Ootje Oxenaar

Dutch graphic artist
Died on Thursday June 15th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ootje Oxenaar:

@vanwijkbv: RT @erikvogelaar: Ootje Oxenaar, ontwerper van o.m. het mooiste geld ter wereld, is overleden. Dank voor al je prachtige ontwerpen! https:/… - 8 years ago

@BasBlankert: RT @janbeuving: Ootje Oxenaar. Prachtige naam voor iemand die prachtige biljetten ontwierp: - 8 years ago

@Lucas_Berlin: RT @David_Atelier: Sad to read of the great R.D.E (Ootje) Oxenaar's passing. Incredible influence and body of work for @DNB_NL & @PostNL .… - 8 years ago

@LaurensSchulman: Onze nieuwsbrief: Wie neemt Oxenaar in het "Ootje" #bankbiljetten #vuurtoren #oxenaar… - 8 years ago


@Ernestmaas55: RT @Cartoonjournaal: Ootje Oxenaar overleden #cartoonjournaal - 8 years ago

@lJpW1GA9WPtWCqR: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@Ientje6: RT @janbeuving: Ootje Oxenaar. Prachtige naam voor iemand die prachtige biljetten ontwierp: - 8 years ago

@Eric_Limburg: RT @janbeuving: Ootje Oxenaar. Prachtige naam voor iemand die prachtige biljetten ontwierp: - 8 years ago

@macharoesink: RT @janbeuving: Ootje Oxenaar. Prachtige naam voor iemand die prachtige biljetten ontwierp: - 8 years ago

@macharoesink: RT @MarielleHageman: Ootje Oxenaar ontwierp ook 'Domweg gelukkig, in de Dapperstraat' in o.a. Arabisch, Turks en Sranantongo op hoek met Co… - 8 years ago

@SandraP58964075: RT @mijksenaar: Ootje Oxenaar, Dutch banknote designer which rank among the finest of their time, and @tudelft professor, died today https:… - 8 years ago

@xouat: RT @typotheque: Sadden to hear that Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) passed away. He designed banknotes that I kept even when they were no longer… - 8 years ago

@alexvdbrandhof: Best mooi, dat nieuwe Zwitserse 20-franken-biljet, maar het haalt het toch niet bij Oxenaars ontwerpen.… - 8 years ago

@ISTDworldwide: RT @eyemagazine: He put his stamp on Dutch culture, Review of Els Kuijpers’ book Ootje Oxenaar in #Eye82 - 8 years ago

@VanhorneGustav: RT @AntonKraus: Ontwerper Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) overleden. Ze hadden hem moeten vragen voor het ontwerpen van de Eurobiljetten. https:/… - 8 years ago

@RoosjeXS: Guldenontwerper Ootje Oxenaar overleden - 8 years ago

@BillWyatt18: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@AlemAlquier: RT @eyemagazine: He put his stamp on Dutch culture, Review of Els Kuijpers’ book Ootje Oxenaar in #Eye82 - 8 years ago

@aurelien_vret: RT @eyemagazine: He put his stamp on Dutch culture, Review of Els Kuijpers’ book Ootje Oxenaar in #Eye82 - 8 years ago

@jamesaspey_: RT @eyemagazine: He put his stamp on Dutch culture, Review of Els Kuijpers’ book Ootje Oxenaar in #Eye82 - 8 years ago

@OniciaMuller: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@Lucas_Berlin: RT @marcoforn: Ootje Oxenaar, designer of last beautiful series of dutch banknotes dies at 88 #amazingsovereignty - 8 years ago

@marcoforn: Ootje Oxenaar, designer of last beautiful series of dutch banknotes dies at 88 #amazingsovereignty - 8 years ago

@eyemagazine: He put his stamp on Dutch culture, Review of Els Kuijpers’ book Ootje Oxenaar in #Eye82 - 8 years ago

@oscar_kuipers: RT @1stfloor: Misschien wel het mooiste biljet ooit. f250,-... Ontwerper guldenbiljetten Ootje Oxenaar (87) overleden - 8 years ago

@HistoRob: RT @deptofdev: Many of his Images that I grew up with, and that inspired. R.i.p. Ootje Oxenaar. Dutch graphic design GIANT. (Den Haag 1929… - 8 years ago

@buurtaal: RT @deptofdev: Many of his Images that I grew up with, and that inspired. R.i.p. Ootje Oxenaar. Dutch graphic design GIANT. (Den Haag 1929… - 8 years ago

@hanswisbrun: RT @alexvdbrandhof: Best mooi, dat nieuwe Zwitserse 20-franken-biljet, maar het haalt het toch niet bij Oxenaars ontwerpen. - 8 years ago

@BelfastSchArt: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@KatRanPress: R.I.P. Ootje Oxenaar: Stamp Designer, 1929-2017 #ootjeoxenaar - 8 years ago

