Nobuhiko Obayashi

Japanese film director (House
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Nobuhiko Obayashi:

@shedyrskin: RT @mish_hsim: I forgot about this beauty Hausu by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Watch it at whatever cost. - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @bucephalus424: watching Nobuhiko Obayashi's House tonight - 5 years ago

@bucephalus424: watching Nobuhiko Obayashi's House tonight - 5 years ago

@CMoviemaker: Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago


@LesserWachowski: Drifting Classroom (1987) Dir: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@___________miro: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: "In one scene a piano bites off the fingers of a musician tickling its keys; in another a severed head tries to tak… - 5 years ago

@venturachan: Avui ha mort Nobuhiko Obayashi. No tenia ni punyetera idea de qui era aquest senyor. He vist que la seva pel·lícula… - 5 years ago

@cleothms: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@akneros: RT @elagentecine: @HectorOyarzunG trae una despedida a Nobuhiko Obayashi, mítico realizador japonés fallecido hace unos días. - 5 years ago

@elagentecine: @HectorOyarzunG trae una despedida a Nobuhiko Obayashi, mítico realizador japonés fallecido hace unos días. - 5 years ago

@artdaily: Nobuhiko Obayashi, unpredictable Japanese director, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@JunkoIio: @magshenny @criterionchannl The director Obayashi Nobuhiko has just passed away. He was one true unique talent in… - 5 years ago

@bvbyd0LLxo: RT @lowzoft: HAUSU is a film that literally changed the landscape of my dreams. No movie made me love movies more. RIP Nobuhiko Ôbayashi. h… - 5 years ago

@rndmndx: in memory of nobuhiko obayashi (1938-2020) : hausu (house), 1977 [english subtitles] : - 5 years ago

@zhen1013_lai: RT @ScreenSlate: Read up on Nobuhiko Obayashi films we've featured when they were screened @js_film_nyc School in the Crosshairs - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@Tribe_XX: - 5 years ago

@COCONEI: RT @NYTObits: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and an… - 5 years ago

@Sulli3000: RT @NYTObits: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and an… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgir… - 5 years ago

@DKUTV: Now Showing: ‘Tribute to Nobuhiko Obayashi’ – HOUSE (1977) [12 pm ET] • THE ADVENTURES OF KOSUKE KINDAICHI (1979) [… - 5 years ago

@BixJacks: RT @jperiodmorrison: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@nontannomimi: RT @nytimesarts: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and… - 5 years ago

@jperiodmorrison: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@1aBBYY: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@AlfonnsErnes: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Cineskop: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@openbosby: - 5 years ago

@VillaTelesio: Nobuhiko #Obayashi (1938-2020) - #HOUSE (1977) Trailer - The Criterion Collection - 5 years ago

@akirax_rising80: In memory of Nobuhiko Obayashi ~ 草の想い 中江有里 - 5 years ago

@CyborgCrepe: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@wuster430: RT @nytimesarts: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and… - 5 years ago

@dmiguelher_2003: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@daiichi_crisis: ◦ NYT: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@daiichi_crisis: • NYT: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Unpredictable Japanese Director, Dies at 82: He made a splash in… - 5 years ago

@okejden: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@StickyFern: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@cherrycemetery: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@MikkoPihkoluoma: RT @nytimesarts: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and… - 5 years ago

@giantroot: RT @nytimesarts: Nobuhiko Obayashi's wide-ranging résumé included a horror movie about a house full of furniture that eats schoolgirls and… - 5 years ago

@rotten__witch: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@_deceased91x: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@hekatelives: Dudando si hacerme una maratón de Barbara Hammer o de los cortos de Nobuhiko Obayashi. - 5 years ago

@nekonotefukabow: Kazuki Omori × Nobuhiko Obayashi ETV8 大林宣彦 新進映画監督との対話(3)~大森一樹(1990/01/17)📺 - 5 years ago

@Squall66seiko62: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@prince_dirt: RT @carpetbathroom: Only a witch cat can close a door #acnh #hausu (Rest In Peace Nobuhiko Obayashi, and thank you for my favorite film o… - 5 years ago

@nekonotefukabow: Shoji Kokami × Nobuhiko Obayashi Catch up T・O・K・Y・O Tokyo Memorized on Scaning(1993/03/24)📺 - 5 years ago

@banillamood: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@highlandstudio1: 「HOUSE」はおもちゃ箱感が成功してるよな ストーリーもシンプルだし、和製ホラーとして異色の出来 (この予告みたいな印象ではぜんぜんないがwww) #HOUSE #映画感想文 #大林宣彦 House (Hausu) Traile… - 5 years ago

@lemoncoffin: RT @carpetbathroom: Only a witch cat can close a door #acnh #hausu (Rest In Peace Nobuhiko Obayashi, and thank you for my favorite film o… - 5 years ago

@y_axl_m: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@trippyswan: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@cr0c10: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@ksjmvg: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@Yannking94: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@fadwadasss: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@meovv: RT @carpetbathroom: Only a witch cat can close a door #acnh #hausu (Rest In Peace Nobuhiko Obayashi, and thank you for my favorite film o… - 5 years ago

@babiemetaIs: RT @ricemilk97x: emotion (1996), dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@sugihina: In memory of Nobuhiko Obayashi ~ 草の想い - 5 years ago

@nortedwholemilk: RT @carpetbathroom: Only a witch cat can close a door #acnh #hausu (Rest In Peace Nobuhiko Obayashi, and thank you for my favorite film o… - 5 years ago

@NoelCT: Nobuhiko Obayashi's Drifting Classroom (1987) starts in a few minutes - 5 years ago

@calixylela: RT @fueledbysiomai: march 26, 2020: hausu (1977 dir. nobuhiko obayashi) suspiria (2018 dir. luca guadagnino) what we do in the shadows (201… - 5 years ago

@NapsyLev: @hirosemaryhello @Hbomberguy Rest in peace Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@hoeburgersss: RT @Posteritati: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938–2020) - 5 years ago

@lemonlibra1: RT @Posteritati: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938–2020) - 5 years ago

@caglayankeje: RT @ThibaultMerckel: Watchlist #Confinement - épisode XIX : l’occasion de rendre hommage à un cinéaste méconnu et malheureusement récemment… - 5 years ago

@FerdytheNerdy: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@OceanofInk: RT @lilearthquakess: Emotion (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1966) - 5 years ago

@MakenXsoul: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@ladyculebras: RT @Shudder: RIP to Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us the wonderfully bizarre and striking HOUSE among many other great works. - 5 years ago

