Patrick Flores

American archbishop
Died on Monday January 9th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Patrick Flores:

@callie_kruse: RT @SharonKoTV: Vigil begins for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@2_flannery: Rest In Peace, Archbishop Patrick Flores. - 8 years ago

@realMTHKENS5: RT @KENS5: The praise of retired Archbishop Patrick Flores was deep and heartfelt. - 8 years ago

@MatholicWarrior: I had the honor of carrying Archbishop Patrick Flores to his place… - 8 years ago


@victopal: RT @DeborahKnappTV5: Music for the Mariachi Archbishop at funeral of Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@SaharaSalinas: RT @JoaquinCastrotx: Today, our city lays to rest a beacon of compassion. My prayers are with Archbishop Patrick Flores' family. - 8 years ago

@AMG_POCKETS: RT @KHOU: Archbishop Patrick Flores has died at 87 - 8 years ago

@AMG_POCKETS: RT @ChrisShadrock: PHOTOS: The life of Archbishop Patrick Flores. - 8 years ago

@AMG_POCKETS: RT @aaronschrank: Funeral begins for former San Antonio Archbishop Patrick Flores at San Fernando Cathedral - 8 years ago

@AMG_POCKETS: RT @SueKENS5: Sharing the Gospel in honor of Archbishop Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@VinnyGissuper: RT @KENS5: The praise of retired Archbishop Patrick Flores was deep and heartfelt. - 8 years ago

@KENS5: The praise of retired Archbishop Patrick Flores was deep and heartfelt. - 8 years ago

@LeslieY5135: RT @KSATStephanie: Procession for Late Archbishop Patrick Flores #KSATnews - 8 years ago

@KLMatula: RT @Rivardreport: San Antonio bids farewell to ‘Mariachi Archbishop’ Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@BexarWitness: San Antonio Bids Farewell to ‘Mariachi Archbishop’ Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@bluedrummajor: RT @Rivardreport: San Antonio bids farewell to ‘Mariachi Archbishop’ Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@Rivardreport: San Antonio bids farewell to ‘Mariachi Archbishop’ Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@CaffreyEj: RT @bcarrz: RIP San Antonio’s retired Archbishop Patrick Flores, first Mexican-American bishop in the US. #ProudMexicanAmerican #Catholic @… - 8 years ago

@twinmommy498: RT @BorundaDaniel: "A man of the people." Archbishop Patrick Flores was 1st Mexican-American bishop in U.S., former #ElPaso bishop. https:/… - 8 years ago

@twinmommy498: RT @Crux: By @CatholicNewsSvc, the first Hispanic bishop in the US, Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio, dies at 87. - 8 years ago

@twinmommy498: RT @SueKENS5: Sharing the Gospel in honor of Archbishop Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@raymondprangel: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: People line streets to say goodbye to Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@raymondprangel: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral mass held for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@HACUNews: RT @JoaquinCastrotx: Today, our city lays to rest a beacon of compassion. My prayers are with Archbishop Patrick Flores' family. - 8 years ago

@brande87: RT @ArchbishopGomez: Friends, my good friend and mentor, Archbishop Patrick Flores, passed away today at the age of 87. - 8 years ago

@tzar39: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral mass held for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@tzar39: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: People line streets to say goodbye to Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@ksatnews: VIDEO: People line streets to say goodbye to Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral mass held for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@IllumenNate: RT @ArchbishopGomez: Friends, my good friend and mentor, Archbishop Patrick Flores, passed away today at the age of 87. - 8 years ago

@SanAntonioCP: Nearly 10,000 pay their last respects to SA Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores minha cpx kkkkk - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy Baaah mais já tá cm outra KK🚀🚀 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Vou quebrar o Patrick k - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores piro que nao é 😐 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy É a mãezinha KK vjaaaaaa - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: RT @Hellofraan: @Patrick_Swy ta me irritando - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Me lembrem de nunca deixar o Patrick mexer no meu tt kkk mdss ele patifa mtt 😂😂 - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores 🙄🙄 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy n sei explicar - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores ?* - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores por mal ou por bem! - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores cabaçooooooo KKKKKKKKK - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy Ele tá cansadão kkk a viajem foi longa kkk - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores o rdc nao ta fazendo o trabalho dele de pega as cadela, ta treinando - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Tô rindo mtt cm o Patrick 😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy tsb kkk - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores é o rdc 😎😎 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Me mato rindo cm o Patrick meu kkk disse q aggr o nome do Normano é "Rdc" Rei Das Cadelas🐶😂😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Por culpa do Patrick agrr fico patifando chamando o Normano de RD😂 - 8 years ago

