Omar Mateen

American mass shooter (2016 Orlando nightclub shooting)
Died on Sunday June 12th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Omar Mateen:

@twojacksdetail: RT @PrisonPlanet: Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat and a Hillary supporter. Will Hillary suspend her campaign out of respect for the… - 9 years ago

@marywilkinson57: RT @sdmattpotter: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@cmegalodon69: Orlando Police Chief: Blame Omar Mateen for 'Friendly Fire' Not after a 3 hour prep period Not buying that... - 9 years ago

@Birds_Quest: RT @FoxNews: .@JudgeJeanine: "Get a gun. Because this government ain't in a position to help." - 9 years ago


@just_old_joe: RT @MissSelfDefense: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups - Breitbart - 9 years ago

@warincontext: Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part — I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI - 9 years ago

@asyoureadthis: Breaking=> ISIS Mass Murderer Omar Mateen Was Hillary Clinton Supporter - 9 years ago

@Nigel__politics: Most anti-Americans do .... Friend Who Reported Omar Mateen To FBI: ‘He Liked Hillary Clinton’ - - 9 years ago

@EvelynPooleKobe: Friend Who Reported Omar Mateen To FBI: ‘He Liked Hillary Clinton’ - - 9 years ago

@Blackdi51264299: RT @MissSelfDefense: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups - Breitbart - 9 years ago

@InquirerLiberty: RT @GovtsTheProblem: The Muslim Terrorist in #Orlando was a Hillary Clinton supporter? #copolitics #ImWithHer - 9 years ago

@alexponikvar: RT @PrisonPlanet: Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton. Will Hillary be asked over and over again for the next 3 weeks to disavow? https:/… - 9 years ago

@linnie13: RT @FoxNews: .@JudgeJeanine: "Get a gun. Because this government ain't in a position to help." - 9 years ago

@jairoalbertonin: RT @RevistaSemana: #EEUU: La última llamada de Omar Mateen antes de matar a 49 personas en #Orlando --> #Mundo http… - 9 years ago

@Fallenh3ro2398: RT @BarneyFranken: A friend says Omar Mateen was a Hillary supporter. Imagine the headlines the other way: "Trump supporter kills 49." htt… - 9 years ago

@ConnieHair: RT @mypetjawa: Mateen a Bernie Bro! Says Man who went to same mosque as Omar Mateen reported him to FBI - 9 years ago

@lawbarrett55: RT @Thomas1774Paine: Full Pic of Omar Mateen's Dad in WHITE HOUSE at the president's podium. Still look photoshopped? No, it's 100% REAL ht… - 9 years ago

@NomNomCurrie: RT @bendykoval: Omar Mateen was "domestically radicalized"... by the motherfucking FBI. - 9 years ago

@EnagiH: Orlando killer's night moves tracked - 9 years ago

@llisaa_22: Orlando killer's night moves tracked - 9 years ago

@adinasparks: RT @theblaze: Here's the 2016 presidential candidate Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen reportedly supported: - 9 years ago

@Kamrul_Islam123: RT @UK_CAGE: Before Omar Mateen committed mass murder, FBI tried to lure him in to a fake terror plot - 9 years ago

@mredinburgh: RT @DykstraDame: Doctor listed on G4S psych-evaluation of Omar Mateen never saw him & was not living in Florida when it was conducted https… - 9 years ago

@kingrera: RT @PrisonPlanet: Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton. Will Hillary be asked over and over again for the next 3 weeks to disavow? https:/… - 9 years ago

@ciaraaakayyy_: RT @TomiLahren: DOJ replaces "Allah" with "God" in 911 Omar Mateen your Allah ain't my God. - 9 years ago

@TeaPartyforUSA: Father also went to Orlando with Mateen in May. Did he scout out club & Disney with Mateen? @LouDobbs @greta - 9 years ago

@WiseOldQueen: RT @GayTimesMag: ‘I’d rather be a terrorist than a gay man’ – @tomrobsmith looks at the shooter Omar Mateen. - 9 years ago

@fishcrow: RT @Evolutionistrue: Justice Department finally releases full, unredacted version of Omar Mateen’s 911 call. Nothing to see here, folks;… h… - 9 years ago

@MyronGaines17: @SenWarren @ChrisMurphyCT @SenateGOP Hey Liawatha! Omar Mateen was a Democrat and a Hillary supporter. - 9 years ago

@Uscha7: RT @GrayzoneProject: Before Omar Mateen committed mass murder, the FBI tried to "lure" him into a terror plot. Did the scheme backfire? htt… - 9 years ago