@youseff_md: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@NoelCT: Today at 2pm central on Kast! A Saturday afternoon double feature of Joel Schumacher's action comedy Bad Company (2… - 5 years ago

@A_lafemmebrune: RT @CAMERAJAPAN: Two new streaming recommendations by the CJ team. Including the debut film of visionary director ÔBAYASHI Nobuhiko, who sa… - 5 years ago

@AIZA_jp: RT @otakucalendarjp: Film director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away at the age of 82 due to lung cancer. He created films of horror, cute gir… - 5 years ago

@whogivesafuckeu: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@emanon_tw: RT @kaeruiwa1963: In memory of Nobuhiko Obayashi ~ 草の想い #草の想い #ふたり #大林宣彦 #久石譲 #中江有里 - 5 years ago

@kaeruiwa1963: In memory of Nobuhiko Obayashi ~ 草の想い #草の想い #ふたり #大林宣彦 #久石譲 #中江有里 - 5 years ago

@misterkye: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@ByLucha: If I hazard a guess, here's what happened: Japanese TV network broadcast "Girl who Leapt through Time" to honor the… - 5 years ago

@ultramanjoe: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@piriodo029: RT @initiumnews: 【導演 #大林宣彥:亡靈存在不是為了電影效果,而是解決生者心結】】全文: 《天空之花》的元木花是十八歲高校女生,65年前卻有個與她同名同姓的兩歲女嬰因戰爭死去。她究竟是人?還是亡靈?類似的疑問也發… - 5 years ago

@alanjz64: RT @initiumnews: 【導演 #大林宣彥:亡靈存在不是為了電影效果,而是解決生者心結】】全文: 《天空之花》的元木花是十八歲高校女生,65年前卻有個與她同名同姓的兩歲女嬰因戰爭死去。她究竟是人?還是亡靈?類似的疑問也發… - 5 years ago

@initiumnews: 【導演 #大林宣彥:亡靈存在不是為了電影效果,而是解決生者心結】】全文: 《天空之花》的元木花是十八歲高校女生,65年前卻有個與她同名同姓的兩歲女嬰因戰爭死去。她究竟是人?還是亡靈?… - 5 years ago

@gothame: RT @rubncovi: Lovely Devils (1982) || Nobuhiko Obayashi (大林宣彦) - 5 years ago

@motochans1960: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@ClubbingJamFair: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@z__hafiz: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@SporadicErratic: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@11Bianconero: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@benjamin_nimfa: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@locomananyanKo7: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@jakjakh24: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@gonpashin: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@HokutoAndy: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@crocket8314: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@ten_nas: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@miguelapr408: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@hod118: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@AmeAlvrArtiste: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@g0ro4: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@Tris_Otaking: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@m_sakata: RT @hulu_japan: 原田知世さん主演の「#時をかける少女」や、「さびしんぼう」「異人たちとの夏」など #大林宣彦 監督作品を集めた特集を実施中です。 詳しくはこちら▷ - 5 years ago

@Catgal1998: RT @otakucalendarjp: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (1983) is on air in Japan. The director Nobuhiko Obayashi passed away last week. Mamor… - 5 years ago

@saudadesolitas: RT @rubncovi: Lovely Devils (1982) || Nobuhiko Obayashi (大林宣彦) - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: 12. "The Visitor in the Eye" by Ōbayashi Nobuhiko. Released in the same year as "House", this adaption of a "Black… - 5 years ago

@HarryKnox39: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@dearapriII: #nw School in the Crosshairs (1981) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@NoelCT: Second, continuing my tribute to the late Nobuhiko Obayashi with his 1987 adaptation of the kids horror adventure m… - 5 years ago

@valticam: HAUSU (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977) - 5 years ago

@CMoviemaker: RT @CMoviemaker: Which one of these should I watch now? Short description: 1) Sarah Jacobson‘s only feature length film, which was shot on… - 5 years ago

@coleschalamet: — hausu(1977) director: nobuhiko obayashi a schoolgirl and six of her classmates travel to her aunt's country home… - 5 years ago

@CMoviemaker: Which one of these should I watch now? Short description: 1) Sarah Jacobson‘s only feature length film, which was… - 5 years ago

@FJMAG1979: RT @eye_ko_tai_ko: The last time I was able to meet up with director Obayashi turned into this memorable interview @mubi. I hope you can jo… - 5 years ago

@FJMAG1979: RT @Blatherpuss: Nobuhiko Obayashi made straight up one of the most memorably, crazy cool horror movies of all time, and he will not be for… - 5 years ago

@snatcherSD: RT @Ninotchka91: Futari (Chizuko's Younger Sister), Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1991 - 5 years ago

@jbu3: FYI, our Nobuhiko Obayashi poll ended in a tie, so we're going with His Motorbike, Her Island. Look forward to that… - 5 years ago

@junjiitomie: RT @Ninotchka91: Futari (Chizuko's Younger Sister), Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1991 - 5 years ago

@Vanillalite: RT @13thFloorSite: Woke up to the sad news of Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's passing (RIP). If you're looking to remember him through his works today,… - 5 years ago

@ar_zimraphel: RT @margielangeI: Emotion, 1966, Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@tyuta5: RT @T50md83fEbWU7s9: @RealEOC @kotaeastwood Directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938/1/9ー2020/4/10) #R.I.P.Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@kaeruiwa1963: RT @T50md83fEbWU7s9: @RealEOC @kotaeastwood Directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938/1/9ー2020/4/10) #R.I.P.Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@connor_karst: RT @SirPaperinukke: Thank you, Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@SirPaperinukke: Thank you, Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@Hagimorpey: RT @julienbouvard: Moriizumi Takehito rend hommage au réalisateur Ôbayashi Nobuhiko (son beau-père) avec ses quelques pages souvenirs d'un… - 5 years ago

@a_lluya: RT @julienbouvard: Moriizumi Takehito rend hommage au réalisateur Ôbayashi Nobuhiko (son beau-père) avec ses quelques pages souvenirs d'un… - 5 years ago

@YU3GU4NG: RT @wangobangys: in love with the cinematography of hausu (1977) dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@julienbouvard: Moriizumi Takehito rend hommage au réalisateur Ôbayashi Nobuhiko (son beau-père) avec ses quelques pages souvenirs… - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: RT @Ninotchka91: Futari (Chizuko's Younger Sister), Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1991 - 5 years ago

@raul72az4: RT @Ninotchka91: Futari (Chizuko's Younger Sister), Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1991 - 5 years ago

@TEMOC_1970: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Nobuhiko Obayashi, director, guionista y editor de películas y anuncios de televisión japonés de… - 5 years ago

@ProjectAuuman: I miss Nobuhiko Obayashi. I dont think anyone really could copy his style - 5 years ago

