Pal Benko

Hungarian-American chess grandmaster.
Died on Monday August 26th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Pal Benko:

@AF4C_FirstMove: We remember one of the giants of US Chess with the passing of GM Pal Benko. Read John Henderson's latest column - 6 years ago

@olmanrvr: Pal Benko, Who Stepped Aside for Bobby Fischer, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@vvangopher: RT @WashTimes: Pal Benko lived a full life at the chessboard — and away from it - 6 years ago

@maryanne_rose: RT @WashTimes: Pal Benko lived a full life at the chessboard — and away from it - 6 years ago


@WashTimes: Pal Benko lived a full life at the chessboard — and away from it - 6 years ago

@ScorpioHAB: RT @chess_chat: I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames. - Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@AfricaChess: I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames. - Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@chess_chat: I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames. - Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@GMIanRogers: Contrary to most reports, Pal Benko decided to defect while at at the Zonal tournament in Dublin, May 1957. He then… - 6 years ago

@dgriffinchess: @GMIanRogers Two pictures of Pal Benko from the time of the 1957 Dublin Zonal (thanks to Joe Keenan & John Shearan,… - 6 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE +No hi ha res dolent en intentar explotar la tendència humana natural de possar-se nerviós quan es veu obliga… - 6 years ago

@411emilio: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@Conan776: I've been watching a lot of @agadmator's excellent #chess YouTube videos lately. Curious, I googled grandmaster Pal… - 6 years ago

@SankalpChess: RT @GMIanRogers: 1/2 Previously unpublished Pal Benko game Ballarat AUS Open 1984/5 Rd 1 Board 1 28.12.1984 White: Colin Davis Black: Pal B… - 6 years ago

@AfricaChess: I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames. - Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@chess_chat: I always urge players to study composed problems and endgames. - Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @NYTObits: The chess grandmaster Pal Benko has died at 91. He ceded his place in the 1969-72 world championship cycle to Bobby Fischer,… - 6 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @olimpiuurcan: There are riches galore in Edward Winter's feature article, just posted, on Pal Benko. And do not miss the tailpiece... h… - 6 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @olimpiuurcan: According to Pal Benko, a young Bobby Fischer lost two bets when he tried to solve this composition of his. - 6 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE En cap cas heu de jugar ràpid si teniu una posició guanyadora. Oblideu-vos del rellotge, utilitzeu tot el tem… - 6 years ago

@frenchfrill: RT @GMIanRogers: 1/2 Previously unpublished Pal Benko game Ballarat AUS Open 1984/5 Rd 1 Board 1 28.12.1984 White: Colin Davis Black: Pal B… - 6 years ago

@grawoig: RT @SusanPolgar: Very sad news!😢 Just heard that my dear friend GM Pal Benko died at 91. After missing each other for weeks due to our sche… - 6 years ago

@grawoig: RT @ruchess_eng: RIP Pal Benko (1928-2019). Grandmaster passed away at the age of 91. Photo: Wikipedia - 6 years ago

@AjedrezesVida: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@naastik: RT @GMIanRogers: 1/2 The last round win which took Pal Benko to 4th place in the 1984/5 AUS Open. Rd 13, 11.01.1985 White: Pal Benko Black:… - 6 years ago

@GMIanRogers: 1/2 The last round win which took Pal Benko to 4th place in the 1984/5 AUS Open. Rd 13, 11.01.1985 White: Pal Benko - 6 years ago

@nedhir6: @agadmator Well even tal can't play f6 against pal benko. Rip to both legends 🙏 - 6 years ago

@Chess__News: RT @GMIanRogers: 1/2 Previously unpublished Pal Benko game Ballarat AUS Open 1984/5 Rd 1 Board 1 28.12.1984 White: Colin Davis Black: Pal B… - 6 years ago

@GMIanRogers: 1/2 Previously unpublished Pal Benko game Ballarat AUS Open 1984/5 Rd 1 Board 1 28.12.1984 White: Colin Davis Black… - 6 years ago

@rodrigoma85: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@TeellEditorial: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@machimocho: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@DonFerAlba: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@Arquimides_: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@chesstwtr: RT @olimpiuurcan: There are riches galore in Edward Winter's feature article, just posted, on Pal Benko. And do not miss the tailpiece... h… - 6 years ago

@sequerapaolini: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@lsarango: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@letspoker: RT @olimpiuurcan: According to Pal Benko, a young Bobby Fischer lost two bets when he tried to solve this composition of his. - 6 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE Quan defenseu, intenteu no preocupar-vos ni molestar-vos. Mantingueu la vostra relació i confieu en la vostra… - 6 years ago

@AFresnedillas: RT @leontxogarcia: Cierro la serie de Joyas Históricas de este agosto con un pequeño homenaje al gran Pal Benko, fallecido recientemente a… - 6 years ago

@LuizGentilJuni1: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@KarhangaJames: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@SergeyShebalkov: RIP Pal Benko... Выдающийся американский шахматист, автор коварнейшей дебютной системы, известной как "Волжский гам… - 6 years ago

@iamaniku: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE Els errors no tenen res a veure amb la sort; són provocades per pressió, molèsties desconegudes amb una posic… - 6 years ago

