Paul J. Crutzen

Dutch chemist.
Died on Thursday January 28th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Paul J. Crutzen:

@agusmgl: RT @2000m2Weltacker: Zum Tod des grossen Paul Crutzen, dem Entdecker des Ozonlochs, der Schäden durch Lachgas, dem Berechner des atomaren W… - 4 years ago

@PandaFlunder: RT @2000m2Weltacker: Zum Tod des grossen Paul Crutzen, dem Entdecker des Ozonlochs, der Schäden durch Lachgas, dem Berechner des atomaren W… - 4 years ago

@Monse_sinT: RT @ChemistryWorld: ‘Paul J Crutzen was a pioneer in many ways’ – The last of the three 1995 chemistry Nobel laureates has passed away http… - 4 years ago

@Gabriel_B612: RT @ChemistryWorld: ‘Paul J Crutzen was a pioneer in many ways’ – The last of the three 1995 chemistry Nobel laureates has passed away http… - 4 years ago


@ChemistryWorld: ‘Paul J Crutzen was a pioneer in many ways’ – The last of the three 1995 chemistry Nobel laureates has passed away - 4 years ago

@doreelif123: Prohibited). While Chemistry with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland - 4 years ago

@2000m2Weltacker: Zum Tod des grossen Paul Crutzen, dem Entdecker des Ozonlochs, der Schäden durch Lachgas, dem Berechner des atomare… - 4 years ago

@DNeueUniversum: RT @hstubner: taz: Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen ist tot - Der sanfte Weltenretter. Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff d… - 4 years ago

@ArminSchonewolf: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@widersitz: - 4 years ago

@Spizella5: RT @MassClimate: Today, we remember Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate, who passed at the age of 87. Dr. Crutzen earned a Nobel Prize for his… - 4 years ago

@hstubner: taz: Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen ist tot - Der sanfte Weltenretter. Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den… - 4 years ago

@MassClimate: Today, we remember Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate, who passed at the age of 87. Dr. Crutzen earned a Nobel Prize f… - 4 years ago

@ansicht_wi: Im Gedenken an den vor kurzem in Mainz verstorbenen Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen, veröffentlicht der oekom Verl… - 4 years ago

@LaurieStories: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@threadandstone1: RT @DavidLWindt: "Paul J. Crutzen, a Dutch scientist who earned a Nobel Prize for work that warned the world about the threat of chemicals… - 4 years ago

@Jasonvj2005: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@SusanofTexas: RT @DavidLWindt: "Paul J. Crutzen, a Dutch scientist who earned a Nobel Prize for work that warned the world about the threat of chemicals… - 4 years ago

@DavidLWindt: "Paul J. Crutzen, a Dutch scientist who earned a Nobel Prize for work that warned the world about the threat of che… - 4 years ago

@senretlabus: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@caracowanwatts: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Korallenherz: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@tumalwas: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@Marty_Crabneck: RT @greenhouse_info: (taz) Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen ist tot: Der sanfte Weltenretter: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den B… - 4 years ago

@healthscicomm: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@superkalifragi4: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er „entdeckte“ das Ozonloch und prägte den Begriff des #Anthropozän. Der Jahrhundert-Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträg… - 4 years ago

@newslichter: Rücklicht - - 4 years ago

@LoksattaLive: व्यक्तिवेध : पॉल जे. क्रुटझन वणव्यांचा हवाप्रदूषणावर परिणाम, अणुयुद्धाचे परिणाम, ओझोन थरा… - 4 years ago

@RobertJanW: RT @janetwilson66: I missed this loss. He provided the basis for ozone hole work and more. Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozon… - 4 years ago

@MwamnyenyelwaK: "Paul J. Crutzen was a pioneer in many ways." Martin Stratmann - 4 years ago

@BAUMeV: RT @oekomverlag: Nobelpreisträger, Pionier der Atmosphärenchemie und Vordenker der Erdsystemforschung: Der oekom verlag trauert um seinen… - 4 years ago

