Norm Breyfogle

American comic book artist (Batman
Died on Thursday September 27th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Norm Breyfogle:

@capemarcos: RT @Reverand_Custer: Las portadas de Batman en aquellos años 90 de DC eran brutales y todas suyas. Que descanse en paz,Norm Breyfogle 😭 htt… - 6 years ago

@rhodehawk9771: Batman Artist Norm Breyfogle Died on Monday, Aged 58 - Bleeding Cool News And Rumors - 6 years ago

@notinmybook: RT @RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Norm Breyfogle #RIP - The classic #Batman artist has passed - 6 years ago

@matthewnewton75: RT @EvNarc: speaking of politics in old comics, been re-reading ‘80s Batman for a piece on Norm Breyfogle and ran across this sequence from… - 6 years ago


@RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Norm Breyfogle #RIP - The classic #Batman artist has passed - 6 years ago

@hidzir: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@Cygnus76: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One Of The Best Artists To Ever Draw Batman - Kotaku Australia - 6 years ago

@ElPrezAU: RT @KotakuAU: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One Of The Best Artists To Ever Draw Batman - 6 years ago

@KotakuAU: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One Of The Best Artists To Ever Draw Batman - 6 years ago

@Cygnus76: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman - Gizmodo - 6 years ago

@TheComicBookHut: This is why so many creators like Dave Cockrum and Norm Breyfogle are left with nothing at the end because of this… - 6 years ago

@perezgallegos95: Tim Drake debutando como el nuevo Robin. Por Norm Breyfogle, fallecido en septiembre. - 6 years ago

@StreathamComics: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@largo621: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@reactingtosome: RT @io9: Why Norm Breyfogle was one of the best artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@that_rebelscum: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@ChristianLindke: I really loved Norm Breyfogle's work on PRIME. It was a nice mix of weird and 4-color. - 6 years ago

@io9: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@GianncarloI: RT @ManFirestorm: No one captured motion on the page quite like Norm Breyfogle. #NormBreyfogle #Batman - 6 years ago

@ZkedSphere: RT @ManFirestorm: No one captured motion on the page quite like Norm Breyfogle. #NormBreyfogle #Batman - 6 years ago

@okaytoprint: RT @FrankTieri: Sad news about Norm Breyfogle. Didn’t know him personally but he was def a BATMAN creator that left his mark. His creations… - 6 years ago

@GoshDarnMyLife: RT @Gizmodo: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@BlairKroeber: RT @Gizmodo: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@TestaTime: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman - 6 years ago

@tonywolfness: RT @nick_lowe_: Heard about Norm Breyfogle late last night. One of my favorite Batman artists of all time. His action was clear as day and… - 6 years ago

@AlligatorTres: RT @HnVComics: Norm Breyfogle was a definitive Batman artist for me when I starting looking back into comics. His run, including the rise o… - 6 years ago

@darkandfevered: R.I.P. iconic Batman artist Norm Breyfogle. 🥀 - 6 years ago

@RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Norm Breyfogle #RIP - The classic #Batman artist has passed - 6 years ago

@hEnereyG: Also 90% off is this collection of Batman comics drawn by the amazing Norm Breyfogle who passed away recently. Only… - 6 years ago

@Jeffrey_Misener: Remembering Norm Breyfogle: 5 Iconic Batman Moments - 6 years ago

@waywardcross: RT @WaywardCrossArt: Because it is #Inktober got to do a Batman at least once, maybe twice before it's all over. Definitely pulled some Nor… - 6 years ago

@DansFinalSay: @InconclusivePod Didn't realize Norm Breyfogle died until I heard it on the show. He was "my" #Batman artist too. L… - 6 years ago

@CanadaDaredevil: RT @ManFirestorm: No one captured motion on the page quite like Norm Breyfogle. #NormBreyfogle #Batman - 6 years ago

@ManFirestorm: No one captured motion on the page quite like Norm Breyfogle. #NormBreyfogle #Batman - 6 years ago

@ThisIsJamesDunn: Got my first statue from the Batman Black and White range. This statue is based on artwork by the late Norm Breyfog… - 6 years ago

@d_maliline: 📷 comicbookcovers: Norm Breyfogle - 6 years ago

@kepregenyek: Norm Breyfogle (1960-2018) - Egy legendás képregényrajzoló emlékére - 6 years ago

@Cygnus76: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman - Gizmodo - 6 years ago

@marvinhellagaye: RT @chris_ryall: Really saddened to hear about the passing of Norm Breyfogle. Among so many things he did well on the comic page, his maste… - 6 years ago

@COMIC_ODINSON: Norm Breyfogle (1960-2018) Despedimos a Norm Breyfogle una semana después de su fallecimiento. Por Pablo Menendez… - 6 years ago

@robinsloan: RT @chris_ryall: Really saddened to hear about the passing of Norm Breyfogle. Among so many things he did well on the comic page, his maste… - 6 years ago

