Patricia Ruanne

British ballet dancer.
Died on Tuesday November 1st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Patricia Ruanne:

@BobBrace2: Ballet Masters Frederic Jahn & Patricia Ruanne - Dance Informa Magazine - 2 years ago

@rlfgPrudrudgml: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@danzamalaga: Patricia Ruanne, la Julieta de Nureyev RIP - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago


@Myracami: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@dance300: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@rengifo_chacon: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@naomip_86: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@ladolcevita416: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@IHATE6Oclocks: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@Contraboneman: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@valsadie: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@GinaBlueangel: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@BertaTeixeiro: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@BertaTeixeiro: RT @ENBallet: We are sad to hear of the passing of Patricia Ruanne, the acclaimed Leeds-born ballerina who danced with us from 1973, and wa… - 2 years ago

@JoseCabada1: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@sukuti_a: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@muffinyp: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@RoyalOperaHouse: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly express… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Activist Ela Bhatt; cartoonist George Booth; artist Nicholas Harding; ballerina Patricia Ruanne - 2 years ago

@nehemiah_kish: RT @TheRoyalBallet: All at The Royal Ballet are saddened to hear of the death of British ballerina Patricia Ruanne The vividly expressive… - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: Patricia Ruanne and Paolo Bortoluzzi in Swan Lake - Photo by Teatro alla Scala / Erio Piccagliani - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: Patricia Ruanne and Paolo Bortoluzzi in Swan Lake - Photo by Teatro alla Scala / Erio Piccagliani - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: Patricia Ruanne in Swan Lake, 1975 - Photo by Teatro alla Scala / Erio Piccagliani - 2 years ago

@LucyAMarshall: RT @ENBallet: We are sad to hear of the passing of Patricia Ruanne, the acclaimed Leeds-born ballerina who danced with us from 1973, and wa… - 2 years ago

@ladolcevita416: RT @NakayaMasahiro: 直接ご指導いただけて幸せでした。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 R.I.P. Ballerina and coach Patricia Ruanne has died at 77 - 2 years ago

@NakayaMasahiro: 直接ご指導いただけて幸せでした。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 R.I.P. Ballerina and coach Patricia Ruanne has died at 77 - 2 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ Patricia RUANNE 🗓 3 Jun. 1945 – 1 Nov. 2022 🗺 🇬🇧 📜 Ballerina, ballet mistress, teacher, repetiteur, director 🐦… - 2 years ago

@OperaRoma: RT @CNDanzaMX: Nos sumamos a la pena por la partida de Patricia Ruanne, destacada bailarina, maestra de ballet y repositora coreográfica de… - 2 years ago

@ENBallet: We are sad to hear of the passing of Patricia Ruanne, the acclaimed Leeds-born ballerina who danced with us from 19… - 2 years ago

@EliseLmD: RT @dansomanie: Décès de Patricia Ruanne, ancienne danseuse et maître de ballet, à l'âge de 77 ans. Elle fut notamment la Juliette de Noure… - 2 years ago

@gramilano: The Teatro alla Scala and ballet company join the mourning in the dance world for the passing of Patricia Ruanne, a… - 2 years ago

@Tomoaky88: RT @ooki_akira: Patricia Ruanne の死去により、新国立劇場バレエ団によるマクミラン作品の上演に黄色信号が灯った。 バレエ団の事情を知っている振付指導者を失った不利益は大きい。 Ruanneクラスの優秀な指導者が確保出来ないのであれば、マクミラン作品… - 2 years ago

@igoryebradanza: RT @JUANLAVANGA1: Partió PATRICIA RUANNE, gran Bailarina, Maestra y Repositora, colaboradora de Rudolf NUREYEV. Mucha LUZ para ella...!!! h… - 2 years ago

@ooki_akira: Patricia Ruanne の死去により、新国立劇場バレエ団によるマクミラン作品の上演に黄色信号が灯った。 バレエ団の事情を知っている振付指導者を失った不利益は大きい。 Ruanneクラスの優秀な指導者が確保出来ないのであれば… - 2 years ago

@balletomanes_c: Patricia Ruanne vient de quitter ce monde. Elle était l'ayant-droit du ballet Roméo et Juliette, chorégraphie de Nu… - 2 years ago

