Nikolay Petrunin

Russian politician.
Died on Wednesday October 12th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Nikolay Petrunin:

@lalavibes: RT @uasupport999: /13 Another energy executive become the latest high-profile Russian to die in suspicious circumstances since the Ukraine… - 2 years ago

@GazHonestly: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@daithideroishte: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@rpalazzolo: RT @maurizioderine: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petr… - 2 years ago


@FiorellaIsabelF: The truth is whatever makes Putin look good and vaccines look bad. Nikolay Petrunin was a western spy or something. - 2 years ago

@christyjtb316: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@yllekonadnerb: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@favoritesch_tjp: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@ChemicalEyeGuy: RT @bigzigs: Nikolay Petrunin, a 46-year-old Russian multimillionaire and a close confidant of the Russian president, is no more. He caught… - 2 years ago

@AndreaRovigatti: RT @maurizioderine: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petr… - 2 years ago

@maurizioderine: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@KuriousOranj1: @fczenit_en My commiserations on the death of Nikolay Petrunin of Gazprom who fell out of a window, sorry died from… - 2 years ago

@LeftLois: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies, Gazprom, Kremlin insider Nikolay Petrunin is dea… - 2 years ago

@NeilHawker2: I see another close ally of Putler has mysteriously died. Nikolay Petrunin, the gas 'wonder-kid' died in a #Moscow… - 2 years ago

@alain_co: RT @N_Lecaussin: Nikolay Petrunin (46 ans), l'un des directeurs de Gazprom et "proche" de Poutine, est mort, selon les autorités russes, à… - 2 years ago

@Masszugu: RT @doubleDutchquak: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Pet… - 2 years ago

@StDruther: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@EntropicBazaar: Sono talmente CODARDI che fanno terrorismo e poi incolpano la vittima. E' il pensiero computazionale, bellezza. - 2 years ago

@JJRavenation52: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@Barabbaas: RT @doubleDutchquak: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Pet… - 2 years ago

@shannontalford: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@PaulSweeneyYYZ: RT @MFjetland2: Putin is a serial killer, even his own people. wow. Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gaz… - 2 years ago

@belnonm: RT @N_Lecaussin: Nikolay Petrunin (46 ans), l'un des directeurs de Gazprom et "proche" de Poutine, est mort, selon les autorités russes, à… - 2 years ago

@albertoevcusa: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@jenniferstull: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@jorinyc: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@veroventureira: Siguen cayendo por la ventana o por "COVID" funcionarios del Gas ruso. - 2 years ago

@fisheye_view: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@Aschettino: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@Defiant4ever: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@JenaWoods6: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@BarbTrerice: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@Jamie91893384: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@Stickelliott: Accidentally fell out of a window I'm sure - 2 years ago

@litehausgirl530: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@PhilipJTaylor1: RT @CityAM: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies Gazprom ‘gas wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petrunin - 2 years ago

@8354_cllt: RT @N_Lecaussin: Nikolay Petrunin (46 ans), l'un des directeurs de Gazprom et "proche" de Poutine, est mort, selon les autorités russes, à… - 2 years ago

@CarolLaRue: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@rsm3919: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@jdf754: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@DeborahLago5: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@azcookie8: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@isa97: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@magalideclermon: RT @N_Lecaussin: Nikolay Petrunin (46 ans), l'un des directeurs de Gazprom et "proche" de Poutine, est mort, selon les autorités russes, à… - 2 years ago

@Denawells15: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@fxmct71: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@AndThatAndThis: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@RubberD01: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@TNKABTIT: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@LindaMStaples: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@Montrouge2020: RT @N_Lecaussin: Nikolay Petrunin (46 ans), l'un des directeurs de Gazprom et "proche" de Poutine, est mort, selon les autorités russes, à… - 2 years ago

@mikeNmountains: RT @DogginTrump: Another Putin ally, Nikolay Petrunin, suddenly took a swan dive out a window They really need to learn how to close their… - 2 years ago

@SusanCollings4: RT @louis2nd: Moscow’s elite in shock as another Putin ally suddenly falls out the window/ dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider N… - 2 years ago

@tiagoooliveira: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@Ebinsmile: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@markhendy: Moscow's elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom 'wonderkid' and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@IvanKaramelozov: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@HiblerDana: RT @TeresaCCarter2: Nikola Petrunin, Gazprom "wonderkid" Covid window? Cc @amys_here @AmbienStupor - 2 years ago

@BiaLaGreca: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@harshad_adv: RT @conniedocekal2: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petr… - 2 years ago

@pedrosenab: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@CarminhaD: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@mikecs: RT @TeresaCCarter2: Nikola Petrunin, Gazprom "wonderkid" Covid window? Cc @amys_here @AmbienStupor - 2 years ago

@TeresaCCarter2: Nikola Petrunin, Gazprom "wonderkid" Covid window? Cc @amys_here @AmbienStupor - 2 years ago

@NewsRemote: Ok, I'll admit it. I've now lost count of Putin's ex-pals who are suddenly winding up in coffins: -Mosco… - 2 years ago

@lzyontz: RT @MsNashville: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petruni… - 2 years ago

@TuBolsoMiCheque: RT @AlexSchwartsman: Supostamente morreu de Covid… Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’… - 2 years ago

@nebreho: RT @skzuelke: Petrunin’s death comes five weeks after head of Russia’s biggest privately held oil producer, who criticised the Kremlin’s in… - 2 years ago

@Standupchai: RT @CityAM: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies Gazprom ‘gas wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petrunin - 2 years ago

@homoevolutis0: RT @MsNashville: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay Petruni… - 2 years ago

@paulo_correa2: Mais um executivo da Gazprom morre de “Covid” : 🧐 Moscow's elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly die… - 2 years ago

@KarlieVoisin: - 2 years ago

@panamarhradio: Moscow’s elite in shock as another close Putin ally suddenly dies: Gazprom ‘wonderkid’ and Kremlin insider Nikolay… - 2 years ago

@boobookidi: @nexta_tv COVID did it… - 2 years ago

@7ooo_ru: Скончался первый зампред думского комитета по энергетике Николай Петрунин - 2 years ago

@JakGremlin: RT @mkomsomolets: Депутат Госдумы Николай Петрунин скончался в 46 лет - 2 years ago

@7ooo_ru: Умер депутат Госдумы Николай Петрунин - 2 years ago

@SolTimesNews: RT @RTNNewspaper: #WorldNews BREAKING: Russia’s State Duma Deputy Nikolay Petrunin dies suddenly aged 46 - 2 years ago

@RTNNewspaper: #WorldNews BREAKING: Russia’s State Duma Deputy Nikolay Petrunin dies suddenly aged 46 - 2 years ago

@mkomsomolets: Депутат Госдумы Николай Петрунин скончался в 46 лет - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Nikolay Petrunin - #NikolayPetrunin #Nikolay #Petrunin #rip - 2 years ago

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