Norman Birnbaum

American sociologist
Died on Monday January 7th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Norman Birnbaum:

@VeeXVI: RT @EdwardGLuce: Saddened to hear of the death this morning of Norman Birnbaum, one of the most enlightened, and humane, scholars of the tr… - 6 years ago

@RobertsBlog: RT @JTrittin: Am Freitag starb Norman Birnbaum, ein großer demokratischer Linker. Eine Säule deutsch-amerikanischer Freundschaft. Wie schö… - 6 years ago

@Ladydoglover13: Norman Birnbaum, left-wing sociologist and journalist with the Nation, dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@Carlosvgo: Farewell, Norman Birnbaum, 1926–2019 | The Nation - 6 years ago


@FVallespin: Farewell, Norman Birnbaum, 1926–2019 via @thenation - 6 years ago

@dondamlama: RT @colinreads: RIP Norman Birnbaum. I had the good fortune of working with him on this piece back in 2014, soon after joining the @Dissent… - 6 years ago

@Den_Fabrizi: RT @colinreads: RIP Norman Birnbaum. I had the good fortune of working with him on this piece back in 2014, soon after joining the @Dissent… - 6 years ago

@DissentMag: RT @colinreads: RIP Norman Birnbaum. I had the good fortune of working with him on this piece back in 2014, soon after joining the @Dissent… - 6 years ago

@colinreads: RIP Norman Birnbaum. I had the good fortune of working with him on this piece back in 2014, soon after joining the… - 6 years ago

@colinreads: RT @KatrinaNation: Our longtime editorial board member-/ A mensch, a character of integrity and humanity and transnational reason-/Farewell… - 6 years ago

@colinreads: RT @DissentMag: A New Left veteran who navigated the streets of 1968 and Henry Kissinger’s Harvard alike, Norman Birnbaum was a uniquely se… - 6 years ago

@lbassets: El último artículo, sobre Trump y los europeos, publicado por Norman Birnbaum en Política Exterior. - 6 years ago

@GeorgetownLaw: Norman Birnbaum, a leading intellectual of the 20th Century left who taught at #GeorgetownLaw for 22 years and rema… - 6 years ago

@markus_haun: RT @blaetter: »We hear you, Norman.« »The Nation« verabschiedet sich nach sechs Jahrzehnten der Zusammenarbeit von Norman Birnbaum #RIP… - 6 years ago

@blaetter: »We hear you, Norman.« »The Nation« verabschiedet sich nach sechs Jahrzehnten der Zusammenarbeit von Norman Birnba… - 6 years ago

@OekoLinX_ARL: RT @jutta_ditfurth: Danke, Norman #Birnbaum für kluge Anregungen zur Lage in den USA, kühle Analysen, für Deine Gastfreundschaft in #Washin… - 6 years ago

@ArtPianoMan: RT @NicholsUprising: “When I think of the characters and ideas of many of those on the right, the left seems to be the only place anybody w… - 6 years ago

@IamIAML: RT @tazgezwitscher: Er galt als einer der wichtigsten linken Intellektuellen der USA. Auch für die taz kommentierte Norman #Birnbaum das po… - 6 years ago

@JoanDow74656001: RT @NicholsUprising: “When I think of the characters and ideas of many of those on the right, the left seems to be the only place anybody w… - 6 years ago

@true217: RT @NachDenkSeiten: Norman Birnbaum ist tot. - 6 years ago

@Den_Fabrizi: RT @DissentMag: A New Left veteran who navigated the streets of 1968 and Henry Kissinger’s Harvard alike, Norman Birnbaum was a uniquely se… - 6 years ago

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