@CameliaLadi: RT @forballetomanes: R.I.P. Patricia Ruanne. - 2 years ago

@blck_swa: RT @ENBallet: Rudolf Nureyev and Patricia Ruanne rehearsing #ENBRomeo at our studios back in 1979. See this blazing ballet at @southbankcen… - 2 years ago

@martinchaix: RT @LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teacher in… - 2 years ago

@Blogdupetitrat: RT @LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teacher in… - 2 years ago

@PetloverHermine: PATRICIA RUANNE 1945-2022 British Ballerina - 2 years ago

@dansomanie_J: RT @dansomanie: Décès de Patricia Ruanne, ancienne danseuse et maître de ballet, à l'âge de 77 ans. Elle fut notamment la Juliette de Noure… - 2 years ago

@Tothjorch: RT @DanzadanceOrg: QPD. Addio a Patricia Ruanne danzatrice e storica assistente di Nureyev - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 268) #Addio a #British #ballet #dancer #Patricia #Ruanne 77 #dies #November 1, 2022 - Danza&Danza… - 2 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @CNDanzaMX: Nos sumamos a la pena por la partida de Patricia Ruanne, destacada bailarina, maestra de ballet y repositora coreográfica de… - 2 years ago

@Sodre_Uruguay: RT @BNSballet: Con un profundo dolor compartimos el fallecimiento de Patricia Ruanne, primera bailarina del Royal Ballet y del London Festi… - 2 years ago

@BNSballet: Con un profundo dolor compartimos el fallecimiento de Patricia Ruanne, primera bailarina del Royal Ballet y del Lon… - 2 years ago

@velomadikera: RT @LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teacher in… - 2 years ago

@Philippe_Gault: RT @dansomanie: Décès de Patricia Ruanne, ancienne danseuse et maître de ballet, à l'âge de 77 ans. Elle fut notamment la Juliette de Noure… - 2 years ago

@dansomanie: Décès de Patricia Ruanne, ancienne danseuse et maître de ballet, à l'âge de 77 ans. Elle fut notamment la Juliette… - 2 years ago

@ma_nyc7: Ballerina and coach Patricia Ruanne has died at 77 - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @gramilano: Patricia Ruanne - ballerina, coach and company director - has died at the age of 77 in Rome. - 2 years ago

@AdrienPerreau: "Adieu à Patricia Ruanne", Maîtresse de ballet au Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris de 1986 à 1996 à la demande de Rudolf… - 2 years ago

@NoisettePhilip1: RT @LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teacher in… - 2 years ago

@Balletonautes: Disparition de Patricia Ruanne, créatrice de la Juliette de Noureev et longtemps maîtresse de ballet à l’Opéra, ann… - 2 years ago

@JUANLAVANGA1: Partió PATRICIA RUANNE, gran Bailarina, Maestra y Repositora, colaboradora de Rudolf NUREYEV. Mucha LUZ para ella..… - 2 years ago

@YllonaJanine: RT @LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teacher in… - 2 years ago

@LauraCappelle: Extremely sad to hear Patricia Ruanne has died (@gramilano). For a few years in the 1990s, she was my ballet teache… - 2 years ago

@dance300: RT @gramilano: Patricia Ruanne - ballerina, coach and company director - has died at the age of 77 in Rome. - 2 years ago

@LuciaDiMartin18: RT @OperaRoma: Addio a Patricia Ruanne, danzatrice e artista raffinata che l'Opera di Roma ha avuto l'onore di ospitare in diverse produzio… - 2 years ago

@matthewpaluch: RT @gramilano: Patricia Ruanne - ballerina, coach and company director - has died at the age of 77 in Rome. - 2 years ago

@OperaRoma: Addio a Patricia Ruanne, danzatrice e artista raffinata che l'Opera di Roma ha avuto l'onore di ospitare in diverse… - 2 years ago

@GWDanceWriter: So sorry to hear that Patricia Ruanne has died. Born in Leeds, she was a principal at both The Royal Ballet and Lo… - 2 years ago

@asax31: RT @gramilano: Patricia Ruanne - ballerina, coach and company director - has died at the age of 77 in Rome. - 2 years ago

@eos958: RT @gramilano: Patricia Ruanne - ballerina, coach and company director - has died at the age of 77 in Rome. - 2 years ago

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