Patricia Llewellyn

British television producer (The Naked Chef
Died on Tuesday October 24th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Patricia Llewellyn:

@JamieOliverHub: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Ramsay and Oliver's shows ... - 7 years ago

@WestonbirtSch: Sad to hear of the early passing of one of our v successful ex-pupils Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Patricia Llewellyn (55) British TV Producer - 7 years ago

@AVMitchell2010: RT @ChrisMonk: Such sad news about my former boss, Pat Llewellyn: a genius of television and a lovely person. - 7 years ago


@MyAlliesNews: Patricia Llewellyn, pioneering producer behind The Naked Chef and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares – obituary - 7 years ago

@babciapat: RT @kimseverson: RIP to the woman who introduced the world to Two Fat Ladies, Jamie Oliver and many other essential food shows. - 7 years ago

@babciapat: RT @ChrisMonk: Such sad news about my former boss, Pat Llewellyn: a genius of television and a lovely person. - 7 years ago

@babciapat: RT @GilesMacDonogh: RIP Patricia Llewellyn, who discovered my old friend Jennifer Paterson, and exposed the Naked Chef. - 7 years ago

@MikeSomerset3: - 7 years ago

@NewsDingo: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver's TV shows producer - 7 years ago

@HelloGeneration: Patricia Llewellyn – 1962 – 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver’s Programs maker - 7 years ago

@00FastNews: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver's Programs maker: - 7 years ago

@pops131: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Ramsay and Oliver's shows producer | Obituaries | News | - 7 years ago

@NEWSANTANDER: Patricia Llewellyn – 1962 – 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver’s TV shows producer - 7 years ago

@MyFreedomNews: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver's TV shows producer - 7 years ago

@Eurownews: Patricia Llewellyn - 1962 - 2017: Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver's TV shows producer - 7 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: RIP Patricia Llewellyn, who discovered my old friend Jennifer Paterson, and exposed the Naked Chef. - 7 years ago

@Primal: @RemodelAssist #PatriciaLlewellyn Dies: Gordon Ramsay Producer & Former... - 7 years ago

@telegraphprem: Patricia Llewellyn, pioneering producer behind The Naked Chef and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares – obituary - 7 years ago

@theprolific: 📷 ozu-teapot: The City of the Dead | John Llewellyn Moxey | 1960 Patricia Jessel, Tom Naylor - 7 years ago

@johncareyphoto: RT @BAFTACymru: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Carmarthen-born television producer Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@BryanWWebb: RT @WrightsFood: So sad to learn that our friend Pat Llewellyn has died. It was such a privilege to work with her. Much love to Ben https:/… - 7 years ago

@chefprocrown: RT @BBCNews: Jamie Oliver tribute to 'gifted' producer Patricia Llewellyn - 7 years ago

@BobbyChinn: British Producer & Indie Boss Patricia Llewellyn Dies – Variety. Sad to learn of her passing. a colossal inspiration - 7 years ago

@lisahicks14: RT @James_Winter: Such sad sad news. A brilliant producer and her shows will continue to inspire. - 7 years ago

@nakedjam: RT @James_Winter: Such sad sad news. A brilliant producer and her shows will continue to inspire. - 7 years ago

@MichaelWignall_: RT @James_Winter: Such sad sad news. A brilliant producer and her shows will continue to inspire. - 7 years ago

@Brynwchef: RT @James_Winter: Such sad sad news. A brilliant producer and her shows will continue to inspire. - 7 years ago

@AngelaHartnett: RT @BAFTACymru: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Carmarthen-born television producer Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@AngelaHartnett: RT @James_Winter: Such sad sad news. A brilliant producer and her shows will continue to inspire. - 7 years ago

@AngelaHartnett: RT @WrightsFood: So sad to learn that our friend Pat Llewellyn has died. It was such a privilege to work with her. Much love to Ben https:/… - 7 years ago

@PeachyAcu: Sad sad loss of Patricia Llewellyn. Smart, funny, hugely talented food programming pioneer and friend. Too young too soon. 💛 - 7 years ago

@Traedmawr: RT @Golwg360: #PrifStraeon360 3. Roedd Patricia Llewellyn yn 55 oed ac wedi’i magu yn nhref Castellnewydd Emlyn yn Sir Gaerfyrddin - 7 years ago

@Golwg360: #PrifStraeon360 3. Roedd Patricia Llewellyn yn 55 oed ac wedi’i magu yn nhref Castellnewydd Emlyn yn Sir Gaerfyrddin - 7 years ago

@monkey_viral: (Producer Patricia Llewellyn dies aged 50) is now on - - 7 years ago

@JustineHofland: RT @anna_johnston: Thank you for helping to kick start my career. You were an inspiration and will be truly missed 🌟 - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 109) #Patricia #Llewellyn #Dies #October 24, 2017 Gordon Ramsay #Producer & #Former #Optomen #Boss Was 55 - 7 years ago

@notanniem: RT @BAFTACymru: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Carmarthen-born television producer Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@Dupuizel: RT @WrightsFood: So sad to learn that our friend Pat Llewellyn has died. It was such a privilege to work with her. Much love to Ben https:/… - 7 years ago

@tvconnectseries: Optomen’s Patricia Llewellyn passes away aged 55 <p>Patricia Llewellyn, the British TV executive behind - 7 years ago

@therecruitmentr: Former Optomen boss Patricia Llewellyn dies - 7 years ago

@lookoutwales2: RT @BAFTACymru: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Carmarthen-born television producer Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@BAFTACymru: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Carmarthen-born television producer Patricia Llewellyn. - 7 years ago

@chefprocrown: RT @kimseverson: RIP to the woman who introduced the world to Two Fat Ladies, Jamie Oliver and many other essential food shows. - 7 years ago

@_StephenTerry_: RT @WrightsFood: So sad to learn that our friend Pat Llewellyn has died. It was such a privilege to work with her. Much love to Ben https:/… - 7 years ago

@PattyHughes: Patricia Llewellyn Dies: Gordon Ramsay Producer, Former Optomen Boss | Deadline - 7 years ago

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