Noel White

British businessman and football club chairman (Liverpool).
Died on Monday July 1st 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Noel White:

@Noel_Gamess: RT @heyjenbartel: White ppl when Asian/POC roles are whitewashed: "As long as the story is good who cares? Don't be so sensitive" White pp… - 6 years ago

@noel_shomari: RT @homoperry: if you’re a white gay male with a certain ‘preference’, please watch this. - 6 years ago

@de7eck: @reis_noel @BigLeagueFlash A remember a kid on my team having the white one and I really liked using it. - 6 years ago

@AdamStevens18: Westbrook + Adams --> @chicagobulls Porter + Lavine + Dunn + picks --> @okcthunder OKC: SGA, Lavine, Porter, Gal… - 6 years ago


@WellsDiggs: @jemelehill @noel_cleland So, white people don't matter at all? How about Jews who are behind racial tensions? It's… - 6 years ago

@characters_N_O: 이 곰인형이 당신을 영원한 안식으로 인도할 거예요. /Noel White(23) - 6 years ago

@Noel_Corleone: RT @_TheCivilRight: I hope the white LGBTQ community spreads this story with the same vigor they have for everything else - 6 years ago

@UnfinishedBid: Noel Gallagher "the Dreams We Have As Children" Rare White Vinyl Press New/mint - 6 years ago

@DCDigga: @TalbertSwan If any of these fools hating your tweet read "How the Irish Became White" by Noel Ingatiev, they'd hav… - 6 years ago

@tatiana_noel: RT @GNCordova: Idk if all of the R Kelly and Cosby apologists heard but a prominent white guy is getting hemmed up on a bunch of sexual abu… - 6 years ago

@JacquelineBfree: @blondfairy6 @KamalaHarris Read How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev. This country has not repaired the dama… - 6 years ago

@TOMm_kbot: Fucking Liam and Noel pissed themselves.Which reminds me,actually.I've got a few white hairs in my everybrows starting to come out. - 6 years ago

@hypothermiaaa: 1. Idk who tf any of these people.are besides trisha but idky she's here. 2. Do youtubers other than white people n… - 6 years ago

@imimleafar: Imim - 6 years ago

@Noel_Sunny: @AkuraElvas @BennyK58892652 @Zander9899 @XtotheZTurtle @heywildrich Every person who has actually tried has been ja… - 6 years ago

@wr_noel: RT @Strandjunker: I’m sure I have now heard more about Rapinoe saying, “I’m not going to the fucking White House”, than I have heard about… - 6 years ago

@K_A_Grayson: @_KingKaterina @emtheweird @CelesteHarte @amina_leeds @gladiusquintus @EllenWfield introduce your MC! give their na… - 6 years ago

@talk_noel: RT @babyfish72: A lady in sunglasses driving a white convertible BMW with the top down, hit my son as he was crossing the road to Northampt… - 6 years ago

@gabriela_noel_: RT @ReaganGomez: WE’RE NOT GOING TO THE FUCKIN WHITE HOUSE!!! - 6 years ago

@noel_mccartney: RT @babyfish72: A lady in sunglasses driving a white convertible BMW with the top down, hit my son as he was crossing the road to Northampt… - 6 years ago

@gabriela_noel_: RT @holy_schnitt: does every ugly white guy have this exact response copy pasted from a shared “I never get pussy support group” google doc… - 6 years ago

@Noel_Palma1: RT @meIanchoIybIues: white boy of the month? joe keery is the white boy of the century - 6 years ago

@Noel_studios: @ghanafaofficial Nothing makes me happier than seeing the white guys partaking in the 'Gyama' session - 6 years ago

@tatiana_noel: RT @FIFAWWC: adidas Golden Boot: 🥇 Megan RAPINOE - #USA 🥈 Alex MORGAN - #USA 🥉 Ellen WHITE - #ENG #FIFAWWC - 6 years ago

@noel_satchell: RT @alstewitn: On the @itvnews at 6:30 pm, a 'dysfunctional, inept & divided' White House, with a @POTUS you have to keep things 'simple'… - 6 years ago

@ChrisHWheeler: @NoelDavidWhelan @Farmeri3 Hope you’re right Noel as we need more quality & depth in squad for next season & right… - 6 years ago