@maynacgo: émotion (nobuhiko obayashi, 1966) - 5 years ago

@stevekemple_inc: Yoou vunted tu. Watching Nobuhiko Obayashi's House for the first cyborg librarian. - 5 years ago

@jbu3: Just over three hours left in our Nobuhiko Obayashi Patreon poll! His Motorbike, Her Island and The Girl Who Leapt… - 5 years ago

@number64tech: Don't wield your justice, but keep you sane. -Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@n00nbug: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@ColetteBalmain: RT @jpflondon: Deeply saddened to hear about the passing of film director Nobuhiko Obayashi who may be known to our followers for such cult… - 5 years ago

@polarisss7: RT @margielangeI: Emotion, 1966, Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@FurryGiraffe: RT @SleepDoffy: La beauté de The little Girl Who Conquered Time de Nobuhiko Obayashi. J'ai l'impression de sentir du pastel et du velours a… - 5 years ago

@soupirdescendre: RT @SleepDoffy: La beauté de The little Girl Who Conquered Time de Nobuhiko Obayashi. J'ai l'impression de sentir du pastel et du velours a… - 5 years ago

@jbu3: In our Nobuhiko Obayashi Patreon poll, His Motorbike, Her Island and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time are both tied!… - 5 years ago

@DKUTV: The marathon will repeat once before DKU-TV’s next marathon on Sunday afternoon, a film tribute to Nobuhiko Obayashi. - 5 years ago

@AndreuMarves: La semana pasado murió Nobuhiko Obayashi, director de Hausu. A pesar de que es una de mis favoritas desde hace años… - 5 years ago

@taxidiwtis: RT @RomantikKurbaa: Hausu (1977) Dir: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi #FolkloreThursday - 5 years ago

@JAG6042: Nobuhiko Obayashi: A life spent working among Japan's movie greats | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@JAG6042: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@taherhassani: RT @SleepDoffy: La beauté de The little Girl Who Conquered Time de Nobuhiko Obayashi. J'ai l'impression de sentir du pastel et du velours a… - 5 years ago

@SleepDoffy: La beauté de The little Girl Who Conquered Time de Nobuhiko Obayashi. J'ai l'impression de sentir du pastel et du v… - 5 years ago

@QuetzaIc0atl: ce soir double feature de deux adaptations d'un même bouquin, The Little Girl Who Conquered Time de Nobuhiko Obayas… - 5 years ago

@suspiriumdelrey: RT @tazakiyumeji: His Motorbike, Her Island (1986) dir. Ōbayashi Nobuhiko - 5 years ago

@tazakiyumeji: His Motorbike, Her Island (1986) dir. Ōbayashi Nobuhiko - 5 years ago

@isra_sb: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@AlexTheBeast71: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@Der_Kinogaenger: Anläßlich des letztwöchigen Todes des japanischen Filmemachers Nobuhiko Ōbayashi wage ich mich in einer Klassiker-R… - 5 years ago

@_Multiverse777: RT @ThibaultMerckel: Watchlist #Confinement - épisode XIX : l’occasion de rendre hommage à un cinéaste méconnu et malheureusement récemment… - 5 years ago

@ErnestBoisvin: RT @ThibaultMerckel: Watchlist #Confinement - épisode XIX : l’occasion de rendre hommage à un cinéaste méconnu et malheureusement récemment… - 5 years ago

@ThibaultMerckel: Watchlist #Confinement - épisode XIX : l’occasion de rendre hommage à un cinéaste méconnu et malheureusement récemm… - 5 years ago

@JoeArogSiroo: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@LucillaGiannot1: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@JackPfiitzner: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@seiimiya: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@nyceverywhere: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@ChristophelesM: RT @BradleyjKornish: On our latest podcast about Nobuhiko Obayashi's magical haunted house film from 1977 'House' (Hausu), I asked Dan and… - 5 years ago

@SORENSEN_ERIK_: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@botaaakkk: RT @ddoniolvalcroze: House (1977) Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@maadbeggar: RT @scratchcinema: 📝NEW: “Whether you’re watching it alone or with friends, drunk, high or sober, Hausu will certainly make for a memorabl… - 5 years ago

@catflapswing: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@shitneggs: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@2525Kokuto: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@kojiyk: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@karasus3to4: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@The3Rrrs: RT @BradleyjKornish: On our latest podcast about Nobuhiko Obayashi's magical haunted house film from 1977 'House' (Hausu), I asked Dan and… - 5 years ago

@giga_una7: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@tsukamoto_shiny: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@OrangePanda8: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@PrivXD_: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@nigrumcattus555: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@kenjisato1966: RT @BradleyjKornish: On our latest podcast about Nobuhiko Obayashi's magical haunted house film from 1977 'House' (Hausu), I asked Dan and… - 5 years ago

@BradleyjKornish: RT @BradleyjKornish: On our latest podcast about Nobuhiko Obayashi's magical haunted house film from 1977 'House' (Hausu), I asked Dan and… - 5 years ago

@spadearcherjake: RT @BradleyjKornish: On our latest podcast about Nobuhiko Obayashi's magical haunted house film from 1977 'House' (Hausu), I asked Dan and… - 5 years ago

@miikebr_wn: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@RifewithKatie: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@mojamojatokarev: RT @ddoniolvalcroze: House (1977) Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@zlc333: Awe man. I just heard about Nobuhiko Obayashi. I'm gonna watch Hausu. One of my all-time favorite crazy Japanese movies. - 5 years ago

@bokononism21: RT @PTFilm: RIP to the legendary madman Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HAUSU. One of my absolute favorite movies. It’s a pleasure to… - 5 years ago

@MiRinconDeCine: RT @eye_ko_tai_ko: The last time I was able to meet up with director Obayashi turned into this memorable interview @mubi. I hope you can jo… - 5 years ago

@leighanegg: RT @ddoniolvalcroze: House (1977) Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@ray_conte: 時をかける少女も好きですが、大林宣彦といえばこれが一番好きです House (Hausu) Trailer - Subtitled (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977) - 5 years ago

@irontyger: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@okelcj: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@PapiiHueso: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@Lara01394946: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@andrefifer10: RT @arthurkflam: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@psicopomp: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of HOUSE (1977) and many other amazing Japanese movie. Here's an English piece on his neve… - 5 years ago

@Flyness_: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@Motto_Panukeiku: His Motorbike, Her Island (1986) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@inherentcharlie: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@DFLEISCHERCAMP: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@fivepoisonskid: he talks about this friendship in this interview - 5 years ago

