Oishi Matashichi

Japanese fisherman and anti-nuclear activist
Died on Sunday March 21st 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, James Lovelock

Tweets related to Oishi Matashichi:

@englishwakuwaku: 大石さんの英訳された別の本 #読書 "The day the sun rose in the west : Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I" by Oishi Matashichi; Transl… - 4 years ago

@englishwakuwaku: #読了 第五福竜丸から「3.11」後へ 被爆者大石又七の旅路  小沢節子 #英語 私訳 From the Daigo Fukuryu Maru to After 3.11, Journey of Matashichi Oish… - 4 years ago

@starlit57021: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@hkos: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago


@LuisaTuilau: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@crowcialist: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@BreasleyAdam: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@TomBamforth1: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@islandsasia: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@miguellarrinaga: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@Pool_Depth1_1: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@TikiBaloz: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@shrys_: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@tklitus: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@kathykijiner: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@atomiclabrats: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@newsroom_the: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@KaiSawaieke: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@RebeccaHogue: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@bierjess: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@EmteePlays: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@MysteriousDrBex: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@CradyPaul: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@zhangli72: RT @MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a surviving c… - 4 years ago

@MaclellanNic: Sad news from Japan on the death of Matashichi Oishi. A nuclear disarmament campaigner all his life, he was a survi… - 4 years ago

@ChristinaMac1: VOX POPULI: Remembering Matashichi Oishi, victim of 1954 U.S. #nuclear test : The Asahi Shimbun - 4 years ago

@PaulKawika: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@PvOberstein: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 | The Japan Times… - 4 years ago

@debsomewhere: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@ParraV: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@melissabak3: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@SosnaKhvost: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@DavidCloudLAT: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@Frioacero: RT @nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout from a 1954 U.S… - 4 years ago

@nktpnd: “Matashichi Oishi, a former crew member of a Japanese tuna fishing boat that was exposed to radioactive fallout fro… - 4 years ago

@SharonStoned70: VOX POPULI: Remembering Matashichi Oishi, victim of 1954 U.S. nuclear test : The Asahi Shimbun #NoNukes - 4 years ago

@AJWasahi: VOX POPULI: Remembering Matashichi Oishi, victim of 1954 U.S. nuclear test #nuclear #testing : The Asahi Shimbun - 4 years ago

@KohNagao: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@NuclearBodies: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@YasielOk: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@kawasaki_akira: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@carPrensaLatina: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@oscaredondo: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@rsrikanth05: RT @orsoraggiante: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 US nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87: - 4 years ago

@orsoraggiante: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 US nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87: - 4 years ago

@Cante071260: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@rcfPrensaLatina: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@hsolanorob: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@sina_sinay: RT @PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón de… - 4 years ago

@PrensaLatina_cu: Matashichi Oishi 🇯🇵 activista antinuclear y víctima del ensayo atómico de #EstadosUnidos 🇺🇸 en 1954 sobre el atolón… - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Oishi Matashichi Death – Obituary : Oishi Matashichi Has Died, Funeral, Dead –  - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Oishi Matashichi Death – Oishi Matashichi Obituary / Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@syonoapan: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@kenjiito: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@yasmina720: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@Aoi_SOLA_Hikari: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@stacora_pp: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@RERF_Japan: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@bojacobs: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@globalhibakusha: RT @DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on March 7,… - 4 years ago

@ShinyaIchikawa: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@_nagashimam: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@kumidaisuki: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@A4t3TjUV: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@nuclearban_jp: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@three_fir_trees: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@norionakatsuji: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@DrKynast: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@lavenderkiss: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@yokohamashiminr: RT @JonReinsch: RIP Oishi Matashichi, who as a crew member of the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon #5" was exposed to fallout from a US H bomb te… - 4 years ago

@gallet8: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@randi_vet: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@ms_bubble: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@ChristinaMac1: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 | The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@1967Anil: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@kambrone64: RT @chinahand: it was a major blunder where US eggheads underestimated power of blast by 3x. Contaminated Lucky Dragon, also unleashed god… - 4 years ago

