Patrick Winston

American computer scientist.
Died on Saturday July 20th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Patrick Winston:

@urartangel: Winston Patrick "Metal Construction #1" Mild Steel - 6 years ago

@casuallydying_: RT @urartangel: Winston Patrick "Table Top Form" Wood and Copper - 6 years ago

@urartangel: Winston Patrick "Table Top Form" Wood and Copper - 6 years ago

@EecaiaLab: Very sad to hear the news of Patrick Winston's passing. A very kind person. I learned Lisp with his book. - 6 years ago


@j2breve: RT @j2bryson: A few notes (from me) on Patrick Winston - 6 years ago

@j2breve: RT @j2bryson: What Sussman said - 6 years ago

@mythreeboys66: RT @stuarteharris: AFC Conf. with NASA Astronaut/Naval Captain Winston Scott; AFC CEO and Executive Director Michael Brawer; and AXA Adviso… - 6 years ago

@NSR_Stevenson: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 RIP - 6 years ago

@patrick_postal: Boris planning no-deal Brexit like Winston did Overlord? - 6 years ago

@hereisnaman: Sad to know that Patrick Winston is no more. I did his AI course last year. Certainly he is one of the best in his… - 6 years ago

@SubkrishnaRao: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@saiadarsh_s: The AI community is mourning the loss of pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at Massachussets Institute of Technolo… - 6 years ago

@MarfanSyndrome1: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@ckontas: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@_sricharan_: RT @MIT_CSAIL: We're saddened to report that Professor Patrick Winston, who directed MIT's AI lab for 25 years, died today. Since being a… - 6 years ago

@npcciprc: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@krntneja: RT @tommmitchell: Sad to hear of the passing today of AI pioneer Patrick Winston. His 1970 PhD on machine learning was one of my greatest… - 6 years ago

@godboleam: RT @MIT_CSAIL: We're saddened to report that Professor Patrick Winston, who directed MIT's AI lab for 25 years, died today. Since being a… - 6 years ago

@Dblhuh: @ShiobhanKelly @winston_hines My oldest wanted to name his son "Shawn Patrick". I told him he can but every time I… - 6 years ago

@erichorvitz: RT @tommmitchell: Sad to hear of the passing today of AI pioneer Patrick Winston. His 1970 PhD on machine learning was one of my greatest… - 6 years ago

@AiUpNow: #AI Professor Patrick Winston former director of MITs Artificial Intelligence Laboratory dies at 76… - 6 years ago

@Gabrielmarey: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@Gabrielmarey: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@gnawali: Patrick Henry Winston 1943-2019. Taught not only AI 6.034 but also how to grow and cared for his students. Goodbye… - 6 years ago

@Winston_McSmith: Wow. I'd have guessed that Patrick Harvie was the kind of old fashioned left-wing internationalist Green who would… - 6 years ago

@ZhutianYang2: To read and contribute remembrances about Patrick H. Winston, former director of MIT AI lab (1972-1997), dedicated… - 6 years ago

@ZhutianYang2: @AndNlp To read and contribute remembrances about this great man, Patrick H. Winston, welcome to… - 6 years ago

@chidambara09: RT @AndNlp: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 #BigData #NLP - 6 years ago

@riccardotasso: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@TechnoJeder: RT @AndNlp: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 #BigData #NLP - 6 years ago

@AndNlp: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 #BigData #NLP - 6 years ago

@dolhani: RT @newsycombinator: Patrick Winston of MIT CSAIL has died - 6 years ago

@amy13baker: RT @WinstonBaker: #FBF to YouTube Co-Founder Steve Chen and YouTube Content Creator Zach King at Winston Baker’s inaugural #ConfluenceSummi… - 6 years ago

@tabdekalb: RT @Brickwallblitz: @fboutsiders Finally, the accuracy for all 35 charted quarterbacks on throws of 21+ yards. Five most accurate QBs: And… - 6 years ago

@Rattutiwari: RT @MIT_CBMM: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 "We have all heard that Pa… - 6 years ago

@schouie3: RT @Brickwallblitz: @fboutsiders Finally, the accuracy for all 35 charted quarterbacks on throws of 21+ yards. Five most accurate QBs: And… - 6 years ago

@Brickwallblitz: @fboutsiders Finally, the accuracy for all 35 charted quarterbacks on throws of 21+ yards. Five most accurate QBs:… - 6 years ago

@AdaptiveToolbox: RT @hasdid: #AINews #AI #Automated | Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 htt… - 6 years ago

@WinstonBaker: #FBF to YouTube Co-Founder Steve Chen and YouTube Content Creator Zach King at Winston Baker’s inaugural… - 6 years ago

@MarioBecroft: RT @RainerJoswig: #lisp #ai #hacker Patrick Henry Winston , RIP I've spent a lot of time working through some of his books and learned so… - 6 years ago

@disneystrook29: RT @Broese_utrecht: Dit boek schetst een veelkleurig portret van het fenomeen 'Boris', van zijn Turkse roots, zijn talrijke liefdesaffaires… - 6 years ago

