Oksana Baulina

Russian journalist (The Insider)
Died on Wednesday March 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Oksana Baulina:

@LenrThinking: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@Brghm3: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@JmhjonesJones: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@CliffSinc: RT @johnsweeneyroar: .@Marcnelsonart That is beautiful and thank you. RIP Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago


@tartanroots: RT @johnsweeneyroar: .@Marcnelsonart That is beautiful and thank you. RIP Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@elenac: Aquí Coda Story hace un recuerdo de la periodista Oksana Baulina, asesinada en Kiev mientras cubría los destrozos e… - 3 years ago

@iulikravitz: Russian reporter Oksana Baulina is sixth journalist to die in Ukraine war via @efjeurope - 3 years ago

@_UnMonoDesnudo: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@UrbanSixten: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@ChrisKarlKnecht: RT @zaborona_media: @oksana_baulina worked for @the_ins_ru and previously in the Navalny’s anti-corruption fund - 3 years ago

@ChrisKarlKnecht: RT @zaborona_media: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina died today in Kyiv while reporting on the Russian shelling of the Podil. One more ci… - 3 years ago

@h4rmeer: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@Helen4LibDems: RT @johnsweeneyroar: .@Marcnelsonart That is beautiful and thank you. RIP Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@Mohamme11615014: RT @CodaStory: All of us at Coda are devastated that our brave colleague Oksana Baulina was killed in Kyiv. Oksana was the journalist behin… - 3 years ago

@TAluise: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@monkmonkii: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@DanielUFish: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@carolekingnyc: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@DinoJohnson98: RT @johnsweeneyroar: .@Marcnelsonart That is beautiful and thank you. RIP Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@bobdegroof: RT @Marcnelsonart: Sketch. Oksana Baulina , a fearless, brilliant #Russian defender of democracy, a journalist who worked with @navalny to… - 3 years ago

@ManchurianDevil: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@SalvageProdns: Dictators have many ways to kill journalists. Here is one of the latest, dead because of a war that never had to be… - 3 years ago

@Em_sart: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@nosaltreslaveu: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño Per Francesc Viadel - 3 years ago

@asm_olya: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@PaulDRamone: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@IngaSchei: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@cripttext: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@TheIOGuy: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@kevserboluk54: RT @blkebl: Gazeteci Oksana Baulina'nın çalıştığı  editoryal görevi yerine getirirken Kiev'de bombardıman altında öldü Başkentin Podolsky b… - 3 years ago

@kevserboluk54: RT @blkebl: Rus gazeteci Oksana Baulina Rusya'nın Ukrayna'daki saldırısı esnasında hayatını kaybetti! Yıkımı görüntülerken roket ateşi altı… - 3 years ago

@iseult: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@lindammjones: RT @MSnegovaya: Oksana Baulina, a journalist of @the_ins_ru, just died in Kyiv. She was filming the destruction that followed Russian troop… - 3 years ago

@T_Giarratano: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@pannusf10: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@ChrisAlex13927: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@Empath_Coach_RR: RT @NPR: The Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was killed by a rocket strike while reporting in Kyiv, her employer said. Hailed as "amazing… - 3 years ago

@crisbelcortes: RT @NataliaAntonova: I took some down time this weekend, and today I was finally able to look at my old messages with Oksana Baulina. She… - 3 years ago

@JoannPodlesney: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@Cinegauchix: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@dilemmatix: In memoriam: Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@Asterfion: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@JldMedia: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@FrancescViadel: RT @devisvicent: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@Mingusienne: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@vladislav7418: RT @leonidvolkov: В Киеве под обстрелом погибла @oksana_baulina — корреспондент The Insider, а до того — первый продюсер YouTube-канала Нав… - 3 years ago

@devisvicent: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@StephaneDepinoy: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@alexmilhat: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@ApuntCgt: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@Overlord_JJJ: RT @tus_cojones33: @liusivaya Encuentra las 7 diferencias. La de arriba Oksana Baulina. Periodista asesinada contraria a Putin la de abajo.… - 3 years ago

