Oliver Friggieri

Maltese poet
Died on Saturday November 21st 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Oliver Friggieri:

@APDeBattista: In my piece for In-Nazzjon (30.XI.2020), I pay tribute to Oliver Friggieri. I argue that, in addition to articulati… - 4 years ago

@Miss_R___: ♥️💛💙 "Il-ħajja mistoqsija miġbura f'elf għaliex U ssirlek poeżija jekk int ma tweġibhiex" Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@friggieri_david: En famille En poésie Lil Oliver ta' Daniel Massa ma nafx tridx tkun illoģiku inkella xehta amletiku tomghod ras/… - 4 years ago

@RobertaMetsola: RT @Earthling70: “Oliver, I hope we may one day openly play Scrabble together in heaven” - beautiful tribute by Daniel Massa for his friend… - 4 years ago


@Earthling70: “Oliver, I hope we may one day openly play Scrabble together in heaven” - beautiful tribute by Daniel Massa for his… - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: “Stennewk bassara li għażlthom Inti kif frixt fuq fommhom is-sigrieti tiegħek biex tul is-sekli fetħu dil-mogħdija… - 4 years ago

@UTM_Mentors: University's Department of Maltese pays tribute to Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: University's Department of Maltese pays tribute to Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@katztorace: RT @markcamilleri5: Gov is building a monument to Oliver Friggieri which is good but only cos Oliver was no threat to power. Daphne Caruana… - 4 years ago

@nickdebono96: RT @markcamilleri5: Gov is building a monument to Oliver Friggieri which is good but only cos Oliver was no threat to power. Daphne Caruana… - 4 years ago

@CaruanaMartina: RT @markcamilleri5: Gov is building a monument to Oliver Friggieri which is good but only cos Oliver was no threat to power. Daphne Caruana… - 4 years ago

@melahart: RT @markcamilleri5: Gov is building a monument to Oliver Friggieri which is good but only cos Oliver was no threat to power. Daphne Caruana… - 4 years ago

@markcamilleri5: Gov is building a monument to Oliver Friggieri which is good but only cos Oliver was no threat to power. Daphne Car… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: A final salute given to Prof. Oliver Friggieri - #UM #Malta #News #University #AcademicTwitter #Student #Newspoint… - 4 years ago

@LouCaruana: RT @LouCaruana: Vale to a Maltese literary icon. - 4 years ago

@RSchildboeck: @mauerbluemle @marieund13 @dimple452 @daBehling @gruberist @SCJWagner @Richard_IBK @cecilia6881 @kraglerkitty… - 4 years ago

@mauerbluemle: @RSchildboeck @marieund13 @dimple452 @daBehling @gruberist @SCJWagner @Richard_IBK @cecilia6881 @kraglerkitty… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: Oliver: a devoted mentor, a thoughtful colleague and a chatty friend - #UM #Malta #News #University… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: Some post-mortem thoughts on Oliver - #UM #Malta #News #University #AcademicTwitter #Student #Newspoint - Link:… - 4 years ago

@Illumonline: Il-PN jipproponi li triq f'Balzunetta fil-Furjana tissemma għal Oliver Friggieri: Iż-żewġ Kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti… - 4 years ago

@AnneMCallus: RT @BishopScicluna: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Il-Kunsilliera tal-PN fil-Floriana jippreżentaw mozzjoni biex triq tissemma għal Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@prasparpress: RT @immanuelmifsud: Historian and cultural analyst @charles_xuereb's grab from yesterday's funeral service to Oliver Friggieri, Malta's mos… - 4 years ago

@immanuelmifsud: Historian and cultural analyst @charles_xuereb's grab from yesterday's funeral service to Oliver Friggieri, Malta's… - 4 years ago

@charles_xuereb: Followers may wish to listen to Il-Polz tac-Cittadin where I was guest of the programme hosted by Tonio Bonello (Ra… - 4 years ago

@vamvella: ARA: L-aħħar vjaġġ tal-ġgant twajjeb u umli l-Professur Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@Danill_Nastich: Today in Malta have declared the day of national mourning for the Oliver Friggieri death. - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Prime Minister commissions Heritage Malta to build monument for Oliver Friggieri - - 4 years ago

@edibrad1: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: By all means, let us have a monument; but let us never forget, for one moment, that the greatest legacy and the bes… - 4 years ago

@OrgLaikos: RT @BishopScicluna: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Oliver #Friggieri given state funeral: The Headline – In-Nazzjon - 4 years ago

