Ni Kuang

Hong Kong screenwriter (One-Armed Swordsman
Died on Sunday July 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Miika Elomo

Tweets related to Ni Kuang:

@voigtcynthia: Ni Kuang Dead: Prolific Hong Kong Screenwriter Was 87 – The Hollywood Reporter - 3 years ago

@PeriscopePoetry: RT @asymptotejrnl: “Freedom of speech is the mother of all freedoms […] Without freedom of speech, there is no other freedom at all.”—Ni Ku… - 3 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@kaku_shawn: RT @RFAChinese: 他1983年的小说《追龙》被广泛认为预见了引发2019年香港民主抗议活动的政治背景,这场抗议后来遭到全面镇压。 倪匡在书中描写了一座未具名的大都市变成只剩一具空壳。 - 3 years ago


@jjinyingyi: RT @RFAChinese: 不必摧毁大城市的建筑物,不必杀害大城市的任何一个居民,甚至在表面上看来,这个大城市和以前一样,但只要令城市原来的优点消失,就可以令它毁灭死亡。而这样做,可以只出自几个人愚蠢的言语和行动。 香港电台的石永泰问消失的优点是什么时,倪匡说:“自由。”… - 3 years ago

@TrashCanDanpt3: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@acfilmclub: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@ididwy: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@george_chen: RT @supchinanews: In remembrance of a legendary author and screenwriter, we take a look at five iconic movies that Ni Kuang worked on among… - 3 years ago

@supchinanews: In remembrance of a legendary author and screenwriter, we take a look at five iconic movies that Ni Kuang worked on… - 3 years ago

@toostewart: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 不必摧毁大城市的建筑物,不必杀害大城市的任何一个居民,甚至在表面上看来,这个大城市和以前一样,但只要令城市原来的优点消失,就可以令它毁灭死亡。而这样做,可以只出自几个人愚蠢的言语和行动。 香港电台的石永泰问消失的优点是什么时,倪… - 3 years ago

@SilverEmulsion: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@Qq9Chqnr9p3dC2A: RT @RFAChinese: 他1983年的小说《追龙》被广泛认为预见了引发2019年香港民主抗议活动的政治背景,这场抗议后来遭到全面镇压。 倪匡在书中描写了一座未具名的大都市变成只剩一具空壳。 - 3 years ago

@Qq9Chqnr9p3dC2A: RT @RFAChinese: 倪匡还将他的想象力搬上银幕,成为电影编剧,包括1967年打破香港票房纪录的《独臂刀》。 倪匡于1959年与李果珍结婚。后者仍然在世。 多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感… - 3 years ago

@Qq9Chqnr9p3dC2A: RT @RFAChinese: 在香港,倪匡一开始在工厂工作,还打零工,每天赚不到三元钱。 关于中国大陆土改的作品《活埋》手稿被《工商日报》发表后,倪匡很快开始以连载小说作家为业。 他全身心投入到写作,职业生涯的巅峰时期,他每天能写2万字。1963年,他在《明报》上发表了卫… - 3 years ago

@LiuZhaoyang5: RT @RFAChinese: 在香港,倪匡一开始在工厂工作,还打零工,每天赚不到三元钱。 关于中国大陆土改的作品《活埋》手稿被《工商日报》发表后,倪匡很快开始以连载小说作家为业。 他全身心投入到写作,职业生涯的巅峰时期,他每天能写2万字。1963年,他在《明报》上发表了卫… - 3 years ago

@LiuZhaoyang5: RT @RFAChinese: 倪匡还将他的想象力搬上银幕,成为电影编剧,包括1967年打破香港票房纪录的《独臂刀》。 倪匡于1959年与李果珍结婚。后者仍然在世。 多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感… - 3 years ago

@LiuZhaoyang5: RT @RFAChinese: 他1983年的小说《追龙》被广泛认为预见了引发2019年香港民主抗议活动的政治背景,这场抗议后来遭到全面镇压。 倪匡在书中描写了一座未具名的大都市变成只剩一具空壳。 - 3 years ago