@sentimentdufer: @Noel_Sunny @heywildrich @Zander9899 Mr. Kumar, I do not deny my people's genius for brutality, thrift, and expansi… - 6 years ago

@yeshua_porvida: @Noel_zeek @GrahamKaren @she_fights @BethMooreLPM You can read it in the statement on her page. Also she accuses me… - 6 years ago

@GKM_Que: RT @MR__PLAYMAKER: Pat White Noel Devine Tavon Avon Cobourne Steve Slaton Geno Smith Steve Slaton Stedman Bailey lol Pat McAfee too (sinc… - 6 years ago

@MR__PLAYMAKER: Pat White Noel Devine Tavon Avon Cobourne Steve Slaton Geno Smith Steve Slaton Stedman Bailey lol Pat McAfee too… - 6 years ago

@812filmreviews: In an era of songwriting teams, Noel Gallagher, along with Jack White, and a couple others, are the last examples o… - 6 years ago

@white_627_: @Noel__1122__TJ やったぁ!いえいえです! - 6 years ago

@epicmafiagamer: @noel_asiah @Leonard29287474 Then make new ones if it is so important to you just dont remake the old ones. Ariel i… - 6 years ago

@talk_noel: @crimlawuk Why are you screaming at 'white' people? You seem to me to be wired wrong. What percentage of rapes are… - 6 years ago

@White__Dove: @MarcCorbishley Yes, but ask me when my memory is working.😱. At the moment it's recalling : ?? Castle, Bobby Ball,… - 6 years ago

@nickpronyk: First concert: Marianas Trench Last concert: Crown Lands/Jack White Next concert: Noel Gallagher/Smashing Pumpkins… - 6 years ago

@FBL72: Leeds United fans turn on Noel Whelan after Jansson comments 👇💛💙 #lufc #alaw #mot - 6 years ago

@Noel_Gamess: RT @AbuYoshi: 1. All he said was “not all characters have to be straight white men”. Where the fuck y’all get this caption? 2. All of you… - 6 years ago

@francogasparot1: @NoelDavidWhelan @NGBenj @apopey @PhilHay_ Well said Noel, couldn’t agree more! Through the years we’ve had tremend… - 6 years ago

@AnankeAion: @PaddyPyro @Noel_Hannan @ThomasEvansSDP @Channel4News If you refute known history, then im afraid I cant hep you, s… - 6 years ago

@72_Whites: Leeds United fans turn on Noel Whelan after Jansson comments 👇💛💙 #lufc #alaw #mot - 6 years ago

@Biasjo: @Noel_zeek All leftist all support the same ideology: socialism, communism. Far right are either white supremest or… - 6 years ago

@Naila_Noel: RT @ohwhen27: comment about the disney princess thing: the fact that our only princesses of color are in stories in which their race is int… - 6 years ago

@AnankeAion: @PaddyPyro @Noel_Hannan @ThomasEvansSDP @Channel4News You have swallowed the whole white man bad narrative... To op… - 6 years ago

@Biasjo: @Noel_zeek Wrong. Crazy or white suprematism are not conservatives by nature. They are fringe. Quit trying to conflate the 2. - 6 years ago

@noel_alton: RT @pissedoffpremed: I’m an immigrant and I’m white. When people go on anti-illegal immigrant tirades at me, I ask if they know that I’m an… - 6 years ago

@LoganGrab: RT @MC__athletics: Here is a schedule for July’s activities. There will be activity buses running to each school for these days as long as… - 6 years ago

@HCLQueenGames: @Noel_zeek @Headlines_From @online_nobody @KaitMarieox Yes, that heaven that's for white cishet men only. - 6 years ago

@htay_noel: RT @CuffsTheLegend: My son first football game is 48 hrs away. I havent been this nervous since the first time i went nigger knocking in th… - 6 years ago

@hectorswhites: @NoelDavidWhelan Spot on Pal you and I say things that sometimes we get to find out and if we tweet it we get abuse… - 6 years ago

@KellenHoover: RT @MC__athletics: Here is a schedule for July’s activities. There will be activity buses running to each school for these days as long as… - 6 years ago