@GaspardGlanz: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@GaspardGlanz: RT @rgarciavilanova: Precise targeting system kill the journalist Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@BasuAshis: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@tus_cojones33: @liusivaya Encuentra las 7 diferencias. La de arriba Oksana Baulina. Periodista asesinada contraria a Putin la de a… - 3 years ago

@Whenthe50930605: RT @manatweets: ☑ Honoring Oksana Baulina and her 'moral clarity' #BreakingNews #cnn #PleaseRetweet ➡ - 3 years ago

@JoRa1495: RT @navalny: 1/6 Oksana Baulina used to work in a high position in glossy magazines, but in 2013 she moved to work at our headquarters for… - 3 years ago

@DaytonaII: RT @zaborona_media: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina died today in Kyiv while reporting on the Russian shelling of the Podil. One more ci… - 3 years ago

@manatweets: ☑ Honoring Oksana Baulina and her 'moral clarity' #BreakingNews #cnn #PleaseRetweet ➡ - 3 years ago

@IN111121: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@PhotoLawn: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@EarthMother60: RT @navalny: 6/6 My condolences to the family and friends of Oksana Baulina. - 3 years ago

@ashami033: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@PursuingMciver: RT @navalny: 1/6 Oksana Baulina used to work in a high position in glossy magazines, but in 2013 she moved to work at our headquarters for… - 3 years ago

@LettreAudio: l s’agit de la cinquième journaliste tuée dans le conflit en Ukraine. @oksana_baulina travaillait pour le média… - 3 years ago

@salim_joanne: RT @UNESCO: The Director-General of #UNESCO @AAzoulay condemns the killings of of Russian journalist Oksana Baulina in Kyiv, #Ukraine. She… - 3 years ago

@GabrielaBustelo: RT @InsiderEng: "She chose an honest and dangerous path – armored vest instead of high heels from a past life." Friends and colleagues reme… - 3 years ago

@PereMarco4: RT @FrancescViadel: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@pepamdep: Francesc Viadel. De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - Nosaltres La Veu - 3 years ago

@carmendozap: RT @RealAnneBonny: Oksana Baulina, periodista y activista por los derechos humanos. Fue crítica con el Kremlin y luchó por la democracia y… - 3 years ago

@carmendozap: RT @RealAnneBonny: Richard Pendlebury dejó unas flores en el lugar donde asesinaron a Oksana Baulina. 🙏 - 3 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @UNESCO: The Director-General of #UNESCO @AAzoulay condemns the killings of of Russian journalist Oksana Baulina in Kyiv, #Ukraine. She… - 3 years ago

@CtzenCaneSpain: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@yoursosteam: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@yoursosteam: RT @zaborona_media: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina died today in Kyiv while reporting on the Russian shelling of the Podil. One more ci… - 3 years ago

@nicole_kirchler: RT @nnougayrede: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was killed in Kyiv by a Russian missile strike on 23 March. Oksana’s family had a histor… - 3 years ago

@WagnerTerzi: RT @OliverStuenkel: A jornalista de moda Oksana Baulina foi editora das revistas russas InStyleRussia e Glamour. Indignada com as eleições… - 3 years ago

@RogerHeredia83: RT @FrancescViadel: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@FrancescViadel: De l’execució d’Oksana Baulina al llepaculs de Caño - 3 years ago

@casajuntoalrio: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@TOutsider: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@andrei_kononov: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@annemieke1949: RT @zaborona_media: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina died today in Kyiv while reporting on the Russian shelling of the Podil. One more ci… - 3 years ago

@mustafavci71: RT @KhalilovaGulsum: Kelimelerin tükendiği an... Kyiv’de uzun zamandır tanıdığımız Insider medya organının çalışanı gazeteci Oksana Baulina - 3 years ago

@suzie1angel: RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: - 3 years ago

@assinistradotit: Russia loses a passionate voice against injustice. - 3 years ago

@Eventus_docet: RT @SamRaynard: 🇺🇦 Une nouvelle journaliste est morte sur le terrain, en Ukraine. Mais cette fois-ci, il s'agit d'une Russe. Portrait d'Oks… - 3 years ago