@phlik2: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@fivepoisonskid: i like that nobuhiko obayashi and isao takahata were good friends - 5 years ago

@KillerPonzi: RIP the remarkable Nobuhiko Ôbayashi - 5 years ago

@Adarkaya: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@saiprasadd_511: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@ehdarcy: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@TiDuraes: RT @JoshuaDysart: Here is a thread about the making of Nobuhiko Obayashi's movie, HOUSE. Nobuhiko passed from this world yesterday-ish & I… - 5 years ago

@ahjummmaaa: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Kinoscope: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@ThatShelf: RT @ChangingReelsAC: In episode 58, @TheLogicalMind returns to the show to discuss Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 film House (Hausu). Spotify: h… - 5 years ago

@taiun0223: RT @T50md83fEbWU7s9: @RealEOC @kotaeastwood Directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938/1/9ー2020/4/10) #R.I.P.Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@percdup: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@zurab00080567: RT @FolkloreFilmFes: A special #Caturday memorial shout-out to Nobuhiko Obayashi. Happy trails, sir! 'Hausu / House' (1977) dir. Nobuhik… - 5 years ago

@Ozkar12: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@sugaryscorpion: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@CriterionDaily: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@ChangingReelsAC: In episode 58, @TheLogicalMind returns to the show to discuss Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 film House (Hausu). Spotify… - 5 years ago

@PhilippeGrall2: RT @THELOVEMAGAZINE: We could all do with a bit of magic right now...immerse yourself in the world of Nobuhiko Obayashi 🎥 - 5 years ago

@still_writing: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@ADreamElusive: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@limecatgirl: RT @abstruse_cutie: i think instead of astrology we should do "which girl from house are you" rip nobuhiko obayashi 😿 - 5 years ago

@TohoYaro: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@thin_age: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@floofwitch: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@Sonoo_Y: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@e_f_bartlam: RT @BradleyjKornish: New Show! Dan and I talked with filmmakers and movie geniuses @MovieKessler and @CinemaVsDave about Nobuhiko Obayashi'… - 5 years ago

@masa56405: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@xtine_files: RT @abstruse_cutie: i think instead of astrology we should do "which girl from house are you" rip nobuhiko obayashi 😿 - 5 years ago

@thirdwindow: RT @thirdwindow: COSMOS. Interview with with Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@thirdwindow: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@sarCCastro: RT @abstruse_cutie: i think instead of astrology we should do "which girl from house are you" rip nobuhiko obayashi 😿 - 5 years ago

@eugeugeug: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@mubiuk: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@pogform: RT @abstruse_cutie: i think instead of astrology we should do "which girl from house are you" rip nobuhiko obayashi 😿 - 5 years ago

@yooday: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@Francesco1002: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: NHK shows 4 documentaries about Ōbayashi Nobuhiko. - 5 years ago

@takeuchmasahiro: RT @matteoboscarol: Washio Isako 鷲尾いさ子 in Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast 野ゆき山ゆき海べゆき (Ōbayashi Nobuhiko, 1986) https:… - 5 years ago

@REBSKAMEL: RT @memorialised: Nobuhiko Obayashi's Emotion - 5 years ago

@thecritics001: RT @katebush420: @thecritics001 Hausu ❣️❣️RIP Nobuhiko Ōbayashi 💔 - 5 years ago

@UItimecia_: RT @mubi: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938 — 2020) - 5 years ago

@jailenegarcia_: HOUSE (1977) 💛 Nobuhiko Obayashi 💛 RIP - 5 years ago

@katebush420: @thecritics001 Hausu ❣️❣️RIP Nobuhiko Ōbayashi 💔 - 5 years ago

@crazyguy1952: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@hogarakaboshi: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@4brains1movie: RT @BradleyjKornish: New Show! Dan and I talked with filmmakers and movie geniuses @MovieKessler and @CinemaVsDave about Nobuhiko Obayashi'… - 5 years ago

@26MFHPOD: RT @BradleyjKornish: New Show! Dan and I talked with filmmakers and movie geniuses @MovieKessler and @CinemaVsDave about Nobuhiko Obayashi'… - 5 years ago

@RAKELSH_autor: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@arahatanuki: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@jcheredia97: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@LewisMidnight: “For me, ‘freedom’ is doing something that no one has done before, to do something no one else has done before is i… - 5 years ago

@HAUSURCHIN: house (1977) dir. nobuhiko ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@pixieglas: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@________merr: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@clicking21: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@esmituiter: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@fromthereel: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@dearapriII: #nw Visitor in the Eye (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@steerspike1: RT @AuroraNocte: Émotion (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1966) - 5 years ago

@vespertinecloud: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@gexge_: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@DeathValzer: RT @robtrench: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us one of the weirdest, disturbing, and endearing cult movies of all time with House - the s… - 5 years ago

@AnusWarhol: I want a big Nobuhiko Obayashi torrent dl link to most of his movies, - 5 years ago

@yujinhyj: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@Usernamesimula1: RT @Shudder: RIP to Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us the wonderfully bizarre and striking HOUSE among many other great works. - 5 years ago

@joelnanderson: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@CinemaMack: RT @MovieKessler: House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@mwhrym: 大林宣彦監督 尾道三部作; [さびしんぼう] 予告編 "Sabisinbou" directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi ちょうど最近、足が弱くなる前に行かなきゃって思ってた尾道、この夏の帰省の帰りに。 - 5 years ago

@giveintourself: precisou do nobuhiko obayashi morrer pra eu descobrir a existencia de hausu e emotion, ansioso demais pra assistir esses dois - 5 years ago

@u_me_chi: RT @pottermaniajp: 『転校生』『時をかける少女』や『ハウス』などで知られる映画監督の大林宣彦さんが、肺がんのため死去。82歳でした.. 謹んで哀悼の意を表します🙏 Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of HAUSU and THE GI… - 5 years ago

@TurboWasis: RT @mmadnesstiff: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) We mourn and salute you. - 5 years ago

@cakenbacon2: RT @Grantpa23: Thinking about this quote from the late Nobuhiko Obayashi Who’s magnum opus, cult art-house horror film “House”, was a col… - 5 years ago

@edojyo_ji: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@moviefan55: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@snowmoon74: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all "he had experienced World War II and… - 5 years ago

@spacetran: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@alternativehip3: RT @Grantpa23: Thinking about this quote from the late Nobuhiko Obayashi Who’s magnum opus, cult art-house horror film “House”, was a col… - 5 years ago

@Grantpa23: Thinking about this quote from the late Nobuhiko Obayashi Who’s magnum opus, cult art-house horror film “House”,… - 5 years ago