@nateelias1993: RT @andykhouri: Incredibly saddened by the news that Norm Breyfogle has died. I never met Norm, but his work was a massive influence on me… - 6 years ago

@WaywardCrossArt: Because it is #Inktober got to do a Batman at least once, maybe twice before it's all over. Definitely pulled some… - 6 years ago

@EscaflowneClown: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@Spidarro: RT @BatCreators: Norm Breyfogle 'Detective Comics #588' (1988) - 6 years ago

@IceAndTheFace: RT @RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Norm Breyfogle #RIP - The classic #Batman artist has passed - 6 years ago

@j_partridgeIII: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@bridge_agent: RT @HackinTimSeeley: With the passing of Norm Breyfogle, who used crowdfunding to help pay for treatment after a stroke, it's worth mention… - 6 years ago

@RadiosMisfits: #CaffeinatedComics: Norm Breyfogle #RIP - The classic #Batman artist has passed - 6 years ago

@Turns1701e: RT @JoeQuesada: Norm Breyfogle Openers circa 1996 Godspeed. - 6 years ago

@eliotpeper: RT @robinsloan: I bow down forever to Norm Breyfogle, who just died. For me, he was THE great artist of Batman. In a Breyfogle comic, chara… - 6 years ago

@LetsTalkTDKBTAS: RT @EvNarc: My remembrance of the late, great Norm Breyfogle, an artist who electrified every page he touched. - 6 years ago

@Altai_Armande: RT @io9: Why Norm Breyfogle was one of the best artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@greenmints1982: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman<em></em> - 6 years ago

@internetryan: RT @robinsloan: I bow down forever to Norm Breyfogle, who just died. For me, he was THE great artist of Batman. In a Breyfogle comic, chara… - 6 years ago

@Joe_Kach: A beautiful tribute to Norm Breyfogle by @EvNarc - 6 years ago

@davidgilmore55: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@shazampunktse: Batman-illustratören Norm Breyfogle har avlidit och The Magicians översätts till serier. En del av vad som hände fö… - 6 years ago

@RockaRockahorse: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@Harlemanic: Just heard he passed away. Sad, his run on Detective Comics was when I started collecting Batman; Picked up the HC… - 6 years ago

@LordPotter4eva: RT @EvNarc: speaking of politics in old comics, been re-reading ‘80s Batman for a piece on Norm Breyfogle and ran across this sequence from… - 6 years ago

@LordsReaper: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@Gold_Bugg: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@NasserRabadi13: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@finger_stripes: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@ScienceJesus: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@pauls_nyc: RT @BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-Man. SIL… - 6 years ago

@BryanBaugh: Late 80s, during my Junior/Senior years of High School: BREYFOGLE was drawing Batman. McFARLANE was drawing Spider-… - 6 years ago

@RubinSimpson: Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman - 6 years ago

@edfromred: "Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman" - 6 years ago

@SteveandJimFTW: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@Cindy_52s: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@johnnyampersand: RT @BernieTheFlumph: "Why Norm Breyfogle Was One of the Best Artists to Ever Draw Batman" - 6 years ago

@Atomskyu690: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@madnuhrah: RT @EvNarc: Yes, Norm Breyfogle drew Batman. But he also drew one of my favorite issues of the Christopher Priest run on Black Panther, an… - 6 years ago

@EmmaHouxbois: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@BeardedBatChief: RT @BatmanUniverse: A special episode of Robin: Everyone Loves the Drake, featuring a tribute to Norm Breyfogle, is now available on iTunes… - 6 years ago

@taterpie: 📷 thebristolboard: Original and final cover art by Norm Breyfogle from Detective Comics #586, published... - 6 years ago

@karmasugarplum: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@ShareefJackson: RT @EvNarc: My remembrance of the late, great Norm Breyfogle, an artist who electrified every page he touched. - 6 years ago

@michaelcroeser: If l left Earth with just a briefcase, it would contain at least four Grant, Breyfogle and Mitchell Batman comics.… - 6 years ago

@gabriel_bsouza: RT @io9: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@LongNguyen12: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@DanPhillips0: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@samhumphries: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@EamonBDoc: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@jkaylub: But if you only read one long post about Breyfogle this week, make sure it is this TCJ one by Daniel Best: - 6 years ago

@andykhouri: RT @jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hearing how gr… - 6 years ago

@jkaylub: I wrote a very long post about Norm Breyfogle, including something of a reader's guide, for anyone who has been hea… - 6 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @io9: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@therealCVB: RT @io9: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@SonofGigan: @RAZ0RFIST Ron Frenz, Sal Buscema and Norm Breyfogle (RIP) are my guys. Their styles were dynamic and exciting without going over the top. - 6 years ago

@johnmboman: RT @io9: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@Dogmatic2020: RT @io9: A tribute to Norm Breyfogle, one of the finest artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @io9: Why Norm Breyfogle was one of the best artists to ever draw Batman - 6 years ago

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