Paul Adams

American football player and coach (Deerfield High School).
Died on Monday March 18th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Paul Adams:

@mutebilx_qato: @DerrickJaheim_ @dimarco34 @DerrickAshimwe OKC will be molested in the series. Best they can get is be swept gently… - 6 years ago

@lionel_yala: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@riaalexand: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@RemyLantier: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago


@Pa_Lvdr: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@NoyZ_OF: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@yellowjacketgfx: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@paul_rothon: RT @TFWriter: I’ve had A LOT of Liverpool fans in my mentions from the Van Dijk tweet, so let me make it simple. Here are just SOME defen… - 6 years ago

@DCThompsonGT: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@ATLBOXSCORE: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@Durk_13: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@PereiraLoic: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@johnny101172: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@MedhiDembouz: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Sulo_ilhan: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Richardjcronin: RT @ComicVault_ie: It's here!!! Available from 10.30 tomorrow right here in #corkcitycentre . Stories by Jim Lee, Kevin Smith, Neal Adams,… - 6 years ago

@ComicVault_ie: It's here!!! Available from 10.30 tomorrow right here in #corkcitycentre . Stories by Jim Lee, Kevin Smith, Neal Ad… - 6 years ago

@WhYNot_mB: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Jdaddysaintc: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@GeorgiaTechFB: RT @TheAthleticATL: Paul Johnson: “He was a big teddy bear. He was a big guy, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He is really going… - 6 years ago

@future277: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@mtthieu_Gilg: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@sheldonlenoir: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@CiremeFCB: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Ma2tyy: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@m_s_adams: RT @SamueleGrassi3: Waiting to present in the Paul Goodman panel at the #PSA19 Annual Conference: - 6 years ago

@Sarazinoo: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Estifouleur: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@_Ivanovic78: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@KenedySamy: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Kassimzup: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@atr667: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@kaiokeeen: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Yg_Br0die: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@IshhIshhh: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@BilalObk: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@Akli___: RT @OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oublié le… - 6 years ago

@OKCThunderFR: Depuis le All-Star break: Paul George est redevenu le joueur qu’il était la saison passée, Russell Westbrook a oubl… - 6 years ago

@Gedaffa_Koff: RT @onlyonejacoby: Russell Westbrook Paul George Steven Adams Jerami Grant Dennis Schroder Terrance Ferguson Nerlens Noel Abdel Nader Andre… - 6 years ago

@IaintSHxT__YET: RT @onlyonejacoby: Russell Westbrook Paul George Steven Adams Jerami Grant Dennis Schroder Terrance Ferguson Nerlens Noel Abdel Nader Andre… - 6 years ago

@AmenRadio1: #Playing Paul Adams - Ebube | @pauladams015 via - 6 years ago

@playboyanis: RT @onlyonejacoby: Russell Westbrook Paul George Steven Adams Jerami Grant Dennis Schroder Terrance Ferguson Nerlens Noel Abdel Nader Andre… - 6 years ago

@cameron_adams: RT @RuPaul: #TrueStory: Aretha Franklin once wrote me a personal check made payable to "Ruth Paul" - 6 years ago

@Kenneth43959568: RT @ShootingAus: The final day of action in Acapulco, Mexico of the ISSF World Cup Shotgun starts at 1AM AEST as Paul Adams and Keith Fergu… - 6 years ago

@ShootingAus: The final day of action in Acapulco, Mexico of the ISSF World Cup Shotgun starts at 1AM AEST as Paul Adams and Keit… - 6 years ago

@dat_plug: RT @DownTownFerg: When KD comes back this summer, the league is done. No team in the league is beating this lineup. Russell Westbrook Pau… - 6 years ago

@mopatton_sports: RT @ksugiuraajc: Story on Brandon Adams' passing updated. Thanks and appreciation to Kyle Cerge-Henderson, Paul Johnson and Andy McCollum,… - 6 years ago

@_slimbands: C: Steven Adams F: LeBron James F: Paul George G: Victor Oladipo G: Kyrie Irving - 6 years ago

@TylerWedding: RT @onlyonejacoby: Russell Westbrook Paul George Steven Adams Jerami Grant Dennis Schroder Terrance Ferguson Nerlens Noel Abdel Nader Andre… - 6 years ago

