Nik Powell

British film producer and record executive
Died on Sunday November 10th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Nik Powell:

@ClarePelham: RT @epilepsysociety: A lovely tribute to Nik Powell on @BBCRadio4 Last Word. Nik was a great friend to the Society and a vice president. He… - 5 years ago

@link_semi: RT @Tempoyakbusuk: - 5 years ago

@angeladjackson7: remembering Nik Powell - 5 years ago

@GraceShoreBanks: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago


@TeddyHatesEU: RT @ultimateOne: @Queen_Avatar_ @Ara_MaHubbard @LittleDi70 @p_beejal @JeSuisDog @Smileygirl19681 @ElContador2000 @mssassysally @infoukphoto… - 5 years ago

@SuzOSullivan: This man, Nik Powell, was a lovely lovely man who presented me with my Award back in 2010. Devastating loss to the… - 5 years ago

@epilepsysociety: A lovely tribute to Nik Powell on @BBCRadio4 Last Word. Nik was a great friend to the Society and a vice president.… - 5 years ago

@Queen_Avatar_: RT @ultimateOne: @Queen_Avatar_ @Ara_MaHubbard @LittleDi70 @p_beejal @JeSuisDog @Smileygirl19681 @ElContador2000 @mssassysally @infoukphoto… - 5 years ago

@ElContador2000: RT @ultimateOne: @Queen_Avatar_ @Ara_MaHubbard @LittleDi70 @p_beejal @JeSuisDog @Smileygirl19681 @ElContador2000 @mssassysally @infoukphoto… - 5 years ago

@ultimateOne: @Queen_Avatar_ @Ara_MaHubbard @LittleDi70 @p_beejal @JeSuisDog @Smileygirl19681 @ElContador2000 @mssassysally… - 5 years ago

@ThinBlueJ: RT @CharBotGreen2: In a few minutes on Radio 4: Nik Powell OBE, James Le Mesurier OBE, Frank Dobson, Hazel Vincen... #pid:m000b814 https:/… - 5 years ago

@suewimbledon1: RT @NFTSFilmTV: It is with great sadness @NFTSFilmTV announces the death of our former Director and friend Nik Powell who passed away this… - 5 years ago

@KenyonFood: Such a lovely obituary of Nik Powell on Last Word on @BBCRadio4 our much-loved judge on @FoodPhotoAward - 5 years ago

@CharBotGreen2: In a few minutes on Radio 4: Nik Powell OBE, James Le Mesurier OBE, Frank Dobson, Hazel Vincen... #pid:m000b814 - 5 years ago

@SightSoundmag: RT @BFI: In memory of Nik Powell: Industry colleagues Jane Giles, Sandra Hebron and the BFI’s Amanda Nevill and Josh Berger remember the la… - 5 years ago

@film972: RT @haitianhero: RATTLESNAKES also WON Best Feature Film at the African International Film Festival In Nigeria. This Award is dedicated to… - 5 years ago

@safety_promoht: RT @haitianhero: RATTLESNAKES also WON Best Feature Film at the African International Film Festival In Nigeria. This Award is dedicated to… - 5 years ago

@lorfilsraouljr: RT @haitianhero: RATTLESNAKES also WON Best Feature Film at the African International Film Festival In Nigeria. This Award is dedicated to… - 5 years ago

@haitianhero: RATTLESNAKES also WON Best Feature Film at the African International Film Festival In Nigeria. This Award is dedica… - 5 years ago

@KeatingKeating: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@marygwengriff: RT @sabinasmitham: I was only able to take up my place on the NFTS Producing MA because of a game-changing scholarship. Do have a gander at… - 5 years ago

@SullySays__: @BrianSwane I just saw the replies and I put I was able to put it all together. Nik Stauskas, Bill Wennigton and Dwight Powell. - 5 years ago

@kahlifah_powell: RT @sapphiccaitlin: FREELIN HAVE A KID NAMED NIK???? EVERYONE SHUT UP - 5 years ago

@MurrayHebblethw: @3SpiritUKNZ There is no doubt you are quite familiar with #RichardBranson who says he started his first business a… - 5 years ago

@VickyPowell8: Lovely piece @BBCRadio 4 #LastWord about my extraordinary brother-in-law Nik Powell - thank you @jonwardle @NFTSFilmTV - 5 years ago

@HarryBrandE2: I’ve #justdonated to The Nik Powell Scholarship campaign. Donate on @justgiving and support this great cause - 5 years ago

@number9films: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@SexPistolsUK: Music Week - Music Week - 5 years ago

@CorinneMackenzi: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@exai_: RT @odbpowell: If you care about film and its future, please take a look at this, set up in memory of my wonderful uncle, Nik Powell, who d… - 5 years ago

@odbpowell: If you care about film and its future, please take a look at this, set up in memory of my wonderful uncle, Nik Powe… - 5 years ago

@ProdRoundtable: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@aftpscotland: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@FAN_BiggerPict: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@JoshAppFilm: RT @sabinasmitham: I was only able to take up my place on the NFTS Producing MA because of a game-changing scholarship. Do have a gander at… - 5 years ago

@Ninacowan: RT @SCNFTS: anyone who knew Nik, knew what a tour de force he was. if you'd like to donate to the Nik Powell Scholarship then all the info.… - 5 years ago

@Ninacowan: RT @CriticalDivide: A very nice and worthy initiative for Nik Powell - 5 years ago