@LiveNewsyTweets: RT @juanvendedor: Man who went to same mosque as Omar Mateen reported him to FBI - New York Daily News - 9 years ago

@TheHoodedNorman: RT @signalhz: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied 2 Radical Islamist Groups - Idiot leaders of our country!… - 9 years ago

@xtheatrenet: #i5gornascimento Man... - 9 years ago

@DinahLord: RT @PrisonPlanet: Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton. Will Hillary be asked over and over again for the next 3 weeks to disavow? https:/… - 9 years ago

@TaylorEdwards99: RT @PrisonPlanet: Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton. Will Hillary be asked over and over again for the next 3 weeks to disavow? https:/… - 9 years ago

@luismier: Orlando shootout case: Grand jury to investigate Orlando shooter’s widow.... - 9 years ago

@rangerfit: RT @DailyCaller: You’ll Never Guess Which Presidential Candidate Muslim Terrorist Omar Mateen Supported - 9 years ago

@LloydChristmis: RT @voxday: I figure the AG had no choice but to edit the transcripts because Omar Mateen kept referring to his FBI handler by name. - 9 years ago

@ResumesByShay: War veteran saves dozens during Orlando nightclub shooting - 9 years ago

@bitslaw: Why Did Orlando Happen? A Massive Intel Failure - Orlando jihadi Omar Mateen allegedly threatened to kill a Flo... - 9 years ago

@myronaldo: RT @WSJ: Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s body released by coroner - 9 years ago

@femalegaze78: RT @GayTimesMag: ‘I’d rather be a terrorist than a gay man’ – @tomrobsmith looks at the shooter Omar Mateen. - 9 years ago

@jko417: RT @Lrihendry: STUNNING! Obama DOJ to Edit Omar Mateen’s Phone Call Transcripts – Will Delete References to ISIS - 9 years ago


@zoegits: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9000 worth of jewelry days before attack - Fox News - 9 years ago

@TweettheSouth: RT @ForensicPsyMD: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@oilproven: RT @washingtonpost: "I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part." - 9 years ago

@AlexanderKane11: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack via the @FoxNews App - 9 years ago

@cheryll64056: RT @cheryll64056: Orlando Mass Shooting -- Omar Mateen's 911 Call ... 'In the Name of God' - 9 years ago


@JGaspard: RT @JohnCornyn: Since When Does Loretta Lynch Get to Censor What I Read? - 9 years ago

@infrahumano: Buenísimo: - 9 years ago

@nich1250: RT @DBloom451: But he didn't know, right? Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups - Breitbart - 9 years ago

@latinteachcarr: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that #Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@JohnCornyn: Since When Does Loretta Lynch Get to Censor What I Read? - 9 years ago

@KevinSaintMaux: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9000 worth of jewelry days before attack - Fox News - 9 years ago

@New_Narrative: “@washingtonpost: "I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part." - 9 years ago

@ForensicPsyMD: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@OTownPrevDoc: RT @orlandosentinel: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Donald Trump is wrong that Muslims don't do our part. - 9 years ago

@inusanewscom: (Palm Beach Post) #Omar #Mateen had 'disturbing flags' before Orlando shooting, House Homeland Security.. - 9 years ago

@riy_alnfoth: RT @hxhassan: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@HoustonsEagle: Omar Mateen had 'disturbing flags' before Orlando shooting, House Homeland Security chairman says - 9 years ago

@fairoz252525: RT @NBCNews: Florida opens probe into how Orlando shooter Omar Mateen got gun licenses - 9 years ago

@rizzoo: @Remroum - 9 years ago

@Israelifreedom: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - 9 years ago

@drscott_atlanta: RT @GeneLingerfelt: Now we know why 0bama/Lynch didn't want the Omar Mateen 911 tapes released. He wasn't only a Muslim Democrat, he was a… - 9 years ago

@drscott_atlanta: RT @GeneLingerfelt: The #NRA didn't murder anyone. Muslim Democrat and Hillary supporter Omar Mateen did. The NRA didn't interview Mateen… - 9 years ago

@Repinblack: Why did Orlando gunman Omar Mateen buy $9,000-worth of jewelry six days before massacre? Mystery.. - 9 years ago

@AUTigerx89: RT @charlescwcooke: It doesn’t matter, but if we are building stupid narratives. . . the Orlando killer was a Hillary fan. - 9 years ago

@SamaaAlertz: Pakistan-born American says he reported Florida Killer Omar Mateen to FBI: WASHINGTON: A Muslim American of Pakistani descent said he... - 9 years ago