@yungbreakfast: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@cat_sala: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@AndrewCJacob: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: „Sabishinbō“ by Ōbayashi Nobuhiko. Discussion at last year‘s Tokyo International Film Festival. - 5 years ago

@lefler_amelia: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@jvinmnz: House (1977) Dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi Depois de um tempo enrolando finalmente parei p assistir e caralho. Só isso mes… - 5 years ago

@giantroot: RT @Dengerow: Obayashi Kyoko's statement about Obayashi Nobuhiko translated into English by the Japan Society. - 5 years ago

@soriverlibrary: Nobuhiko Obayashi was a Japanese director, screenwriter and editor of media. He began his filmmaking career as a pi… - 5 years ago

@ijcaro: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@lawer_hamachan: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@w0ckss: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@LukeSission: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Qhyunkim: RT @Dengerow: Obayashi Kyoko's statement about Obayashi Nobuhiko translated into English by the Japan Society. - 5 years ago

@NowScreaming: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@pyongyangfang: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@her_funes: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@244kazussa4024: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@wuster430: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Jeffthaboi3: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@evanwaters: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@purrrpurina: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@devilm6n: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@TheEndofCinema: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@yuugiribow: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@FramingThePic: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@andra_zou: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@eye_ko_tai_ko: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@DocPokmon: House - Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@lienacdm: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@ColdWarCudi: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@fredericomunoz: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@hettinga: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@marxdesidonner: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@radiorajvinder: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@janmanisdead: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@s_udonko: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@boosakira: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@thomasrutigs: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@sonofbrucewayne: House / Hausu (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@filmnohito: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@pinaykilljoy: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@Mr2Orange: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@Fallout_HK: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@ebmorgan1: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@dyalu07_m8l0l: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all  - 5 years ago

@_Noel_23: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@frodobowl: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@J0mi2k: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@MichaelfmArt: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@flosch65: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@lasagnegarfeld: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@zhen1013_lai: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@MemoKlick: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@SirPaperinukke: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@halfformedopin1: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@HouSlut: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@the3rdwall: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@dubemandla1: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@Komdehagens: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@MatchboxCine: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@meganwmglesga: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@fivepoisonskid: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@rubncovi: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@axeruu: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@kazuwabe: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@pickydazibao: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@taxicab_buffet: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@RintaroWatanabe: RT @js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement” - 5 years ago

@js_film_nyc: “‘Thank You Everyone’ Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Last Words as Told in Producer Kyoko Obayashi's Statement”… - 5 years ago

@joshisthom: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@tyuta5: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@jacobdeeandavis: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@edo22arcanos: RT @albertochimal: Qué pena: murió Nobuhiko Ōbayashi, cineasta japonés de culto, creador de "Hausu" (que es una de las películas más dement… - 5 years ago

@66Ferns: RT @kitchen5203: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@futile_efforts: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Mountains: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Komdehagens: RT @Dengerow: The last words of Obayashi Nobuhiko, as related by his wife and producer Kyoko「皆さん、ありがとう」が、監督の遺言--映画作家・大林宣彦氏、訃報に際して、大林恭子プロデュー… - 5 years ago

@MatchboxCine: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@partha_thakuria: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@subtitlemag: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@crimson_lungs: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Debris65: Nobuhiko Obayashi, maestro giapponese del cinema sperimentale, si è spento a 82 anni - 5 years ago

@jettzworld: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Togg_: - “Live freely. That’s the mark of peace,” said my father. He gave me an 8mm camera as if it were his memento when… - 5 years ago

@simonsaybrams: RT @Dengerow: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@midnightmes: RT @Dengerow: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@synw1120: RT @FilmsInFilms: Roger Vadim's BLOOD AND ROSES (1960) in Nobuhiko Ôbayashi's EMOTION (1966). #FilmsinFilms - 5 years ago

@toshiyuka: RT @FilmsInFilms: Roger Vadim's BLOOD AND ROSES (1960) in Nobuhiko Ôbayashi's EMOTION (1966). #FilmsinFilms - 5 years ago

@ueno_station54: #74. Seven Weeks Nobuhiko Obayashi, 2014 9/10 - 5 years ago

@ayushrulz: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@KurtLaffreuxped: RT @Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : Le producteur avant gardiste Nobuhiko Obayashi, décédé la semaine dernière. #RIP - 5 years ago

@lscain3834: RT @kitchen5203: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@roseyxwilliams: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Tomo42293463: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@SwankySputnik: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@DrisSkull: RT @BradFHenderson: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi. Thank you for HOUSE, THE VISITOR IN THE EYE, THE DRIFTING CLASSROOM, SEVEN WEEKS, THE AIMED SCHO… - 5 years ago

@SrMarkk: RT @CriterionDaily: Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of the cult classic HOUSE (1977) + last year’s LABYRINTH OF CINEMA, has died. He was 82. “… - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: RT @Dengerow: The last words of Obayashi Nobuhiko, as related by his wife and producer Kyoko「皆さん、ありがとう」が、監督の遺言--映画作家・大林宣彦氏、訃報に際して、大林恭子プロデュー… - 5 years ago

@pyronthe3rd: RT @robtrench: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us one of the weirdest, disturbing, and endearing cult movies of all time with House - the s… - 5 years ago

@kei0719smapon: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@DSumlum: RT @js_film_nyc: Rest in Peace to the great Nobuhiko Obayashi, a legendary filmmaker whose work we were so grateful to screen @japansociety… - 5 years ago

@_NdJ_: RT @Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : Le producteur avant gardiste Nobuhiko Obayashi, décédé la semaine dernière. #RIP - 5 years ago

@Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : Le producteur avant gardiste Nobuhiko Obayashi, décédé la semaine dernière. #RIP - 5 years ago

@Qhyunkim: RT @Dengerow: The last words of Obayashi Nobuhiko, as related by his wife and producer Kyoko「皆さん、ありがとう」が、監督の遺言--映画作家・大林宣彦氏、訃報に際して、大林恭子プロデュー… - 5 years ago

@MarkNMays: RT @Dengerow: The last words of Obayashi Nobuhiko, as related by his wife and producer Kyoko「皆さん、ありがとう」が、監督の遺言--映画作家・大林宣彦氏、訃報に際して、大林恭子プロデュー… - 5 years ago

@wanpakugraffiti: RT @js_film_nyc: Rest in Peace to the great Nobuhiko Obayashi, a legendary filmmaker whose work we were so grateful to screen @japansociety… - 5 years ago

@namidakoboruru: RT @PorcelinaMagpie: A collection of TV commercials directed by the late Nobuhiko Obayashi. A genius of both Japanese cinema and cinema in… - 5 years ago