@gossartcedric: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@DrNiemitz: RT @oekomverlag: Nobelpreisträger, Pionier der Atmosphärenchemie und Vordenker der Erdsystemforschung: Der oekom verlag trauert um seinen… - 4 years ago

@oekomverlag: Nobelpreisträger, Pionier der Atmosphärenchemie und Vordenker der Erdsystemforschung: Der oekom verlag trauert um… - 4 years ago

@wettermuseum: #MetGeschichte Paul J. Crutzen verstarb am 28. Januar im Alter von 87 Jahren. Er war ein weitsichtiger Vordenker un… - 4 years ago

@redl_christoph: R.I.P. Paul J. Crutzen ist am 28. Januar im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben - er Vordenker und Mahner in Zeiten des K… - 4 years ago

@janetwilson66: I missed this loss. He provided the basis for ozone hole work and more. Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied… - 4 years ago

@svepachedu: Paul J. Crutzen, the 1995 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for identifying how chemical processes created a hole in the… - 4 years ago

@ScicommBot: RT @NCSE: Sad news of the death of the Nobel-Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul J. Crutzen (with comments from @MichaelEMann and @Naomi… - 4 years ago

@GaryM: RT @NCSE: Sad news of the death of the Nobel-Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul J. Crutzen (with comments from @MichaelEMann and @Naomi… - 4 years ago

@DanGraur: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone, named the new ‘Anthropocene’ era, and coined ‘nuclear winter’ - 4 years ago

@ulrikesehy: RT @journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the #Anthropocen… - 4 years ago

@eyeson_earth: RT @ddimick: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@CyprusInstitute: Following the recent passing of Prof. Paul J. Crutzen, we are saddened to share with you the news that our Trustee… - 4 years ago

@AntepSabah: - 4 years ago

@kepenekevrimm: Nobel ödüllü kimyager Paul J. Crutzen yaşamını yitirdi - bianet - 4 years ago

@bianet_org: Nobel ödüllü kimyager Paul J. Crutzen yaşamını yitirdi - 4 years ago

@SorenHave: RT @AnthropoceneMag: The chemist and ecologist who named the human age died last week. Paul J. Crutzen won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry but w… - 4 years ago

@IIASAVienna: It is with great sadness that IIASA marks the passing of Nobel Laureate Professor Paul J. Crutzen. He was a great f… - 4 years ago

@GallBerna: RT @La_Cle_ALLEMAND: Revue de presse🌍🔍 ➡️ Der Atmosphärenforscher @Paulcrutzen, Mitendecker der Ursachen des @Ozona… - 4 years ago

@LKhizi: RT @RojoRurba002: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@RojoRurba002: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@NCSE: Sad news of the death of the Nobel-Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul J. Crutzen (with comments from… - 4 years ago

@JosianeSuares: Theater, and Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland for - 4 years ago

@anthroposysteme: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@La_Cle_ALLEMAND: Revue de presse🌍🔍 ➡️ Der Atmosphärenforscher @Paulcrutzen, Mitendecker der Ursachen des… - 4 years ago

@Weiren_Doc: RT @AnthropoceneMag: The chemist and ecologist who named the human age died last week. Paul J. Crutzen won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry but w… - 4 years ago

@CyprusInstitute: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel Prize Laureate and Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of The Cyprus Institute Passes… - 4 years ago

@FrequentTweets: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘#Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@SilvaYoao: RT @gzarrilli: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel de Química, que reveló las amenazas a la capa de ozono, y concluyó que los humanos estaban teniendo… - 4 years ago

@MarcoSonnberger: RT @journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the #Anthropocen… - 4 years ago

@Ecornet_eu: RT @journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the #Anthropocen… - 4 years ago

@GerechtKlima: RT @journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the #Anthropocen… - 4 years ago

@oekomverlag: RT @journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the #Anthropocen… - 4 years ago

@journal_GAIA: Paul J. Crutzen has died last week. A pioneer in many ways, Crutzen published in 2002 a paper in GAIA on the… - 4 years ago

@levent_erkol: RT @AnthropoceneMag: The chemist and ecologist who named the human age died last week. Paul J. Crutzen won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry but w… - 4 years ago

