Owen Luder

British architect.
Died on Sunday October 10th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Owen Luder:

@londonartnews: Owen Luder obituary - 3 years ago

@Gdnartanddesign: Owen Luder obituary - 3 years ago

@london_friends: Owen Luder obituary - 3 years ago

@guardianobits: Owen Luder obituary. Architect behind the Gateshead multistorey car park featured in the 1971 film Get Carter - 3 years ago


@Legrand: RT @ArchitectsJrnal: Owen Luder, the Brutalist architect and two-times RIBA president, has died at the age of 93. Luder outlived several of… - 3 years ago

@jackopj16: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@marmolespuente: Recordando a Owen Luder (fallecido el 8 de octubre de 2021), arq. británico exponente del brutalismo, con una de su… - 3 years ago

@BlokeZx: @cinemashoebox These buildings would have been more and more adored as such an iconic 60's era structure .. I bet t… - 3 years ago

@BlokeZx: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@BlokeZx: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@NahidAlaei: Owen Luder 'Britain's unluckiest architect' dies aged 93 - 3 years ago

@ParkingReview: Owen Luder, architect of the iconic 'Get Carter' car park in Gateshead has died, aged 93 #GetCarter #OwenLuder - 3 years ago

@CatsOfCatford: RT @that_wazzock: Thinking of the late Owen Luder, I'm reminded of his finest and possibly most enduring design. Who couldn't love the Catf… - 3 years ago

@bengerine: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @ArchitectsJrnal: Owen Luder, the Brutalist architect and two-times RIBA president, has died at the age of 93. Luder outlived several of… - 3 years ago

@ArchitectsJrnal: Owen Luder, the Brutalist architect and two-times RIBA president, has died at the age of 93. Luder outlived several… - 3 years ago

@OperaCreep: A tribute to Luder whose long life allowed him to see his major buildings bulldozed which must be a horrible feelin… - 3 years ago

@VividRicky: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@BlokeZx: @shooterkriegler My fave Caine film "Get Carter" I even joined up to try and save Owen Luder's fab multi storey car… - 3 years ago

@ConchDotCom: RT @that_wazzock: Thinking of the late Owen Luder, I'm reminded of his finest and possibly most enduring design. Who couldn't love the Catf… - 3 years ago

@mologan_: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@DonPJenn: to feel suicidal; a glance at a photograph is enough to induce terminal despair....For him [architect Owen Luder],… - 3 years ago

@hmantegazzi: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@ChalmAli: Chronicle Live: Architect who designed two of Tyneside's most controversial former buildings has died at 93.… - 3 years ago

@TheJournalNews: He designed the 'Get Carter car park' and 'Dunston rocket' - 3 years ago

@herrmaurice: RT @modernistsocSHF: Unbuilt scheme for Charter Square, Sheffield c.1965 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@GothboyUK: This is incredibly sad. #OwenLuder was a very important person in the history of architecture and design. - Archite… - 3 years ago

@TyneSnapper: RT @DaveSMorton: He designed two of Tyneside's most controversial buildings - 3 years ago

@ChronicleLive: He designed the 'Get Carter car park' and 'Dunston rocket' - 3 years ago

@Libbibina: RT @ChronicleLive: He designed two of Tyneside's most controversial buildings - 3 years ago

@ChronicleLive: He designed two of Tyneside's most controversial buildings - 3 years ago

@DaveSMorton: He designed two of Tyneside's most controversial buildings - 3 years ago

@Woroud: RT @ArchitectsJrnal: On the Londown this week: Who's going to win the #StirlingPrize?, plans to shake up architectural education and rememb… - 3 years ago

@form_bot: RT @jamesmilne1980: Owen Luder ‘Britain’s unluckiest architect’ dies aged 93 #OwenLuder #brutalism #architecture - 3 years ago

@brownwindsor: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@magoniareview: @modernistsocSHF Thankfully unbuilt scheme for Charter Square, Sheffield c.1965 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@jamesmilne1980: Owen Luder ‘Britain’s unluckiest architect’ dies aged 93 #OwenLuder #brutalism #architecture - 3 years ago