@CorgiHell: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@BGM82468638: RT @RFAChinese: 当他质疑他们是否犯有其他罪行,需要判处死刑时,他的上级斥责了他。 “那是我对共产党最反感的开始,”他在2019年接受采访时说。 他的麻烦还不止于此。在内蒙古工作期间,倪匡让一只有残疾的狼和两只狗交配,悄悄养了一群幼崽。这些幼崽攻击了一个上级官… - 3 years ago

@Wanziertu: RT @RFAChinese: 倪匡还将他的想象力搬上银幕,成为电影编剧,包括1967年打破香港票房纪录的《独臂刀》。 倪匡于1959年与李果珍结婚。后者仍然在世。 多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 倪匡还将他的想象力搬上银幕,成为电影编剧,包括1967年打破香港票房纪录的《独臂刀》。 倪匡于1959年与李果珍结婚。后者仍然在世。 多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收… - 3 years ago

@LiuZhaoyang5: RT @RFAChinese: 倪匡表示,他的作品并不真正符合传统定义的那种类型。他说,他曾经避免写关于外星人的故事,但当他在某个情节上卡住时,发现写外星人是方便的叙事手段。 他还说,他只上完了初中,没有受过正规的科学教育。他更多地取材于中国古代神话和传说。 https:/… - 3 years ago

@dilly: RT @RFAChinese: 倪匡表示,他的作品并不真正符合传统定义的那种类型。他说,他曾经避免写关于外星人的故事,但当他在某个情节上卡住时,发现写外星人是方便的叙事手段。 他还说,他只上完了初中,没有受过正规的科学教育。他更多地取材于中国古代神话和传说。 https:/… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 倪匡表示,他的作品并不真正符合传统定义的那种类型。他说,他曾经避免写关于外星人的故事,但当他在某个情节上卡住时,发现写外星人是方便的叙事手段。 他还说,他只上完了初中,没有受过正规的科学教育。他更多地取材于中国古代神话和传说。 - 3 years ago

@asymptotejrnl: “Freedom of speech is the mother of all freedoms […] Without freedom of speech, there is no other freedom at all.”—… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 虽然再也没有回到大陆,但早年在大陆的经历经常在他的作品中出现,即使在他的创作转向更超自然的方向之后。1971年首次出版的卫斯理小说《老猫》的灵感来自一只灰蓝色的波斯猫,在他被关在小屋里作为惩罚时,这只猫一直陪伴着他。 - 3 years ago

@VforVashaw: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@88rola88: 倪匡逝世:从“反革命分子”到知名科幻小说家 - 3 years ago

@JinRan19: RT @RFAChinese: 在香港,倪匡一开始在工厂工作,还打零工,每天赚不到三元钱。 关于中国大陆土改的作品《活埋》手稿被《工商日报》发表后,倪匡很快开始以连载小说作家为业。 他全身心投入到写作,职业生涯的巅峰时期,他每天能写2万字。1963年,他在《明报》上发表了卫… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 在香港,倪匡一开始在工厂工作,还打零工,每天赚不到三元钱。 关于中国大陆土改的作品《活埋》手稿被《工商日报》发表后,倪匡很快开始以连载小说作家为业。 他全身心投入到写作,职业生涯的巅峰时期,他每天能写2万字。1963年,他在《… - 3 years ago

@ryazuin: @_AzyanAfiqah Eee betul hahaha i marah malique ke apa nanti diorang dtg pujuk. Sbb tu anak i hari hari nak pergi ru… - 3 years ago

@GaryZi2: RT @RFAChinese: 当他质疑他们是否犯有其他罪行,需要判处死刑时,他的上级斥责了他。 “那是我对共产党最反感的开始,”他在2019年接受采访时说。 他的麻烦还不止于此。在内蒙古工作期间,倪匡让一只有残疾的狼和两只狗交配,悄悄养了一群幼崽。这些幼崽攻击了一个上级官… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 在所谓的阶级敌人批斗会上,他因为发出笑声而惹上麻烦。在寒冷的天气里,他从一座人行桥上拆下木板当做燃料,因此被打成了反革命。 一位朋友曾警告他,他的违法行为可能会面临严厉惩罚,并帮助他偷了一匹马,让他逃跑。1957年他回到上海,付… - 3 years ago

