Pascoal Mocumbi

Mozambican politician.
Died on Saturday March 25th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Pascoal Mocumbi:

@NandaRodCuba89: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@PYanicia: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@ErnestoAbelCar1: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@Yanet98672546: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago


@orl_lando: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@OdanValdes: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@MarcosGuerr2003: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@cuza67: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@KakiReyez: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@OCAfricano: Moçambique 🇲🇿 Morreu ex-primeiro-ministro de Moçambique, Pascoal Mocumbi. L.N - 2 years ago

@Jesusva82723663: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@YEpaiss: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@BelkisArtemisa: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@willwah89: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@BRF20221: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@HeidyMilagro: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@Jesus60911259: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@XiomaraLage: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@TomasHe0059612: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@Ernesto55107743: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@YosvanySolymar: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@ElieserFloresF1: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@BorreroDunia: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@MiguelPinedaLp1: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@SoraidaGarca4: RT @MMarreroCruz: Expresamos las más sentidas condolencias al pueblo y Gobierno de Mozambique por el fallecimiento del ex primer ministro,… - 2 years ago

@allafrica: Former Mozambican Prime Minister Pascoal Mocumbi Dies: - 2 years ago

@EACCR2: RT @EDCTP: EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi who was our first High Representative He will be greatly missed by all of us https… - 2 years ago

@ISGLOBALorg: #ISGlobal mourns the loss of Pascoal Mocumbi, a key figure in #GlobalHealth who dedicated his life to improving the… - 2 years ago

@AdrienCditJean1: RT @394Histoires: #New 25 Mars 2023 (Samedi dernier): Disparition, à l'âge de 81 ans, de Pascoal Mocumbi, homme politique Mozambique, anci… - 2 years ago

@394Histoires: #New 25 Mars 2023 (Samedi dernier): Disparition, à l'âge de 81 ans, de Pascoal Mocumbi, homme politique Mozambique… - 2 years ago

@sandragaveta: RT @EDCTP: EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi who was our first High Representative He will be greatly missed by all of us https… - 2 years ago

@CasadeEspana3: RT @OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro 🇲🇿 y Pte. d… - 2 years ago

@habarugira3: RT @EDCTP: EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi who was our first High Representative He will be greatly missed by all of us https… - 2 years ago

@NIMRTanga: RT @EDCTP: EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi who was our first High Representative He will be greatly missed by all of us https… - 2 years ago

@EDCTP: EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi who was our first High Representative He will be greatly missed by all… - 2 years ago

@Claudia71h: RT @ISGLOBALorg: Desde #ISGlobal lamentamos la pérdida de Pascoal Mocumbi, una figura imprescindible para la #SaludGlobal que dedicó su vid… - 2 years ago

@ISGLOBALorg: Desde #ISGlobal lamentamos la pérdida de Pascoal Mocumbi, una figura imprescindible para la #SaludGlobal que dedicó… - 2 years ago

@Nercioux: RT @Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo we hav… - 2 years ago

@MocambiqueRadio: - 2 years ago

@PauloDaSilvaMoz: RT @ambalgmaputo: Morreu, em Maputo, Pascoal Mocumbi, ex-primeiro ministro de Mocambique. Tinha 81 anos de idade. As nossas sinceras condol… - 2 years ago

@WinnieMpanju: @PAlonsoMalaria @EDCTP @Manhica_CISM @MoetiTshidi We have lost an amazing world leader, a brilliant, selfless, humb… - 2 years ago

@AugustineAmeya7: RT @asaaseradio995: Former prime minister of Mozambique Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi is dead #AsaaseNews - 2 years ago

@asaase1003: RT @asaaseradio995: Former prime minister of Mozambique Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi is dead #AsaaseNews - 2 years ago

@WinnieMpanju: RT @PAlonsoMalaria: I just learned of the death of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi. Founder of FRELIMO. A public servant as doctor, MoH and prime minis… - 2 years ago

@IsmaelMaluleke: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@asaaseradio995: Former prime minister of Mozambique Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi is dead #AsaaseNews - 2 years ago