@edrake1023: RT @ksugiuraajc: Story on Brandon Adams' passing updated. Thanks and appreciation to Kyle Cerge-Henderson, Paul Johnson and Andy McCollum,… - 6 years ago

@cameron_adams: Paul McCartney on Michael Jackson's "dark side": "Nobody knew about the other side that’s shown in that movie. It… - 6 years ago

@mshope65: RT @ksugiuraajc: Story on Brandon Adams' passing updated. Thanks and appreciation to Kyle Cerge-Henderson, Paul Johnson and Andy McCollum,… - 6 years ago

@TornCartledge: RT @ksugiuraajc: Story on Brandon Adams' passing updated. Thanks and appreciation to Kyle Cerge-Henderson, Paul Johnson and Andy McCollum,… - 6 years ago

@mama_kid_gh: RT @onlyonejacoby: Russell Westbrook Paul George Steven Adams Jerami Grant Dennis Schroder Terrance Ferguson Nerlens Noel Abdel Nader Andre… - 6 years ago

@whitb716: RT @ksugiuraajc: Story on Brandon Adams' passing updated. Thanks and appreciation to Kyle Cerge-Henderson, Paul Johnson and Andy McCollum,… - 6 years ago

@Terriandfriendz: RT @LoveHasOnly1: @seanhannity Thank you @DevinNunes @MarkMeadows @Jim_Jordan for all you do for us. Your names will go down in history as… - 6 years ago

@rowe_deedra: RT @LoveHasOnly1: @seanhannity Thank you @DevinNunes @MarkMeadows @Jim_Jordan for all you do for us. Your names will go down in history as… - 6 years ago

@DebbieB1230: RT @Zeba1980: @John_S_Adams @Pearl_USA @dbongino The Paul Ryan effect 😂😂 - 6 years ago

@Seth_Adams_603: RT @NEO_Scan: Cleveland ~ Fight - St Paul Community Church - W44/Franklin - 2 females fighting in church, 1 has a baseball bat -BW - 6 years ago

@garytimm54_g: RT @joelP826: @mattyglesias Paul Krugman recognized this regarding presidents, back in 2011. Scott Adams too: https… - 6 years ago

@frelonrouge: RT @PhotosHistos: Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Mark Knopfler, Mark King et Bryan Adams sur scène à Londres, 1986 #musique http… - 6 years ago

@BizarroMoMA: Parc de Saint-Jacques Babinet Paul Clinton Adams Albumen silver print, printed in black - 6 years ago

@JorgeCantu1841: RT @24ParaTiro: NUEVO EPISODIO! Jorge y Diego discuten por qué OKC es el mayor rival para los Warriors en la Conferencia Oeste: - Un Russe… - 6 years ago

@24ParaTiro: NUEVO EPISODIO! Jorge y Diego discuten por qué OKC es el mayor rival para los Warriors en la Conferencia Oeste: -… - 6 years ago

@jasarae_mck: RT @itstatyannag: Paul Revere warning Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming (1775) - 6 years ago

@JohnPricey0505: RT @rocks1883: The team is announced... Dion Sampson Rob Garforth Sam Rose James Shea Mike Sleet Ollie Warwick Ian Guppy Jamie Lambeth Luk… - 6 years ago

@LindorTech: Facebook’s Head Of Brand Design Paul Adams Joins Customer Outreach Startup Intercom - 6 years ago

@Smartmuscle42: DJ and Mark Carlson at Paul Adams wake. RIP Hall of Fame Coach Paul Adams. - 6 years ago

@Smartmuscle42: RIP Former Deerfield Head Football Coach, Hall of Famer Paul Adams. - 6 years ago

@marugao0227: チャゲ&飛鳥 阿呆鳥 相曽晴日 THE ALFEE サザンオールスターズ Paul Young Howard Jones Hall & Oates Bryan Adams a-ha THE STREET SLIDERS A… - 6 years ago

@Paul_Berney: @pamfoundation Wish you had pursued singing more, Pamela, you sound great with Bryan Adams 😀🎵❤️ - 6 years ago

@PRKNZ2: @DeeWebley This is factual... In both ways. Compre a drama and we have the best drama... It's like Days of our live… - 6 years ago