@AnneMCallus: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@repubblikaMT: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@AlxMalta: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@lastminutesnews: RT @Network_Easy: Monument dedicated to Oliver Friggieri to be erected by Heritage Malta: The PM announced this decision during a Facebook… - 4 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @Network_Easy: Monument dedicated to Oliver Friggieri to be erected by Heritage Malta: The PM announced this decision during a Facebook… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: Monument dedicated to Oliver Friggieri to be erected by Heritage Malta: The PM announced this decision during a Fac… - 4 years ago

@DarioPhVella: RT @TelevisionMalta: Min kien Oliver Friggieri? - TVM - 4 years ago

@maltatoday: Monument dedicated to Oliver Friggieri to be erected by Heritage Malta - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: 'Oliver Friggieri ta lil-letteratura Maltija l-libsa xjentifika' - TVM - 4 years ago

@ann2405: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: "Oliver Friggieri kien bħal profeta li jaf iwassal messaġġ ċar imsejjes fuq il-verità iżda mingħajr ma jweġġa'" - T… - 4 years ago

@AlessDeeCrespo: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@Catsrbest15: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Min kien Oliver Friggieri? - TVM - 4 years ago

@BernardFarrugia: RT @cliffordgalea: Il-Pm Jinkariga Lil Heritage Malta Biex Isir Monument Lil Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@cliffordgalea: Il-Pm Jinkariga Lil Heritage Malta Biex Isir Monument Lil Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@Manwel_Delia: RT @rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to challeng… - 4 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be honoured with monument - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Il-Prim Ministru jinkariga lil Heritage Malta biex isir monument lil Oliver Friggieri - TVM - 4 years ago

@rosette_thake: “I ask you to laugh at the toys of Maltese society, to break wrong rules, to defy doubtful orders. I ask you to cha… - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Il-Gvern se jkun qed jagħmel mafkar ta’ Oliver Friggieri - Il-PM - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: ARA: Oliver Friggieri jterraq għall-aħħar darba fit-toroq - TVM - 4 years ago

@msorchidea: RIP Oliver Friggieri I grew up with your lectures and some Maltese books, you will gonna missed - 4 years ago

@Josroscam: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri  - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: ARA: L-aħħar vjaġġ tal-ġgant twajjeb u umli l-Professur Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: #Malta: #Floriana Local Council considering naming a street and erecting a monument to #OliverFriggieri - 4 years ago

@Josroscam: RT @BishopScicluna: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@BishopScicluna: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@BriguglioMike: RT @GailDebono: Qed insegwi l-funeral statali tal-kbir Prof. Oliver Friggieri. Telfa mmensa għal pajjiżna li mhux se naqraw meravilji ġodda… - 4 years ago

@UTM_Mentors: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri  - 4 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Nation gathers to mourn literary giant Oliver Friggieri  - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: Iktar kmieni illum, l-istat u l-poplu Malti taw l-aħħar tislima lil Prof Oliver Friggieri. Għaddejt xi kumment fit-… - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: RT @AlessDeeCrespo: Kemm ftaqarna minghajrek. Strieh fis-sliem, Oliver Friggieri. - 4 years ago

@AlessDeeCrespo: Kemm ftaqarna minghajrek. Strieh fis-sliem, Oliver Friggieri. - 4 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @Network_Easy: Watch Live: Malta bids farewell to Oliver Friggieri: Malta is bidding a final farewell to Maltese literary giant Oliver F… - 4 years ago

@lastminutesnews: RT @Network_Easy: Watch Live: Malta bids farewell to Oliver Friggieri: Malta is bidding a final farewell to Maltese literary giant Oliver F… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: Watch Live: Malta bids farewell to Oliver Friggieri: Malta is bidding a final farewell to Maltese literary giant Ol… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: WITH PHOTOS: Final farewell to Professor Oliver Friggieri - - 4 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @Network_Easy: Floriana Local Council considering naming a street and erecting a monument to Oliver Friggieri: Shortly before the funera… - 4 years ago

@lastminutesnews: RT @Network_Easy: Floriana Local Council considering naming a street and erecting a monument to Oliver Friggieri: Shortly before the funera… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: Floriana Local Council considering naming a street and erecting a monument to Oliver Friggieri: Shortly before the… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: BIR-RITRATTI: L-aħħar tislima lill-Professur Oliver Friggieri - TVM - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: DIRETT: Il-funeral organizzat mill-istat lill-Prof. Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@maltainegypt: On the passing of Maltese poet, novelist, literary critic and philosopher, Profs. Oliver Friggieri, a National day… - 4 years ago