@RFAChinese: 当他质疑他们是否犯有其他罪行,需要判处死刑时,他的上级斥责了他。 “那是我对共产党最反感的开始,”他在2019年接受采访时说。 他的麻烦还不止于此。在内蒙古工作期间,倪匡让一只有残疾的狼和两只狗交配,悄悄养了一群幼崽。这些幼崽… - 3 years ago

@persevere280545: RT @RFAChinese: 他出生时取了两个名字:倪亦明和倪聪。关于他父母的信息暂不可得,但已知他有六个兄弟姐妹。 在中国土地改革运动期间,十几岁的倪匡已经参加工作,成为一名公安,对共产党承诺的一个更平等的未来深信不疑。但在得到每天撰写地主处决告示的任务后,他很快就感到幻… - 3 years ago

@Projekt_A119: @Futurhythm Yeah I assume it might be a generational thing too. It really seems like almost all adaptations of Wise… - 3 years ago

@dilly: RT @RFAChinese: 他出生时取了两个名字:倪亦明和倪聪。关于他父母的信息暂不可得,但已知他有六个兄弟姐妹。 在中国土地改革运动期间,十几岁的倪匡已经参加工作,成为一名公安,对共产党承诺的一个更平等的未来深信不疑。但在得到每天撰写地主处决告示的任务后,他很快就感到幻… - 3 years ago

@KarisKairos: RT @EpochOpinion: Opinion💭by Hans Yeung Over the past week, a number of cultural events took place in #HongKong. Culture is essentially po… - 3 years ago

@sunnyckf: @clansofintrigue @eno_erif @Futurhythm This has got to be the worse adaptation of the Detective Wai series. I don’t… - 3 years ago

@_Marlew: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@THOR_bash: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@fzosh85: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@the_moviebob: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@FilmMomatic: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@wostry: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Best known for fantastical thrillers that doubled as political allegories, Ni Kuang also wrote hundreds of martial… - 3 years ago

@WheelsCritic: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@DeclouxJ: RT @Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded thread… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: Ni Kuang was famously a public security official (i.e. a cop) in Communist China. It was such an upsetting and trau… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: Ni Kuang was a self-styled polymath, interested in all kinds of random subjects. He was also an avid collector of e… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: Wesley was first used as a pseudonym by Ni Kuang when his friend the legendary wuxia novelist Louis Cha asked him t… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: With everyone talking about The Seventh Curse, and the recent passing of its creator Ni Kuang, here's a long-winded… - 3 years ago

@WanDinX: @nxim21 Aku pegi kt kuang im, bukan KJ. Tapi balik tadi terserempak ngn khir nazran sume tgh kemas2 borak kejap bol… - 3 years ago

@antoniont1: - 3 years ago

@sunnyckf: @Futurhythm @eno_erif @clansofintrigue Yup. That’s why I always refer to him as Detective Wai or Mr. Wai. I would h… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: @eno_erif @clansofintrigue While Ni Kuang took the character's name from Wesley Village, the name is a Chinese name… - 3 years ago

@sikingthegreat1: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@oscarmoviebuff: The Seventh Curse (原振俠與衛斯理) [1986] For remembrance of Mr. Ni Kuang, who sadly passed away last week. - 3 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RIP, Ni Kuang. Gotta get on his other adaptation. - 3 years ago

@The8thCurse: RT @clansofintrigue: It's a shame we didn't get a whole series of films with Chow Yun-Fat as Wisely! RIP Ni Kuang. - 3 years ago

@hadighahneno: Seminggu ni kurang hajar betul eh nyamuk bilik aku ni. Siap cucuk2 muka aku masuk hidung bagai. Kuang hajoq bethol… - 3 years ago

