Paul Brass

American professor emeritus of political science and international relations at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
Died on Friday June 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Paul Brass:

@rahuldev2: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions - 3 years ago

@LiverBirdsJapan: Our rendition of Paul’s rock tune with colorful brass - #GotToGetYouIntoMyLife is here! Love the Motown-inspired g… - 3 years ago

@akshayabahibala: RT @satabdisambedna: His books will live on. Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributi… - 3 years ago

@onevivek: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago


@Quaesitor121: @robbystarbuck @pruett_collin Run as an independent and torpedo whomever they nominate. I have no loyalty to the GO… - 3 years ago

@D_Bi_S: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@SORAAADWorkshop: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@venivedivelcro: @dragonfishy @AnnadeBuisseret You have balls of brass Paul - 3 years ago

@vidyabxr: RT @svaradarajan: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions Marvellous obit by Steve… - 3 years ago

@turnpikeops: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@Kingmz79019436: RT @thewire_in: He was a gruff native of Boston, but very generous to junior scholars and students. - 3 years ago

@WilfriedSwenden: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@mathewjosephc1: RT @Openthemag: #PaulBrass (1936-2022): The Chronicler of South Asia - Paul Brass helped shape a generation of scholars of north Indian pol… - 3 years ago

@RuhiSleep: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@goatodelhi: Paul Brass' idea of 'institutionalised riot systems' (which I was recently introduced to at a workshop by Prof. Ans… - 3 years ago

@Scuhyl: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@disposable_acad: RT @Ullekh: Where Prof @rkadelhi writes on Paul Brass @Openthemag - 3 years ago

@Victoryvox: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@SatishAwate7: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@Srishti_DC: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@derekharris30: RT @derekharris30: Delighted to be performing some my songs tomorrow Saturday 11 June 16.00pm. Paul Danson on lead guitar. @fairinthesquar… - 3 years ago

@derekharris30: RT @derekharris30: Delighted to be performing some my songs tomorrow Saturday 11 June 16.00pm. Paul Danson on lead guitar. @fairinthesquar… - 3 years ago

@Brijesh62050866: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@im_rowdyzzz: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@jayantjigyasu: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@Biharibole: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@shareefvakeel: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@Mukhiiii: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@derekharris30: Delighted to be performing some my songs tomorrow Saturday 11 June 16.00pm. Paul Danson on lead guitar.… - 3 years ago

@MangalGharami7: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@jose2ss: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@ByToutatis: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@ramshankarshri: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions - 3 years ago

@DrIanHall: RT @Ingram10: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions - 3 years ago

@almatharu: RT @svaradarajan: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions Marvellous obit by Steve… - 3 years ago

@Ingram10: Paul Brass’ Scholarship on India’s Religious, Linguistic Politics Made Invaluable Contributions - 3 years ago

@NordicCtrIndia: RT @Openthemag: #PaulBrass (1936-2022): The Chronicler of South Asia - Paul Brass helped shape a generation of scholars of north Indian pol… - 3 years ago

@MoghaShivam: RT @Openthemag: #PaulBrass (1936-2022): The Chronicler of South Asia - Paul Brass helped shape a generation of scholars of north Indian pol… - 3 years ago

@swatiullas: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@samanwaya_sr: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@SecurityLing: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@SunilCaleb: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@perezewoenam: God bless our Homeland Ghana. A country whose people are so divided on their partisan lines on every, I mean every… - 3 years ago

@MaryamShKhan: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@azamvakil: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@saltmangolover: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@mshb6: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@rkadelhi: RT @Ullekh: Where Prof @rkadelhi writes on Paul Brass @Openthemag - 3 years ago

@rkadelhi: RT @Openthemag: #PaulBrass (1936-2022): The Chronicler of South Asia - Paul Brass helped shape a generation of scholars of north Indian pol… - 3 years ago

@Openthemag: #PaulBrass (1936-2022): The Chronicler of South Asia - Paul Brass helped shape a generation of scholars of north In… - 3 years ago

@SummarRao: RT @juergensmeyer: An old Indological colleague, Paul Brass, has left a legacy that will be difficult to replace. Bon voyage Paul. - 3 years ago

@Neruda_Frost: @synchronise1857 @minicnair Paul Brass wrote India has a ecosystem of rioting. (Paraphrased)"institutionalised syst… - 3 years ago

@GeetanjaliKris1: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@vasudha_ET: RT @jaffrelotc: Gilles Verniers, who traveled in West Uttar Pradesh with Paul Brass during his last trip to India, tells us what he learned… - 3 years ago

@UniversityofHu1: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@a_sarcar: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@Shahzai02364040: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@Saankritvishal: RT @Ashok_Kashmir: Condolences to Prof. Paul Brass. 🙏🙏 - 3 years ago