@SultanaCharles: #Malta today mourns the passing of a poet, novelist, literary critic and philosopher, Profs. Oliver Friggieri. He w… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Floriana Local Council considering naming a street and erecting a monument to Oliver Friggieri -… - 4 years ago

@Marthes45700794: RT @deodebattista: Dalwaqt, pajjiżna se jsellem il-memorja għażiża tal-Professur Oliver Friggieri. Persuna li żgur ħa jibqa' mfakkar għall-… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Furjana jikkonsidra li jsir monument u tissemma' triq għal Oliver Friggieri - TVM - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: DIRETT: Il-funeral organizzat mill-istat lill-Prof. Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@cazzoemerda: Profs. Oliver Friggieri’s funeral is the perfect definition of pathetic fallacy. Rest in peace sir, your works and… - 4 years ago

@deodebattista: Dalwaqt, pajjiżna se jsellem il-memorja għażiża tal-Professur Oliver Friggieri. Persuna li żgur ħa jibqa' mfakkar g… - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: DIRETT: Il-funeral organizzat mill-istat lill-Prof. Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@DAzzopardi_: Today #Malta will bid farewell to one of its greatest intellectuals, Prof Oliver Friggieri. - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Maltese Editors discuss #RobertAbela s new cabinet, #Christmas during #covid-19 and mourn the loss of Oliver Friggi… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Oliver Friggieri's state funeral to be held today - - 4 years ago

@ECRepMalta: Ir-Rappreżentanza tipparteċipa fil-jum ta' luttu nazzjonali għal Oliver Friggieri, artikolatur ewlieni tal-kuxjenza… - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Illum tingħata l-aħħar tislima lil Oliver Friggieri - TVM - 4 years ago

@jzahra59: RT @presidentmt: The country is saddened at the passing away of Prof. Oliver Friggieri. We have lost an intellectual, award-winning poet an… - 4 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Il-funeral ta’ Oliver Friggieri dirett fuq Net TV - 4 years ago

@ESOmalta: Niftakru fil-memorja tal-kittieb u poeta Malti, il-Professur Oliver Friggieri, fil-jum li art twelidek qed tibkik.… - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Day of national mourning for Oliver #Friggieri: The Headline – The Independent - 4 years ago

@malta_ramallah: Malta salutes a giant of Maltese literature. Farewell Profs Oliver Friggieri RIP - 4 years ago

@MPorenta: National day of mourning for Oliver Friggieri on Wednesday - 4 years ago

@StJohnCCF: Il-funeral mill-Istat tal-Professur Oliver Friggieri se jsir nhar l-Erbgħa li ġej, 25 ta' Novembru 2020. Il-quddies… - 4 years ago

@StradaRjaliMT: Għada Jum ta' Luttu Nazzjonali 🇲🇹 B'tislima lil Oliver Friggieri 🌹 - 4 years ago

@maltatoday: Oliver Friggieri's funeral on Wednesday as government declares day of mourning - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Għada Malta tosserva jum ta’ luttu b’tislima lill-Prof. Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: National day of mourning for Oliver Friggieri on Wednesday - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Today's Editorials tackle hunting, prison and tourism, while the Independent reserves its leading op-ed to a heartf… - 4 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Il-funeral ta’ Oliver Friggieri se jsir għada - 4 years ago

@CCItaloMaltese: Lo scorso 21 settembre è scomparso Oliver Friggieri, scrittore poeta e critico letterario fra i maggiori protagonis… - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Il-funeral tal-Prof. Oliver Friggieri se jsir għada fis-2:00pm - 4 years ago

@Illumonline: Għada l-Istat isellem lill-Professur Oliver Friggieri, ġgant tal-letteratura u ħabib tal-Ilsien Malti: Huwa jibqa'… - 4 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @Network_Easy: TMID Editorial: Oliver Friggieri - The humble giant: Some people believe they’re giants, and think that they are ma… - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: Oliver Friggieri passed away on the 21 November 2020. His work spans different disciplines. In my Talking Point for… - 4 years ago

@lastminutesnews: RT @Network_Easy: TMID Editorial: Oliver Friggieri - The humble giant: Some people believe they’re giants, and think that they are ma… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: TMID Editorial: Oliver Friggieri - The humble giant: Some people believe they’re giants, and think that they… - 4 years ago

