Otoniel Gonzaga

Filipino opera singer.
Died on Sunday January 14th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Otoniel Gonzaga:

@LealoverLea: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@MsLoizSTrinidad: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@Team_LeaSalonga: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@gsammy_: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago


@Cyleasce_08: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@asiasdiva: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@princeyice: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@Ivan226622: FLASH: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75… - 7 years ago

@SalongaAddict21: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@OperawireNews: #RIP - 7 years ago

@fiercerlea: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@TrulyMarissa: RT @asiasdiva: Thank you Mr Pablo Tariman for giving me the opportunity to sing with the Great OTONIEL GONZAGA. #OtonielGonzaga... https:/… - 7 years ago

@tristan1865: RT @OperawireNews: #RIP - 7 years ago

@OperawireNews: #RIP - 7 years ago

@JhullianeM: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Gospel's Edwin Hawkins; tenor Otoniel Gonzaga; poet Pablo Garcia Baena; journalist Gnani Sankar… - 7 years ago

@kayengthegreat: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@MsLoizSTrinidad: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@klassikcom: #Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga gestorben #Gesang #Oper #Operette - 7 years ago

@GMAntipoloNews: #GoodMorningAntipolo News: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@mserikapelayo: RT @inquirerdotnet: Filipino performing artists mourn the passing of tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, 75 - 7 years ago

@asiasdiva: Philamlife Auditorium 2006 with Sir OTONIEL GONZAGA, Ms Rachelle Gerodias, Ms Camille Molina, Maestro Rodel... - 7 years ago

@asiasdiva: Thank you Mr Pablo Tariman for giving me the opportunity to sing with the Great OTONIEL GONZAGA. #OtonielGonzaga... - 7 years ago

@jussitussi1: R.I.P. OTONIEL GONZAGA! Gern gesehener und gehörter Gast in Wien! - 7 years ago

@sn_aktuell: Amerikanischer Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga 75-jährig verstorben - 7 years ago

@ylevolael: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@pm_magazin: Der philippinisch-amerikanische Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga ist tot - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Otoniel Gonzaga - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Otoniel Gonzaga, US-amerikanischer Opernsänger, am 13.01.2018 im Alter von 75 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@MariaLeaC22: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@clarissavillam7: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@apz42882: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Otoniel Gonzaga - #OtonielGonzaga #Otoniel #Gonzaga #rip - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Otoniel Gonzaga (tenor singer) - 7 years ago

@sierra_otto_: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@agnessarmiento_: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@glenncruz: RIP Otoniel Gonzaga - 7 years ago

@FiyaUbas: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@Dingdong911: RT @tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final goodbye. - 7 years ago

@theamateurear: RT @tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final goodbye. - 7 years ago

@dailyjostle: RT @tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final goodbye. - 7 years ago

@guinghyung: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@theleafans: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@MLCIsalonga: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@adriano_shella: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@narrowingworld: RT @tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final adieu. - 7 years ago

@narrowingworld: Rest in peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. - 7 years ago

@jojohosaka: - 7 years ago

@tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final adieu.… - 7 years ago

@tordesillas: Tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, the first and the last Filipino tenor to sing Verdi’s Otello, bids final goodbye.… - 7 years ago

@CyferMarie: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@mgutierrezabd: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

@AMJDC01: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Otoniel Gonzaga. Sing with the angels now. - 7 years ago

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