Paul Findley

American politician
Died on Friday August 9th 2019

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Tweets related to Paul Findley:

@OuldYAHA: RT @daoudkuttab: RIP Paul Findley one of the rare US congresspersons who exposed early on the exaggerated powers of the pro Israel lobby pa… - 6 years ago

@NCUSAR: "Paul Findley: Courage To Speak Out" is an hour-long documentary about the former congressman from Illinois. The fi… - 6 years ago

@hbkd1973: RT @ErikLoomis: This is a very interesting obit, as it shows how Dick Durbin's political career resulted from huge AIPAC money to defeat th… - 6 years ago

@devendra_agar: RT @MidWestMet: "He became convinced that the influential pro-Israel lobby known as Aipac... had a stranglehold on American politicians tha… - 6 years ago


@robindium: RT @ErikLoomis: This is a very interesting obit, as it shows how Dick Durbin's political career resulted from huge AIPAC money to defeat th… - 6 years ago

@CurioniEmanuele: RT @lennybendavid: Rep. Paul Findley was a fierce anti-Israel Member of Congress who was proud of being Arafat's friend. Served 22 yrs. Hel… - 6 years ago

@digino69: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@JerusalemCenter: RT @lennybendavid: Rep. Paul Findley was a fierce anti-Israel Member of Congress who was proud of being Arafat's friend. Served 22 yrs. Hel… - 6 years ago

@Van_porter: - 6 years ago

@ZipherLou: @SoulSurvivor60 @MasihiunQ @Jay51177485 @affinity292 @pufpufpafpaf @JesusLoves88888 @VolkersBram @G_Pr_0D9… - 6 years ago

@lennybendavid: Rep. Paul Findley was a fierce anti-Israel Member of Congress who was proud of being Arafat's friend. Served 22 yrs… - 6 years ago

@RafPetroni: Washington Watch: Paul Findley, ‘Arafat’s best friend’ - 6 years ago

@raufkhan281: RT @raufkhan281: Paul Findley: Congressman recalled as outspoken advocate for equality, community - 6 years ago

@raufkhan281: Former Republican U.S. Rep. Paul Findley, who spent 22 years in Congress, has died at age 98. - 6 years ago

@raufkhan281: Paul Findley: Congressman recalled as outspoken advocate for equality, community - 6 years ago

@VGaglianiCaputo: RT @crazyVietnam: Findley was an early critic of the Vietnam War and in 1973 helped write the War Powers Resolution, better known as the Wa… - 6 years ago

@i314159265: Paul Findley: A Man of Courage - 6 years ago

@adamglantz: RT @GileadIni: The @nytimes lionizing Paul Findley as a brave opponent of the pro-Israel lobby ( - 6 years ago

@marcynewman: RT @adc: ADC Remembers Congressman Paul Findley, who passed away on August 9, '19 at the age of 98. During his 11-term tenure in the Unite… - 6 years ago

@Quaker4P: RT @richards1052: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, and Implacable foe of the Israel Lobby Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@JDMarvin: JUST IN: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@parhelic: RT @adc: ADC Remembers Congressman Paul Findley, who passed away on August 9, '19 at the age of 98. During his 11-term tenure in the Unite… - 6 years ago

@straytski: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@AnnMarieAmerica: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@tednationrising: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@PatriotFitGear: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@LadyPost1: RT @Chris_1791: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@fam1377: An honest, genuine & fearless truly #American politician whose likes no longer exist in US politics - 6 years ago

@DanielDayJewish: RT @GileadIni: The @nytimes lionizing Paul Findley as a brave opponent of the pro-Israel lobby ( - 6 years ago

@theMRC: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@tinleaves: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@calling12001: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@calling12001: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@BCISLEMAN: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 America needs more Paul Findley - 6 years ago

@carolramsey: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@carolramsey: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@Hadel: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@pez1963: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@GpPittman: RT @newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@LoriLMarcus: RT @GileadIni: The @nytimes lionizing Paul Findley as a brave opponent of the pro-Israel lobby ( - 6 years ago

@newsbusters: Check out the latest story exposing liberal media bias on NewsBusters! - 6 years ago

@commonpatriot: via @newsbusters: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead… - 6 years ago

@MediaWatchUS: New from News Busters → NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@Chris_1791: NYT's Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Hits Right Instead - 6 years ago

@Gamesareawsome3: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@KnucklDraginSam: RT @newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead - 6 years ago