@kaeruiwa1963: RT @PorcelinaMagpie: A collection of TV commercials directed by the late Nobuhiko Obayashi. A genius of both Japanese cinema and cinema in… - 5 years ago

@Nyxraesita: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Dengerow: The last words of Obayashi Nobuhiko, as related by his wife and producer Kyoko「皆さん、ありがとう」が、監督の遺言--映画作家・大林宣彦氏、訃報に際して… - 5 years ago

@kaeruiwa1963: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@Dengerow: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@vprocinema: RT @IFFR: Nobuhiko Ōbayashi (1938–2020) Goodbye #NobuhikoŌbayashi. We're sorry to hear that the pioneer of experimental cinema in Japan, w… - 5 years ago

@Zeugmacron: RT @SensCritique: La semaine dernière nous quittait Nobuhiko Ōbayashi, grand nom du cinéma expérimental et de la création publicitaire au J… - 5 years ago

@Alvamar10031: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@IFFR: RT @JordanCronk: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi. From my @IFFR report from earlier this year. - 5 years ago

@IFFR: Nobuhiko Ōbayashi (1938–2020) Goodbye #NobuhikoŌbayashi. We're sorry to hear that the pioneer of experimental cine… - 5 years ago

@NotJohnsAccount: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@gota_i: House - Q&A with Director Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #NobuhikoObayashi (9 January 1938 – 10 April 2020) Hausu/House, 1977, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Kumiko Oba and M… - 5 years ago

@takecnor: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@Ce13stialBunny: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Blood_Peace: @LaManieduCinema House de nobuhiko Obayashi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@RedazioneAC: Nobuhiko Obayashi, maestro giapponese del cinema sperimentale, si è spento a 82 anni - 5 years ago

@marxdesidonner: RT @fivepoisonskid: nothing against the writer but criterion has some audacity to only highlight obayashi's films beyond house in an obitua… - 5 years ago

@thegoldenmunk1: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@ArronJamesMusic: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@iamnotmaju: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Joshua97286970: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@roundtrip: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@PomegranateGaby: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@DarkMattersProj: Film Director Nobuhiko Obayashi Passes Away - 5 years ago

@leDelhomme: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@WilltheOtaku: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@BillyJacksonYT: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@asapchungus: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@strctlyk: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@filmdialogueone: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-c… - 5 years ago

@mattiefortune: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@damnse1fly: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@FOWLAZULE: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@JabulileNewman: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@BagriFoundation: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@becchae: today i am studying the films of Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, including the visually stunning satirical ode to film Hausu. Ôb… - 5 years ago

@TokyoFashion: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@Blatherpuss: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@Andrew_HD: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@ryuganji: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@FilmMomatic: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@HayleyLScanlon: RT @moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@moviefan55: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@t_ff_y: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Gorezone: Bloody Daily Horror News SALEM'S LOT ALL OF US ARE DEAD RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi WE SUMMON T… - 5 years ago

@alicejtm: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@apvelilla: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Idolmeister: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@Snake05987677: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@senecadoane: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@SensCritique: La semaine dernière nous quittait Nobuhiko Ōbayashi, grand nom du cinéma expérimental et de la création publicitair… - 5 years ago

@nowolvesplease: A late lament for the wonderful Ōbayashi Nobuhiko. Hausu has a big place in my heart and a large role in the route… - 5 years ago

@crane4306: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@DrellaNYC: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@moviescreenpro: RT @Cinemagotrailer: (Japanese #Director Nobuhiko Obayashi #Dies at 82 - RIP) - #Filmmaker #NobuhikoObayashi https… - 5 years ago

@BoredCynuki: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelleHui: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #NobuhikoObayashi (9 January 1938 – 10 April 2020) Hausu/House, 1977, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Kumiko Oba and M… - 5 years ago

@filmtrashed: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@HarvieSlater: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@SebastianBobik: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@Cyberpunkghost1: RT @cattempermeow: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of the playfully surrealist fantasy-horror Hausu, one of the greatest films. 😿 - 5 years ago

@docuprincess: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@nigiridepolvo: HAUSU (1977). Obayashi, Nobuhiko. - 5 years ago

@emanuelesacchi: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Redvisors: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@stewartboxd: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@hkx_it: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@frida03051: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@oshiroiyoriki: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@honey__c: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@k_scalaza: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@pegasverse: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@italiagiappone: #Cinema: Addio al #regista #giapponese Nobuhiko #Obayashi, autore di «House» e della trilogia di Onomichi -… - 5 years ago

@wilstuf: #nw His Motorbike, Her Island (1986) dir. Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - Ōbayashi's stuff is always incredibly my shit and hon… - 5 years ago

@MarcoKernbach: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@rpwpb: RT @ohiomail: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@ohiomail: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@the__hooks: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@sabillabianca: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@vaniatoni2: RT @VaniaToni1: Un cinema libero fra politica e nostalgia Un cinema libero fra politic… - 5 years ago

@BigKahunaDemmen: RT @frameshorror: hausu (1977) dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@spaceautist: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@VaniaToni1: Un cinema libero fra politica e nostalgia Un cinema libero fra… - 5 years ago

@GidgetLawliet: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@lil_olive96: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@kyuussb: RT @CriterionDaily: Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of the cult classic HOUSE (1977) + last year’s LABYRINTH OF CINEMA, has died. He was 82. “… - 5 years ago

@wonderhalI: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@fullpoweralex: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@jlwroot: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@HC9vLAkFDgz8Tvx: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Mad_Man_Irias: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@ImEricPitz: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Im_utena: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@floorcry: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@ailinpaul: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #NobuhikoObayashi (9 January 1938 – 10 April 2020) Hausu/House, 1977, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Kumiko Oba and M… - 5 years ago

@anna524_: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@luluchan204: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@bassmam_018: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@SpottedTowhee42: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@lizardhospital: when i am watching a film by nobuhiko obayashi and he starts using his trademark changing of color palettes - 5 years ago

@Cabzilla06: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@nicegarbage: RT @Futiledevices_8: Emotion Nobuhiko Ōbayashi - 5 years ago

@amchangirl: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@DARXINEMA: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@geno7_2: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@brookeunha: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@StephenHanson91: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@go2miki: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@illmaninbooksto: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@olivia01010010: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@lookAt_the3rd: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Gog97_: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@BenHorrible: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@carplove1979: Complexe(Nobuhiko Obayashi,1964) - 5 years ago

@TARS_1150: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@K_LMulleavy: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@oksuisho: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@MattWolfstein94: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Stubb_A_Dubb: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@kockykam: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@_moemartini: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@KennadieShaygne: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@SecretlabX: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@I_Y_S: RT @japantimes: For filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, freedom was the most important thing of all - 5 years ago