@JoeAlderete: RT @SharonKoTV: Vigil begins for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@SharonKoTV: Vigil begins for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores #kens5eyewitness - 8 years ago

@jmsk1991: RT @ksatnews: Hundreds pay their last respects to SA Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@kimvie: RT @ksatnews: Hundreds pay their last respects to SA Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@ksatnews: Hundreds pay their last respects to SA Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@SanAntonioCP: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores KSATnews - 8 years ago

@WolfmomH: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@epbusiness: Catholic ArchBishop Patrick Flores, age 87, 1st Mexican-American named Bishop in US, passed away. Mass & interment is 1-17-17 in San Antonio - 8 years ago

@GgGgwolf: May you rest in peace Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores. You will greatly be missed. - 8 years ago

@nburnett_SA: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@Jemstarr79: RT @ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@ksatnews: VIDEO: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@Gamer_Girl_1970: RT @ksatnews: Funeral services begin Monday for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@ksatnews: Video: Funeral services begin for for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores - 8 years ago

@BishopEstevez: Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio is the giant of the Hispanic presence in the Church; a model of service for the people of God! - 8 years ago

@Patrick_futsal: RT @maiconkusterkkk: - mae, pq a prima se chama Rosa? - pq sua tia gosta de flores - e eu mae??? - chega de perguntas, ronaldinho gaucho… - 8 years ago

@hlgrs: RT @News4SA: Visitation begins today for retired Archbishop Patrick Flores, who died last week at age of 87 - 8 years ago

@satodaycatholic: RT @News4SA: Visitation begins today for retired Archbishop Patrick Flores, who died last week at age of 87 - 8 years ago

@metalheadjs: RT @News4SA: Visitation begins today for retired Archbishop Patrick Flores, who died last week at age of 87 - 8 years ago

@zhedricknews: RT @News4SA: Visitation begins today for retired Archbishop Patrick Flores, who died last week at age of 87 - 8 years ago

@Alex_Flores__4: RT @riley_lorton: Being Brian Patrick - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy @lucas_souzzaaaa idtt kkkk - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores tadinho 😔😔 @lucas_souzzaaaa - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: Patrick cm ciúmes é uma viajem kk😂❤ - 8 years ago

@taff_flores: RT @thefanaticsview: 😲🤔😳😂 Loyal fans out here.... (via IG patrick.ismyname) #DallasCowboys #GoPackGo #GBvsDAL - 8 years ago

@copsmetro: Funeral services for Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Flores, an early supporter of C.O.P.S., will be Monday/Tuesday. - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy Vtfdd merda kk - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores ja te falei no wpp pnc KKKKKK - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy QI amiga ?kkkkkk - 8 years ago

@lismunoz2010: Watch “A Tribute to Archbishop Patrick F. Flores” by @satodaycatholic on #Vimeo - 8 years ago

@Flores51Patrick: Come make my day! Online now at 9:46pm EST on Flirt4Free! - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Swy: @kharoll_Flores tua amiga que tava sendo caçada KKKKKKKKK - 8 years ago

@kharoll_Flores: @Patrick_Swy Tá smp né kk tlc - 8 years ago

@sacollectibles: Check out ARCHBISHOP PATRICK FLORES & JOSE GOMEZ "LEAVING A LEGACY/A NEW BEGINNING" poster - 8 years ago

@Patrick_Ponttes: RT @OficialMrCatra: Buceta tem cheiro de buceta mesmo quer cheirinho de morango e flores é só chupar sabonete - 8 years ago

@Hmontmirail: RT @ArchbishopGomez: Friends, my good friend and mentor, Archbishop Patrick Flores, passed away today at the age of 87. - 8 years ago

@Torinhaaaa: RT @brenda_morete: estava brigada e ganhou flores aaaaaa q linda, toda boba ❤ isso é b7 p caralho kkkk @patrick_balle - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #DigiVideoPlus Patrick Flores, Nation's First Mexican-American Bishop, Dead At 87. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@patrick_balle: RT @brenda_morete: estava brigada e ganhou flores aaaaaa q linda, toda boba ❤ isso é b7 p caralho kkkk @patrick_balle - 8 years ago

@brenda_morete: estava brigada e ganhou flores aaaaaa q linda, toda boba ❤ isso é b7 p caralho kkkk @patrick_balle - 8 years ago

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