@newsbusters: NY Times’s Seelye Ignores Anti-Semitic Conspiracies in Rep. Findley Obit, Bashed Right Instead… - 6 years ago

@jim_mccabe_40: I'm sorry to hear about the passing of former Illinois Congressman Paul Findley. I got the chance to interview him… - 6 years ago

@ttnaej: @HistoryinReview This is sad news. RIP Senator Paul Findley. - 6 years ago

@JPostOpinion: - 6 years ago

@Kelly_NAproducR: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 – The New York Times #NoAgenda - 6 years ago

@HistoryinReview: RT @ifamericansknew: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98. Alison Weir, writes: For almost half a centu… - 6 years ago

@VietnamGear: RT @crazyVietnam: Findley was an early critic of the Vietnam War and in 1973 helped write the War Powers Resolution, better known as the Wa… - 6 years ago

@MidWestMet: "He became convinced that the influential pro-Israel lobby known as Aipac... had a stranglehold on American politic… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Paul Findley, a moderate Republican congressman from Illinois, has died at 98. He pressed for engagement with the A… - 6 years ago

@Yiddawg: RT @GileadIni: The @nytimes lionizing Paul Findley as a brave opponent of the pro-Israel lobby ( - 6 years ago

@papak_original: RT @papak_original: @RyanAFournier Guns alone didnt win the independence courage is from the heart are #American s truly brave? Will they… - 6 years ago

@TheMeso: RT @adc: ADC Remembers Congressman Paul Findley, who passed away on August 9, '19 at the age of 98. During his 11-term tenure in the Unite… - 6 years ago

@johnbjamison: I would like to offer a brief message of recognition of the August 9th passing of the U.S. Representative from Illi… - 6 years ago

@papak_original: @RyanAFournier Guns alone didnt win the independence courage is from the heart are #American s truly brave? Will t… - 6 years ago

@rania_masri: RT @adc: ADC Remembers Congressman Paul Findley, who passed away on August 9, '19 at the age of 98. During his 11-term tenure in the Unite… - 6 years ago

@mr_markjacobs: RT @HowieGoldfarb24: @GileadIni @nytimes @mr_markjacobs That Kate Seeley @kseelye would adore Paul Findley is not a surprise. Ms. Seelye is… - 6 years ago

@theGuyOvadia: RT @GileadIni: The @nytimes lionizing Paul Findley as a brave opponent of the pro-Israel lobby ( - 6 years ago

@WMM_podcast: RT @Isikoff: Paul Findley was the first congressman I ever covered. A gentleman & a scholar (he wrote a book about Lincoln's House term) &… - 6 years ago

@mischling2nd: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@crazyVietnam: Findley was an early critic of the Vietnam War and in 1973 helped write the War Powers Resolution, better known as… - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - - 6 years ago

@lalexgreen: - 6 years ago

@SpacewomanR: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@my2cnz: (R) Congressman Paul Findley, the main author of the resolution that limited a president’s ability to wage war, Die… - 6 years ago

@nicholasanorman: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@RedBird44061959: RT @Libertea2012: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@MCD_relcop: New post: "Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98" - 6 years ago

@_Fourteen_: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - - 6 years ago

@cahulaan: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98: The main author of the resolution that limited a presi… - 6 years ago

@QuorumCall: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@Libertea2012: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@notComey: RT @TheCyanPost: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@_MrDavidJones: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@btc_dark: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@TheCyanPost: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@Pumbaa1983: "Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98" by KATHARINE Q. SEELYE via NYT - 6 years ago

@stat_butler: NY Times: Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@thebellcover: "Paul Findley, Congressman Behind War Powers Act, Dies at 98" by KATHARINE Q. SEELYE via NYT - 6 years ago

@press4change: RT @SenatorDurbin: Paul Findley was my political opponent, but he was also my friend. He was an expert in Agricultural policy and showed ex… - 6 years ago

@press4change: RT @jjz1600: Former Rep. Paul Findley passed away. I worked w/ Paul in the 1970’s when he was one of the few Members of Congress who would… - 6 years ago

@JamesMWilliam18: @RashidaTlaib your late colleague out here speaking truth to power. God rest his soul. - 6 years ago

@JamesMWilliam18: We need more conservatives like this hero. Thank you for your moral courage. @Teri_Kanefield - 6 years ago

@JamesMWilliam18: Paul Findley, 11-term Republican congressman from Illinois, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@AaronLoweAL: RT @GovPritzker: I offer my condolences to the family of former Congressman Paul Findley, and thanks for his service to the people of Illin… - 6 years ago