@teisetsu: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@MarkRiser: Bobny fischer lost 2 bets trying to figure out this puzzle. He did get much better with his Bishops after btw soon… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Pal Benko, Who Stepped Aside for Bobby Fischer, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@frenchfrill: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@learto_ler: Muere Pal Benko, un genio del ajedrez que tuvo una vida de película - 6 years ago

@CoachTortoise: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@ECA_Rodolfo: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@ChessReflector: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@Nick_J_Gatti: An end-game genius RIP Pal Benko, Who Stepped Aside for Bobby Fischer, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@MansourAlkanani: RT @olimpiuurcan: According to Pal Benko, a young Bobby Fischer lost two bets when he tried to solve this composition of his. - 6 years ago

@GM_newegesa: RT @blackatlantic: Funny. I posted about this puzzle by Pal Benko a few days ago. Coincidence? - 6 years ago

@Times_Chess: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@TimRegency: RT @Kasparov63: RIP Pal Benko, an original chess mind who always strove to create original things on the chessboard, especially his countle… - 6 years ago

@ironmanth58: A legend, a gentleman, and a scholar. RIP, GM Pal Benko. - 6 years ago

@blackatlantic: Funny. I posted about this puzzle by Pal Benko a few days ago. Coincidence? - 6 years ago

@ironmanth58: @NewYorker Not a bad article at all, Louisa! Bravo for the attempt. It is refreshing to get TNY view on chess playe… - 6 years ago

@TorresChess: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@brunmarllon: RT @olimpiuurcan: According to Pal Benko, a young Bobby Fischer lost two bets when he tried to solve this composition of his. - 6 years ago

@Arquimides_: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@Ayelenchess: RT @Palamedes15: @Ayelenchess @johnbrazel @VictorMMagoP Aprecia la grandeza de Pal Benko!!! QEPD 💐 Retweet please 😊 - 6 years ago

@Palamedes15: @Ayelenchess @johnbrazel @VictorMMagoP Aprecia la grandeza de Pal Benko!!! QEPD 💐 Retweet please 😊 - 6 years ago

@Marty_Grund: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@Palamedes15: Aprecia la grandeza de Pal Benko!!! QEPD 💐 - 6 years ago

@EuropeEchecs: RT @SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In addition,… - 6 years ago

@SusanPolgar: Breaking: In honor of my dear friend & mentor Pal Benko, this year SPICE Cup will be dedicated to his memory! In ad… - 6 years ago

@Arquimides_: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@thought4daily: Pal Benko, Who Stepped Aside for Bobby Fischer, Dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@KeremEsena: RT @Kasparov63: RIP Pal Benko, an original chess mind who always strove to create original things on the chessboard, especially his countle… - 6 years ago

@juanperescacs: MNdE La paciència és el tret més valuós del jugador de final de partida. Al final, els errors més comuns, a més de… - 6 years ago

@DaveKaszerman: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@saidyaaman: RT @Kasparov63: RIP Pal Benko, an original chess mind who always strove to create original things on the chessboard, especially his countle… - 6 years ago

@saidyaaman: RT @SusanPolgar: Very sad news!😢 Just heard that my dear friend GM Pal Benko died at 91. After missing each other for weeks due to our sche… - 6 years ago

@Times_Chess: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@RougeEag: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@antoniocarmona: O Ato de Pal Benko que Mudou a História do Xadrez | Rafael Leitão - 6 years ago

@BiasNeuron: RT @GMJuditPolgar: The fantastic chess player, study composer and a very unique personality Pal Benko is not with us anymore. Pal shared wi… - 6 years ago

@ChessboardHunon: Benkő Pál (1928-2019) - 6 years ago

@TorresChess: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@MarkTWIC: RT @SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of Pal Be… - 6 years ago

@SusanPolgar: I have just received the blessing from his family: Therefore, the 2019 SPICE Cup will be dedicated to the memory of… - 6 years ago

@senwele: RT @DukeMichieka: Patience is the most valuable trait of the endgame player ~ Pal Benko ♜ ♞ ♝ ♟ @FIDE_chess @chessmasala @CupOfTheorem @jud… - 6 years ago

@acsilva_bras: Pal Benko, 1928-2019 - 6 years ago

@chesscom_pt: 🇭🇺🇺🇸 Pal Benko 💔 (*1928 †2019) - 6 years ago

@WagnerNISD: RT @ChessBase: It is with great sorrow that we inform of the death of Pal Benko (91). The renowned grandmaster and composer of endgame stud… - 6 years ago

@dpawnchess: GM Pal Benko Vs GM Bobby Fischer || Candidates Tournament 1962 || Short... - 6 years ago

@ARStrickland: RIP to International Chess Grandmaster and chess legend Pal Benko. His contributions to the game were eminence, esp… - 6 years ago

@Hideki_Ryuga93: RT @Chess_Strategy: ❓ Test de niveau ★☆☆ sur Échecs et Stratégie. Les Blancs jouent et matent en 2 coups. Mikhail Tal vs Pal Benko, Bled, 1… - 6 years ago

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