@iamsilke: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@RabieDimitri: RT @ambalgmaputo: Morreu, em Maputo, Pascoal Mocumbi, ex-primeiro ministro de Mocambique. Tinha 81 anos de idade. As nossas sinceras condol… - 2 years ago

@abardaji: Sadness for the loss of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi. @Manhica_CISM founding member. G&O. MoH. Mozambique Prime Minister.… - 2 years ago

@ThembiSiweya: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@Manhica_CISM: RT @FranciscoSaute: Hoje é um dia triste para todos nós investigadores e profissionais de saúde, pois, perdemos o nosso mentor que tanto co… - 2 years ago

@mattypatt_: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@sidneyjohane: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@CNJMozambique: Até sempre antigo Primeiro-Ministro Pascoal Mocumbi.🇲🇿 - 2 years ago

@MaryMatozo_: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@ChicoKhembo: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@HendriccahM: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@TunjiLardner: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@Leo_Macuacua22: RT @opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiromi… - 2 years ago

@FlorenciaTamele: RT @ambalgmaputo: Morreu, em Maputo, Pascoal Mocumbi, ex-primeiro ministro de Mocambique. Tinha 81 anos de idade. As nossas sinceras condol… - 2 years ago

@omoluwabi: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@ambalgmaputo: Morreu, em Maputo, Pascoal Mocumbi, ex-primeiro ministro de Mocambique. Tinha 81 anos de idade. As nossas sinceras… - 2 years ago

@LopesInsights: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@paludismolosar: RT @Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo we hav… - 2 years ago

@EPOCNEWS: 🇲🇿 Décès de Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi, voix importante dans la promotion de la paix en Afrique ✍️… - 2 years ago

@GumbiJabulano: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@WorldStatesmen: RT @VOAPortugues: Morreu Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo primeiro-ministro de Moçambique - 2 years ago

@Maphuti_13: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@tonymbofana: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@FlorenciaTamele: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@Feliza201624122: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@OzerecO: RT @opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiromi… - 2 years ago

@Jhessianselmo: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@khabeerS: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@ntanzi: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@nompuku_r: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@raulcabr: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@AZumla: RT @PAlonsoMalaria: I just learned of the death of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi. Founder of FRELIMO. A public servant as doctor, MoH and prime minis… - 2 years ago

@TonnyAdamms: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@MiguelMuianga: RT @opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiromi… - 2 years ago

@AnaVelsou: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@MiguelMuianga: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@Bongani02698636: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@EmbEspMaputo: RT @OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro 🇲🇿 y Pte. d… - 2 years ago

@HannyKnows: RT @opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiromi… - 2 years ago

@Raggazzaaaaaa: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@yassuberr: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@ManuelMacado: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@MaraEnslin: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@rukwebi: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@JaiHenriq: RT @opaisonline: Pascoal Mocumbi ocupou vários cargos no Governo moçambicano, entre eles: Ministro da Saúde, em 1980; Ministro dos Negócios… - 2 years ago

@JaiHenriq: RT @opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiromi… - 2 years ago

@JaiHenriq: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@P_Mundo: Moçambique: Morreu o ex-primeiro-ministro de Moçambique Pascoal Mocumbi - 2 years ago

@Publico: Moçambique: Morreu o ex-primeiro-ministro de Moçambique Pascoal Mocumbi - 2 years ago

@total_desgrace: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@JerThaPlug: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@MemeirosM: Perdeu A Vida Hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, O Antigo Primeiro-Ministro de Moçambique - 2 years ago

@gordoshlySA: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@Doctormakhubel: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@ZitaVice: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@WelcumZA: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@tito_mboweni: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@zenaidamz: RT @JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a warr… - 2 years ago

@mariaredondo18: RT @OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro 🇲🇿 y Pte. d… - 2 years ago

@VOAPortugues: Morreu Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo primeiro-ministro de Moçambique - 2 years ago

@Ben_Matsinhe: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@JosinaZMachel: A pillar of the Mozambican revolution has left this earth day. Pascoal Mocumbi was activist in the 60’s and 70’s, a… - 2 years ago