@OpenlyClassist: RT @modernistsocSHF: Unbuilt scheme for Charter Square, Sheffield c.1965 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@modernistmag: RT @modernistsocSHF: Unbuilt scheme for Charter Square, Sheffield c.1965 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@RDodsworth1: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@Edwardbirding: @HateNewbuild That is brutal… so bad it could be Owen Luder - 3 years ago

@RIBAJ: More News Catch-up: Gove calls for less concrete and steel and backtracks on planning free-for-all, City councillor… - 3 years ago

@PhinHarper: RT @ArchitectsJrnal: On the Londown this week: Who's going to win the #StirlingPrize?, plans to shake up architectural education and rememb… - 3 years ago

@ArchitectsJrnal: On the Londown this week: Who's going to win the #StirlingPrize?, plans to shake up architectural education and rem… - 3 years ago

@modernistsocSHF: Unbuilt scheme for Charter Square, Sheffield c.1965 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@IJzendoornV: Owen Luder is overleden, lees ik, de brutalistische architect die de beroemde parkeergarage van Gateshead ontwiep (… - 3 years ago

@IBRecuador: RT @Arquitectura_PM: Muere la leyenda del burtalismo Owen Luder a los 93 años #brutalism #arquitectura #brutalismo #owenluder #juevesdearqu… - 3 years ago

@Arquitectura_PM: Muere la leyenda del burtalismo Owen Luder a los 93 años #brutalism #arquitectura #brutalismo #owenluder… - 3 years ago

@OpenCityLondon: RT @PhinHarper: This week on The Londown, I am joined by the brilliant Siraaj Mitha to talk about the #StirlingPrize, the ARB's plans to dr… - 3 years ago

@sabbakhan_: RT @PhinHarper: This week on The Londown, I am joined by the brilliant Siraaj Mitha to talk about the #StirlingPrize, the ARB's plans to dr… - 3 years ago

@PhinHarper: This week on The Londown, I am joined by the brilliant Siraaj Mitha to talk about the #StirlingPrize, the ARB's pla… - 3 years ago

@DesignMarvels: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93 Owen Luder, the British architect behind brutalist buildings including… - 3 years ago

@maumunera: RT @dezeen: Luder, who passed away on Friday, was best known for his portfolio of brutalist buildings completed during the 1960s and 70s. h… - 3 years ago

@form_bot: RT @BrewsterBye: Legend of brutalism Owen Luder dies. His work certainly demanded attention! #Architecture #Archite… - 3 years ago

@BrewsterBye: Legend of brutalism Owen Luder dies. His work certainly demanded attention! #Architecture #Architect - 3 years ago

@Woroud: RT @dezeen: Luder, who passed away on Friday, was best known for his portfolio of brutalist buildings completed during the 1960s and 70s. h… - 3 years ago

@Julie_aKennedy: RT @cinemashoebox: Happy Birthday to arch-brutalist Owen Luder, who turns 90 today and still going strong! Sadly he has now outlived some o… - 3 years ago

@enricoratto: RT @dezeen: Luder, who passed away on Friday, was best known for his portfolio of brutalist buildings completed during the 1960s and 70s. h… - 3 years ago

@cgartadvisory: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@machine_books: RT @_JohnJervis: RIP Owen Luder - Gordon Cullen of Dunston Rocket (also RIP), currently on floor while ceiling is painted. - 3 years ago

@SurveyJem: RT @BuildingNews: Architect Owen Luder, whose 1960s and 1970s brutalist buildings memorably starred in films and divided opinion, has died… - 3 years ago

@kwahmi: RT @dezeen: Luder, who passed away on Friday, was best known for his portfolio of brutalist buildings completed during the 1960s and 70s. h… - 3 years ago

@_JohnJervis: RIP Owen Luder - Gordon Cullen of Dunston Rocket (also RIP), currently on floor while ceiling is painted. - 3 years ago

