Norman I. Platnick

American arachnologist and curator (American Museum of Natural History).
Died on Monday April 13th 2020

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Tweets related to Norman I. Platnick:

@Metalracer9: RT @MNHNcl: Mario Elgueta, Jefe Entomología escribe sobre Norman I. Platnick, Curador Emérito de la Division of Invertebrate Zoology de @am… - 5 years ago

@mhnvalpo: RT @MNHNcl: Mario Elgueta, Jefe Entomología escribe sobre Norman I. Platnick, Curador Emérito de la Division of Invertebrate Zoology de @am… - 5 years ago

@MNHNcl: Mario Elgueta, Jefe Entomología escribe sobre Norman I. Platnick, Curador Emérito de la Division of Invertebrate Zo… - 5 years ago

@YoucefZYX: RT @trapcoscott: R.I.P. NORMAN PLATNICK 1951-2020 - the 'real spider-man' The world authority on species - 5 years ago


@trapcoscott: R.I.P. NORMAN PLATNICK 1951-2020 - the 'real spider-man' The world authority on species - 5 years ago

@IvaldoVernelli: Norman I. Platnick, In Memoriam - 5 years ago

@forthecake: RT @DrKMAbrams: To donate to the Norman I. Platnick Memorial Fund, created by his son,"to further study the #taxonomy of small #spiders spi… - 5 years ago

@elaphrornis: Friendly Neighborhood [Spiderman] Arachnologist - account of Dr Norman I Platnick (1951-2020) in Concord University… - 5 years ago

@DrKMAbrams: To donate to the Norman I. Platnick Memorial Fund, created by his son,"to further study the #taxonomy of small… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Norman I. Platnick has passed away - #NormanIPlatnick #Norman #I.Platnick #rip - 5 years ago

@neville_park: note: yes this is because of all the Norman Platnick tributes I've been reading for #Arachnews, RIP the GOAT. an OG… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Norman I Platnick, US-amerikanischer Arachnologe, am 08.04.2020 im Alter von 68 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Norman I. Platnick. - 5 years ago

@BritishSpiders: RT @rdmpage: @dpsSpiders @SiobhanLeachman @AMNH @GBIF I've doubled the number of Norman Platnick's publications in @Wikidata, mostly by add… - 5 years ago

@taxacom: Re: [Taxacom] Norman I. Platnick (1951-2020) - 5 years ago

@taxacom: Re: [Taxacom] Norman I. Platnick (1951-2020) - 5 years ago

@SiobhanLeachman: RT @rdmpage: @dpsSpiders @SiobhanLeachman @AMNH @GBIF I've doubled the number of Norman Platnick's publications in @Wikidata, mostly by add… - 5 years ago

@BINCOnpo: Sad news as Dr. Norman I. Platnick (American Museum of Natural History, New York), world authority on #spider… - 5 years ago

@taxacom: [Taxacom] Norman I. Platnick (1951-2020) - 5 years ago

@dpsSpiders: RT @rdmpage: @dpsSpiders @SiobhanLeachman @AMNH @GBIF I've doubled the number of Norman Platnick's publications in @Wikidata, mostly by add… - 5 years ago

@rdmpage: @dpsSpiders @SiobhanLeachman @AMNH @GBIF I've doubled the number of Norman Platnick's publications in @Wikidata, mo… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Norman I. Platnick - 5 years ago

@SiobhanLeachman: RT @BloodhoundTrack: Norman I. Platnick identified Gnaphosidae and collected Caleremaeidae - 5 years ago

@BloodhoundTrack: Norman I. Platnick identified Gnaphosidae and collected Caleremaeidae - 5 years ago

@kmagnacca: RT @IUCNSpiderSG: Norman Platnick, one of sciences brights lights, was today extinct. Our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues… - 5 years ago

@lama_mala: É sempre triste demais quando se perdem pessoas que são literalmente suas referências. R.I.P. Norman Platnick. - 5 years ago

@osuc_curator: RT @IUCNSpiderSG: Norman Platnick, one of sciences brights lights, was today extinct. Our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Norman I. Platnick @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #NormanI.Platnick add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@spiderdayNight: RT @elaphrornis: Norman I. Platnick (1951-2020). Recycling an old tweet for the video. - 5 years ago

@elaphrornis: Norman I. Platnick (1951-2020). Recycling an old tweet for the video. - 5 years ago

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