@JayPNava: RT @IC_Archives: The American flag on the Historic Upper Quad at #IllinoisCollege will fly at half mast until Friday, August 16 to honor th… - 6 years ago

@nakan319: RT @Tevtin: @TulsiGabbard 「約500万人の小国であるイスラエル政府が、3億人近くの米国を支配していることに驚嘆し、反発します。政治に長年携わった後、私はこれが今日のアメリカの最大の負担であると確信していま… - 6 years ago

@IC_Admission: RT @IC_Archives: The American flag on the Historic Upper Quad at #IllinoisCollege will fly at half mast until Friday, August 16 to honor th… - 6 years ago

@PoliticsReid: Ex-Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL), an opponent of the Vietnam War who lost his seat to Dick Durbin in 1982, has died at a… - 6 years ago

@electric_heel: RT @Tevtin: @TulsiGabbard 「約500万人の小国であるイスラエル政府が、3億人近くの米国を支配していることに驚嘆し、反発します。政治に長年携わった後、私はこれが今日のアメリカの最大の負担であると確信していま… - 6 years ago

@f346856a72q8w: RT @Tevtin: @TulsiGabbard 「約500万人の小国であるイスラエル政府が、3億人近くの米国を支配していることに驚嘆し、反発します。政治に長年携わった後、私はこれが今日のアメリカの最大の負担であると確信していま… - 6 years ago

@TrueBlueCareers: RT @ictrueblue: “Congressman Findley will be remembered as a man of integrity and conviction, a celebrated politician, statesman, author, s… - 6 years ago

@TrueBlueCareers: RT @IC_Archives: The American flag on the Historic Upper Quad at #IllinoisCollege will fly at half mast until Friday, August 16 to honor th… - 6 years ago

@IC_Archives: The American flag on the Historic Upper Quad at #IllinoisCollege will fly at half mast until Friday, August 16 to h… - 6 years ago

@Tevtin: @TulsiGabbard 「約500万人の小国であるイスラエル政府が、3億人近くの米国を支配していることに驚嘆し、反発します。政治に長年携わった後、私はこれが今日のアメリカの最大の… - 6 years ago

@childofeternity: RT @ifamericansknew: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98. Alison Weir, writes: For almost half a centu… - 6 years ago

@CampoGroup: #RIP Congressman Paul #Findley of #Illinois. Elected to the U.S. #House in 1960-defeating an incumbent, he himself… - 6 years ago

@rswkate: Did America’s courage die with Paul Findley? - 6 years ago

@bethnahlik: Paul Findley, 11-term Republican congressman from Illinois, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@DakotaIcTf: RT @Phis1845: For the brothers that wish to visit Paul Findley one last time, visitation will be at Whipple Hall from 4-7pm on Tuesday the… - 6 years ago

@simplymarvy: RT @cynthiamckinney: Rest In Power, Paul Findley, Former Congressman who opened so many eyes to see how people loyal to another country, Is… - 6 years ago

@z_seymo5: RT @Phis1845: For the brothers that wish to visit Paul Findley one last time, visitation will be at Whipple Hall from 4-7pm on Tuesday the… - 6 years ago

@Phis1845: For the brothers that wish to visit Paul Findley one last time, visitation will be at Whipple Hall from 4-7pm on Tu… - 6 years ago

@ColdWind11: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@KobilcaWilliam: RT @ifamericansknew: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98. Alison Weir, writes: For almost half a centu… - 6 years ago

@KevinSc67697014: Former Rep. Paul Findley dies. Findley wrote the 1st book("They Dare to Speak Out") to expose the Israeli Lobby & e… - 6 years ago

@lucien_legrand: RT @halper_jeff: Former US Representative Paul Findley (a Republican from Illinois) has just died at the age of 98. A principled small-town… - 6 years ago

@seegee92584: RT @ifamericansknew: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98. Alison Weir, writes: For almost half a centu… - 6 years ago

@mbartonlaw: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@mbartonlaw: Did America’s courage die with Paul Findley? - 6 years ago

@CTAHDAPTgerd: RT @elizabethmurra: Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights and author of "They Dare To Speak Out" dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@jettzworld: Paul Findley, 11-term Republican congressman from Illinois, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@TrevorTurvey1: RT @PalfromGaza: Former Congressman Paul Findley, a longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, has passed away at the age of 98. Fin… - 6 years ago

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