@Kenkyusha_PR: 【訃報】マルタの詩人・小説家・評論家Oliver Friggieri氏が、2020年11月21日、逝去。73歳。 Oliver Friggieri, a giant of Maltese literature, dies aged… - 4 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Oliver Friggieri, escritor, poeta, crítico literario y profesor universitario maltés 27 mar. 1947 -… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: Virtual Discussion on Prof. Oliver Friggieri: Man’s defender - #UM #Malta #News #University #AcademicTwitter… - 4 years ago

@charles_xuereb: Tomorrow 3 pm Radio Malta 1 Il-Polz Cittadin one hour about Oliver Friggieri with me as guest on the poet whom I kn… - 4 years ago

@UMmalta: Prof. Oliver Friggieri: Id-difensur tal-bniedem - #UM #Malta #News #University #AcademicTwitter #Student #Newspoint… - 4 years ago

@maltatoday: When this weather clears up: Remembering Oliver Friggieri - 4 years ago

@ZammitLewisEdw: RT @ONE_news_Malta: Il-Professur Oliver Friggieri se jingħata funeral mill-Istat - 4 years ago

@LouCaruana: RT @LouCaruana: Oliver Friggieri: tributes pour in following the loss of a #Maltese icon - 4 years ago

@LeoBrincat: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be given funeral by the state - 4 years ago

@StashValensky: @Zemploid Neither you nor I. A person of a certain public stature dies , yes, he or she gets a state funeral, by t… - 4 years ago

@StashValensky: @Zemploid You are the one who is absurd. Other countries have organised state funerals for citizens considered wort… - 4 years ago

@aimee_maree: RT @UMmalta: The University of Malta remembers the memory of Prof. Oliver Friggieri who has sadly passed away. Our deepest condolences to h… - 4 years ago

@markazzopardi81: #malta lost a great thinker. Thank you Profs. Oliver Friggieri 🙏 - 4 years ago

@aquivanya: RT @GrechMario: Oliver Friggieri kien kbir għax kien żgħir u kien żgħir għax kien kbir. Warajh ħalla baħħ fis-soċjeta' u fil-Knisja lokali.… - 4 years ago

@carmenciantar: RT @chrisfearne: Inħossni privileġġjat li kont student ta’ Prof. Oliver Friggieri. Qatt minsi. RIP. - 4 years ago

@SergioPortelli: A true scholar and gentleman. RIP Oliver #Friggieri @UMmalta #Malta - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: He deserves nothing less - - 4 years ago

@GrechMario: Oliver Friggieri kien kbir għax kien żgħir u kien żgħir għax kien kbir. Warajh ħalla baħħ fis-soċjeta' u fil-Knisja… - 4 years ago

@friggieri_david: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be given funeral by the state - 4 years ago

@LukeVella26: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be given funeral by the state - 4 years ago

@funeralnearme: Oliver Friggieri Funeral - 4 years ago

@maltatoday: Oliver Friggieri to be given state funeral - 4 years ago

@GiuseppeAttar17: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be given funeral by the state - 4 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri to be given funeral by the state - 4 years ago

@LeoBrincat: Il-Professur Oliver Friggieri se jingħata funeral mill-Istat - TVM : Xieraq u sewwa. - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Il-Professur Oliver Friggieri se jingħata funeral mill-Istat - - 4 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Il-Professur Oliver Friggieri se jingħata funeral mill-Istat - 4 years ago

@Inomla: RT @BishopScicluna: A heartfelt tribute to the late Profs Oliver Friggieri (1947-2020) who taught us to love the Maltese language and be pr… - 4 years ago

@Inomla: RT @presidentmt: The country is saddened at the passing away of Prof. Oliver Friggieri. We have lost an intellectual, award-winning poet an… - 4 years ago

@Inomla: RT @DrEleanorScerri: Goodbye Oliver Friġġieri, a giant of Maltese literature, who played a pivotal role in promoting Maltese language in a… - 4 years ago

@katztorace: Here’s an audio excerpt from Fil-Parlament Ma Jikbrux Fjuri (Flowers Don’t Grow in Parliament) - 4 years ago

@SammutMark: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@prasparpress: RT @katztorace: Remembering a great Maltese thinker, poet and teacher, Oliver Friggieri. - 4 years ago

@katztorace: Remembering a great Maltese thinker, poet and teacher, Oliver Friggieri. - 4 years ago

@Leaahogg: RT @RobertaMetsola: #Malta and #Gozo have lost a giant. Rest in peace Oliver Friggieri - a grateful nation salutes you. - 4 years ago

@Leaahogg: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@Elaine21960816: RT @chrisfearne: Inħossni privileġġjat li kont student ta’ Prof. Oliver Friggieri. Qatt minsi. RIP. - 4 years ago