@Lou_FLL: RT @that_wazzock: Thinking of the late Owen Luder, I'm reminded of his finest and possibly most enduring design. Who couldn't love the Catf… - 3 years ago

@dezeen: Luder, who passed away on Friday, was best known for his portfolio of brutalist buildings completed during the 1960… - 3 years ago

@BuildingNews: Architect Owen Luder, whose 1960s and 1970s brutalist buildings memorably starred in films and divided opinion, has… - 3 years ago

@METALOCUS: Owen Luder una de las figuras relevantes del brutalismo arquitectónico falleció a los 93 años Owen Luder CBE (192… - 3 years ago

@ignacioalperin: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@nimishadeakin: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@nimishadeakin: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@comm_int_design: Brutalist architect Owen Luder whose buildings were film stars dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@sombrero_boi: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@emerslug: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@jocavil72: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@ARTEKLAB: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@AmberMosaicArt: RT: - 3 years ago

@EltioEsse_Art: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@standard3d: RT @archpaper: In today's news, New York goes big on offshore wind farms, Owen Luder, the "unluckiest architect" in Britain, dies at 93, an… - 3 years ago

@archpaper: In today's news, New York goes big on offshore wind farms, Owen Luder, the "unluckiest architect" in Britain, dies… - 3 years ago

@EdiRider: RIP Owen, dearly missed. Condolences to the family. - 3 years ago

@xto4abella: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@_nPr___: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@TimothyOGoodwin: - 3 years ago

@JackRigdon2: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@jcastlewhite: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@pinnaclehills: Archaeologists Unearth Massive Winemaking Complex, Architect Owen Luder Dies, and More: Morning Links for October 1… - 3 years ago

@janicemorphet: RT @Grindrod: Owen Luder. What an incredible life. All those magnificent buildings, and then living through the indignity of some of those… - 3 years ago

@sumbitches: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@CommieBasher69: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@croptopbastard: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@nimishadeakin: RT @movementten: Very sad to hear that the architect Owen Luder has died aged 93. We were honoured to meet him at an exhibition where our… - 3 years ago

@michaelwesleym: RT @Ibrahim_Buhari: Rest in peace Owen Luder. An extraordinary man of of integrity with a big heart, who I’m honoured to have known. He lea… - 3 years ago

@michaelwesleym: @Ibrahim_Buhari Couldn't agree with you more @Ibrahim_Buhari. My condolences to his family during such a difficult time. RIP Owen Luder. - 3 years ago

@Girafarig_4am: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@bhrarchinerd: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@tweet_the_news: RIP Owen Luder - probably most widely known for his Trinity Square car park in Gateshead, which played a starring r… - 3 years ago

@_Everbright_: RT @cinemashoebox: RIP to Owen Luder who has died aged 93, having outlived most of his work, a miserable fate for a great career - 3 years ago

@TeunMeurs: Een van de meest invloedrijke brutalistische architecten uit Engeland is overleden: Owen Luder. Zijn beroemdste bo… - 3 years ago

@deane_madsen: RT @TheBrutalArtist: R.I.P Owen Luder 1928 - 2021 - 3 years ago

@CADSourcingLLC: - 3 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @TheBrutalArtist: R.I.P Owen Luder 1928 - 2021 - 3 years ago

@Jenny_Alto: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@MrRayNewman: RT @TheBrutalArtist: R.I.P Owen Luder 1928 - 2021 - 3 years ago

@TheBrutalArtist: R.I.P Owen Luder 1928 - 2021 - 3 years ago

@andrew_barr: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@keithfenwick69: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@BriW74: Owen Luder, most stark of Brutalist architects whose controversial buildings included the multi-storey car park fea… - 3 years ago

@klaustoon: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: Ok, a couple views of the model of the 'Get Carter' Trinity Square Car Park at Gateshead by Owen Luder Partne… - 3 years ago

@hiltonholloway: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: Ok, a couple views of the model of the 'Get Carter' Trinity Square Car Park at Gateshead by Owen Luder Partne… - 3 years ago