@wasifmehmood: #news Pakistan-born American says he reported Florida Killer Omar Mateen to FBI: WASHINGTON: A Muslim America... - 9 years ago

@m_sobrado: RT @manumarlasca: Omar Mateen, en un ataque agudo de heteropatriarcado, le dijo al FBI que su acción respondía a los bombardeos norteameric… - 9 years ago

@TheAprilBianca: @tomshillue you and @andylevy did not catch that your staff showed Omar Mateen's ex-wife twice instead of his current "wife" last night. - 9 years ago

@IronmanL1: IPT Exclusive: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups :: #Islam #ISIS - 9 years ago

@JTapiadorE: RT @manumarlasca: Omar Mateen, en un ataque agudo de heteropatriarcado, le dijo al FBI que su acción respondía a los bombardeos norteameric… - 9 years ago

@chrisy5050: RT @LindaSuhler: EXISTENTAL WAR ON AMERICA American Islamic State Jihadi Praises #Orlando Jihadi #RadicalIslam #LGBT #Trump2016 - 9 years ago

@notimenosleep: RT @alyssakeiko: Imran Yousuf saved a butt-ton of people in the Orlando shooting. He is brown and Hindu and you should know him. - 9 years ago

@hipoglucidoo: RT @manumarlasca: Omar Mateen, en un ataque agudo de heteropatriarcado, le dijo al FBI que su acción respondía a los bombardeos norteameric… - 9 years ago

@pableteramos: RT @manumarlasca: Omar Mateen, en un ataque agudo de heteropatriarcado, le dijo al FBI que su acción respondía a los bombardeos norteameric… - 9 years ago

@RodBamberry: Orlando Police Defend Actions as Clock Ticked in Massacre - - 9 years ago

@JonesCarter65: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - - 9 years ago

@DavidCasper33: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - 9 years ago

@SophiaLamar1: RT @washingtonpost: "I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part." - 9 years ago

@YngConsrvatvGrl: RT @rcallimachi: 2. The FBI has released an incomplete transcript of the calls Omar Mateen made during the attack: - 9 years ago

@konette: RT @politico: .@jackshafer: "Since when does Loretta Lynch get to censor what I read?" - 9 years ago

@ZackaryCox65: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - - 9 years ago

@BertMills65: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - - 9 years ago

@DerekDick65: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - - 9 years ago

@CharWalters65: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - - 9 years ago

@lucia_villamiel: ▶ El autor de la masacre de Orlando amenazó con volar por los aires a cuatro rehenes - 9 years ago

@CarolPerry82: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack - 9 years ago

@usarelatednews: RelNews: Omar Mateen reportedly bought nearly $9,000 worth of jewelry days before attack -Fox News- - 9 years ago

@Jflo918: RT @Marmel: 1) thank you. 2) Donald Trump is not America and 3) sorry about Donald Trump. - 9 years ago

@Olfrance: RT @fabricedp: Évident que #Mateen a répondu à l'appel de al-Adnani et avoir agi en rétorsion contre bombardements en Syrie-Irak - 9 years ago

@dpinsen: RT @kerpen: Buried far below anti-Trump hed, WaPo reports Omar Mateen was a Hillary Clinton supporter. - 9 years ago

@marypgkeating: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@drudgereportnew: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don't do our part. - Washington Post - 9 years ago

@teobesta: RT @GideonResnick: Full transcript of Omar Mateen's 911 call. - 9 years ago

@talwazir: RT @AdamBKushner: Wow: "I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part." - 9 years ago

@MaxBlumenthal: FBI reversed itself, releases transcript of Omar Mateen's ISIS pledge. But most of 911 calls remain under wraps. - 9 years ago

@FilleGitane: RT @charlescwcooke: It doesn’t matter, but if we are building stupid narratives. . . the Orlando killer was a Hillary fan. - 9 years ago

@HotPinkPeony: RT @StephPrichard1: Right on @JudgeJeanine! 'Get a Gun': Judge Jeanine Urges Americans to Protect Themselves After Orlando - 9 years ago

@hmarie52: RT @gatewaypundit: Breaking=> ISIS Mass Murderer Omar Mateen Was Hillary Clinton Supporter - 9 years ago

@WeinerNotH8r: RT @charlescwcooke: It doesn’t matter, but if we are building stupid narratives. . . the Orlando killer was a Hillary fan. - 9 years ago

@CarwilBJ: If you want a list to disarm Omar Mateen, it's known domestic abusers not hypothetical terrorists. (Also disarms many killer cops.) - 9 years ago


