Odd Børre

Norwegian pop singer.
Died on Sunday January 29th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Odd Børre:

@tonizeta24: Odd Børre - Stress - Norway 🇳🇴 - Grand Final - Eurovision 1968 - 2 years ago

@esEurovision: Odd Børre - Stress - Norway 🇳🇴 - Grand Final - Eurovision 1968 - 2 years ago

@Eurovisn_Turkey: 1968 yılında Norveç'i 'Stress' adlı şarkısıyla temsil eden Odd Børre Sørensen, 83 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 2 years ago

@nulpointsnet: Away from Liverpool, as well as Heddy Lester another memorable #Eurovision performer left us this week as Odd Børr… - 2 years ago


@Loveleighjesy: RT @Eurovoix: 🇳🇴 #Norway: #Eurovision 1968 Representative Odd Børre Sørensen Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@PattyTendresse: Décès Odd Børre Sørensen, dit Odd Børre, né le 9 août 1939 à Harstad et mort le 28 janvier 2023, est un chanteur n… - 2 years ago

@Sofia_Aquino_: RT @esc_play: 🖤⎮Odd Børre Sørensen, representante noruego en el año 1968, fallecío el pasado 28 de enero con 83 años. El representante situ… - 2 years ago

@esc_play: 🖤⎮Odd Børre Sørensen, representante noruego en el año 1968, fallecío el pasado 28 de enero con 83 años. El represen… - 2 years ago

@dlysearchtrends: Top 10 searches in Norway 🇳🇴 1️⃣ Behati Prinsloo 2️⃣ Flyr 3️⃣ Marc Anthony 4️⃣ PSG 5️⃣ Napoli 6️⃣ Fosna-Folket 7️⃣… - 2 years ago

@lachaine12pts: #Norvège 🇳🇴 Odd Børre Sørensen, représentant norvégien à l’#Eurovision 1968 avec « Stress » est décédé à l’âge de… - 2 years ago

@aarxnrxel: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@DonBarrie: RT @Eurovoix: 🇳🇴 #Norway: #Eurovision 1968 Representative Odd Børre Sørensen Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@musicloverbckup: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@britasticuk: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@cardamipratens: RT @Eurovoix: 🇳🇴 #Norway: #Eurovision 1968 Representative Odd Børre Sørensen Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@ESCBuzz: RT @Eurovoix: 🇳🇴 #Norway: #Eurovision 1968 Representative Odd Børre Sørensen Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@Eurovoix: 🇳🇴 #Norway: #Eurovision 1968 Representative Odd Børre Sørensen Has Passed Away - 2 years ago

@ESC_Portugal: Noruega: Faleceu Odd Børre Sørensen, representante norueguês no Festival Eurovisão 1968 - 2 years ago

@DaCancao: 🇳🇴 Faleceu Odd Børre - 2 years ago

@iskandarology: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@jemibuni: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@12_TPDP_12: RIP Odd Børre (83). Werd in 1968 met "Stress" gedeeld dertiende op zeventien deelnemers #eurovision #songfestival… - 2 years ago

@teleturist: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@AgenteDEL1984: Odd Børre Sørensen (Harstad, 9 de agosto de 1939 – 28 de janeiro de 2023) foi um cantor pop norueguês. Ficou conhec… - 2 years ago

@JanPrygoda: RT @songfestivalNL: Op 83-jarige leeftijd is de Noorse zanger Odd Børre overleden. Hij nam in 1968 deel aan het songfestival in Londen en w… - 2 years ago

@SlantedB: RT @theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@theotheroliver: odd børre (norway 1968) has died at the age of 83 rip :( - 2 years ago

@MinnieThePotato: (R.I.P. Odd Børre 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔) - 2 years ago

@erik_arnesen: Trist å høre at Odd Børre er død. «Lena» fra 1969 er en av de beste låtene i norsk MGP noensinne. #nrkmgp… - 2 years ago

@songfestivalNL: Op 83-jarige leeftijd is de Noorse zanger Odd Børre overleden. Hij nam in 1968 deel aan het songfestival in Londen… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Odd Børre has passed away - #OddBorre #Odd #Børre #rip - 2 years ago

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