Pappu Sain

Pakistani dhol player
Died on Sunday November 7th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Pappu Sain:

@TheNewsonSunday: Pappu Sain and his dhol playing were inextricably linked to the shrine of Shah Jamal Read more: #TNS #TheNews - 3 years ago

@2bewitched: RT @iUsmanaliii: after fahad humayun, papu sain also left the world today, the overload band is shattered: here is tribute to best performa… - 3 years ago

@SheNearYetSoFar: RT @thecentrummedia: Veteran dhol player, Pappu Sain, breathed his last in Lahore after suffering from a prolonged illness. Having performe… - 3 years ago

@iamkuds: ustad pappu sain passed away 2 days ago i just found out. have seen him play dhol live once. man was a legend. drov… - 3 years ago


@noorrulhudaa: RT @thecentrummedia: Veteran dhol player, Pappu Sain, breathed his last in Lahore after suffering from a prolonged illness. Having performe… - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Actor Dean Stockwell; musicians Pappu Sain, Bopol Mansiamina; artist Carmen Laffon; bass Cliffo… - 3 years ago

@thecentrummedia: Veteran dhol player, Pappu Sain, breathed his last in Lahore after suffering from a prolonged illness. Having perfo… - 3 years ago

@am_manduck: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@Muhamma53142700: RT @CTV_Digital: Fans grieve as the dhol maestro Pappu Sain passed away after a prolonged illness. He had been suffering from liver cance… - 3 years ago

@CTV_Digital: Fans grieve as the dhol maestro Pappu Sain passed away after a prolonged illness. He had been suffering from live… - 3 years ago

@vibesofindia_: Pakistani Musician Pappu Sain’s Drum Will Never Beat Again #pappusain #musician… - 3 years ago

@HumQadamTV: Fans remember beloved dhol player Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@alqamaronline: Fans remember beloved dhol player Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@sabahbanomalik: RT @Beentherella: RIP Pappu Sain. Lahore will forever miss that beat. Ustad Pappu Sain Dhol Documentary (Part 2 of 6) with English Subtitl… - 3 years ago

@AGBloch90: RT @astola: Then God said, let there be drummers and the Devil ran in fear RIP Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@angryvictum: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@inder2604: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@majidurrehman: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@usamabasit: 💔💔💔 RIP - 3 years ago

@usamabasit: 💔💔💔 RIP Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore | The Express Tribune - 3 years ago

@usamabasit: 💔💔💔 RIP Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore | The Express Tribune - 3 years ago

@WaeedAwan: RT @Beentherella: RIP Pappu Sain. Lahore will forever miss that beat. Ustad Pappu Sain Dhol Documentary (Part 2 of 6) with English Subtitl… - 3 years ago

@irnaqureshi: RIP legendary drummer Pappu Sain. Such a privilege to have witnessed this scene live at Shah Jamal Shrine. Thursday… - 3 years ago

@iUsmanaliii: after fahad humayun, papu sain also left the world today, the overload band is shattered: here is tribute to best p… - 3 years ago

@sarabdheeraj: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@Sajeel155: RT @ETLifeandStyle: Musician Pappu Sain passed away after a prolonged battle with liver cancer. For more: #etri… - 3 years ago

@AhmadAhmadani77: Excellent tribute to famous Pakistani Dholchi Pappu Sain. RIP #Dhol #PappuSain - 3 years ago

@Faizanjan10: RT @Sukhbir_Singer: With the living legend Pappu Sain, legendary Dhol Player - 3 years ago

@Latestn57533339: معروف ڈھولچی پپو سائیں کے جنازے پر ان کے شاگرد ڈھول بجاتے رہے، ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل - 3 years ago

@Zoha_is_here: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@alithekazmi: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@TheSahuNews: Fans remember beloved dhol player Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@peechooz: RIP legend. - 3 years ago

@HumQadamTV: Fans remember beloved dhol player Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@alqamaronline: Fans remember beloved dhol player Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@Naked_Sword110: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@_mwaseem_: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@MahbinaW: @Jamiazad1 @MureedRamooz The guy was in jail briefly but then got out due to the influence of Pappu Sain. Most peo… - 3 years ago

@boy_cottage: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@NetPakistan: Dhol legend ‘Pappu Sain’ passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@shemrez: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@sgr_rabiya: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore | The Express Tribune 師匠…。どうか安らかに。 - 3 years ago

@DrHassnatt: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@pakobserver: Elite dhol player #PappuSain passes away Read More: - 3 years ago

@JunaidS69428713: @gumsum4 Baqol in logon k Pappu sain dhol ki taap se zikr krty thy. Shah jamal darbar pe maine logon ko wajd mai at… - 3 years ago

