Nuon Chea

Cambodian politician
Died on Sunday August 4th 2019

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Tweets related to Nuon Chea:

@PascaleLeRoy29: RT @berblanc2: Le Monde 5/8/19 Bonne nouvelle ! « Mort de Nuon Chea, ancien bras droit de Pol Pot. Incarcéré à vie pour crimes contre l’hum… - 6 years ago

@CyborgRuso: RT @CyborgRuso: Nuon Chea, Khmer Rouge’s Chief Ideologist, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@CyborgRuso: Nuon Chea, Khmer Rouge’s Chief Ideologist, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@jrjordan: RT @DrDavidHulme: Nuon Chea: Cambodia's unrepentant perpetrator of genocide - 6 years ago


@jeannetteS81: RT @OmarHavana: "Brother Number 2" Nuon Chea just died. The Khmer Rouge Leader was sentenced to life in prison on charges of genocide and c… - 6 years ago

@KTravouillon: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@ntibizongere: RT @RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦@beckra_gidd… - 6 years ago

@GeorgeWright89: @RKillean @PrevGenocide @DoreenTFChen @beckra_giddon "What did Nuon Chea believe in most strongly?" "The Cambodian… - 6 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦@beckra_gidd… - 6 years ago

@takiwatanga: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@mattsurrusco: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@RPanh: @noansereiboth Fuck Nuon Chea, Fuck Brother number... - 6 years ago

@DocAngFeres: Nuon Chea obituary - 6 years ago

@anti_k_org: Cambodge : Nuon Chea, ancien dirigeant khmer rouge et bras droit de Pol Pot, est mort - 6 years ago

@robert00582: Obituary: Nuon Chea, Cambodia's unrepentant perpetrator of genocide - 6 years ago

@SeicaMayhaps: Nuon Chea, tambien conocido como ¨camarada nº 2¨ era considerado el lugarteniente de Pol Pot. - 6 years ago

@NathanPSouthern: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@archivpolitique: RT @FC_actu: Il était le "Frère numéro deux" et bras droit de Pol Pot au Cambodge : Nuon Chea est mort à 93 ans. Il était l'idéologue de la… - 6 years ago

@alemzs: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@KtyYahoo: RT @joefree215: Our obit of Nuon Chea, Pol Pot's deputy - 6 years ago

@AsiaNews_FR: RT @AsiaNews_FR: La division du #Cambodge est toujours vivante, l'enterrement de Nuon Chea le frére numéro 2 des Khmers Rouge "Il est mon h… - 6 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@eloisesoriano: RT @ChLECHEVALIER: #NuonChea est mort. Le diable a de la compagnie... Bizarre que cet ASSASSIN de MASSE, adjoint de Pol Pot, ne fasse pas… - 6 years ago

@reparationsni: RT @RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦@beckra_gidd… - 6 years ago

@berblanc2: Le Monde 5/8/19 Bonne nouvelle ! « Mort de Nuon Chea, ancien bras droit de Pol Pot. Incarcéré à vie pour crimes con… - 6 years ago

@SokhetRos: Khmer Nation: Former KR leader Nuon Chea left huge assets and millions of dollars for his family before he died : - 6 years ago

@Atticus900: RT @RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦@beckra_gidd… - 6 years ago

@EuropeSSF: Cambodge : Nuon Chea, ancien dirigeant khmer rouge et bras droit de Pol Pot, est mort / DERON Francis, LE GAL Adrien - 6 years ago

@beckra_giddon: RT @RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦@beckra_gidd… - 6 years ago

@mattsurrusco: @KRTribunal @pheaktraneth @DoreenTFChen .@DoreenTFChen told VOD this week that "in the interests of justice, the tr… - 6 years ago

@mattsurrusco: @KRTribunal @pheaktraneth Former defense lawyer for Nuon Chea @DoreenTFChen said the defense team believes accordin… - 6 years ago

@mattsurrusco: .@KRTribunal fires Nuon Chea's defense team while it weighs whether his appeal proceedings against 2018 genocide co… - 6 years ago

