Patrick Haslam

British racehorse trainer.
Died on Sunday October 15th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Patrick Haslam:

@Currentquiz: Name the Middleham trainer who saddled winners on every racecourse in Great Britain ??? Patrick Haslam - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Patrick Haslam Racehorse trainer based in Middleham - 7 years ago

@PeteBarronMedia: Sad to see that #Middleham racehorse trainer Patrick Haslam has died. - 7 years ago

@newsoneplace: (The Northern Echo):#Trainer #Patrick Haslam dies at the age of 69 : ONE of the region’s racing greats has.. - 7 years ago


@billy_boro: RT @TheNorthernEcho: Trainer Patrick Haslam dies at the age of 69 - 7 years ago

@TheNorthernEcho: Trainer Patrick Haslam dies at the age of 69 - 7 years ago

@Samccullagh: RT @RacingPost: Sir Anthony McCoy leads the tributes after Patrick Haslam dies at 69> - 7 years ago

@RacingPost: Sir Anthony McCoy leads the tributes after Patrick Haslam dies at 69> - 7 years ago

@jbarkerii: @patrick__martin Haslam's isn't without blame. But he's not the one who passed on Wentz and Watson, which to me are fireable offenses. - 7 years ago

@patrick__martin: @jbarkerii Then whose fault was the blow up talk of the previous two regimes under Haslam? - 7 years ago

@jbarkerii: @patrick__martin Wait really? It's Haslam's fault their 1-21??? The blow up talk is a direct result of a lack of ta… - 7 years ago

@patrick__martin: @jbarkerii The blow up talk is not a product of this regime. It’s what Haslam does. Has to stop. - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 021) #British #racehorse #trainer #Patrick #Haslam 69 #dies #October 14, 2017 following #battle with #illness - 7 years ago

@sABC123d: @RichardHoiles Sad to read about Patrick Haslam, hope you pay tribute to him on Champions Day, a gentleman and a damned good trainer - 7 years ago

@Trojan_Horse999: Such a nice article for the great man Patrick Haslam. Says it all really. Well respected and lived by so many - 7 years ago

@teoyps: @BenHaslamRacing A great trainer your dad and Brian jago gave me many a winner rip Patrick Haslam - 7 years ago

@DalesNews_: RT @richmond_today: Tributes paid to renowned racehorse trainer Patrick Haslam - 7 years ago

@NorthRacingClub: RT @AnnDuffieldnews: Very sad to hear of Patrick Haslam's passing, an underated trainer & a proper man everyone knew where they stood. - 7 years ago

@ConnollySevey: RT @AnnDuffieldnews: Very sad to hear of Patrick Haslam's passing, an underated trainer & a proper man everyone knew where they stood. - 7 years ago

@FunkysTips: RT @NTFnews: Patrick Haslam 1948 - 2017 - 7 years ago

@AnaglogsDaughtr: RT @AnnDuffieldnews: Very sad to hear of Patrick Haslam's passing, an underated trainer & a proper man everyone knew where they stood. - 7 years ago

@NTFnews: Patrick Haslam 1948 - 2017 - 7 years ago

@NTFnews: Passing of Patrick Haslam - 7 years ago

@Deanosbeeno1981: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@Duffer07: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@lizzielamb: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@gazhammer63: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@dianadogsegg: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@JakeFrancois: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@TheSussexStud: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@burton1968cm: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@FunkysTips: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@ConnollySevey: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@vickiclarke1701: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@NorthRacingClub: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@manubaechler: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@chloesam19x: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@georgebsports: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@e_clutterbuck15: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@violethesketh: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@Onlyfoolsback: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@SarahKinsella3: RT @WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@WilliePMullins: Patrick Haslam and Ken Dooley. You both gave so much to the sport we all love. May you both rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Patrick Haslam, you will be missed - #PatrickHaslam #Patrick #Haslam #rip - 7 years ago

@KenHeelan: @BenHaslamRacing Very sad to hear the news Ben. Patrick Haslam was a gent. I can remember the delight it was for my… - 7 years ago

@watchitlad: RT @AnnDuffieldnews: Very sad to hear of Patrick Haslam's passing, an underated trainer & a proper man everyone knew where they stood. - 7 years ago

@AnnDuffieldnews: Very sad to hear of Patrick Haslam's passing, an underated trainer & a proper man everyone knew where they stood. - 7 years ago

@RichMusgrave: RT @NTFnews: This morning, more sad news - the passing of Patrick Haslam. A clever and versatile trainer. Condolences to Anne, Ben and the… - 7 years ago

@Lee_Dolbear: Tributes paid to Middleham trainer Patrick Haslam - - 7 years ago

@CorneliusRacing: Patrick Haslam was great shrewdie; recall him only semi joking when Pageboy led all way at Hamilton that Jason Weav… - 7 years ago

@MountRacingClub: Sad to hear of the passing of Patrick Haslam, a traditional and legend of a trainer. Thoughts go out to Anne, Ben and family. RIP Patrick - 7 years ago

@MiddlehamPark: RT @MprUpdates: We send our deepest condolences to Patrick Haslam's family. Such sad news, but also such fond memories of working together.… - 7 years ago

@jeddokeeffe: RT @NTFnews: This morning, more sad news - the passing of Patrick Haslam. A clever and versatile trainer. Condolences to Anne, Ben and the… - 7 years ago

@richmond_today: Tributes paid to renowned racehorse trainer Patrick Haslam - 7 years ago

@ms_arsenal: RT @NTFnews: This morning, more sad news - the passing of Patrick Haslam. A clever and versatile trainer. Condolences to Anne, Ben and the… - 7 years ago

@FunkysTips: RT @NTFnews: This morning, more sad news - the passing of Patrick Haslam. A clever and versatile trainer. Condolences to Anne, Ben and the… - 7 years ago

@NTFnews: This morning, more sad news - the passing of Patrick Haslam. A clever and versatile trainer. Condolences to Anne, Ben and the family - 7 years ago

@MprUpdates: We send our deepest condolences to Patrick Haslam's family. Such sad news, but also such fond memories of working together. Rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@trackandtack: @jeffas11 @Racingwelfare @myracingtips @kemptonparkrace Patrick Haslam is a Trainer says if u google him. Oh Gosh!… - 7 years ago

@patrick_mayhorn: can’t wait for the browns to start the rebuild all over again because jimmy haslam is exactly as stupid and impatient as their core fans - 7 years ago

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