@Mashable_PK: Pakistan’s celebrated dhol player #PappuSain passes away. - 3 years ago

@yakkgames: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@reallpakaffairs: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore #Lahore - 3 years ago

@_qbhatti: Fawad grieved over demise of Shah Jamal's drummer Pappu Sain - 3 years ago

@Billi69545265: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@MohammadAliHQ: On the passing of Pappu Sain, legend of the dhol - his stamp on Pakistani music can be seen through his work with F… - 3 years ago

@minahil_mehdi: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@Maria_Kitchen: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@abhic4ever: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@juneymb: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@_qbhatti: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away: Legendary dhol player Pappu Sain passed away in Lahore Sunday following a prol… - 3 years ago

@HumQadamTV: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@alqamaronline: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@MohsinMumtaz_: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@ikramButt786: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@tanveer_farrukh: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@poojavnair: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@iamrana: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@desmukh: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@munawarshaikh92: RT @ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace! #Lahore… - 3 years ago

@ShirazHassan: The final journey of Pappu Sain, the legendary dhol player - this dhol and drum beat is so tragic! Rest in peace!… - 3 years ago

@nafeesazafar: RT @IrfaanAslam: Pappu Sain's shagirds give a send-off to their ustad by playing dhol at Baba Shah Jamal shrine... #PappuSain #Lahore Papp… - 3 years ago

@UzairAmirr: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@s_m_hisham: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@Razarumi: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@MayaramArvind: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@24NewsHD: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passes away - 3 years ago

@adeelamini: Aw 💔 - 3 years ago

@wasim84524087: Why PAPPU SAIN avoided Luxurious Life ? - 3 years ago

@mumaralid: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@furqantsiddiqui: Saddened to hear about the passing away of the Dhol maestro ‘Pappu Sain’ in #Lahore. RIP - 3 years ago

@naveeda_b: May Pappu Sain's memory be a blessing. This is from a dhamaal in my hometown, Lahore. - 3 years ago

@sgr_rabiya: - 3 years ago

@ArdenConcerts: RT @redbaraat: Pappu Sain, Godfather of Sufi dhol, has left this planet. Gutted. Blessing to his spirit. - 3 years ago

@Pukla_TV: RT @BilalH_Official: The king of dhool The book of dhool I can't forget the video created by Overload band (Dhamaal) when Pappu Sain and Fa… - 3 years ago

@BilalH_Official: The king of dhool The book of dhool I can't forget the video created by Overload band (Dhamaal) when Pappu Sain and… - 3 years ago

@FankarOnline: Death of Pappu Sain is like Loss of my father, Said by Horeya Asmat - 3 years ago

@Mudassar582: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore – [All Pakistan Latest News] - 3 years ago

@Glowpoint: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@redbaraat: Pappu Sain, Godfather of Sufi dhol, has left this planet. Gutted. Blessing to his spirit. - 3 years ago

@sunnydrums: Pappu Sain, Godfather of Sufi dhol, has left this planet. Gutted. Blessing to his spirit. - 3 years ago

@AaronTempler: RIP Pappu Sain, Sufi dhol master - 3 years ago

@SamsonM34475947: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@sharjeelbutt90: @zburki Shah Jamal and pappu sain memories on the wall still remember back in 2010 - 3 years ago

@AmirAlyOfficial: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@AmirAlyOfficial: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore | AA News Network - 3 years ago

@FatimaaFatss: RT @Rafay_Mahmood: How cruel can a year be if it wants take with it, Farhad Humayun and Pappu Sain. All set for a great gig in the sky #P… - 3 years ago

@Mihrimah_FS: RT @sabahbanomalik: Aw man 💔😭 - 3 years ago

@ncaffreyyy: RT @Rafay_Mahmood: How cruel can a year be if it wants take with it, Farhad Humayun and Pappu Sain. All set for a great gig in the sky #P… - 3 years ago

@AMMAD07: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@YOGASE11: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@Kya_Baat_Hai_Ub: - 3 years ago

@umarsherazch: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@IrshadGulNews: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@AlinaRana: RT @geonews_english: Sain was admitted to a hospital for last 15 days; loses battle to liver cancer Read more: #… - 3 years ago

@_qbhatti: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore: Sain was admitted to a hospital for last 15 days; loses battle to… - 3 years ago

@Muhammadz2626: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@PakistanVideoz: Famous drummer Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@geonews_english: Sain was admitted to a hospital for last 15 days; loses battle to liver cancer Read more: #GeoNews - 3 years ago

@9jalover1: Pappu Sain Famous Dhol Player Dies Lahor Check His Death Reason Wiki Biography - 3 years ago

@ApnazahidAli: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@juneymb: RT @bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of him at… - 3 years ago