@ShootingAus: After shooting 69/75 targets in day one of the Skeet Women's event, Aislin Jones will be shooting 50 targets in day… - 6 years ago

@LexusHatfield: Experience the new #LexusUX at the final day of our launch event. Don't miss an exclusive exhibition by urban arti… - 6 years ago

@Mbikisha: Gary Kirsten, Allan Donalds, Lance Klusener and Paul Adams. TV3 now SABC 3 used to broadcast all these sports. - 6 years ago

@kingarthur_wolf: @victorrborgess1 @Matthew_NoLove @CurtindoNBA Está empatado com o Paul George como maior ladrão de bolas da NBA, te… - 6 years ago

@kingarthur_wolf: @fran022011 @CurtindoNBA Está empatado com o Paul George como maior ladrão de bolas da NBA, tem uma média de tocos… - 6 years ago

@CorneredTigers_: First piece of silverware goes to Arsenal (EnglishCavani) in a closely contested game against Blackburn Rovers(Bas… - 6 years ago

@Bootz_Adams: RT @zoesinger: @Jim_Jordan Hallelujah! Maybe we can get the CIA FBI to actually start doing some real work? Q team Paul_Serran Corey diggs… - 6 years ago

@victormestevez_: RT @jose_carlos_gl: Vaya plantilla: Chet Baker Ft. Bill Evans / Pepper Adams / Kenny Burrell / Paul Chambers... - 6 years ago

@rambojambo9: @paul_adams 1, 2, ......It's photoshopped, surely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 6 years ago

@jose_carlos_gl: Vaya plantilla: Chet Baker Ft. Bill Evans / Pepper Adams / Kenny Burrell / Paul Chambers... - 6 years ago

@paul_adams: #Brexit Try counting those... - 6 years ago

@Booktrovert: @tanz10 @Paul__G__ @brentvans It is a special writer who can draw readers back to re-read their work! Thank you for… - 6 years ago

@paul_adams: 3 million people have now signed the petition calling for Brexit to be cancelled - 6 years ago

@tanz10: @Paul__G__ @Booktrovert @brentvans I just finished Crimes Against My Brother and it is has renewed my love for Davi… - 6 years ago

@LordSnow317: @ZachHicks2 Paul Adams, Mizzou OL. - 6 years ago

@paul_adams: #Brexit #revokearticle50 LET'S DOUBLE IT! - 6 years ago

@MergedPlayers: A 6'2 point guard with the shooting of Lou Williams, the defense of Carmelo Anthony, the playmaking of Chris Paul,… - 6 years ago

@Paul_Cooll: Be careful of what you chase, because what opens Adams eyes closed Abacha eyes 😂😂🤣 - 6 years ago

@Gastonerless: Esta sesión de fotos de Amy Adams y Paul Thomas Anderson me da vida cada vez que la veo ❤️ - 6 years ago

@DanHuddTweets: RT @wildhampshire: The Granary Burial Ground (1660), Tremont St, Boston. Contains the graves of Paul Revere, the parents of Benjamin Frank… - 6 years ago

@adams_sawyer: RT @SportsCentre: "That's between us." Kawhi Leonard is in a similar situation that Paul George was in last season, on a new team with fre… - 6 years ago

@AdamS: RT @eliehonig: Just as a mental exercise: What if Mueller had held his fire and then yesterday announced all at once the indictments of Pa… - 6 years ago

@T_N_B7: FWIW the HBO series JOHN ADAMS with Paul Giamatti was amazing. - 6 years ago

@centi50: RT @SumayaBakhsh: The BBC’s Paul Adams visits Yemen’s Marib to find out how this ancient city is thriving in the midst of the war. “Marib o… - 6 years ago

@alasaadim: RT @SumayaBakhsh: The BBC’s Paul Adams visits Yemen’s Marib to find out how this ancient city is thriving in the midst of the war. “Marib o… - 6 years ago

@TXNativePatriot: OH FFS, @SamuelAdamsBeer, this was NOT necessary. Wanted. Or, appreciated. Please, celebrate real heroes and great… - 6 years ago

@SlaveOfGod_: RT @SumayaBakhsh: The BBC’s Paul Adams visits Yemen’s Marib to find out how this ancient city is thriving in the midst of the war. “Marib o… - 6 years ago

