed in a 1978 rattlesnake attack after taking on the rehab cult Synanon. But he also… - 2 years ago

@pedrofcuk: Tony Ortega: "Paul Morantz is remembered for Synanon rattler, but he also faced Scientology’s fangs" - 2 years ago

@alemorenoh81: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Times - 2 years ago

@foxtrendingcom: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@PaigeK_07: RT @religionnews: Cult expert Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Tim… - 2 years ago

@LilyDelBarrio: Los Angeles Times: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox.… - 2 years ago

@skestenbaum: “Morantz tangled with the Church of Scientology, the Hare Krishnas, est founder Werner Erhard and Peoples Temple, a… - 2 years ago

@Hoyatexas: RT @steveclowLA: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@finneyeric: RT @steveclowLA: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@hardknoxfirst: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@steveclowLA: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@CarolMithers: Paul Morantz was a complicated, sometimes difficult, guy w a powerful sense of right & wrong. When I wrote my first… - 2 years ago

@religionnews: Paul Morantz [ - 2 years ago

@religionnews: Cult expert Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angel… - 2 years ago

@redcirclearmy: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox. - 2 years ago

@jondknight: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Times - 2 years ago

@jondknight: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Times - 2 years ago

@c2_comics: RT @TrueAnonPod: Paul Morantz, the attorney who Synanon attempted to kill with a rattlesnake, passed away - 2 years ago

@MaoistGF: RT @TrueAnonPod: Paul Morantz, the attorney who Synanon attempted to kill with a rattlesnake, passed away - 2 years ago

@hotcheetocowboy: RT @TrueAnonPod: Paul Morantz, the attorney who Synanon attempted to kill with a rattlesnake, passed away - 2 years ago

@TrueAnonPod: Paul Morantz, the attorney who Synanon attempted to kill with a rattlesnake, passed away - 2 years ago

@fluxcapdoodah: RT @CultExpert: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when Synanon cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@arabi_z: RT @MenendezRand: "Morantz tangled with the Church of Scientology, the Hare Krishnas, est founder Werner Erhard and Peoples Temple, a SF-ba… - 2 years ago

@wrdybrd: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@treebjornk: - 2 years ago

@Ashuko2021: RT @CultExpert: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when Synanon cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@CONKJR: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 226) #American #Paul #Morantz 77 #dies #October 23, 2022 ; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult pla… - 2 years ago

@_katiesaurus_: "After winning a $300,000 judgment against Synanon, a once respected drug rehab group that had devolved into a para… - 2 years ago

@Zeinobia: RT @CultExpert: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when Synanon cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@CultExpert: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when Synanon cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@120WeirdAvenue: He knew Trump is a #cult leader. Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in hi… - 2 years ago

@NelsonL95774761: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@solusnan1: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@_theOutpost_: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Times - 2 years ago

@GayLibMan: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@RickAlanRoss: - 2 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@SwinkMcCloud: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@smith_barrels: RT @rimaanabtawi: Rest In Peace , Paul Morantz . So many owe a debt of gratitude to you . He helped expose the abuses of CEDU School a Syna… - 2 years ago

@rimaanabtawi: Rest In Peace , Paul Morantz . So many owe a debt of gratitude to you . He helped expose the abuses of CEDU School… - 2 years ago

@IFlyPlanes10: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@PamAnde29517684: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@Tplss96: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@ayinlathomas: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@RamsViews: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox #LosAngelesRams #LARams… - 2 years ago

@rimaanabtawi: RT @MenendezRand: "Morantz tangled with the Church of Scientology, the Hare Krishnas, est founder Werner Erhard and Peoples Temple, a SF-ba… - 2 years ago

@KnackishParis: RT @latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@latimes: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@mikojay: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@MenendezRand: "Morantz tangled with the Church of Scientology, the Hare Krishnas, est founder Werner Erhard and Peoples Temple, a… - 2 years ago

@RubeHeretic: So Synanon-tackling attorney Paul Morantz has died? Obituaries suck, the way you only find… - 2 years ago

@AAMReport: Paul Morantz has died The attorney most famous for surviving an attempt on his life when the cult he sued planted… - 2 years ago

@CaliforniaPubl1: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@Cats4mice: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - Los Angeles Times Hi… - 2 years ago

@hawkriver: RT @justiceputnam: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@PulpNews: #Paul Morantz #dies; #L.A. #attorney nearly #killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his m - Oct 28 @ 9:46 PM ET [v… - 2 years ago

@aw_journal2021: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@newsoneplace: (Los Angeles Times):#Paul #Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox :… - 2 years ago

@Olivia7zx: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@NewsMixed1: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@NewsKnowledge4: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@tradetoday9: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@AlexKeyman_D: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@Haunt_LA: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@sirimahanthesh: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@News2Vid: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@justiceputnam: Paul Morantz dies; L.A. attorney nearly killed when cult planted rattlesnake in his mailbox - 2 years ago

@lovechild419: @EmAdams83690418 Google Paul Morantz .. He brought down the Grandfather of the Tough Love tx modality Synanon. a lo… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Paul Morantz is no longer with us - #PaulMorantz #Paul #Morantz #rip - 2 years ago

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