@imsaalimqureshi: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@sharik19: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@GillesVerniers: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@GillesVerniers: RT @jaffrelotc: Gilles Verniers, who traveled in West Uttar Pradesh with Paul Brass during his last trip to India, tells us what he learned… - 3 years ago

@noneneeded11: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@rvp: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@rvp: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@Shaq_sahab: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@rvp: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@MilanV: RT @jaffrelotc: Gilles Verniers, who traveled in West Uttar Pradesh with Paul Brass during his last trip to India, tells us what he learned… - 3 years ago

@mukeshrajgautam: RT @K_Bhoopendra: Adieu, Prof. Paul R Brass! - 3 years ago

@Nilofer_nh: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@yasiryousuf77: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@ramshankarshri: RT @radhey_wadhwa: Beautifully writen by @jaffrelotc on Paul Brass's work and life. - 3 years ago

@malikafqc: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@Adeeb410: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@cozy_winter_sun: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@Akhmakh_kaeshur: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@ynavsari: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Biswaje23288994: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@honshomyoshu: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@shaikhshahzad51: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Mohamma49331954: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@firdaus050: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Mohamma49331954: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@Tamil1947: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@frythefascists: RT @jaffrelotc: Gilles Verniers, who traveled in West Uttar Pradesh with Paul Brass during his last trip to India, tells us what he learned… - 3 years ago

@Vittorio1955: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@rakeshpoddar: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@aput25: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@BBC3MusicBot: 🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3's #Breakfast 🕊️ William Walton, Chetham's School of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble, G… - 3 years ago

@ybabblloo: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@Funlovemad: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@rhsultana: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@SunjayJK: RT @MaktoobMedia: Renowned Political Scientist Paul Brass’s book "Forms of Collective Violence: Riots, Pogroms, and Genocide in Modern Indi… - 3 years ago

@SunjayJK: RT @milligazette: According to the chargesheet, Sharjeel Imam gathered knowledge about “collective violence” after reading books by Paul Br… - 3 years ago

@SunjayJK: RT @RanaAyyub: Sharjeel Imam radicalised by reading books by politcal scientist Paul Brass. This is @DelhiPolice for you. This country is a… - 3 years ago

@sepoy: RT @suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wrote what… - 3 years ago

@SunjayJK: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@suchitrav: Prof. Paul Brass was many things, but his generosity and intellectual honesty set him apart. He was a brilliant, wr… - 3 years ago

@ybabblloo: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@YZaidi18: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@Akshayamukul: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@devumendra: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@malikafqc: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@adam_m_auerbach: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@ridatqum67: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@mmmmm_121209: RT @Apoorvanand__: Read the RSS chief with Paul Brass. Understand the way violence happens: Rehearsal, Enactment and Explanation and Interp… - 3 years ago

@wowqar: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@SunjayJK: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@Mohamme51316508: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@hussainhaidry: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@RamshettyVishnu: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@sugataraju: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@BakhtiyarAshra4: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@zaisha_01: RT @Apoorvanand__: Unlike many of our celebrated Indian intellectuals Paul Brass could see and say with clarity what the RSS was. We didn’t… - 3 years ago

@only4rants: RT @ProfVarshney: RIP Paul Brass! Your “Theft of an Idol” and “Language, Religion and Politics in North India” were seminal, shaping schol… - 3 years ago

@rockpondshore: RT @seemay: Paul Brass’ books: It is the right time to (re)read them. They decipher India’s political, social trajectory over the last 50 y… - 3 years ago

@Alt52823069: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@RIZWANGUDAL_: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@awanishkumar86: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@zaisha_01: RT @MaktoobMedia: American political scientist Paul R. Brass, who was known for his extensive research on Indian politics, passed away on 3… - 3 years ago

@vdhiman_89: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@IAMMECH3: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@sharibtasneem17: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@AlvinaK61800248: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@AlvinaK61800248: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@malkazehraa: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@mezanahmed4: RT @syedurahman: Paul Brass' death shocks academia. His books included: The Partition of India and Forced Displacement of Population of th… - 3 years ago

@harsh_mander: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@sharibtasneem17: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Mardemujahid09: RT @syedurahman: Paul Brass' death shocks academia. His books included: The Partition of India and Forced Displacement of Population of th… - 3 years ago

@qaummunist: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@VSLjcrfvs: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@Ramakri66517162: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@54novov: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@AninthithaN: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@pavanjnu: RT @radhey_wadhwa: Beautifully writen by @jaffrelotc on Paul Brass's work and life. - 3 years ago

@ShaikIs79348729: RT @syedurahman: Paul Richard Brass was professor of political science and international relations at the Henry M. Jackson School of Intern… - 3 years ago

@ShaikIs79348729: RT @syedurahman: Paul Brass' death shocks academia. His books included: The Partition of India and Forced Displacement of Population of th… - 3 years ago