@temporal3: RT @IrfaanAslam: Pappu Sain's shagirds give a send-off to their ustad by playing dhol at Baba Shah Jamal shrine... #PappuSain #Lahore Papp… - 3 years ago

@AliMurtazaLive: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@faridalvie: RT @IrfaanAslam: Pappu Sain's shagirds give a send-off to their ustad by playing dhol at Baba Shah Jamal shrine... #PappuSain #Lahore Papp… - 3 years ago

@IrfaanAslam: Pappu Sain's shagirds give a send-off to their ustad by playing dhol at Baba Shah Jamal shrine... #PappuSain… - 3 years ago

@AdnanLo04431257: - 3 years ago

@seghumman: R.I.P. Pappu Sain. It was always a real pleasure watching your act on Thursdays at Shah Jamal. - 3 years ago

@shams_z: RT @ETLifeandStyle: Dhol player Pappu Sain, known for his power-packed performances at the shrine of Baba Shah Jamal and beyond, passed awa… - 3 years ago

@ImranMalak: A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic beats of Drum is no more with us now. May his soul rest in eternal… - 3 years ago

@AdnanAdilKayan2: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@bombaywalee: Pappu Sain died today. South Asia is going to have little less dhol in it from now on. This my favourite video of… - 3 years ago

@pirgillani: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@FatimaAftab8: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@ChaudhryAwab: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@anishiekh: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Fanta77208212: RT @The_Nation: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore #PappuSain #Lahore - 3 years ago

@imsagheer: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@AlphaReapr: Danced on his tunes one too many times. RIP Pappu Sain #PappuSain - 3 years ago

@FlashView4: RT @The_Nation: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore #PappuSain #Lahore - 3 years ago

@kidneycancers: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore - The Nation - 3 years ago

@imsheikhwaqas: RT @ETLifeandStyle: Dhol player Pappu Sain, known for his power-packed performances at the shrine of Baba Shah Jamal and beyond, passed awa… - 3 years ago

@Khansheeren: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@erumzalvie: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Alisha09781: RT @The_Nation: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore #PappuSain #Lahore - 3 years ago

@sohailabid: Pappu Sain is no more - 3 years ago

@mahira53078536: RT @The_Nation: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore #PappuSain #Lahore - 3 years ago

@HaiderAzhar: Remember going to Shah Jamal with friends just to hear the legendary Pappu Sain! You were simply the best at what y… - 3 years ago


@EbbyAbsar: RT @Rafay_Mahmood: How cruel can a year be if it wants take with it, Farhad Humayun and Pappu Sain. All set for a great gig in the sky #P… - 3 years ago

@HumQadamTV: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@alqamaronline: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@farhanahmed: @Beentherella Drummers are among the brightest of us -- it takes a special kind of aural & manual intelligence, and… - 3 years ago

@laeeqahmad92: Rip pappu sain 😶😒 - 3 years ago

@tanveer_farrukh: RT @sabahbanomalik: Aw man 💔😭 - 3 years ago

@s_m_hisham: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@nisar_ashfaq: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@AamirAwanPTI: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passed away after a prolonged illness. #PapuSaien #Dhol #Beat #Overload - 3 years ago

@javedmalik73: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@HassanNasir_: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago


@MuniraMurtazaMW: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Dahri85Waqar: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Moeed4741: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@BasitAli92: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@ajmalsamilife: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@iqbalhussainsts: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Pappu Sain Passed Away – Cause of Death - 3 years ago

@_staysafe_: RIP pappu sain - 3 years ago

@aaliaaaliya: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@wanderlustArbab: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@sheikhstweet: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Mehreen_Hosain: RIP. #PappuSain Pappu Sain (Sufi Dhol Player) - 3 years ago

@AyeshaMiracle: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@The_Nation: Famous dhol player Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer in Lahore #PappuSain #Lahore - 3 years ago

@MavraGhaznavi: This year just keeps getting worse. Rest in peace, Pappu Sain. - 3 years ago

@BasitSubhani: Legendary Dhol player and King of Dhamaal, Pappu Sain has passed away. He first popularised the Dhol with his uniqu… - 3 years ago

@bia_aly: Pappu Sain was a sufi dhol player. He performed every Thursday evening at the Tomb of Shah Jamal in Ichhra, Lahore,… - 3 years ago

@noumanashraf: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@avtarlota: Dholak maestro Ustad Pappu Sain Sufi Ji passes away in Lahore RIP Ustad Ji 🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏 World Tabla Council… - 3 years ago

@ghulamabbasshah: @Sukhbir_Singer Pappu Sain, the most popular & legendary Dhol player and king of Dhamaal, who made Qalandari Dhol p… - 3 years ago