@pcrsnw3: RT @HiaKuea_: pete: *shy vegas: *kuang aja betol budak ni. tak nampak ke aku buat apa😠 nasib baik kau adik aku kalau tak lama dh aku temba… - 3 years ago

@HiaKuea_: pete: *shy vegas: *kuang aja betol budak ni. tak nampak ke aku buat apa😠 nasib baik kau adik aku kalau tak lama dh… - 3 years ago

@clansofintrigue: It's a shame we didn't get a whole series of films with Chow Yun-Fat as Wisely! RIP Ni Kuang. - 3 years ago

@psitext: RT @yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lot of ti… - 3 years ago

@pennyshee312: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@theultimateowl: RT @yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lot of ti… - 3 years ago

@reedvondoom: LRTs I know Ni Kuang from the W Files / Wesley which was a huge sci-fi show to younger me ngl… on the wuxia end, hi… - 3 years ago

@SgtPeachio: RT @Futurhythm: Ni Kuang will best be remembered as a novelist, a popular author of genre fiction. I love that despite being a cultural and… - 3 years ago

@reedvondoom: RT @Futurhythm: From Doctor Vampire (1990), directed, written, and action choreographed by Jamie 'Robotrix' Luk, and shot on location in En… - 3 years ago

@reedvondoom: RT @Futurhythm: Ni Kuang will best be remembered as a novelist, a popular author of genre fiction. I love that despite being a cultural and… - 3 years ago

@reedvondoom: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@reedvondoom: RT @yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lot of ti… - 3 years ago

@withaero_: at this point, wa najud koy paki ni Rin. Pero if si Kitay or Nezha mamatay, rf kuang will never know peace. - 3 years ago

@tweet4852: RT @NYTObits: Ni Kuang, who wrote action-packed thriller novels imbued with criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, along with hundreds o… - 3 years ago

@Daiwenchen: RT @yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lot of ti… - 3 years ago

@pats_chen: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@tweet4852: RT @PublishersWkly: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Novelist and Screenwriter, Dies at 87 | @nytimes - 3 years ago

@tweet4852: RT @NYTObits: Ni Kuang, who wrote action-packed thriller novels imbued with criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, along with hundreds o… - 3 years ago

@PublishersWkly: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Novelist and Screenwriter, Dies at 87 | @nytimes - 3 years ago

@zzzzzaaaaahhhhh: Kuang asam abang ipar aku ni. Dah laa lama takbalik cuti raya, sampai2 tadi " eehhh adik, kenapa gemuk ni??". HAHAA… - 3 years ago

@aeckevin: RT @nytimesworld: Ni Kuang was regarded as prescient for his 1983 novel, “Chasing the Dragon,” which described the political backdrop that… - 3 years ago

@billineastala: He also created the story lines and central characters for Bruce Lee’s first two major films, “The Big Boss” (1971)… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ni Kuang, who wrote action-packed thriller novels imbued with criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, along with… - 3 years ago

@supchinanews: .@RZA said in a 2016 interview that he has watched "The 36th Chamber Of Shaolin" more than 300 times. Learn more ab… - 3 years ago

@Taiwanufuf: - 3 years ago

@RussellClause: Ni Kuang, Novelist and Screenwriter for Martial Arts Films, Dies at 87 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@1nserttranstv: Jackie Chan mengungkapkan ucapan duka cita kepada mendiang novelis dan penulis skenario asal Hong Kong, Ni Kuang, y… - 3 years ago

@FbCohen_spp: RT @nytimesworld: Ni Kuang was regarded as prescient for his 1983 novel, “Chasing the Dragon,” which described the political backdrop that… - 3 years ago

@xiyifenxiyiye: RT @nytchinese: 在中国土地改革运动期间,十几岁的倪匡已经参加工作,成为一名公安,对共产党承诺的一个更平等的未来深信不疑。但在得到每天撰写地主处决告示的任务后,他很快就感到幻灭。他说,“那是我对共产党最反感的开始。” - 3 years ago