@bl_khatri: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@Mohammedbhaai: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@shahidbolar: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@voices_hive: RT @70sBachchan: 71/ RIP Paul Brass: A scholar of identity politics and violence in India "By contrast to many of his colleagues, who pref… - 3 years ago

@immazharkhan: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@immazharkhan: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@dipsticktest: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@70sBachchan: RT @70sBachchan: 71/ RIP Paul Brass: A scholar of identity politics and violence in India "By contrast to many of his colleagues, who pref… - 3 years ago

@sitssrin: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@Dil_chata_hai_2: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@KhanSabah11: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@MdMerajKausar3: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@shamseerkeloth: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@sahilabbas8052: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@ZaidSiddika: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@alishan_jafri: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@khanthefatima: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@angrygall: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@MukhtarX5: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@SushilAaron: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@AbuTarique: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@jethiankur: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@shamseerkeloth: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@MirabaiAkoijam: RT @Jairam_Ramesh: Paul Brass, the noted American scholar who studied and wrote on India for almost 6 decades has passed away. His 3-vol bi… - 3 years ago

@I_aym_Saad: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@2sitwat1: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@DrRehmanFarooq5: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@parliament_lib: @parliament_lib pays a humble tribute to noted political scientist Mr. Paul Richard Brass who passed away on 3 June… - 3 years ago

@sadiq3119: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@ekramwaris: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@beebawesome: RT @ProfVarshney: RIP Paul Brass! Your “Theft of an Idol” and “Language, Religion and Politics in North India” were seminal, shaping schol… - 3 years ago

@fydorDos: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@syedurahman: Paul Richard Brass was professor of political science and international relations at the Henry M. Jackson School of… - 3 years ago

@GhanaThokchom: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@ekramwaris: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@syedurahman: Paul Brass' death shocks academia. His books included: The Partition of India and Forced Displacement of Populatio… - 3 years ago

@shariqmashhadi: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@UmarSharifHai: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Uzairfzd: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@rockpondshore: RT @Apoorvanand__: Read the RSS chief with Paul Brass. Understand the way violence happens: Rehearsal, Enactment and Explanation and Interp… - 3 years ago

@Alam_Ansari001: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@albela78692: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@SharjeelUsmani: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@rockpondshore: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@justyoume6: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Amarpawar29: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@zainsaleh: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@cancel_kumari: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@dmgopalganj: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@vidyajourno: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@irfangm: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@irfangm: RT @Apoorvanand__: Unlike many of our celebrated Indian intellectuals Paul Brass could see and say with clarity what the RSS was. We didn’t… - 3 years ago

@ProjectNewsLab: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Paul Brass dies - #PaulBrass #Paul #Brass #rip - 3 years ago

@Shahnawazpeaks: RT @sameer7989: समाजशास्त्रज्ञ पॉल ब्रास (Paul R. Brass) यांचे वयाच्या 87 व्या वर्षी प्रदीर्घ आजाराने निधन झाले. भारतातील स्वातंत्रोत्तर रा… - 3 years ago

@justbabygtg: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@faiz_asma: RT @seemay: Paul Brass’ books: It is the right time to (re)read them. They decipher India’s political, social trajectory over the last 50 y… - 3 years ago

@Rammyyyyy_: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@PrasenjeetBagc4: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@TyagiShubhendra: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@NationalFedera4: RT @Apoorvanand__: Unlike many of our celebrated Indian intellectuals Paul Brass could see and say with clarity what the RSS was. We didn’t… - 3 years ago

@Mahfooz08486726: RT @jaffrelotc: Paul Brass has left us, but his books are still with us. I give here the reasons why we need to (re)read them To understand… - 3 years ago

@josephjohn000: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@DrDevyaniGupta: RT @GillesVerniers: My tribute to Paul Brass, who just passed away. How his scholarship transformed Indian political science - 3 years ago

@Apkal: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@DrDevyaniGupta: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@OV_apukili: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@DrDevyaniGupta: RT @epw_in: Some of Paul R. Brass’s most significant works on the politics of post-independence India has featured in EPW, through his visi… - 3 years ago

@entropy_maker: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@fordkalypso: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

@Daastanedard: Renowned American political scientist, Paul Brass passed away, he was known for his extensive research on Indian po… - 3 years ago

@rockpondshore: RT @DilliDurAst: Some years ago I had the privilege of accompanying Paul Brass on field work in Meerut, which he said he had first visited… - 3 years ago

@RedAnti2: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@nazeelshafeeque: RT @SharjeelUsmani: Saddened to hear about the demise of Prof Paul Brass. His works have been instrumental in shaping many of ours understa… - 3 years ago

@waltzingmonkey: RT @Apoorvanand__: Remembering Paul Brass how can one forget Sharjeel Imam? The Delhi police felt that his reading of Paul Brass was respon… - 3 years ago

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