@adrianxleconte: RT @Martinbosma_pvv: Mooiste geld ooit. #GuldenTerug RIP Ootje Oxenaar. - 8 years ago

@SUKOIAMSTERDAM: In memory of Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) Graphic designer and Head of the Department of Aesthetic Design Dutch PTT -… - 8 years ago

@ytekedejong: RT @danielvanderree: Ontwerper Ootje Oxenaar overleed deze week. Onze guldenbiljetten uit de jaren '80 ogen nog steeds moderner dan de euro… - 8 years ago

@AnnebethWilton: RT @danielvanderree: Ontwerper Ootje Oxenaar overleed deze week. Onze guldenbiljetten uit de jaren '80 ogen nog steeds moderner dan de euro… - 8 years ago

@danielvanderree: Ontwerper Ootje Oxenaar overleed deze week. Onze guldenbiljetten uit de jaren '80 ogen nog steeds moderner dan de e… - 8 years ago

@ArtivaDesign: RT @mijksenaar: Ootje Oxenaar, Dutch banknote designer which rank among the finest of their time, and @tudelft professor, died today https:… - 8 years ago

@Glens_Ace: RT @typotheque: Sadden to hear that Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) passed away. He designed banknotes that I kept even when they were no longer… - 8 years ago

@bpontwerpt: RT @mijksenaar: Ootje Oxenaar, Dutch banknote designer which rank among the finest of their time, and @tudelft professor, died today https:… - 8 years ago

@Banknotes_News: Dutch #banknote designer Ootje Oxenaar Ontwerper beroemde en revolutionaire guldenbiljetten overleden @DNB_NL - 8 years ago

@lindsayballant: RT @bshaykin: Ootje Oxenaar, r.i.p. #typographicsnyc - 8 years ago

@gregorg: RT @bshaykin: Ootje Oxenaar, r.i.p. #typographicsnyc - 8 years ago

@bshaykin: Ootje Oxenaar, r.i.p. #typographicsnyc - 8 years ago

@TiroTypeworks: @RogerBlack Remembering Ootje Oxenaar showing us photographs of flowers: 'And this too is typography'. - 8 years ago

@Cartoonjournaal: Ootje Oxenaar overleden #cartoonjournaal - 8 years ago

@chasechenevert: RT @Foundry_Types: Ootje Oxenaar 1929–2017 played an important role in the development of Dutch design – his colourful banknotes became gra… - 8 years ago

@071leidenaartje: RT @erikvogelaar: Ootje Oxenaar, ontwerper van o.m. het mooiste geld ter wereld, is overleden. Dank voor al je prachtige ontwerpen! https:/… - 8 years ago

@bohoraa: RT @KvanOosterom: A tribute to Dutch designer Ootje Oxenaar who passed away. He designed ao many Dutch guilder banknotes. He changed money… - 8 years ago

@bohoraa: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@bohoraa: RT @Foundry_Types: Ootje Oxenaar 1929–2017 played an important role in the development of Dutch design – his colourful banknotes became gra… - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @Foundry_Types: Ootje Oxenaar 1929–2017 played an important role in the development of Dutch design – his colourful banknotes became gra… - 8 years ago

@omashuisje: Designer Ootje Oxenaar died. Altough the beautiful banknotes are no longer used because of the… - 8 years ago

@designed: RT @deptofdev: Many of his Images that I grew up with, and that inspired. R.i.p. Ootje Oxenaar. Dutch graphic design GIANT. (Den Haag 1929… - 8 years ago

@Niekdb: RT @ideskills: To commemorate the passing of my favorite professor Ootje Oxenaar the TU Delft flag is lowered half-mast in front of @idetud… - 8 years ago

@DiverGabi: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@tudelta: In memoriam: Ootje Oxenaar - Met droefheid delen wij mede dat op 14 juni 2017 emeritus hoogleraar Ootje (Robert... - 8 years ago

@Fontatron: RT @typotheque: Sadden to hear that Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) passed away. He designed banknotes that I kept even when they were no longer… - 8 years ago

@BA_GCD: RT @irma_boom: RIP OOTJE OXENAAR OO famous for the fabulous incomparable Dutch banknotes. THANK YOU Ootje ✌… - 8 years ago

@_Onderwijs: In memoriam: Ootje Oxenaar Met droefheid delen wij mede dat op 14 juni 2017 emeritus hoogleraar Ootje (Robert) Oxe… - 8 years ago

@AnoukvdM: RT @DDD_Daily: 19.02.2017 > In memory of Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) see more at - 8 years ago

@_Delft: In memoriam: Ootje Oxenaar Met droefheid delen wij mede dat op 14 juni 2017 emeritus hoogleraar Ootje (Robert) Oxe… - 8 years ago