@loganemitchell: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@AnthropoceneMag: The chemist and ecologist who named the human age died last week. Paul J. Crutzen won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry bu… - 4 years ago

@PhilRuss97: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@GDCh_aktuell: RT @ChemistryViews: Paul J. Crutzen (1933 – 2021) Chemistry Nobel Laureate who is best known for his work on ozone depletion has passed awa… - 4 years ago

@Watchdogsniffer: RT @SpaceRef: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@LydiaBorowicz: RIP Paul Crutzen Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@SpaceRef: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87… - 4 years ago

@UNG_ungsi: Professor Paul J. Crutzen, atmospheric scientist, a Nobel Laureate and Honorary Doctor of the University of Nova Go… - 4 years ago

@MSmithClassroom: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@Eurohans: RT @CKZickgraf: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@FillmoreWhite: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@red_cofis: @IyC_es Desafortunadamente, el pasado 28 de enero murió también su colega en el Nobel Paul J. Crutzen #DEP - 4 years ago

@CKZickgraf: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Pianetablunews: Ha studiato le cause del buco nello strato di ozono e l’impatto dell’umanità sul pianeta e il clima A 87 anni, è de… - 4 years ago

@CurrentAffair77: 31 JAN 2021 The Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul J. Crutzen, has passed away. He was 87. नोबेल पारितोषिक वि… - 4 years ago

@ralphbrieskorn: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@oeChemieZeit: Prof. Dr. Paul J. Crutzen im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben - 4 years ago

@bluetime369: RT @hanitweet: 오존층 파괴의 원인을 밝혀내고, ‘인류세’라는 새로운 지질시대 개념을 널리 퍼뜨린 네덜란드의 대기화학자 파울 크뤼천(Paul J. Crutzen) 박사가 숨을 거두었다. 향년 87. - 4 years ago

@shim920: RT @hanitweet: 오존층 파괴의 원인을 밝혀내고, ‘인류세’라는 새로운 지질시대 개념을 널리 퍼뜨린 네덜란드의 대기화학자 파울 크뤼천(Paul J. Crutzen) 박사가 숨을 거두었다. 향년 87. - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Paul Crutzen Death -Dead – Obituary – Cause of Death : Paul J. Crutzen has Died . - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Paul Crutzen Death -Dead - Obituary - Cause of Death : Paul J. Crutzen has Died . Death Notice for Today January 31… - 4 years ago

@ericmcdanieldc: Paul J. Crutzen, who concluded that humans were having such a profound impact on the planet that it was time to rec… - 4 years ago

@paulcopp: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@skevans1963: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Ste_BlackParent: RT @tahrman: Dr Paul J. Crutzen, Dutch scientist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and is cr… - 4 years ago

@nicolaskasprzak: RT @debidanowski: Morre Paul J. Crutzen, prêmio Nobel de química e quem batizou a nova época geológica de Antropoceno - 4 years ago

@abmorrell: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@GabrielaGalati: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 #crutzen… - 4 years ago

@nomoreslaves: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@Lucy02983810: RT @Testbook_CA: Oscar wining actress Cloris Leachman has passed away. She was from which country? #US Nobel laureate Paul J. Crutzen has… - 4 years ago

@tomgillpredicts: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@snmaher: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@balupuppy: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@CorollaJanet: RT @hanitweet: 오존층 파괴의 원인을 밝혀내고, ‘인류세’라는 새로운 지질시대 개념을 널리 퍼뜨린 네덜란드의 대기화학자 파울 크뤼천(Paul J. Crutzen) 박사가 숨을 거두었다. 향년 87. - 4 years ago

@MysteryOnward: RT @kitchen5203: THIS! Rest in Peace, Paul😢🕯️ Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at… - 4 years ago

@sundene: RT @kitchen5203: THIS! Rest in Peace, Paul😢🕯️ Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at… - 4 years ago

@Artistwhogives: RT @kitchen5203: THIS! Rest in Peace, Paul😢🕯️ Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at… - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: THIS! Rest in Peace, Paul😢🕯️ Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, d… - 4 years ago

