Paul Keetch

British politician
Died on Thursday May 25th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Paul Keetch:

@AlanLeighton60: My friend, former MP for Hereford, Paul Keetch has sadly died. Paul joined @ProspectUnion I've.just come across this - 8 years ago

@OliverKamm: I knew & respected Paul Keetch, though his views (espec on Europe) were far from my own. Condolences to his family. - 8 years ago

@mpvine: RT @mpvine: Paul Keetch obituary Fond memories of Paul in PJ's - RIP - 8 years ago

@ewlibdems: Paul Keetch obituary in the Telegraph - 8 years ago


@LibDem_zone: RT @libdemvoice: Paul Keetch obituary in the Telegraph - 8 years ago

@libdemvoice: Paul Keetch obituary in the Telegraph - 8 years ago

@mpvine: Paul Keetch obituary Fond memories of Paul in PJ's - RIP - 8 years ago

@Sandbagger59: RT @guardianobits: Paul Keetch obituary. Former Lib Dem MP for Hereford who advocated leaving the EU - 8 years ago

@roger_lfc: RT @guardianobits: Paul Keetch obituary. Former Lib Dem MP for Hereford who advocated leaving the EU - 8 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @guardianobits: Paul Keetch obituary. Former Lib Dem MP for Hereford who advocated leaving the EU - 8 years ago

@guardianobits: Paul Keetch obituary. Former Lib Dem MP for Hereford who advocated leaving the EU - 8 years ago

@amar_choudhry: RT @mshafiquk: Sad to hear of the death of former @LibDems MP for Hereford Paul Keetch, I knew him for many years. A tireless campaigner fo… - 8 years ago

@mshafiquk: Sad to hear of the death of former @LibDems MP for Hereford Paul Keetch, I knew him for many years. A tireless campaigner for Hereford. - 8 years ago

@joncraig: RT @AmIRightSir: Obituary @telegraphobits of Paul Keetch, LibDem MP for Hereford 1997-2010, who has died age 56: - 8 years ago

@GollopGuern: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@SentiNewsApp: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@cmwheatley56: RT @GdnPolitics: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@GdnPolitics: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@anthyfraser: RT @guardian: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@LibDemsSWF: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Paul Keetch, britischer Politiker, am 24.05.2017 im Alter von 56 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@MikeSmith_91: RT @guardian: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@MurtazaKK: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@pavelyt0sor: RT @Peter8694: BBC News - Former Hereford Liberal Democrat MP Paul Keetch dies - 8 years ago

@AfmobiNews: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

@DJLNR: Paul Keetch obituary - 8 years ago

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