@akaCriminati: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@jhamby: RT @chinahand: it was a major blunder where US eggheads underestimated power of blast by 3x. Contaminated Lucky Dragon, also unleashed god… - 4 years ago

@JPWK: .@POTUS If Robert E. Lee had killed Asian Americans he like H. S. Truman be a national hero, right? - 4 years ago

@chinahand: it was a major blunder where US eggheads underestimated power of blast by 3x. Contaminated Lucky Dragon, also unle… - 4 years ago

@SugavSumina: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@PejeTimes: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@MoJamesApted: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@wataitakeharu: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@PrincessBibiRF_: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@geekeconomist: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@krishworlds: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@tempeachy: RT @japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to… - 4 years ago

@japantimes: The Castle Bravo test was one of 67 nuclear experiments conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands from… - 4 years ago

@datawrangler2: #Japan|#Hiroshima|#Nagasaki|#USA Überlebender der US-Wasserstoffbombentest[1954], im Bikini-Atoll[Marshall Islands… - 4 years ago

@FuransuJapon: #Matashichi Oishi, ancien membre de l'équipage d'un thonier japonais qui a été exposé aux retombées #radioactives d… - 4 years ago

@info_fukushima: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 | The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@30_fukushima: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 | The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@orion7710: RT @Cecalli_Helper: Matashichi "Oishi began working aboard the fishing boat Fukuryu Maru No. 5, also known as Lucky Dragon No. 5, in 1953,… - 4 years ago

@TachitoTec: RT @Cecalli_Helper: Matashichi "Oishi began working aboard the fishing boat Fukuryu Maru No. 5, also known as Lucky Dragon No. 5, in 1953,… - 4 years ago

@Cecalli_Helper: Matashichi "Oishi began working aboard the fishing boat Fukuryu Maru No. 5, also known as Lucky Dragon No. 5, in 19… - 4 years ago

@ElliFtaka: RT @JonReinsch: RIP Oishi Matashichi, who as a crew member of the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon #5" was exposed to fallout from a US H bomb te… - 4 years ago

@1023ananas: RT @JonReinsch: RIP Oishi Matashichi, who as a crew member of the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon #5" was exposed to fallout from a US H bomb te… - 4 years ago

@NaomiDeSAUL1: RT @JonReinsch: RIP Oishi Matashichi, who as a crew member of the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon #5" was exposed to fallout from a US H bomb te… - 4 years ago

@JonReinsch: RIP Oishi Matashichi, who as a crew member of the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon #5" was exposed to fallout from a US H… - 4 years ago

@GlobalNewsJapan: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 | @JapanTimes - 4 years ago

@esraserimm: Such a good example of the ongoing ravaging effects of all the nuclear tests and explosions in the world. Japanese… - 4 years ago

@IsabelleArcouet: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@DennisRiches: @globalhibakusha Matashichi Oishi, hydrogen bomb hibakusha and hero of the antinuclear movement, passed away on Mar… - 4 years ago

@t_toripy: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@lyoneyama: "Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87" In his activism Oishi also spoke of… - 4 years ago

@Brought_to_You: - 4 years ago

@acco3: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@nezunyan222: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@LionelDevillers: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@japantimes: Japanese fisherman exposed to 1954 U.S. nuclear test dies of pneumonia at 87 - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Oishi Matashichi - #OishiMatashichi #Oishi #Matashichi #rip - 4 years ago

@fuchimokuroyuk1: 地球が、立派な方をまた一人失った。辛い経験を話されていたのは、子どもたち=未来の地球の為だった。 心からお悔やみを。#第五福龍丸, Lucky Dragon 5 Ōishi Matashichi 大石又七氏 「第五福竜丸」大石さ… - 4 years ago

@Ryujin11: Le mouvement antinucléaire perd un grand homme, Matashichi Oishi, irradié lors des essais nucléaires des Îles Marsh… - 4 years ago

@miyatanaka0803: Matashichi Oishi, a former Japanese fisherman who suffered radiation sickness from a 1954 US #Hbomb test in the Pac… - 4 years ago

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