@BetoPereira19: RT @debidanowski: Morre Paul J. Crutzen, prêmio Nobel de química e quem batizou a nova época geológica de Antropoceno - 4 years ago

@ENV_SP: R.I.P.! You tried! Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@miketregent: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Guitarist Hilton Valentine; scientist Paul J. Crutzen; music's Sophie; singer and songwriter Ce… - 4 years ago

@gillian0000000: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@dan_yakir: - 4 years ago

@domali3: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@omar_itg5: RT @EmbaMexNL: The @EmbaMexNL expresses its condolences to the scientific community of the #Netherlands 🇳🇱 for the loss of Paul J. Crutzen,… - 4 years ago

@CentroMMolina: RT @EmbaMexNL: The @EmbaMexNL expresses its condolences to the scientific community of the #Netherlands 🇳🇱 for the loss of Paul J. Crutzen,… - 4 years ago

@pckool: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@NZITArchitect: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@patrickmajor56: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@past_is_future: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@spooleyhi: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@Effiwine: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@KappelleMaarten: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@EdgeOfEurope: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@SaifeHamid: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@kahruveldesign: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@ScottDoney1: RT @eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise the name f… - 4 years ago

@eilperin: Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who was insightful enough to reveal threats to the ozone layer and devise… - 4 years ago

@naturezaemclose: RT @debidanowski: Morre Paul J. Crutzen, prêmio Nobel de química e quem batizou a nova época geológica de Antropoceno - 4 years ago

@IwaMarlene: RT @andersen_inger: We mourn the passing Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. His research helped identify threat to ozone layer & thus mobilize global a… - 4 years ago

@riramosuniv: RT @EmbaMexNL: La @EmbaMexNL expresa sus condolencias a la comunidad científica de #PaísesBajos 🇳🇱 por la pérdida de Paul J. Crutzen, #Prem… - 4 years ago

@InnovArch: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘#Anthropocene ’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@D477799: - 4 years ago

@moellerl: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@LeonardDicirene: RT @Greenreport_it: Quando muore un grande scienziato. La scomparsa del premio Nobel Paul J. Crutzen, l’inventore dell’Antropocene - https:… - 4 years ago

@scmresearcher: Paul J. Crutzen (1933–2021) discovered the #OzoneHole, coined the term #Anthropocene, and warned mankind about the… - 4 years ago

@EINWarming: Paul J․ Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@draganarakic953: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@ecobearwitness: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new 'Anthropocene' era, dies at 87: Washington Post… - 4 years ago

@mrlsci: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @postobits: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@uclm_IRICA: Paul J. Crutzen (1933 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@iProfessorsProj: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@nickdepencier: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@Grandhapriya: 👀നൊബേൽ സമ്മാന ജേതാവ് പോൾ ജോസഫ് ക്രൂട്ട്സൺ അന്തരിച്ചു. ഇദ്ദേഹമാണ് ഓസോൺ പാളീക്ഷയം ആദ്യമായി കണ്ടെത്തിയത്. - 4 years ago

@NaTransversal: RT @lisefer: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@gzarrilli: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel de Química, que reveló las amenazas a la capa de ozono, y concluyó que los humanos estaban… - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new 'Anthropocene' era, dies at 87 - - 4 years ago

@FuturePowerGen: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87: He also developed t… - 4 years ago

@amykknapp: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@lisefer: Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Mierenneukr: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@vlandaeta: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@NicolasKramar: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@aradia1952: RT @tomyamaguchi: Paul J. Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and who coined the term… - 4 years ago

@vdwev: Die VDW trauert um Paul J. Crutzen, einen ganz großen Wissenschaftler, lieben Kollegen und Freund. Der Nobelpreist… - 4 years ago

@AnthropoceneAr1: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@ArashKheradvar: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@MartinSchulte5: RT @umweltstiftung: Der langjährige Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemie und Nobelpreisträger, Prof. Dr. Paul J. #Crutzen, ist im A… - 4 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Paul J. Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and who coined the… - 4 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @Revkin: Paul Crutzen had two appearances in my 2018 book, with @LisaMechaley, of 100 moments in weather and climate learning journey (… - 4 years ago