@SaeedShah: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@fatimatassadiq: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@AyeshaBhutta01: Dhol maestro Pappu Sain passed away today in Lahore. A one-man army who drove the power, vibrancy and rhythm of Pak… - 3 years ago

@Shafakhan21: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@VADropshipping: A long illness took its toll on Pappu Sain, a popular Dhol master known for his live perfo… - 3 years ago

@FawadMasud: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@wajahatwrites10: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@frozensanity: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@KhakSaaar_: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@AsimYasin: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@AmmadZahid: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@tiger_00786: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@HoKhaak: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@tanveer_farrukh: RT @mayamatchstick: It is hard to imagine the sight of Dhamaal without the sound of Pappu Sain's dhol. But I'm certain that the tradition o… - 3 years ago

@tanveer_farrukh: RT @mayamatchstick: Today Pappu Sain,the famous Sufi Dhol player,passed away after a prolonged illness. He spent nearly a lifetime playing… - 3 years ago

@MadniChattha: RT @DunyaNews: Leading drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@JBaghwan: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@mayamatchstick: It is hard to imagine the sight of Dhamaal without the sound of Pappu Sain's dhol. But I'm certain that the traditi… - 3 years ago

@mayamatchstick: Today Pappu Sain,the famous Sufi Dhol player,passed away after a prolonged illness. He spent nearly a lifetime play… - 3 years ago

@_loin: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@imSabihashmi: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@faridalvie: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@anzalshaah: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@JugnoKazmi: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@Masood1119: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@tariqahsan: @ajmaljami @Xadeejournalist Heartfelt condolences to Pappu Sain’s family and fans. He will be dearly missed. - 3 years ago

@itsMaleeeks: RT @ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and rhythmic… - 3 years ago

@ajmaljami: Pappu Sain was on ventilator since long, he was diagnosed of Liver cancer. A Malang known for his soft vichaar and… - 3 years ago

@Muhamma53142700: RT @LifestyleSamaa: Pappu Sain, a recipient of the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, was an asset for Pakistan. His art gave a new identity to the South Asi… - 3 years ago

@SAMAATV: RT @LifestyleSamaa: Pappu Sain, a recipient of the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, was an asset for Pakistan. His art gave a new identity to the South Asi… - 3 years ago

@TeenageSpaceman: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@SuhaibZuberi: Pappu Sain, the most popular & legendary Dhol player and king of Dhamaal, who made Qalandari Dhol part of the popul… - 3 years ago

@RoymukhtarRoy: RT @ghulamabbasshah: Pappu Sain passed away in Lahore, Known for his powerful performance at the shrine of his "spiritual guide" Baba Shah… - 3 years ago

@LifestyleSamaa: Pappu Sain, a recipient of the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz, was an asset for Pakistan. His art gave a new identity to the South… - 3 years ago

@imsaajidmirza: اِنّا لِلّٰهِ وَاِنّا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْن💔 Ace dholiya Pappu Sain passed away today (November 7) in Lahore, after s… - 3 years ago

@KK_PMLN: RT @24NewsHD: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passes away - 3 years ago


@talpur1: @abbasnasir59 @faridalvie @faisalrafi It is there Sarkar. And is about a Drummer Pappu Sain, informing about his Death. - 3 years ago


@falconhamada_90: RT @ARYNEWSOFFICIAL: ELITE DHOL PLAYER PAPPU SAIN PASSES AWAY Read more: #ARYNews - 3 years ago



@abdulmoeedtahir: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@SNabeelH: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@ghulamabbasshah: Pappu Sain passed away in Lahore, Known for his powerful performance at the shrine of his "spiritual guide" Baba Sh… - 3 years ago

@mr_zaair_sohail: RT @24NewsHD: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passes away - 3 years ago

@RN31888: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passes away. RIP - 3 years ago

@24NewsHD: Renowned dhol player Pappu Sain passes away - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Pappu Sain, you will be missed - #PappuSain #Pappu #Sain #rip - 3 years ago

@vanmark5: RT @latestbreaking1: Ace dholiya Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@latestbreaking1: Ace dholiya Pappu Sain passes away in Lahore - 3 years ago

@Suleman92573269: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@navaayan: rip pappu sain. end of an era with death of sain now and farhad humayun few months back,sain work on overload first… - 3 years ago

@Mango_Man_: RT @gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@gnnhdofficial: Renowned drummer Pappu Sain dies of liver cancer - 3 years ago

@Shameel_khokhar: #Lahore: Well known drummer Zulfiqar Ali alias #PappuSain passed away. He was undergoing treatment at the #Pakistan… - 3 years ago

@HinaNawab3: @FakhirHussainB2 Pappu Sain is a sufi dhol player. He performs every Thursday evening at the Tomb of Shah Jamal in… - 3 years ago

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