@joethebrew: RT @OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro 🇲🇿 y Pte. d… - 2 years ago

@vectorologist: RT @Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo we hav… - 2 years ago

@opaisonline: Pascoal Mocumbi ocupou vários cargos no Governo moçambicano, entre eles: Ministro da Saúde, em 1980; Ministro dos N… - 2 years ago

@DinooGabriel: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@PAlonsoMalaria: RT @Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo we hav… - 2 years ago

@Mendescasten: RT @opaisonline: Política Morte de Pascoal Mocumbi: “Moçambique perdeu um patriota dedicado”, diz Guebuza #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigopri… - 2 years ago

@opaisonline: Política Morte de Pascoal Mocumbi: “Moçambique perdeu um patriota dedicado”, diz Guebuza #morte #pascoalmocumbi… - 2 years ago

@FranciscoSaute: Hoje é um dia triste para todos nós investigadores e profissionais de saúde, pois, perdemos o nosso mentor que tant… - 2 years ago

@FranciscoSaute: RT @Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo we hav… - 2 years ago

@opaisonline: Política Governo decreta luto nacional de dois dias pela morte de Pascoal Mocumbi #morte #pascoalmocumbi… - 2 years ago

@Manhica_CISM: Perde a vida hoje, em Maputo, Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, membro fundador do CISM e Fundação Manhiça. --- Today in Maputo… - 2 years ago

@SBeneditoGaspar: RT @OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro 🇲🇿 y Pte. d… - 2 years ago

@molinalamothe: Lo siento muchísimo. Descanse en Paz el gran ser humano que fue Pascoal Mocumbi, a quien tuve el honor de conocer… - 2 years ago

@macua39: Morreu Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi (1941-2023), antigo Primeiro-ministro de Moçambique - 2 years ago

@qxapeya: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@Manuel_tembe: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@dlayne_destiny: RT @opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro #opaisonline… - 2 years ago

@NoorAbdisalan: @PAlonsoMalaria my thoughts are with the family and friends of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi during this difficult times. Sad… - 2 years ago

@Carlos_Chaccour: RT @agbasteiro: Today we are very sad due to the passing of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi, former Prime Minister of #Mozambique, founding member & Pre… - 2 years ago

@OzerecO: Con gran tristeza he sabido que hoy ha fallecido el Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi, gran amigo de 🇪🇦, antiguo Primer Ministro… - 2 years ago

@clarame37032803: RT @PAlonsoMalaria: I just learned of the death of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi. Founder of FRELIMO. A public servant as doctor, MoH and prime minis… - 2 years ago

@agbasteiro: Ficamos muito tristes de saber que o Dr Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo Primeiro Ministro de Moçambique, Presidente e Membr… - 2 years ago

@agbasteiro: Today we are very sad due to the passing of Dr Pascoal Mocumbi, former Prime Minister of #Mozambique, founding memb… - 2 years ago

@DuartieKelvin: “Há grandes homens que fazem com que todos se sintam pequenos. Mas o verdadeiro grande homem é aquele que faz com q… - 2 years ago

@PAlonsoMalaria: I just learned of the death of Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi. Founder of FRELIMO. A public servant as doctor, MoH and prime m… - 2 years ago

@AncoraMediaTV: ⚓️ DESTAQUE: Morreu hoje (sábado) Pascoal #Mocumbi, antigo Primeiro-#ministro de Moçambique. #ancoramediatv - 2 years ago

@opaisonline: Política Morreu hoje Pascoal Mocumbi, antigo PM de Moçambique #morte #pascoalmocumbi #antigoprimeiroministro… - 2 years ago

@Dungonuvunga: RT @MChaleque: Faleceu Pascoal Mocumbi antigo Primeiro-Ministro - 2 years ago

@Dungonuvunga: RT @mylavishlifemz: Pascoal Mocumbi aparece no documentário Inside Bill’s Brain < Decoding Bill Gates > ... #Netflix #InsideBillsBrain - 2 years ago

@MChaleque: Faleceu Pascoal Mocumbi antigo Primeiro-Ministro - 2 years ago

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