@beatricefff: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@stclovis: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@Tonydu5253: RT @nytchinese: 在中国土地改革运动期间,十几岁的倪匡已经参加工作,成为一名公安,对共产党承诺的一个更平等的未来深信不疑。但在得到每天撰写地主处决告示的任务后,他很快就感到幻灭。他说,“那是我对共产党最反感的开始。” - 3 years ago

@hana16128001: RT @nytchinese: 奇幻小说作家倪匡周日在香港去世,享年87岁,除了是一位多产的作家外,他也是中共的严厉批评者。多年来,倪匡毫不掩饰对中国共产党的批评,将香港描述为自由思想的避难所。但他对这座城市在北京收紧控制下的未来感到悲观。 - 3 years ago

@Tsao263: - 3 years ago

@EnzymeJapan: RT @nytchinese: 在中国土地改革运动期间,十几岁的倪匡已经参加工作,成为一名公安,对共产党承诺的一个更平等的未来深信不疑。但在得到每天撰写地主处决告示的任务后,他很快就感到幻灭。他说,“那是我对共产党最反感的开始。” - 3 years ago

@luckyset1: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (5) - 3 years ago

@mgda_inquieta: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al genial Ni Kuang, el titán chino tras los guiones de más de dos centenares de películas, la gran mayoría de ella… - 3 years ago

@luckyset1: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (3) - 3 years ago

@FurorBalearicus: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al genial Ni Kuang, el titán chino tras los guiones de más de dos centenares de películas, la gran mayoría de ella… - 3 years ago

@THRGlobal: #NiKuang, the prolific Hong Kong writer behind the #Wisely series as well as over 300 screenplays including 'One-Ar… - 3 years ago

@Danbites: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@sothiachhoeum2: RT @KFMovieGuide: Sad news. HK novelist and screenwriter #NiKuang has died aged 87 - writer of some 300 screenplays, many in the martial ar… - 3 years ago

@edwardsychan: RT @The_ChinaStory: The beloved Hong Kong martial arts (wu xia) and sci-fi writer Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) passed away last night. In 1988,… - 3 years ago

@antoniont1: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@Freedom87654: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@calvincalvinhk: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@Waterdragon1288: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@TechnicalWaqar2: R.I.P The Truth Behind Novelist Ni Kuang Death How Did Ni Kuang Die #RIP… - 3 years ago

@hoggothoaryhost: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@magnarocket: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@hoggothoaryhost: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@monkmonkii: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@NewyWen: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@rifan155: RT @DEADLINE: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@antoniont1: RT @initiumnews: 儘管中國互聯網對倪匡評價不一,但香港黃金時期又一位名家的離世無疑勾起無數回憶。作為與倪匡相差近四十年的後輩同行,香港科幻作家譚劍也於端傳媒撰文,回憶自己與老先生多年的交往互動... - 3 years ago

@thisislagos1: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong novelist & screenwriter was 87 - 3 years ago

@HaberGlobal: Ünlü yazar Ni Kuang hayatını kaybetti: Acı haberi Jackie Chan duyurdu - 3 years ago

@b96981733: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@Sheshe76223202: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@ididwy: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@AlejandroGCalvo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al genial Ni Kuang, el titán chino tras los guiones de más de dos centenares de películas, la gran mayoría de ella… - 3 years ago

@LightfootInHwd: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@b96981733: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@thelivingtribu2: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@DeidreAnne1: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@mrn487: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Anderson_Forth: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@BluesAlbert: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@scienceLeMagazi: Ni Kuang, Leading Hong Kong Screenwriter and Novelist, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@char_cch: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@PpaaddPpaadddd: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@WeissNachtfeder: RT @initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名氣建築在別人的… - 3 years ago

@initiumnews: 【#倪匡 南來追尋自由70載,創造他的時代卻已不復存在】全文: 很多人都說倪匡在《追龍》裏的預言成真,但悲天憫人的他從不認為自己是預言家,他人生最大願望是希望追求自由,更不是自己的名… - 3 years ago