@Eventus_docet: RT @putino: Il sindacato russo dei giornalisti e operatori dei media ha chiesto al comitato investigativo di indagare sulla morte della gio… - 3 years ago

@sysmedia68: RT @nnougayrede: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was killed in Kyiv by a Russian missile strike on 23 March. Oksana’s family had a histor… - 3 years ago

@Eventus_docet: RT @nnougayrede: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was killed in Kyiv by a Russian missile strike on 23 March. Oksana’s family had a histor… - 3 years ago

@Cloodey_: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@guadoroca: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@Alpha_y_Omega67: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@assinistradotit: RT @InsiderEng: Oksana Baulina reported killed in mortar fire, Ukrainian police opens murder case - 3 years ago

@PutDozeri31: RT @RusyaYenildi31: 🇺🇦 #Ukrayna #Kiev 💥Rus ordusu, Rus gazeteci Oksana Baulina'yı öldürdü. (10) Baulina ateşli bir Putin düşmanı ve Nava… - 3 years ago

@Okaka_inumakii: RT @OliverStuenkel: A jornalista de moda Oksana Baulina foi editora das revistas russas InStyleRussia e Glamour. Indignada com as eleições… - 3 years ago

@ravel_claudio: RT @channeldraw: Portraits of Journalists killed and disappeared in Russia's war against Ukraine Oksana Baulina, Olexandra Kuvshinova, Pier… - 3 years ago

@odio_nao: RT @OliverStuenkel: A jornalista de moda Oksana Baulina foi editora das revistas russas InStyleRussia e Glamour. Indignada com as eleições… - 3 years ago

@Hands1950: RT @HelenGr04493202: In memoriam Oksana Baulina 🌻 - 3 years ago

@juanjtortosa: RT @Virginiapalonso: Apenas hay marcas de la explosión en el suelo, su coche no perdió la luna delantera ni las dos puertas de un lateral,… - 3 years ago

@fuckingfrito: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@Diselobienclaro: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@farm_mars: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@fmllolnews: RT @Newsweek: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was the most recent of at least five journalists killed in Russian attacks, dying on Wednes… - 3 years ago

@alfahispania70: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@GalinaTolstykh: RT @vera_of_dubna: «Машина была уничтожена системой точного наведения. Для этого необходимо, чтобы кто-то на земле отметил цель, а для этог… - 3 years ago

@ll_mars_ll: RT @sirotek: ทหารรัสเซียฆ่านักข่าวรัสเซีย ยิงปินใหญ่ถล่มขณะบันทึกความเสียหายที่กองทัพรัสเซียทำในยูเครน นักช่าวที่ถูกฆ่าชื่อโอซานา บอลิน่า (… - 3 years ago

@ikergarai: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@runnerbcn: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@alfarmada: RT @EdithRCachera: Las dudas sobre la muerte de Oksana Baulina o cómo Rusia podría estar asesinando deliberadamente a periodistas en la gue… - 3 years ago

@KangkangJaejae: RT @sirotek: ทหารรัสเซียฆ่านักข่าวรัสเซีย ยิงปินใหญ่ถล่มขณะบันทึกความเสียหายที่กองทัพรัสเซียทำในยูเครน นักช่าวที่ถูกฆ่าชื่อโอซานา บอลิน่า (… - 3 years ago

@exception_not: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@paoloparenti9: RT @Newsweek: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was the most recent of at least five journalists killed in Russian attacks, dying on Wednes… - 3 years ago

@pmorenolopez: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@Oly_2_G: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@Mavespchotmail1: RT @publico_es: ¿Azar o asesinato selectivo? Las dudas sobre la muerte en Kiev de la periodista rusa Oksana Baulina Por @JairoExtre, envi… - 3 years ago

@FatimaCurzio: RT @Newsweek: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was the most recent of at least five journalists killed in Russian attacks, dying on Wednes… - 3 years ago

@JAHalCuadrado: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@motherthucker: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@Fishytom: RT @antelava: RIP @oksana_baulina. Oksana was brave, fun and fierce. Before she came to @CodaStory to take on a project that exposed Putin'… - 3 years ago