@J_ap_M: RT @Geology_History: Dutch chemist Paul Jozef #Crutzen passed away yesterday aged 87. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995, for his… - 4 years ago

@BurtynskyStudio: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@EnnoAufderheide: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@Clionautes1: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@EmmanuelBethoux: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@vienna_van: RT @HKW_Berlin: We are very saddened to hear about the loss of Nobel laureate #PaulCrutzen. The scientist and climate researcher paved the… - 4 years ago

@iLEAPS18: iLEAPS mourns the loss of Professor Paul J. Crutzen who won the 1995 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on the… - 4 years ago

@HenrivanSoest: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@LibbydeQ: RT @anthropocene: We are deeply saddened by the news of Paul J. Crutzen's passing, the man to whom we owe the name of our project. Here is… - 4 years ago

@muditaa001: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@oponiak: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@HKW_Berlin: We are very saddened to hear about the loss of Nobel laureate #PaulCrutzen. The scientist and climate researcher pa… - 4 years ago

@Mi_Muentefering: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@MarineMicrobio: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@DAAD_Germany: RT @AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole in the… - 4 years ago

@AMG_lab: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@PatrickWeirich: Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen verstorben / Atmosphärenforscher trug zur Entdeckung des Ozonlochs bei - 4 years ago

@AvHStiftung: We mourn for #Humboldtian and 1995 #ChemistryNobelPrize winner Paul Crutzen. He investigated the causes of the hole… - 4 years ago

@pp_lifestyle_: Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen verstorben / Atmosphärenforscher trug zur Entdeckung des Ozonlochs bei… - 4 years ago

@pp_gesellschaft: Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen verstorben / Atmosphärenforscher trug zur Entdeckung des Ozonlochs bei… - 4 years ago

@The_Real_A_Kirk: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@CoralTKrueger: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@cirrus590: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@umweltmonitor: Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen verstorben - - 4 years ago

@CampusSos: Paul J. Crutzen – Biographical E' scomparso Paul J. Crutzen, Premio Nobel per la Chimica nel 1995 con M. Molina,… - 4 years ago

@vijayants: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@na_presseportal: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU): Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen verstorben / Atmosphärenforscher trug… - 4 years ago

@EstherichiaLS: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@Scieducation1: RT @maxplanckpress: “His limitless scientific curiosity, creative ideas & charismatic personality left their mark not only on our instituti… - 4 years ago

@umweltstiftung: Der langjährige Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemie und Nobelpreisträger, Prof. Dr. Paul J. #Crutzen, ist… - 4 years ago

@Featurez: Nobel Laureate Paul J. Crutzen has died. - 4 years ago

@heinz: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@wirereporter: Paul J. Crutzen, a Dutch scientist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole… - 4 years ago

@SuperQueer619: Horacio the handsnake - Paul J. Crutzen - 4 years ago

@D1_GE_Bordeaux: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@ecaillaud: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@CESCritEuro: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@_nbaer_: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@ChuckWatts2: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@beckysphone1981: RT @DSCDPAdmin: Dutch atmospheric chemist, Nobel laureate, Paul J. Crutzen, dead at 87 5 solos @DSCDP - 4 years ago

@maliniw90th: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@MCNnetwork2015: RT @carlsafina: Paul Crutzen, Nobel-winning scientist who coined the term Anthropocene, has passed. - 4 years ago

@StephenLeahy: RT @carlsafina: Paul Crutzen, Nobel-winning scientist who coined the term Anthropocene, has passed. - 4 years ago

@gjfry: RT @carlsafina: Paul Crutzen, Nobel-winning scientist who coined the term Anthropocene, has passed. - 4 years ago

@carlsafina: Paul Crutzen, Nobel-winning scientist who coined the term Anthropocene, has passed. - 4 years ago

@rhiles2760: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Paul J. Crutzen - 4 years ago