@RajahDDT: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@bleucanttell: RT @ST_LifeTweets: Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang, known for his Wisely sci-fi novels, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@rachaelboon01: RT @ST_LifeTweets: Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang, known for his Wisely sci-fi novels, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@aeckevin: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@3rdcultureblah: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@enriquelavigne: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al genial Ni Kuang, el titán chino tras los guiones de más de dos centenares de películas, la gran mayoría de ella… - 3 years ago

@FrackoffF: Ni Kuang Dead: Prolific Hong Kong Screenwriter Was 87 – The Hollywood Reporter - 3 years ago

@Anderson_Forth: RT @initiumnews: 儘管中國互聯網對倪匡評價不一,但香港黃金時期又一位名家的離世無疑勾起無數回憶。作為與倪匡相差近四十年的後輩同行,香港科幻作家譚劍也於端傳媒撰文,回憶自己與老先生多年的交往互動... - 3 years ago

@NatalieTang11: @kevinkfyam Ni Kuang, an extremely clever and brilliant novel master, his novel reveals the truth, how could anyone… - 3 years ago

@persevere280545: RT @TaiwanNews886: Anti-CCP Hong Kong science fiction writer Ni Kuang dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@obrackenbury: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@wallsallaround: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@willowybeing: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@itsgrandpaTV: Ni Kuang Passed Away | Ni Kuang Death | Novelist and Screenwriter Ni Kua... - 3 years ago

@wallsallaround: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@BelindaCheng14: RT @Focus_Taiwan: Hong Kong author Ni Kuang (倪匡), who was known throughout the Chinese-speaking world for his Wisely series of adventure-sc… - 3 years ago

@TexasDem2: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@Knewz_Currently: #NiKuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@stone3124: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@stone3124: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@cinepre: 「片腕必殺剣」("The One-Armed Swordsman",1967年)、「少林寺三十六房」("The 36th Chamber of Shaolin",1977年)、「燃えよデブゴン」("Enter the Fat Dr… - 3 years ago

@Majeedam12: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@yangmenghui1: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@citizenhk1: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@shoggoth_roof: RT @RobinDLaws: When you say that Shaw Brothers martial arts films of the 70s adhere to tight conventions, you’re also observing that hundr… - 3 years ago

@LALeeALvin: #RIP #NiKuang #HongKongScreenwriters from #Shanghai #China #LegendsOfCinema #Screenwriting #Screenwriter… - 3 years ago

@Blade49340067: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Vincentlkh0923: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@Focus_Taiwan: Hong Kong author Ni Kuang (倪匡), who was known throughout the Chinese-speaking world for his Wisely series of advent… - 3 years ago

@pilmoralesfoto: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@thenewpaper: Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang, known for his Wisely sci-fi novels, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@MagooMickey: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@PLFreeHK: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@e_garcelan: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@dandanboyy: "The progress of makind is driven by disobedience by the new generation" Ni Kuang (30 May 1935 - 3 July 2022) is a… - 3 years ago

@dnewsjunction: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@jeffjeffradio: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@ringodd326: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@therealpreneur_: Ni Kuang Dies: Prolific Hong Kong Novelist & Screenwriter Was 87 - 3 years ago

@Pu54978618: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@elifmyldrm: RT @saniyehaber_: Ünlü yazar Ni Kuang hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@msdwrites: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@colekurk: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@djregular: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@tomewing: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@steppinlazer: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@RealFizzyFrenzy: @anthraxxx781 untung nya ada anak anak sado ni.. bukan la tuk jd gangster, supaya dpt ajar owg owg kuang ajar ni.. hahahahaha - 3 years ago

@deryckchan: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@janhopi: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@saniyehaber_: Ünlü yazar Ni Kuang hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@bartlebooth45: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@irnarale: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@bunrxm: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@rodrigosalem: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@YJTHECAT: @yilinwriter was telling my colleague about the science fiction webnovels i read last week andshe mentioned ni kuan… - 3 years ago