@Javo87940018: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina, who worked for independent news website The Insider, killed in shelling in Kyiv - 3 years ago

@LBesnon: RT @risj_oxford: The journalists we lost in Ukraine 📸 We remember the work of the colleagues killed while documenting the war in this piec… - 3 years ago

@dandandaniels: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@RussiaLovesMe: RT @PaulaChertok: .@tolokno: We've heard these lies & propaganda for 20 years, esp. after 2014. It's agonizing to see Putin hurt so many pe… - 3 years ago

@juandegdl: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@rottenporker: RT @annanemtsova: #StopKillingJournalists!!! A Russian reporter, 42-year-old Oksana Baulina, was killed today in Kyiv. She was #onassignmen… - 3 years ago

@adix67: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@FreePoached: RT @baladorje: #Ukraine #Russia Journalists Targeted 148 Times by Russia During War: Report: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was the most… - 3 years ago

@lecobra65: RT @vottak_tv: ElPeriodico: журналистку Оксану Баулину убили прицельным взрывом Журналист ElPeriodico Рикардо Гарсия Виланова сообщил, что… - 3 years ago

@BlazerJane: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: One of the projects Oksana Baulina worked on recently: a collection of personal testimonies of GULAG survivors by @Cod… - 3 years ago

@baladorje: #Ukraine #Russia Journalists Targeted 148 Times by Russia During War: Report: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina was… - 3 years ago

@3b3rthLincoln: RT @lapatina_: 💔Another journalist killed covering Russia’s war in #Ukraine. The Insider’s Oksana Baulina, a Russian reporter, was killed b… - 3 years ago

@hburkitt: RT @PaulaChertok: .@tolokno: We've heard these lies & propaganda for 20 years, esp. after 2014. It's agonizing to see Putin hurt so many pe… - 3 years ago

@KathleenWesterg: RT @PaulaChertok: .@tolokno: We've heard these lies & propaganda for 20 years, esp. after 2014. It's agonizing to see Putin hurt so many pe… - 3 years ago

@Un_Divergente: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@bluvieee: RT @sirotek: ทหารรัสเซียฆ่านักข่าวรัสเซีย ยิงปินใหญ่ถล่มขณะบันทึกความเสียหายที่กองทัพรัสเซียทำในยูเครน นักช่าวที่ถูกฆ่าชื่อโอซานา บอลิน่า (… - 3 years ago

@van_do12: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@DrParnassus20: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@redlipsandboots: RT @Alexey__Kovalev: And now it's someone I've known for 16 years and worked with at several independent outlets. Oksana Baulina, a Russian… - 3 years ago

@RivasDeRamalIo: RT @pmarsupia: Ayer mataron en Kiev a Oksana Baulina, periodista rusa muy crítica con Putin que llevaba años investigando la corrupción del… - 3 years ago

@SmsNotorious: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@MariaSchenetzke: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@MadamAshleyLee: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@BetteCasperson: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@BetteCasperson: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@eveKthornhill: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@mike42696951: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@WanderLustLukas: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@MerThingz: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@birdiegirlep: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@mike42696951: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@CbfComic: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@IsabelQuintansR: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

@birdiegirlep: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@jillscotia: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@hotrodnovaman: RT @pussyrrriot: today our colleague and friend Oksana Baulina died under Russian shelling in Kyiv. Oksana died heroically. Oksana was a j… - 3 years ago

@AmyAyers16: RT @pussyrrriot: 2017. Alexey @navalny is still on freedom, Oksana Baulina is still alive. Putin destroys those who have passion, ethics a… - 3 years ago

@PauCatalunya: RT @Hibai_: "No fue un 'double tap'. Baulina acudió al centro comercial que había sido bombardeado en Kiev. Y fue en el parking colindante… - 3 years ago

@FidelPalmaC: RT @AlexSanchis_: ¿Cómo puede un periodista hacer una gravísima afirmación y, a la vez, desmontar la rotundidad de dicha afirmación? Alber… - 3 years ago

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