@SumayaBakhsh: The BBC’s Paul Adams visits Yemen’s Marib to find out how this ancient city is thriving in the midst of the war. “M… - 6 years ago

@jerseyjohn43: @Mrnweather @AMHQ @ReynoldsWolf @kellycass @Paul_Goodloe @LianaBrackett @WeekendRecharge @mikeseidel @KelliOHaratv… - 6 years ago

@wildhampshire: The Granary Burial Ground (1660), Tremont St, Boston. Contains the graves of Paul Revere, the parents of Benjamin… - 6 years ago

@StorytellersThe: Ricky Clark Indie Acoustic artist covering the likes of Ryan Adams, John Lennon, Noel Gallagher, Paul Weller, Bob D… - 6 years ago

@adams_raflex: RT @utdxtra: Paul Pogba’s assist for Antoine Griezmann is a thing of beauty. 🔥🇫🇷 #mufc - 6 years ago

@KidnapCity: @ykomska Fascinating story. What would a historiography of the cold war look like if African-American voices and ex… - 6 years ago

@Samuelduran__: RT @SofredorDeOKC: Imaginem uma starting lineup com: PG - Russell Westbrook SG - Paul George SF - Kevin Durant PF - Jerami Grant C - ? (Ad… - 6 years ago

@Carson420Lynne: RT @HeatherPPWH: We are thrilled to announce Denise Van Outen will be the special guest at our Itison Ladies Lunch! Host Kaye Adams, Rive… - 6 years ago

@james_snios: RT @rocks1883: The team is announced... Dion Sampson Rob Garforth Sam Rose James Shea Mike Sleet Ollie Warwick Ian Guppy Jamie Lambeth Luk… - 6 years ago

@LexusHatfield: Our #LexusUX launch event is now on. Enjoy refreshments and an exclusive exhibition by urban artists JJ Adams and… - 6 years ago

@GillianPPWH: RT @HeatherPPWH: We are thrilled to announce Denise Van Outen will be the special guest at our Itison Ladies Lunch! Host Kaye Adams, Rive… - 6 years ago

@HeatherPPWH: We are thrilled to announce Denise Van Outen will be the special guest at our Itison Ladies Lunch! Host Kaye Adam… - 6 years ago

@Vegaismyname: RT @LanderLab: Outstanding session on map and model validation from two world experts this morning, Peter Rosenthal and Paul Adams, at the… - 6 years ago

@RustySilber: @EDGYTIM SportsCorner back Saturday morning national and local sports. NCAA March Madness and the local loss of for… - 6 years ago

@RustySilber: @Quags57 SportsCorner back Saturday morning national and local sports. NCAA March Madness and the local loss of for… - 6 years ago

@RustySilber: RT @RustySilber: SportsCorner back Saturday morning national and local sports. NCAA March Madness and the local loss of former Deerfield co… - 6 years ago

@RustySilber: SportsCorner back Saturday morning national and local sports. NCAA March Madness and the local loss of former Deerf… - 6 years ago

@tanman2517: @Jonathan___H @cclayton4 @_cp3_FAN @NBA @HoustonRockets @JHarden13 Not the first year he did it or last year. The f… - 6 years ago

@rockbo27: RT @RocketQ79573780: Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Mark Knopfler, Mark King and Brian Adams at the Prince's Trust Concert , Lon… - 6 years ago

@wf_adams: RT @RonPaul: Ron Paul Classic: No War in Iraq - 6 years ago

@OKCNationBR: THUNDER WINNNNNN! Thunder 116 x 109 Raptors Destaques: Paul George: 28 pts/ 6 reb/ 5 ast Russell Westbrook: 18 p… - 6 years ago

@Jacyrocks: @nprfreshair just referred said “Paul Giamatti from HBO’s John Adams” as if that’s what we know him from. They mi… - 6 years ago

@thetweetsofTodd: @mynameis_kaylee They have no offense. A team with Paul George, Russell Westbrook, Dennis Schroder, and Steven Ada… - 6 years ago

@hellotherepaula: @hoomhumhobbit @SavvyBlunders @PaiaLovesPie Yup, Stephen Dillane is Jefferson, Paul Giammatti is Adams, Rufus Sewel… - 6 years ago