@iQ_S4R4: RT @Reaproy: Nuon Chea deserves to burn in hell for eternity for the genocide & other rights crimes he committed against the people of #Cam… - 6 years ago

@AsiaNews_FR: La division du #Cambodge est toujours vivante, l'enterrement de Nuon Chea le frére numéro 2 des Khmers Rouge "Il es… - 6 years ago

@RKillean: This is a great snap shot of different perspectives, including his defence lawyer ⁦@DoreenTFChen⁩ and historian ⁦… - 6 years ago

@oceankoto: - 6 years ago

@PaulSavoie11: Une ordure et un criminel du genre d'Adolf vient de crever. CHAMPAGNE !!!! Cambodge: funérailles de Nuon Chea, id… - 6 years ago

@Reaproy: Nuon Chea deserves to burn in hell for eternity for the genocide & other rights crimes he committed against the peo… - 6 years ago

@Sov404: Cambodge: funérailles de Nuon Chea, idéologue des Khmers rouges - 6 years ago

@joefree215: RT @GeorgeWright89: "He is my hero. I love him because his leadership was protecting the country's territory from invasion by neighbouring… - 6 years ago

@EmmanuelHaimSNE: RT @LFI_Forever: Une marche silencieuse est prévue en hommage à Nuon Chea pour l’acte 39. Venez nombreux ! - 6 years ago

@_isidor: RT @MalaxovVsevolod: Former deputy Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea, known as “Brother No. 2,” died last week at age 93 in Phnom Penh. His deat… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Nuon Chea, Pol Pot’s deputy and the most senior surviving member of the Khmer Rouge, died on Sunday. He was convict… - 6 years ago

@OnettiCarlos: #VidasEjemplares - Muere a los 93 años Nuon Chea, el ideólogo de los jemeres rojos - 6 years ago

@voakhmer: បុណ្យសព​ ​នួន​ ​ជា​ ​ប្រព្រឹត្តទៅ​ដោយ​ស្ងៀមស្ងាត់ - 6 years ago

@JusticiaInt: RT @KooyJan: What’s next for Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge victims? After death of ‘Brother No. 2' Nuon Chea, millions are still waiting for jus… - 6 years ago

@ulomelic: RT @Anne_red_head: Nuon Chea, second in command to Pol Pot during the Cambodian genocide, died this week at age 93. A look at life expect… - 6 years ago

@NickP1963: RT @Anne_red_head: Nuon Chea, second in command to Pol Pot during the Cambodian genocide, died this week at age 93. A look at life expect… - 6 years ago

@Anne_red_head: Nuon Chea, second in command to Pol Pot during the Cambodian genocide, died this week at age 93. A look at life e… - 6 years ago

@UrbanistHanoi: Nuon Chea, Khmer Rouge's Second-in-Command, Dies at 93. - 6 years ago

@ElyseLyon1: Had to make a lot of visa runs to Cambodia over my years in Vietnam. Fell deeply in love, but it was painful to vis… - 6 years ago

@schefferjean: Mort de Nuon Chea, ancien bras droit de Pol Pot - 6 years ago

@Simo07827689: @tg2rai Volevo chiedere al direttore del tg2 se è stata sua l'idea di paragonare Nuon Chea, l'ideologo dei Kmer Ros… - 6 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @doyle_kevin: Interviewed Khmer Rouge No.2 Nuon Chea - who died today -twice before his arrest for war crimes. Never forget how he equat… - 6 years ago

@S_Satoh_metal: Nuon Chea: Cambodia's unrepentant perpetrator of genocide - 6 years ago

@nf4005: RT @Reaproy: While no one should doubt the importance of prosecuting Nuon Chea for his crimes, justice for #KhmerRouge atrocities should no… - 6 years ago

@photo_journ: I think #Cambodia can find better things 2 do w/ a few million $ instead a legal circus such as this if the cham… - 6 years ago