@hiltonholloway: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@movementten: Very sad to hear that the architect Owen Luder has died aged 93. We were honoured to meet him at an exhibition whe… - 3 years ago

@PluralMonolith: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@curlynorth: RT @ArchitectsJrnal: Owen Luder, the Brutalist architect and two-times RIBA president, has died at the age of 93. Luder outlived several of… - 3 years ago

@curlynorth: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@curlynorth: RT @RenegadesRobin: RIP Owen Luder, south Londoner and creator of some truly exciting buildings. - 3 years ago

@curlynorth: RT @SCAM_NE: 👇 Great short thread on the unbuilt shared Sunderland/Newcastle stadium from the late Owen Luder Partnership. There are a mill… - 3 years ago

@curlynorth: RT @RIBAJ: Owen Luder, who has died aged 93, founded the Owen Luder Partnership – architect of Portsmouth’s Tricorn Centre and Gateshead's… - 3 years ago

@amav1973: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@Woroud: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@DeniseMcilvaney: RT @BeaumontDMD: I see Owen Luder has died. Southerners will remember him best, as the architect responsible for the Tricorn in Portsmouth… - 3 years ago

@boxofpeppers: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@ArchitectPeople: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@UkCare41: 📷 ⁦@guardian⁩ ⁦@OwenJones84⁩ ⁦@ThePledge⁩ ⁦@NickFerrariLBC⁩ ⁦@CarolMcGiffFans⁩ ⁦@janem⁩ ⁦@TheSun⁩ ⁦@WeAreSTV⁩ 💡 - 3 years ago

@BeaumontDMD: I see Owen Luder has died. Southerners will remember him best, as the architect responsible for the Tricorn in Por… - 3 years ago

@nightofthedodo: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@raidovermoscow: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@roryben: RT @dezeen: Owen Luder, the British architect behind brutalist buildings including the Trinity Square car park and Tricorn Centre, has died… - 3 years ago

@_ACAPULCO_VIP: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@benstores: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@dezeen: Owen Luder, the British architect behind brutalist buildings including the Trinity Square car park and Tricorn Cent… - 3 years ago

@JonNarcross: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@gm_stone: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@Misanfrog: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@northumbriana: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@GillesOffTheWeb: RT @AphexDwin: RIP Owen Luder. I really miss having this place on the horizon. In 1971 my grandma watched from West Street as Alf Roberts… - 3 years ago

@AphexDwin: RIP Owen Luder. I really miss having this place on the horizon. In 1971 my grandma watched from West Street as Al… - 3 years ago

@PDClifford: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@guyrbailey: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@KATSUKANMATE: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@JSmithy64: RT @SCAM_NE: 👇 Great short thread on the unbuilt shared Sunderland/Newcastle stadium from the late Owen Luder Partnership. There are a mill… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @elsie_owusu: @riba Elections-Ex-Prez Owen Luder backs @RIBA+25 equality+diversity+inclusion-25% BAME/women/LGBTQ by 2018-@S_LawrenceTru… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@lukasthebear: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@john_sour: @SCAM_NE Proposed super stadium Washington New town - Owen Luder - 3 years ago

@Dendog_UK: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@MrExploding: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@DefJeff: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@jpwkhook: "Subsequently Sunderland did move from Roker Park and built the Stadium of Light: good, but not as adventurous as m… - 3 years ago

@karlwhitney: RT @SCAM_NE: 👇 Great short thread on the unbuilt shared Sunderland/Newcastle stadium from the late Owen Luder Partnership. There are a mill… - 3 years ago

@SCAM_NE: 👇 Great short thread on the unbuilt shared Sunderland/Newcastle stadium from the late Owen Luder Partnership. There… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@MariaErrington: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@gnitnab: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@1Easterbrook: The full story on a curious chapter in Sunderland's history is told here: - 3 years ago

@jpwkhook: - 3 years ago

@WiseMenSayPod: RT @1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sadly des… - 3 years ago