@thetweetsofTodd: I love how a team with Paul George, Russell Westbrook, Dennis Schroder, and Steven Adams have the worst offense in the league. 😂 - 6 years ago

@MinisterKobby: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 BlissBless Micheal Evans Adu-Boahen Phlorence Esi Abban Vovo Sparx Danyle Sparx Boahen Paul Elike… - 6 years ago

@DailyNBALineups: #Thunder R. Westbrook PG,T. Ferguson SG,Paul George SF,Jerami Grant PF,Steven Adams C - 6 years ago

@MergedPlayers: A 6'7 small forward with the shooting of Stephen Curry, the defense of Josh Jackson, the playmaking of Chris Paul,… - 6 years ago

@OKCnationTR: Bu,Oklahoma tarihinde 3 oyuncunun en az 100 top çalmaya sahip olduğu 3. sezon Paul George: 150 (NBA'de 1.) Russ:… - 6 years ago

@GameTimeBOOGIE: @Byrds_TheWyrd Lol word, you got Luther Head, Illinois, Salim Stoudemire and Hassan Adams from Arizona and then Mau… - 6 years ago

@zenj8: RT @alpipkin: I just can't imagine Paul Revere or John Adams asking the British for permission to speak in Boston Commons‼️ Conservative S… - 6 years ago

@paul_agge: RT @chosensomto: Someone tell Adams Oshiomole that we cannot “endure the pain of rigging” . We couldn’t endure it in Osun, and we went to c… - 6 years ago

@whallen3: @paul10shaw I tend to agree Paul. Thought we were very organized in the back especially. Played with great width op… - 6 years ago

@LexusHatfield: The all-new #LexusUX, launching this weekend. An exclusive exhibition by urban artists JJ Adams and Paul Oz and re… - 6 years ago

@GunterMoon: @heathradio - 6 years ago

@MxttAdams: RT @Mitchell4D: Most of the NFL personnel at #Mizzou pro day came to watch Drew Lock. But the league's highest-paid center was there to sup… - 6 years ago

@JuQuintero10: RT @SofredorDeOKC: Imaginem uma starting lineup com: PG - Russell Westbrook SG - Paul George SF - Kevin Durant PF - Jerami Grant C - ? (Ad… - 6 years ago

@Raphael_Lucas24: RT @ondufc: Our Social Media Producers Feta Douglas, Lulua Mark PRO Otelul Veggas Adams , Tokodani Paul Powell and officials were part of… - 6 years ago

@CindyKayHogan1: RT @alpipkin: I just can't imagine Paul Revere or John Adams asking the British for permission to speak in Boston Commons‼️ Conservative S… - 6 years ago

@kcldo1thing: RT @KingsAKC: NEXT WEEK @ Guy's Chapel, there will be a screening of ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’, the 1988 film discussed by Prof. Eddi… - 6 years ago

@ondufc: Our Social Media Producers Feta Douglas, Lulua Mark PRO Otelul Veggas Adams , Tokodani Paul Powell and officials w… - 6 years ago

@Dean_KCL: RT @KingsAKC: NEXT WEEK @ Guy's Chapel, there will be a screening of ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’, the 1988 film discussed by Prof. Eddi… - 6 years ago

@Nick_Clamorgan: RT @alpipkin: I just can't imagine Paul Revere or John Adams asking the British for permission to speak in Boston Commons‼️ Conservative S… - 6 years ago

@ObscureExReds: @Nati_Sports Look up these guys' OPS vs the Reds: C Paul Bako 1B Eric Thames 2B Bill Hall SS Rafael Furcal 3B Ron… - 6 years ago

@KingsAKC: NEXT WEEK @ Guy's Chapel, there will be a screening of ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’, the 1988 film discussed by… - 6 years ago

@1Facmgt: RT @alpipkin: I just can't imagine Paul Revere or John Adams asking the British for permission to speak in Boston Commons‼️ Conservative S… - 6 years ago

@CarolKirouac: RT @alpipkin: I just can't imagine Paul Revere or John Adams asking the British for permission to speak in Boston Commons‼️ Conservative S… - 6 years ago

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