@DSCDP: RT @DSCDPAdmin: Dutch atmospheric chemist, Nobel laureate, Paul J. Crutzen, dead at 87 5 solos @DSCDP - 4 years ago

@lee_knuth: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@carminaovargas: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@NijingWang: The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry mourns the loss of its former director and Nobel Laureate Paul J. Crutzen |… - 4 years ago

@ingenieroyanez: RT @CentroMMolina: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Paul J. Crutzen ganador del premio Nobel de química en 1995, colega del Dr. Mario Molina.… - 4 years ago

@bruceboucek: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Cowudi: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@DSCDPAdmin: Dutch atmospheric chemist, Nobel laureate, Paul J. Crutzen, dead at 87 5 solos @DSCDP - 4 years ago

@Undercoverhist: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@AlbertoBastard: RT @UNEDfilosofia: Entre muchas pérdidas de estos días se encuentra hoy la del creador de la palabra que nos atraviesa en este tiempo: "Ant… - 4 years ago

@SDinPraxis: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Revkin: Paul Crutzen had two appearances in my 2018 book, with @LisaMechaley, of 100 moments in weather and climate learnin… - 4 years ago

@guolivar: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@TerriHansen: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@cawilka: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Sanyeh1: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@amphibol: The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry mourns the loss of its former director and Nobel Laureate Paul J. Crutzen - 4 years ago

@TriciaMKelleher: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Meeratweets: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Nick_chem: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@gabbspalomo: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@JuanBerdejaM: RT @CentroMMolina: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Paul J. Crutzen ganador del premio Nobel de química en 1995, colega del Dr. Mario Molina.… - 4 years ago

@KHayhoe: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@bobkopp: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@CentroMMolina: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Paul J. Crutzen ganador del premio Nobel de química en 1995, colega del Dr. Mario Mo… - 4 years ago

@GGatrasseau: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@ittebaniram: RT @Laero_omp: Paul Crutzen était co-lauréat du Prix Nobel de chimie en 1995 avec M. Molina et J. Rowland pour la recherche sur l’ozone. Pa… - 4 years ago

@emmacosse: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@Angelakooyman: RT @PA: Dutch scientist Paul J Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and is credited wit… - 4 years ago

@jasotweet: RT @PA: Dutch scientist Paul J Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and is credited wit… - 4 years ago

@Evelyn74415780: RT @PA: Dutch scientist Paul J Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and is credited wit… - 4 years ago

@PA: Dutch scientist Paul J Crutzen, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work understanding the ozone hole and… - 4 years ago

@HuffmanLabDU: 5/ "Paul J. Crutzen coined the term #Anthropocene, which he used to describe the current era in which human activit… - 4 years ago

@urbain_: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Paul J. Crutzen has passed away - #PaulJCrutzen #Paul #J.Crutzen #rip - 4 years ago

@ximobrotons: RT @UNEDfilosofia: Entre muchas pérdidas de estos días se encuentra hoy la del creador de la palabra que nos atraviesa en este tiempo: "Ant… - 4 years ago

@UNEDfilosofia: Entre muchas pérdidas de estos días se encuentra hoy la del creador de la palabra que nos atraviesa en este tiempo:… - 4 years ago

@j_p_albuquerque: RT @owengaffney: Saddened to hear #Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen has passed away, age 87. In a single word he changed the worldview of specie… - 4 years ago

@J__Ludwig: RT @agarzon: Me entero del fallecimiento del científico Paul Crutzen, premio Nobel de Química y “padre” del esencial concepto de Antropocen… - 4 years ago

@CleoSchweyer: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@coralmannie: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@MPNikolaTesla: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@McneJames: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@JamesGDyke: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@PatrikWiniger: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@idw_online_de: Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie trauert um langjährigen Direktor und Nobelpreisträger Paul J. Crutzen - 4 years ago

@laederach_m: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@greengordon: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@RobKleeTweets: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@mgrimau61: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@followlori: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@hunt_pm: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@rundibakshi: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@ClimateOfGavin: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

@KarmaKatna: RT @valmasdel: Sad news. Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene (IGBP Newsletter, 2000). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 4 years ago

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