@future_of_AI: A few notes on Patrick Winston - 6 years ago

@JeanHerveg: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@Gestaltworkshop: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@antoinenasr: RT @MIT_CSAIL: We're saddened to report that Professor Patrick Winston, who directed MIT's AI lab for 25 years, died today. Since being a… - 6 years ago

@BernAceituno: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@ghserrano: RT @MITOCW: We lost a computer science legend last week. You will be missed Prof. Patrick Winston! - 6 years ago

@buzzlers: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@NhungNghiem2: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@stochasticroll: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@badbit_0: RT @MITOCW: We lost a computer science legend last week. You will be missed Prof. Patrick Winston! - 6 years ago

@avaa411: RT @rodneyabrooks: Patrick Winston of MIT has passed away. He was director of the MIT AI Lab for 25 years, and a professor for 50 years. Th… - 6 years ago

@MITOCW: We lost a computer science legend last week. You will be missed Prof. Patrick Winston! - 6 years ago

@Kelvinmutunga17: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@BstockWorld: 🇺🇸 WINSTON C (Rip Van Winkle) wins the Gr.1 AP Smithwick Memorial Steeplechase at Saratoga for Jonathan Sheppard &… - 6 years ago

@mit_cmsw: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@MaMo_: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@TFConsult: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@chetan_naik: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@amina_delali: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@redondoj: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 | Robohub - 6 years ago

@smartloky: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@aphoristikerin: "Er brachte seinen Schülern bei, wie man denkt, wie man handelt und wie man ein würdiges, erfülltes Leben führt.“… - 6 years ago

@dahstar: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@StevePolyak: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@catherinehavasi: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@DenisDoehler: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@ronagonzal: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@MetsaPutra: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@Mukesh_K_Jangid: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@erick_ikki_: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@VESTEDTECH: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@sluicing: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@asm86mario: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@aneomatrix: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@RCRPodcast: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@yesterbits: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@aneomatrix: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@adolphlwq: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@mrityunjay_99: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@saveinventors: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@arafatkamaal: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@SunnyYunHe: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@viviane41861305: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@peoppenheimer: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@garudsp: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free onlin… - 6 years ago

@NickDavidovich: RT @y_sumi: 先週、Patrick Winstonが亡くなったとのことで、古い本を見返してみた。 "LISP"は多分僕が初めて買った情報処理系の本。学部生の時のプログラミング科目がPascalだったのだけど、最後の数回だけLISPで、それが面白くてこの本を買った。 も… - 6 years ago

@TechnovationUk: RT @technovation: We are mourning the loss of Patrick Winston, beloved @MIT professor and former president of @RealAAAI, who saw #AI as an… - 6 years ago

@zoehr1: RT @sapinker: Sad to hear of the passing of my former colleague Patrick Winston, past director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.… - 6 years ago

@thetech: NEWS | Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, leader of CSAIL’s Ge… - 6 years ago

@Group_CFS: Professor Patrick Winston, former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@betsperts: Stat of the Day: NFL most passing yards Patrick Mahomes +450 Matt Ryan +500 Aaron Rodgers +800 Andrew Luck +800 B… - 6 years ago

@ScienceMIT: RT @mcgovernmit: Tomaso Poggio reflects on his relationship with former director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab Patrick Winston, who… - 6 years ago

@AndySpence: There are many ways of being smart that aren't smart like us. Patrick Winston RIP #AI #Pioneer - 6 years ago

@alvelda: RT @rodneyabrooks: Patrick Winston of MIT has passed away. He was director of the MIT AI Lab for 25 years, and a professor for 50 years. Th… - 6 years ago

@A06266981: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@QuetzalBlue: RT @MIT_CSAIL: We're saddened to report that Professor Patrick Winston, who directed MIT's AI lab for 25 years, died today. Since being a… - 6 years ago

@QuetzalBlue: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@chrisMaxMike: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@banruh: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@akinori_ito: RT @y_sumi: 先週、Patrick Winstonが亡くなったとのことで、古い本を見返してみた。 "LISP"は多分僕が初めて買った情報処理系の本。学部生の時のプログラミング科目がPascalだったのだけど、最後の数回だけLISPで、それが面白くてこの本を買った。 も… - 6 years ago

@y_sumi: 先週、Patrick Winstonが亡くなったとのことで、古い本を見返してみた。 "LISP"は多分僕が初めて買った情報処理系の本。学部生の時のプログラミング科目がPascalだったのだけど、最後の数回だけLISPで、それが面白… - 6 years ago

@BrianMarkEvans: RT @moakcarlsson: He was the best teacher I ever had and his The Human Intelligence Enterprise seminar laid the foundations for all my thin… - 6 years ago

@rajivjk: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

@akashbisht81: Woke up to this Sad News ! #RIP - MIT Professor Patrick Winston - 6 years ago

@rawells: RT @MIT_CSAIL: RIP to professor Patrick Winston, one of MIT's most celebrated teachers. Here are his complete video lectures for 6.034 (Ar… - 6 years ago

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