@Tyson_S: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@prinskipper: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@jencreamer: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@drewtewksbury: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@XBlitzWingX: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Queen_of_Hz: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Wendell_Maas: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@daphnis_y_chloe: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@s_t_brown: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@mrsambarlow: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@Killeroftrolls: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@DeathCatch77: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@reesean: RT @postobits: Nobuhiko Obayashi, prolific Japanese filmmaker, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@st_laurens: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@cokoie: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@diegodhali: RT @robtrench: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us one of the weirdest, disturbing, and endearing cult movies of all time with House - the s… - 5 years ago

@Tomorrows_JoJo: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@CaptHat211: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@diego__soriano: RT @criterionchannl: How to describe Nobuhiko Ōbayashi's indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (HAUSU)? A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-cons… - 5 years ago

@diegodhali: RT @MinovskyArticle: The press are reporting that director Nobuhiko Obayashi has died at 82. So much more than House, but God knows even th… - 5 years ago

@nushkabee: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@MoonGigan: RT @Furyosa_com: Pour réaliser qui on a perdu, un teaser pour Labyrinth of Cinema de Nobuhiko Ôbayashi. - 5 years ago

@Yuigi_sekido: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #NobuhikoObayashi (9 January 1938 – 10 April 2020) Hausu/House, 1977, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Kumiko Oba and M… - 5 years ago

@horrorhoe_: RT @frameshorror: hausu (1977) dir. nobuhiko obayashi - 5 years ago

@Hausu_Chan: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@cyokotaro: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@IronfistClown: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@arisu_satoshi: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@matteoboscarol: Ōbayashi Nobuhiko, Un cinema libero fra politica e nostalgia - Letto su ⁦@ilmanifesto⁩ - 5 years ago

@irmmavep: RT @ddoniolvalcroze: House (1977) Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@RintaroWatanabe: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@sebasthebro: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@AllanaDelRay: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@soltreev: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@NicRNack: RT @speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@gamboritmo: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@speederaserhead: Nobuhiko Obayashi's 'The Bad Seed' remake, Cute Devil, has a truly wild opening - 5 years ago

@YaNanous: RT @GBabeuf: Obayashi Nobuhiko - 5 years ago

@GBabeuf: Obayashi Nobuhiko - 5 years ago

@andante_sen: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@abc1230: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@ididwy: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@ecoderre: Nobuhiko Obayashi Japanese director dead at 82 - 5 years ago

@synw1120: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Nobuhiko Obayashi - #NobuhikoObayashi #Nobuhiko #Obayashi #rip - 5 years ago

@Glbp6: RT @afistfuloffilm: Today we remember Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of Hausu, Labyrinth of Cinema, and The Little Girl Who Conquered Time amo… - 5 years ago

@lucasthesousa: #45 House Dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi sem dúvidas o filme mais sem noção que eu já vi na minha vida - 5 years ago

@Grantpa23: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@Grantpa23: RT @afistfuloffilm: Today we remember Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of Hausu, Labyrinth of Cinema, and The Little Girl Who Conquered Time amo… - 5 years ago

@icyprinzess: RT @latimes: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@jbu3: To celebrate the works of Nobuhiko Obayashi, we've put together a new film poll. Patrons can help us choose between… - 5 years ago

@pickmans: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@toshiyuka: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@hzlrbbt: RT @olivegarden69: RIP nobuhiko obayashi 💔 - 5 years ago

@still_writing: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@_McPapadopoulos: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@klem_bosko_t: RT @horrorlosers: La obra de Nobuhiko Ôbayashi fue extensa y ecléctica, aunque sin nada tan reseñable como HAUSU (1977), sí que rodó una di… - 5 years ago

@doomocuube: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@kennethwilkinso: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@Pitpi4: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@ryanwernernyc12: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@_daveyH: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@EksieKitchin: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@bilmureeinsheyd: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering Nobuhiko Obayashi, the director of HOUSE, dozens of experimental films, and thousands of commercials, who r… - 5 years ago

@BertOff: 47. 'Hausu' (Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1977) Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #CaneliVe2020 - 5 years ago

@MatchboxCine: RT @thirdwindow: Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man - 5 years ago

@grimbelushi: RT @thirdwindow: Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man - 5 years ago

@PinolYves: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@jaspersharp: RT @thirdwindow: Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man - 5 years ago

@FilmEssaying: RT @mubi: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938 — 2020) - 5 years ago

@PapeJf: RT @TheFilmStage: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, director of Hausu, who has passed away at the age of 82. - 5 years ago

@leiaslays: RT @lowzoft: HAUSU is a film that literally changed the landscape of my dreams. No movie made me love movies more. RIP Nobuhiko Ôbayashi. h… - 5 years ago

@thirdwindow: Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man - 5 years ago

@dustxbunnyb: @thesluttycherub House, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi (the director actually died three days ago 😢) - 5 years ago

@maadbeggar: I watched HAUSU (1977)one day, then spent the next day writing about it. It’s a special film. RIP Mr. Nobuhiko Oba… - 5 years ago

@jlwroot: RT @Dengerow: (RT due to misspelling) Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man: my small tribute to the great filmmaker. This was to me a personal lo… - 5 years ago

@sarahhfilm: Watching EMOTION (1966) tonight in honour of the king Nobuhiko Obayashi 💔🖤 #大林宣彦 - 5 years ago

@mrdman9202: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @latimes: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@aobhakoddiez: RT @_Noel_23: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi I can not express how much this man's work means to me, just gutted right now. he made so many more fil… - 5 years ago

@matteoboscarol: Washio Isako 鷲尾いさ子 in Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast 野ゆき山ゆき海べゆき (Ōbayashi Nobuhiko, 1986) - 5 years ago

@Waanzinema: Rest In peace, Nobuhiko Obayashi. Arigato for the delirious Hausu aka House! - 5 years ago

@Bontenmaru10: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@aryxus: For those who only know Nobuhiko Ôbayashi through Hausu (amazingfilmgowatchitnow), this is a fascinating thread. - 5 years ago

@mrdman9202: RT @yushr_: just found out that there's a youtube channel that's uploaded some of nobuhiko obayashi's works with english subtitles. dont kn… - 5 years ago

@FloridaMan1217: Midnight 🎞 tonight: House, 1977. It has been years since I’ve watched this, and with the recent passing of Nobuhiko… - 5 years ago

@Kronkyland: RT @LWLies: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi has died at age 82 following a long battle with lung cancer. He's notorious in cult circles for his… - 5 years ago