@bbguru711: RT @trump2016fan: We are on our own! Man who went to same mosque as Omar reported him to FBI. Mosques are terror planning centers - 9 years ago

@kielstephen: RT @ggreenwald: Unless Dems want to build a massive list with millions decreed suspicious, neither Omar Mateen nor Dylan Roof would've been… - 9 years ago

@SheepdogSecurit: RT @camboviet: IPT Exclusive: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups - 9 years ago

@MOTT7: RT @kerpen: Buried far below anti-Trump hed, WaPo reports Omar Mateen was a Hillary Clinton supporter. - 9 years ago

@ATFfit: RT @ggreenwald: Unless Dems want to build a massive list with millions decreed suspicious, neither Omar Mateen nor Dylan Roof would've been… - 9 years ago

@ABCDE2017: RT @ggreenwald: Unless Dems want to build a massive list with millions decreed suspicious, neither Omar Mateen nor Dylan Roof would've been… - 9 years ago

@JimRoseVSOP: RT @jtLOL: They don't negotiate with terrorists. Also, Omar Mateen did it for [omitted]. - 9 years ago

@atreidesduncan1: RT @BBCWorld: Omar Mateen told police "I'm in Orlando and I did the shootings" during the three-hour siege - 9 years ago

@MMaria03146111: RT @trump2016fan: We are on our own! Man who went to same mosque as Omar reported him to FBI. Mosques are terror planning centers - 9 years ago

@DasJugghead: RT @AnneBayefsky: FBI edits "Islamic" out of Orlando killer's "I am an Islamic soldier." Ignorance kills. - 9 years ago

@ZaibatsuNews: Justice Department releases unredacted Omar Mateen transcript - 9 years ago

@florida4trump: RT @TPoliticmanager: Breaking=> ISIS Mass Murderer Omar Mateen Was Hillary Clinton Supporter - 9 years ago

@KDAL610: RT @CBSRadioNews: Transcripts released by the FBI show that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen called himself an Islamic soldier when speaking to… - 9 years ago

@DDaltonBennett: RT @bdomenech: The Hillary Clinton mention in this is totally going to get picked up by Trump. - 9 years ago

@Harold_BlakeIII: It's official! #OmarMateen like @HillaryClinton They shared similar views on Gun Rights in USA ! #gunsense - 9 years ago

@gnosis_carmot: Man who went to same mosque as Omar Mateen reported him to FBI - NY Daily News - - 9 years ago

@cruadin: RT @20committee: The #ISIS online worldview is simply virulent Salafi jihadism dumbed down for maladjusted idiots in the Internet age. Just… - 9 years ago

@10535max: RT @AnnCoulter: Transcripts of Omar Mateen's 911 call to be released. References to Islam will be replaced w/ references to Duck Dynasty &… - 9 years ago

@ayakhalil: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - The Washington Post - 9 years ago

@charliegus2: RT @AdamsFlaFan: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part. - 9 years ago

@flossygentleman: RT @KatiePavlich: Why won't DOJ release the audio? Because we'll hear Omar Mateen speaking Arabic and saying "Allahu Akbar" - 9 years ago

@BillBaar: RT @dcexaminer: DOJ reverses, acknowledges Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and ISIS - 9 years ago

@LizMair: RT @bdomenech: The Hillary Clinton mention in this is totally going to get picked up by Trump. - 9 years ago

@VivaLaWoman_: RT @docrocktex26: Muslim who attended the same mosque as the Orlando shooter reported him to the FBI in 2014 - 9 years ago

@JackieMcReath1: RT @TPoliticmanager: SHOOTER SUPPORTED HILLARY - 9 years ago

@Iraqolizer: Stars and Stripes | Orlando gunman Omar Mateen identified himself as an... - 9 years ago

@calternativo: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Donald Trump is wrong that Muslims don't do our part. - 9 years ago

@2005stacy: RT @AnnCoulter: Transcripts of Omar Mateen's 911 call to be released. References to Islam will be replaced w/ references to Duck Dynasty &… - 9 years ago


@docmurdock: RT @NYDailyNews: Man who went to same mosque as Omar Mateen reported him to FBI two years before the shooting - 9 years ago

@SaysSimonson: RT @charlescwcooke: It doesn’t matter, but if we are building stupid narratives. . . the Orlando killer was a Hillary fan. - 9 years ago

@TheCalifornion: RT @charlescwcooke: It doesn’t matter, but if we are building stupid narratives. . . the Orlando killer was a Hillary fan. - 9 years ago

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