@1Easterbrook: Architect Owen Luder has died at the age of 93. He designed two of the North-East's most iconic buildings, both sad… - 3 years ago

@norock: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@pgofton: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@MartinBennell: @waitey When I first moved to Portsmouth the Tricorn Centre was still in use - not a fan personally, but led to gre… - 3 years ago

@WHurst1: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@murray__w: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@poytanatt: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@AidaVd: Owen Luder dies aged 93 - 3 years ago

@CityVoicEd: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@karlwhitney: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@ArchitectsJrnal: RT @waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him. - 3 years ago

@waitey: Brutalist architect Owen Luder dies aged 93. He was always so generous with his time. I'll miss him.… - 3 years ago

@Spotted_Pompey: RT @Spotted_Pompey: R.I.P. Owen Luder CBE [7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021] The driving force behind the Tricorn Centre - one of the… - 3 years ago

@SE6_tweets: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@CatfordFc: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@veredes: RT @klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) architect o… - 3 years ago

@OperaCreep: RT @GWDanceWriter: I am so very sorry to hear that Owen Luder has passed away. I got to know him very well in the 80s and 90s, especially… - 3 years ago

@GWDanceWriter: Owen Luder once led a Group of Eight delegation to an hour-long meeting with PM Margaret Thatcher and famously said… - 3 years ago

@CICCEO: Owen Luder once led a Group of Eight delegation to an hour-long meeting with PM Margaret Thatcher and famously said… - 3 years ago

@GWDanceWriter: I am so very sorry to hear that Owen Luder has passed away. I got to know him very well in the 80s and 90s, especi… - 3 years ago

@paulzara: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@CICCEO: I am so very sorry to hear that Owen Luder has passed away. I got to know him very well in the 80s and 90s, especi… - 3 years ago

@DarrenP72292935: RT @RIBAJ: Owen Luder, who has died aged 93, founded the Owen Luder Partnership – architect of Portsmouth’s Tricorn Centre and Gateshead's… - 3 years ago

@amycrel: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@ArchitectsJrnal: Owen Luder, the Brutalist architect and two-times RIBA president, has died at the age of 93. Luder outlived several… - 3 years ago

@neilatembark: RT @RIBAJ: Owen Luder, who has died aged 93, founded the Owen Luder Partnership – architect of Portsmouth’s Tricorn Centre and Gateshead's… - 3 years ago

@MoissPrieto: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@klaustoon: #BrutalMonday: On a sadder note, yesterday it was announced that Owen Luder (7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021) ar… - 3 years ago

@concretelibrary: RT @RIBAJ: Owen Luder, who has died aged 93, founded the Owen Luder Partnership – architect of Portsmouth’s Tricorn Centre and Gateshead's… - 3 years ago

@khattiyayayaa: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@RIBAJ: Owen Luder, who has died aged 93, founded the Owen Luder Partnership – architect of Portsmouth’s Tricorn Centre and… - 3 years ago

@tomdyckhoff: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@wolfram: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@Jilly_Pepper: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@KateOnTheCoast1: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@RenegadesRobin: RT @JordanBizzell95: Very sad to of learnt about the passing of Owen Luder CBE, a lovely man who fought for the good cause, his architectur… - 3 years ago

@RenegadesRobin: RT @Spotted_Pompey: R.I.P. Owen Luder CBE [7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021] The driving force behind the Tricorn Centre - one of the… - 3 years ago

@RenegadesRobin: RIP Owen Luder, south Londoner and creator of some truly exciting buildings. - 3 years ago

@sherrydevries: RT @In___Memoriam: ✝️ Harold Owen LUDER, CBE 🗓 7 Aug. 1928 - Oct. 2021 🗺 🇬🇧 📝 Architect Luder's designs included some of the most powerfu… - 3 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ Harold Owen LUDER, CBE 🗓 7 Aug. 1928 - Oct. 2021 🗺 🇬🇧 📝 Architect Luder's designs included some of the most po… - 3 years ago