@mistariiman: I was just looking up his other movies, and learned that he had just passed away two days a… - 5 years ago

@_Elizabeth_K: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@BubblyOasis: RT @robtrench: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us one of the weirdest, disturbing, and endearing cult movies of all time with House - the s… - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Komdehagens: RT @Dengerow: (RT due to misspelling) Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man: my small tribute to the great filmmaker. This was to me a personal lo… - 5 years ago

@danabelii: RT @y2kbomb: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@MelMel27230210: RT @Crunchyroll_PT: 📰 Nobuhiko Obayashi, diretor de filmes cult de terror japoneses, faleceu hoje aos 82 anos Saiba mais em: - 5 years ago

@allegro572: RT @latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@keithmwatt: RT @thejoshl: RIP nobuhiko obayashi, the only filmmaker in the world that would've came up with an image like this: - 5 years ago

@keithmwatt: RT @APEntertainment: Born in 1938, Nobuhiko Obayashi was one of Japan's most prolific filmmakers, weaving a pacifist message into his work… - 5 years ago

@louishowley: RT @latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@nonomurax: RT @latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@S3GIT9: RT @latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@latimesent: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@tomomodel: RT @latimes: Filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi, who portrayed war's horrors, dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@MertonLeGrand: RT @ebmorgan1: Nobuhiko Obayashi tribute thread: - 5 years ago

@arevloycnan: RT @robtrench: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi, who gave us one of the weirdest, disturbing, and endearing cult movies of all time with House - the s… - 5 years ago

@ebmorgan1: Wrapping up this thread shortly, but wanted to say that I’ve probably not emphasized enough Obayashi’s anti-war com… - 5 years ago

@PriscillaCScott: RT @filmslikedreamz: RIP Nobuhiko Obayashi. if you’ve never seen Hausu, 100% remedy that whenever you can. god-tier surrealism. - 5 years ago

@ZLysbethTaylor: RIP the great filmmaker Nobuhiko Obayashi 🌹🌟 - 5 years ago

@HayleyLScanlon: RT @Dengerow: (RT due to misspelling) Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man: my small tribute to the great filmmaker. This was to me a personal lo… - 5 years ago

@ZLysbethTaylor: RT @Dengerow: (RT due to misspelling) Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man: my small tribute to the great filmmaker. This was to me a personal lo… - 5 years ago

@kuro_arashi: RT @JapanEmb_Arg: Se reportó el fallecimiento del director Nobuhiko Obayashi, conocido como "el mago del cine", debido a un cáncer de pulmó… - 5 years ago

@QueueGaze: ~Rip Nobuhiko Obayashi~ #hausu - 5 years ago

@Leandrochava09: RT @GusineroGusi: Después de luchar contra un cáncer terminal, Nobuhiko Obayashi, uno de mis directores favoritos y creador de la maravilla… - 5 years ago

@MatchboxCine: RT @Dengerow: I wrote up a small piece commemorating Obayashi Nobuko on the occasion of his death. This was also a personal loss. - 5 years ago

@lotsofdragons: RT @vonMandelbrot: In over 40 years of directing, Ōbayashi Nobuhiko inspired many filmmakers. Among them Nagahisa Makoto ("We are Little Zo… - 5 years ago

@wheresmygift: RT @ebmorgan1: Kyoko & Nobuhiko Obayashi met 60+ years ago in Seijo, a Tokyo neighborhood home to many movie industry people. In addition t… - 5 years ago

@nnfarida: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@Guyver_Spawn: #NowWatching House (1977). RIP Nobuhiko Ōbayashi 😭 #House #Hausu #1970s #70smovies #Japanesecinema #horrormovies… - 5 years ago

@mysticalcompsr: Nobuhiko Obayashi - 5 years ago

@telediario: 📷🎥 Sus creencias pacifistas fueron inculcadas por su padre, un médico del ejército que también le dio su primera cá… - 5 years ago

@nosex_nosex: RT @ebmorgan1: Nobuhiko Obayashi tribute thread: - 5 years ago

@matteoboscarol: RT @Dengerow: (RT due to misspelling) Obayashi Nobuhiko, a Movie Man: my small tribute to the great filmmaker. This was to me a personal lo… - 5 years ago

@spockislgbtq: RT @neonandnoise: Sad to hear that Nobuhiko Obayashi, the visionary Japanese filmmaker behind 1977's inimitable, fantastical House (Hausu)… - 5 years ago

@meekscutoff: RT @ebmorgan1: Nobuhiko Obayashi tribute thread: - 5 years ago

@countdykecula: RT @ebmorgan1: Nobuhiko Obayashi tribute thread: - 5 years ago

@AsianMoviePulse: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@jbr_o: RT @MDAH9: Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938-2020) est décédé. Une grande perte pour les amoureux et les amoureuses du cinéma japonais. Son œuvre la… - 5 years ago

@fcolivie: - 5 years ago

@trygaymx: 大林宣彦監督が伝えた巨匠・黒澤明の"遺言" / Nobuhiko Obayashi conveys the great filmmaker Ak... - 5 years ago

@MOTELX: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@karumu1729: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@TheTuggmeister: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Nobuhiko Ôbayashi (1938-2020) - 5 years ago

@flutterpulse: RT @wordwestpress: sad to see that Nobuhiko Obayashi has passed away. his movie Hausu (1977) is one of the most visually unique movies i’ve… - 5 years ago

@aimezlevrai: RT @Theremina: Pouring one out for Nobuhiko Obayashi, director of Hausu, Labyrinth of Cinema, The Little Girl Who Conquered Time, etc. Unfe… - 5 years ago

@gozusabu: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@choco2L: RT @tiff_english: OBITUARY of Nobuhiko Obayashi Nobuhiko Obayashi, globally known Japanese filmmaker, having released numerous independent… - 5 years ago

@gonci2017: RT @NYDailyNews: Nobuhiko Obayashi, one of the most influential voices in Japanese cinema, is dead at 82. - 5 years ago

@WiseYuri: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@DarknessOpera: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@AlexIskounen: Japanese Director Nobuhiko Obayashi Dies at 82 - 5 years ago

@Cl_marty: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@StageCenterNow: Nobuhiko Obayashi Japanese director dead at 82 - 5 years ago

@vonMandelbrot: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@StaggerLee30: RT @thirdwindow: The 50th bluray release from #thirdwindowfilms will be a film which the late and great Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hous… - 5 years ago

@caninecatnip: RT @carpetbathroom: Only a witch cat can close a door #acnh #hausu (Rest In Peace Nobuhiko Obayashi, and thank you for my favorite film o… - 5 years ago

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