Patrick Mayhew

Northern Irish-British barrister and politician.
Died on Saturday June 25th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Patrick Mayhew:

@duntwitting: @Catsuss You've got a job there! Sad to hear of Patrick Mayhew... I assume you're muffling for him? - 9 years ago

@shamrockxpress: The late Patrick Mayhew had many faults but he seemed to care about Northern Ireland - something conspicously absent in Theresa Villiers. - 9 years ago

@sweetfox7: RT @BreakingNewsUK: Former Conservative Cabinet minister Lord Patrick Mayhew, who served as Northern Ireland secretary, dies at age 86, fam… - 9 years ago

@narlingstone: RT @saikyoushi: 25日Mayhew of Twysden男爵Patrick Mayhewが死去。86歳。元イギリス北アイルランド相(92-97年)。保守党所属。97年下院議員退任に際して一代貴族の同男爵に叙された。15年6月上院議員を辞任した(24人目)。 - 9 years ago


@saikyoushi: 25日Mayhew of Twysden男爵Patrick Mayhewが死去。86歳。元イギリス北アイルランド相(92-97年)。保守党所属。97年下院議員退任に際して一代貴族の同男爵に叙された。15年6月上院議員を辞任した(24人目)。 - 9 years ago

@brianjohnspencr: “Former secretary of state Patrick Mayhew, who died this week, is the subject of a famous story that I...” - 9 years ago

@orlovlibert: @patrickmayhew35 Patrick mayhew Hi there I invite you to this kind of adult porn webcam totally free - 9 years ago

@alextalbot116: @michaeldweiss I have never accepted this characterisation of him.Eg he praises Patrick Mayhew for starting a peace process he oppossed.1/2 - 9 years ago

@ShootingStock: Sir Patrick Mayhew - 9 years ago

@ShootingStock: “Sir Patrick Mayhew” by @shootingstock on @Picfair: - 9 years ago

@theirishpost: Former Secretary of State Sir Patrick Mayhew, who had a mixed record in the North of Ireland, dies at the age of 86 - 9 years ago

@1SVN: RT @gandkchurch: Patrick Mayhew. Deeply respected and much loved. His funeral is in Goudhurst church, 6 July, 12:00. All welcome. - 9 years ago

@tessawilkinson: RT @gandkchurch: Patrick Mayhew. Deeply respected and much loved. His funeral is in Goudhurst church, 6 July, 12:00. All welcome. - 9 years ago

@tujoli: RT @gandkchurch: Patrick Mayhew. Deeply respected and much loved. His funeral is in Goudhurst church, 6 July, 12:00. All welcome. - 9 years ago

@gandkchurch: Patrick Mayhew. Deeply respected and much loved. His funeral is in Goudhurst church, 6 July, 12:00. All welcome. - 9 years ago

@siobhangregg: @AlanDuncanMP Quip about 'Borisconi'? A little pathetic. The late Sir Patrick Mayhew would have had much more class. A true statesman. - 9 years ago

@irishexaminer: At Prime Ministers Questions, tributes paid in House of his Commons to former NI Secretary Patrick Mayhew #iestaff via @McConnellDaniel - 9 years ago

@McConnellDaniel: At Prime Ministers Questions, tributes paid in House of his Commons to former NI Secretary Patrick Mayhew #iestaff - 9 years ago

@IrlEmbPrague: Patrick Mayhew RIP. Remembered for his role in the seminal Downing Street Declaration - 9 years ago

@brianrowe13: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

@justmebeingme4: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

@birdbrook: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

@pamatluing: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

@JillMcGEE1: RT @paulwaugh: Corbyn outflanking Cameron in the tribute stakes, rare error from PM forgetting Patrick Mayhew at start of PMQs - 9 years ago

@LondonNev: @daily_politics @afneil RIP Patrick Mayhew brilliant Attorney General who also would never have insulted man in the street @EmilyThornberry - 9 years ago

@DannyStorah: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

@PieEaterobey: RT @upnorthowen: #bbcdp Cameron just asked lucy to Google Who Patrick Mayhew is #pmqs - 9 years ago

@upnorthowen: #bbcdp Cameron just asked lucy to Google Who Patrick Mayhew is #pmqs - 9 years ago

@TobyLatimer100: RT @BriefcaseMike: Notable that Corbyn mentioned death of Patrick Mayhew (a Tory) and paid tribute but Cameron had forgotten to do so. #PMQs - 9 years ago

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