@JammitOReilly: RT @Spotted_Pompey: R.I.P. Owen Luder CBE [7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021] The driving force behind the Tricorn Centre - one of the… - 3 years ago

@senakaweeraman: RT @mod_in_metro: Eros House, Catford 1960-63 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@senakaweeraman: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@senakaweeraman: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@Spotted_Pompey: R.I.P. Owen Luder CBE [7th August 1928 – 8th October 2021] The driving force behind the Tricorn Centre - one of… - 3 years ago

@dotsmy: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@nlygo: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@tomslominski: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@WightHot: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@stuartwilks: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@musicismyradar: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@WHS_Carpet: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@isetta_windsor: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@Tom8enjamin: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@HouseofCatford: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@NactonNick: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@RoadSw9: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@NorthCrayMal: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@robclaytonphoto: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@URESG76: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@justspace7: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@SeosamhDale: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@catford_se6: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@CatfordChron: RT @CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected in 1974.… - 3 years ago

@CatfordGin: Our label features the iconic Catford Cat. It was designed by architects Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon and erected i… - 3 years ago

@LCCAD: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@sundaegirl: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@LAnderson_Frank: RT @chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of building, where… - 3 years ago

@chrisfoges: On the day it was announced that Owen Luder has died at 93, I happened to pass the former Brixton school of buildin… - 3 years ago

@Griffiths1961: RT @hughpearman: Sorry to hear of the death at 93 of architect and gent Owen Luder yesterday. He was the only person committed (or mad) en… - 3 years ago

@TimHayduk: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Owen Luder dies - #OwenLuder #Owen #Luder #rip - 3 years ago

@beornborg: RT @BrutalHouse: Trinity Square and Car Park Rodney Gordon Owen Luder Partnership — Image via @Pinterest - 3 years ago

@toenzyspace: RT @visuals0und: Derwent Tower aka the 'Dunston Rocket' 🚀 Designed by Owen Luder Partnership Built 1968, demolished 2012 Photography b… - 3 years ago

@hsps1shamac: RT @visuals0und: Derwent Tower aka the 'Dunston Rocket' 🚀 Designed by Owen Luder Partnership Built 1968, demolished 2012 Photography b… - 3 years ago

@Owenmeowenyou: Sad to hear the news about Owen Luder. His house in Laugharne is lovely and if you looked over the fence through th… - 3 years ago

@tod_uk: RT @CW_Architect: Finished the @cityrunsLDN @emirates stadium @adidas thinking about former @riba President Owen Luder and passionate @Arse… - 3 years ago

@richard_stubbs4: RT @mod_in_metro: Eros House, Catford 1960-63 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@ArchitectSkills: RT @CW_Architect: Finished the @cityrunsLDN @emirates stadium @adidas thinking about former @riba President Owen Luder and passionate @Arse… - 3 years ago

@CW_Architect: Finished the @cityrunsLDN @emirates stadium @adidas thinking about former @riba President Owen Luder and passionate… - 3 years ago

@robbie_burgess: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@catford_se6: RT @mod_in_metro: Eros House, Catford 1960-63 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@mod_in_metro: Wigham House, Barking 1973-5 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@alps2018: RT @mod_in_metro: Colman House, Hayes 1962 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@mod_in_metro: Eros House, Catford 1960-63 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@Passionflower99: RT @mod_in_metro: Colman House, Hayes 1962 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@Passionflower99: RT @mod_in_metro: Hendon Hall Court, Hendon, Barnet 1961-66 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@MattTempest: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

@mod_in_metro: Colman House, Hayes 1962 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@mod_in_metro: Hendon Hall Court, Hendon, Barnet 1961-66 Owen Luder Partnership - 3 years ago

@stariep: RT @mod_in_metro: A thread on the life and work of Owen Luder, who died on Friday. Born in 1928, he formed the Owen Luder Partnership in 19… - 3 years ago

@GermanAtPompey: RT @jeeveswilliams: RIP Owen Luder — sad to hear of the passing of the architectural legend behind the controversial Tricorn in my hometow… - 3 years ago

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