@bartlauwaert: RT @DDD_Daily: 19.02.2017 > In memory of Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) see more at - 8 years ago

@Nikanika_com: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@InadeBree: Influential designer Ootje Oxenaar died June 13 2017. Here his remarkable designs of Dutch bank-notes. - 8 years ago

@Xantioss: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@tomas_pasma: RT @DDD_Daily: 19.02.2017 > In memory of Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) see more at - 8 years ago

@DDD_Daily: 19.02.2017 > In memory of Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) see more at - 8 years ago

@mexo: Dankzij Ootje Oxenaar een kunstwerk in je portemonnee. #grafisch #kunst #Oxenaar #geld #gulden - 8 years ago

@RodericEK: RT @parool: Guldenontwerper Ootje Oxenaar is dinsdag in de buurt van Boston overleden. - 8 years ago

@KarinvanGilst: RT @parool: Guldenontwerper Ootje Oxenaar is dinsdag in de buurt van Boston overleden. - 8 years ago

@joedelich: RT @irma_boom: RIP OOTJE OXENAAR OO famous for the fabulous incomparable Dutch banknotes. THANK YOU Ootje ✌… - 8 years ago

@bankentweets: Ontwerper guldenbiljetten Ootje Oxenaar (87) overleden - 8 years ago

@jeroenvanerp: RT @ideskills: To commemorate the passing of my favorite professor Ootje Oxenaar the TU Delft flag is lowered half-mast in front of @idetud… - 8 years ago

@zhengchuyang: RT @letterror: RIP Ootje Oxenaar. - 8 years ago

@DavidWeight23: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@Thievesbook: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@mryand: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@lizzie_henley: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@JonathanLSeagul: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@jbbinnenwerk: RT @Richard_Sommer: "Ootje" Oxenaar overleden, (bijna) iedereen in 🇳🇱 heeft zijn ontwerpen in de vorige eeuw wel in de hand gehad #zonneblo… - 8 years ago

@bugsandfishes: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@tkingdot: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@NeilBennett: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@na01114095: RT @akd_art: Ootje Oxenaar one of the last of the golden age of Dutch Design passed away. #graphicdesign #typography #DutchDesign. - 8 years ago

@ade029: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@stackartist: RT @CreativeReview: Very sad to hear of the death of designer Ootje Oxenaar. In 2007 we had fun talking to him about his Dutch banknotes ht… - 8 years ago

@designreinoud: RT @jeroenvanerp: In memoriam Ootje Oxenaar: - 8 years ago

@aggietoppins: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@NLstaat: RT @erikvogelaar: Ootje Oxenaar, ontwerper van o.m. het mooiste geld ter wereld, is overleden. Dank voor al je prachtige ontwerpen! https:/… - 8 years ago

@De_Stamvader: RT @erikvogelaar: Ootje Oxenaar, ontwerper van o.m. het mooiste geld ter wereld, is overleden. Dank voor al je prachtige ontwerpen! https:/… - 8 years ago

@MarkHoltDesign: RT @agigraphic: We are saddened to hear that AGI member Ootje Oxenaar (Netherlands) passed away this week. He designed iconic Dutch banknot… - 8 years ago

@pimentel: RT @letterror: RIP Ootje Oxenaar. - 8 years ago

@annettekiel: RT @Martinbosma_pvv: Mooiste geld ooit. #GuldenTerug RIP Ootje Oxenaar. - 8 years ago

@canaramour: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@omosh_jeff: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@robertvanrijn: RT @mramsmeets: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of our beautiful and beloved old Dutch Gulden money - 8 years ago

@MintNeverHinged: RT @irma_boom: RIP OOTJE OXENAAR OO famous for the fabulous incomparable Dutch banknotes. THANK YOU Ootje ✌… - 8 years ago

@mramsmeets: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of our beautiful and beloved old Dutch Gulden money - 8 years ago

@RashidShuhail: RT @wesley: RIP Ootje Oxenaar, designer of the most beautiful currency of all time. - 8 years ago

@David_Atelier: Sad to read of the great R.D.E (Ootje) Oxenaar's passing. Incredible influence and body of work for @DNB_NL &… - 8 years ago

@KoendeSWaaf: RT @erikvogelaar: Ootje Oxenaar, ontwerper van o.m. het mooiste geld ter wereld, is overleden. Dank voor al je prachtige ontwerpen! https:/… - 8 years ago

@heimo01: RT @typotheque: Sadden to hear that Ootje Oxenaar (1929-2017) passed away. He designed banknotes that I kept even when they were no longer… - 8 years ago

@HurstFKH2002: RT @CreativeReview: Very sad to hear of the death of designer Ootje Oxenaar. In 2007 we had fun talking to him about his Dutch banknotes ht… - 8 years ago

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