@Ninacowan: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@londonfilmweek: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@alex_handschuh: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@skbfilm: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@LynseyBeauchamp: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@ShakyraDowling: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@write2esme: RT @stuartearl: In memory of Nik - The Nik Powell Scholarship will support emerging producers in the early stages of their career to attend… - 5 years ago

@sabinasmitham: I was only able to take up my place on the NFTS Producing MA because of a game-changing scholarship. Do have a gand… - 5 years ago

@indiewendy: RT @stuartearl: In memory of Nik - The Nik Powell Scholarship will support emerging producers in the early stages of their career to attend… - 5 years ago

@JamesGreeneKing: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@PinduGlobal: - 5 years ago

@Kattyprint: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@quarkfilms: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@petedevonald: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@myhandyhints: RT @dathers: Legend. - 5 years ago

@myhandyhints: RT @CriticalDivide: A very nice and worthy initiative for Nik Powell - 5 years ago

@myhandyhints: RT @HarmonicGroupHQ: Nik Powell, who has died aged 69 from cancer, made an incalculable impact. In the 1970s he was the co-founder, along w… - 5 years ago

@myhandyhints: RT @SCNFTS: anyone who knew Nik, knew what a tour de force he was. if you'd like to donate to the Nik Powell Scholarship then all the info.… - 5 years ago

@RougeDalts: @nik_kowalski William Powell will be the wild card - 5 years ago

@hearnesque: Nik Powell obituary - 5 years ago

@woolfenden_s: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@Shhh26: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@zsszemeredy: Nik helped me through my journey through the NFTS from the start to after graduation, relentlessly and I’ll be alwa… - 5 years ago

@bucksfreepress: Emotional tribute to Bucks-born film producer and co-founder of Virgin Records - 5 years ago

@harbinger: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@lotteproduces: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@TheBecSoc: Nik Powell: Emotional tribute to Bucks-born film producer and co-founder of Virgin Records - 5 years ago

@parkmediandfilm: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@thedragonaunt: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@BerthaDocHouse: RT @SCNFTS: anyone who knew Nik, knew what a tour de force he was. if you'd like to donate to the Nik Powell Scholarship then all the info.… - 5 years ago

@NFTSScotland: News about the Nik Powell Scholarship below... @NFTSScotland is part of this very legacy and here to continue suppo… - 5 years ago

@Jamesnee: I don’t think I’ve met anyone who was as generous with his time speaking to young filmmakers than Nik. His talks we… - 5 years ago

@IamAndreSousa: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@IKeetch: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@ColdAsIceCream: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@jennygrahame: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@SS55SNR: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@southwestrushes: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@FilmForumWM: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as… - 5 years ago

@mcallisterfilms: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@Conor_Meechan: Please support the Nik Powell Scholarship, in memory of the man who played a major part in making the NFTS a centre… - 5 years ago

@Stickleback_Pro: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@BirdCageCinema: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@birobasher: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@WFTV_UK: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@sarahwarnemusic: RT @stuartearl: In memory of Nik - The Nik Powell Scholarship will support emerging producers in the early stages of their career to attend… - 5 years ago

@ScriptYorkshire: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@stuartearl: In memory of Nik - The Nik Powell Scholarship will support emerging producers in the early stages of their career t… - 5 years ago

@VickyPowell8: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@VickyPowell8: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@BirdsEyeViewFF: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@VickyPowell8: Nik Powell, businessman who co-founded Virgin Records and had a string of box office hits with Palace Pictures – ob… - 5 years ago

@laingsop: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@Tallguy1977: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@AnnaSnowie: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@PinduGlobal: RIP Nik Powell. One of the finest gentlemen in British Film. - 5 years ago

@fodhlacor: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@BrennerCurran: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@l_mekisha: RT @TrueQanuck11: 680) Nik Powell, former NFTS director and veteran producer, dies aged 69. Co-Founder of Virgin Group w/Richard Branson!… - 5 years ago

@DonnaTaberer: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@pbowker7: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@_foxwood: RT @jwoodfilm: - 5 years ago

@BeeEemDoubleU: RT @netribution: Stunned by the news about Nik Powell — I didn't know he was ill. His influence on indie film is hard to measure - from get… - 5 years ago

@BeeEemDoubleU: RT @NFTSFilmTV: It is with great sadness @NFTSFilmTV announces the death of our former Director and friend Nik Powell who passed away this… - 5 years ago

@BeeEemDoubleU: RT @edgarwright: RIP to the great Nik Powell, a key figure in ground breaking British cinema. From starting the career of Neil Jordan to di… - 5 years ago

@vicky_mather: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@vicky_mather: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@mstofilska: - 5 years ago

@MrAdamFrith: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@MrAdamFrith: RT @NFTSFilmTV: @NFTSFilmTV is proud to announce the Nik Powell Scholarship, which will support emerging #Producers in the early stages of… - 5 years ago

@jessicalevick: If I could retweet something in bigger font than normal, this would be ENORMOUS!! Please PLEASE donate to the bran… - 5 years ago

@afterglow2046: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@saeedtaji: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@MODfilm: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@sonjahenrici: RT @jonwardle: The week before Nik died I asked him how we might honour him. He asked me to raise as much money as we could for a Scholarsh… - 5 years ago

@chris__shepherd: RT @TriciaTuttle: Imagine if all filmmakers, studios execs, funders and producers watched and loved as broad a range of cinema, had as much… - 5 years ago

@sisigofficial: RT @justintherhymer: As proud custodians of the Palace Pictures and Scala Productions Archive @CATHResearchDMU is saddened at the news of t… - 5 years ago

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