@DarioPhVella: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@AnneMCallus: RT @DanielFiott: Malta has lost an icon. A man who saw the good and beauty in everyone. A stalwart critic of political nihilism. One of the… - 4 years ago

@FeiglGabriele: RT @DanielFiott: Malta has lost an icon. A man who saw the good and beauty in everyone. A stalwart critic of political nihilism. One of the… - 4 years ago

@AlessDeeCrespo: RT @APDeBattista: “Għajnejna se jingħalqu f’dan id-dlam u f’dan is-skiet nistrieħu mit-taħbit. L-għasafar tiegħek raqdu w aħna wkoll. se no… - 4 years ago

@LeoBrincat: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@APDeBattista: “Għajnejna se jingħalqu f’dan id-dlam u f’dan is-skiet nistrieħu mit-taħbit. L-għasafar tiegħek raqdu w aħna wkoll.… - 4 years ago

@DrEleanorScerri: Goodbye Oliver Friġġieri, a giant of Maltese literature, who played a pivotal role in promoting Maltese language in… - 4 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @Network_Easy: “He resumed with University work despite his unhealthy condition”: An author, poet, literature critic and thinker –… - 4 years ago

@lastminutesnews: RT @Network_Easy: “He resumed with University work despite his unhealthy condition”: An author, poet, literature critic and thinker –… - 4 years ago

@Network_Easy: “He resumed with University work despite his unhealthy condition”: An author, poet, literature critic and thinker &… - 4 years ago

@gegegatt: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@friggieri_david: - 4 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Oliver #Friggieri passes away: The Headline – Il-Mument - 4 years ago

@GTGAdvocates: RT @igauci: A sad loss for #Malta. - 4 years ago

@LouCaruana: Vale to a Maltese literary icon. - 4 years ago

@LouCaruana: Oliver Friggieri: tributes pour in following the loss of a #Maltese icon - 4 years ago

@AngelaP74977875: RT @chrisfearne: Inħossni privileġġjat li kont student ta’ Prof. Oliver Friggieri. Qatt minsi. RIP. - 4 years ago

@jamesvbardon: "A book is timeless and involves more than it can ever cost. A book is a patient partner” - 4 years ago

@RachelWilliam34: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@Pacomesonero: RT @MaltaInSpain: #Malta lamenta hoy el fallecimiento de uno de sus más grandes intelectuales, el Profesor Oliver Friggieri. Descanse en pa… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Oliver Friggieri is no longer with us - #OliverFriggieri #Oliver #Friggieri #rip - 4 years ago

@cassar_david: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@nelloscavo: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@Josroscam: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Oliver Friggieri dies aged 73 - 4 years ago

@borgjames: Oliver Friggieri, a giant of Maltese literature, dies aged 73 - 4 years ago

@cathaquila87: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@curvedway: #Malta Prof. Oliver #Friggieri passes away - Newsbook - 4 years ago

@claire_abela: RT @stevemallia71: Big loss. Oliver Friggieri was a quiet man whose contribution to literature and #Malta’s social fabric spoke volumes. Pe… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Oliver Friggieri Death -Dead : Prof. Oliver Friggieri has died . - 4 years ago

@pace_drJ: @BishopScicluna Oliver Friggieri was an icon of Maltese Literature, a watershed of natural wisdom and an example of… - 4 years ago

@JosephGrechNXR: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@andazz: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@SaydonGiulia: Illum ħalliena Oliver Friggieri, ġgant tal-letteratura Maltija. Strieħ fis-sliem, Prof! Grazzi ta' kollox. J'Alla t… - 4 years ago

@GasDownGolHajt: RT @UTM_Mentors: Oliver Friggieri: tributes pour in following the loss of a Maltese icon - 4 years ago

@BriFarrugia: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@Fonch2: RT @BishopScicluna: A heartfelt tribute to the late Profs Oliver Friggieri (1947-2020) who taught us to love the Maltese language and be pr… - 4 years ago

@alanadamisop: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@scutajar: RT @melahart: My heart aches at this news. Friggieri was a gentle soul but his writing was fierce. He also cemented my love for Maltese l… - 4 years ago

@Archdiocese_MT: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

@rscachia: RT @presidentmt: The country is saddened at the passing away of Prof. Oliver Friggieri. We have lost an intellectual, award-winning poet an… - 4 years ago

@BojanJo74183754: RT @BishopScicluna: A tribute to Profs Oliver Friggieri, in our language. He made us proud to be Maltese. He was wise and meek. Requiescat… - 4 years ago

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