@dipN3PAL: नून - चिया, भनौं। Nuon Chea, who served as Pol Pot's chief lieutenant during Cambodia'smurderous Khmer Rouge regime… - 6 years ago

@dipN3PAL: @upadhyayabhim नून - चिया, भनौं। Nuon Chea, who served as Pol Pot's chief lieutenant during Cambodia'smurderous Khm… - 6 years ago

@FocusAsia: Human Rights Watch (HRW) says the #Cambodia trials that convicted KR leader Nuon Chea... should prosecute others wh… - 6 years ago

@carstenstahn: RT @_WiIRD_: A great piece from @RKillean from Queen's University Belfast on the death of Nuon Chea and timely responses to mass atrocities… - 6 years ago

@YannFennec: Jean Luc Mélenchon va t'il aller aux obsèques de Nuon Chea, l'ancien adjoint de Pol Pot, comme il l'a fait pour Castro ? - 6 years ago

@crokmi: @vitoux14 @YTocaben Dommage que votre idéologue vienne de nous quitter. Il aurait pu vous conseiller utilement... - 6 years ago

@uitg_omniboek: Afgelopen zondag is Nuon Chea op 93-jarige leeftijd in het ziekenhuis van Phnom Penh overleden. Bij Uitgeverij Omni… - 6 years ago

@zitruna: Rest in peace Nuon Chea. You were a great comrade and we all love you. You died as a legend. Also, empathy for his… - 6 years ago

@janethanderson: RT @_WiIRD_: A great piece from @RKillean from Queen's University Belfast on the death of Nuon Chea and timely responses to mass atrocities… - 6 years ago

@polterscheiss: RT @bigini_roberto: VECCHI VIZI «I sentimenti personali erano vietati, ma anche la stessa famiglia era di fatto abolita. Il regime decidev… - 6 years ago

@TIEUDONGTA76: Kẻ ác sống dai. Campuchia: Cựu thủ lĩnh Khmer Đỏ Nuon Chea chết ở tuổi 93 - 6 years ago

@IndyWorld: Pol Pot’s right-hand man in Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge regime dies, aged 93 - 6 years ago

@KhmerTimes: “He told his children to help those who are weaker than us and to take care of our health, study hard and called fo… - 6 years ago

@XwhosCom: Nuon Chea (Former Prime Minister of Cambodia) Born: Voat Kor, Krong Battambang, Cambodia Date of birth: 1926-07-… - 6 years ago

@Laet_de_r: RT @AntoninPo: Puisque nos médias en parlent étonnamment peu, rappelons-le: Nuon Chea a été avec PolPot l’un des pires criminels du XXeme s… - 6 years ago

@LandmineRelief: RT @AFP: #UPDATE Khmer Rouge 'brother number two' Nuon Chea died on Sunday aged 93, a spokesman for the Cambodia tribunal where he was conv… - 6 years ago

@Chundyh: RT @GeorgeWright89: Spent a good chunk of my 20s reading and writing about Nuon Chea. Here's an obituary I wrote about him. - 6 years ago

@FayziShagan: RT @MalaxovVsevolod: Former deputy Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea, known as “Brother No. 2,” died last week at age 93 in Phnom Penh. His deat… - 6 years ago

@Em7P: RT @_WiIRD_: A great piece from @RKillean from Queen's University Belfast on the death of Nuon Chea and timely responses to mass atrocities… - 6 years ago

@KhievNavy: RT @pheaktraneth: #LivSovanna, #NuonChea’s national co-lawyer during the press briefing on the death of his client at 12:10 on 5 August 201… - 6 years ago

@PhyllisHorton89: RT @OmarHavana: "Brother Number 2" Nuon Chea just died. The Khmer Rouge Leader was sentenced to life in prison on charges of genocide and c… - 6 years ago

@Simo07827689: @tg2rai @1603ina @luigidimaio Volevo chiedere al direttore di del tg2 se paragonare Nuon Chea, il vice del tiranno… - 6 years ago

@southeastasia4u: Nuon Chea: #Cambodia's unrepentant perpetrator of genocide - 6 years ago

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