@MCHSMustangsFB: RT @MC__athletics: Here is a schedule for July’s activities. There will be activity buses running to each school for these days as long as… - 6 years ago

@katharrine: RT @katerobards: Also recommend reading HOW THE IRISH BECAME WHITE by Noel Ignatiev which explains how many poor white immigrants who began… - 6 years ago

@MC__athletics: Here is a schedule for July’s activities. There will be activity buses running to each school for these days as lon… - 6 years ago

@mels_noel: RT @TSwiftNZ: 📷 IG | Lily Allen asking for change in the music industry “We had Taylor expose a brutal side of the music industry, some m… - 6 years ago

@katerobards: Also recommend reading HOW THE IRISH BECAME WHITE by Noel Ignatiev which explains how many poor white immigrants wh… - 6 years ago

@iamwildfiredj: Week 12 - Reggae Powerhouse Band Top 20 Chart Show FT Phelix Nixon David White Leroy Scarlett Garth Noel Esco Da Shocker - 6 years ago

@inapi_noel_saku: RT @potato_magazine: 【好評発売中☆POTATO8月号】和田&鈴木舜映&基&根岸は白シャツと黒シャツのペアで、Black&Whiteの世界感をクールに表現。対談では“お互いのブラックorホワイトなところ”や“白黒つけたいこと”についてトークしました。 - 6 years ago

@JackLowther2: RT @MadMickToonDJ: Newcastle This is Tomorrow. Noel Gallagher After party.. Toon Toon Black n White Army. - 6 years ago

@artefaktorradio: #NowPlaying : Black & White Sunshine (Richard Norris Remix) by Noel Gallagher @SpeshRequests #BestRadioStation Don'… - 6 years ago

@MetsanOde: RT @MetsanOde: @NevalainenJuho Joker, White Knight, Broken city, Noel, All-Star Batman, Batman & Robin. Kaikki kirjoitetty v. 20v sisällä.… - 6 years ago

@MetsanOde: @NevalainenJuho Joker, White Knight, Broken city, Noel, All-Star Batman, Batman & Robin. Kaikki kirjoitetty v. 20v… - 6 years ago

@Sleeper025: 365 dana prođe od trena kad sam video Pearl Jam, Jack White, Artic Monkeys, Gorilazz, Nick Cave, Queens of the Sto… - 6 years ago

@ParklandWidi: RT @jdgsport: Started the week writing an orbituary for the late Noel White, president of the NPL and the pioneer of sportsman’s dinners; s… - 6 years ago

@Noel_FvD: RT @RealCandaceO: Thank you so much for explaining my inherent victimhood to me. If it wasn’t for brave white saviors like you, I may have… - 6 years ago

@72_Whites: Leeds United fans turn on Noel Whelan after Jansson comments 👇💛💙 #lufc #alaw #mot - 6 years ago

@FBL72: Leeds United fans turn on Noel Whelan after Jansson comments 👇💛💙 #lufc #alaw #mot - 6 years ago

@noel_satchell: RT @TheTweetOfGod: OK, I see what happened. The major faults under California have somehow gotten geologically tangled up with the major fa… - 6 years ago

@365DaysofWhine: Leeds United fans turn on Noel Whelan after Jansson comments 👇💛💙 #lufc #alaw #mot - 6 years ago

@LinusMork: Will be fun to concede three goals every game with White and Cooper as CB’s. People are insanely stupid with Noel… - 6 years ago

@brendymac7: @0xB0D @Noel_Hannan @pmdfoster @simoncoveney @BorderIrish Adapt. The north isn't Crimea, in fact Crimea is complete… - 6 years ago

@riano_sette: RT @kylamarrizzzz: name given: noel 1. School 2. Since 6th grader 3. Yuh 4. Yes 5. Prom2019! 6. Determination 7. Black n White 8. 🙄 9… - 6 years ago

@naomi_noel_: “Live More and the next wall said Worry Less.” Couldn’t agree more! Visited the cutest restaurant & had delicious f… - 6 years ago

@Noel_Sunny: - 6 years ago

@kylamarrizzzz: name given: noel 1. School 2. Since 6th grader 3. Yuh 4. Yes 5. Prom2019! 6. Determination 7. Black n White 8… - 6 years ago

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