@deathchrist2000: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@BBW_BFF: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@blueJay: RT @initiumnews: 【#譚劍 憶倪匡晚年:沒人接得了倪匡的班】 倪先生南來香港這個自由之地,乘上報業興盛時代的列車,他的成功與當時香港的自由相輔相成。然今,創造他和金庸的時代已不在,華文社會再也不會出現這種影響力跨社會階層和世代的作家: - 3 years ago

@timzeng16: RT @SCMPNews: Ni Kuang, celebrated Hong Kong novelist, dies at age 87 - 3 years ago

@HkCine: Décès du scénariste NI KUANG (30/05/35 - 03/07/22) à Hong-Kong à l'age de 87 ans. - 3 years ago

@HaberGlobal: Acı haberi Jackie Chan duyurdu - 3 years ago

@iseankyle: Ni Kuang, Leading Hong Kong Screenwriter and Novelist, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@frontlistIN: Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's most prominent screenwriters and novelists, died on Sunday in Hong Kong, with skin can… - 3 years ago

@FY4Chan: Something else Ni Kuang also stated in 2019: "If Hong Kong people were to just give in they would have done so long… - 3 years ago

@BeritakiniB: Novel Cina Ni Kuang Meninggal Dunia Pada 87 tahun; Jackie Chan & Andy Lau Memberi Penghormatan -… - 3 years ago

@jaymz_86: RT @KFMovieGuide: Sad news. HK novelist and screenwriter #NiKuang has died aged 87 - writer of some 300 screenplays, many in the martial ar… - 3 years ago

@newsgossipmedia: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@schlappenpickle: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@GraceCh15554845: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@fpan1886: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@GraceCh15554845: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@king_lei911: RT @TaiwanNews886: Anti-CCP Hong Kong science fiction writer Ni Kuang dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@jennifer324961: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@chrisjhastings: Variety: Ni Kuang, Leading Hong Kong Screenwriter and Novelist, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@28481k: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Shanghaibuffoon: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@fpan1886: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@XxSnarkQueenXx: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@MM_MIXXA: RT @THR: Ni Kuang, Prolific Hong Kong Writer Behind Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist of Fury,’ ‘Big Boss,’ Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@goofrider: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@PeteHiim: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@anu_china: RT @The_ChinaStory: The beloved Hong Kong martial arts (wu xia) and sci-fi writer Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) passed away last night. In 1988,… - 3 years ago

@CantoneseWorld: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@doobeedoo2: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@AMFChina: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@sdgm_gfhk: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@Cnartennews: Ni Kuang, a famous Hong Kong writer and screenwriter, dies at the age of 87 - 3 years ago

@WaiWong77778215: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@chopkickpunch: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@CallumMcneill: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@monkmonkii: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@HsinHaoYu: More on Ni Kuang the Hong Kong writer: I believe that he was the first writer in the Chinese speaking world to dabb… - 3 years ago

@metallurgica913: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (2) - 3 years ago

@BarssErdogan: Ni "Beni Siz Delirttiniz" Kuang #rip - 3 years ago

@CantoneseWorld: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@altayo: RT @The_ChinaStory: The beloved Hong Kong martial arts (wu xia) and sci-fi writer Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) passed away last night. In 1988,… - 3 years ago

@cocktail_karma1: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@BzAhChan: - 3 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@BzAhChan: - 3 years ago

@thenabster126: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@KenhlauPolite: RT @Byron_Wan: In 1983 Ni Kuang wrote a fiction 追龍 (Chasing the Dragon) in which a large city in the East would be destroyed. And it’s eeri… - 3 years ago

@BeLLeBeLLehk: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@cinemaniac25: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@AFilmAddicted: #NowWatching 8 DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER in honor of the late Ni Kuang. Perhaps my favorite Shaw Bros picture and you KN… - 3 years ago

@BeLLeBeLLehk: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@oscarmoviebuff: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Leguroz9: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@cherryrecently: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@yaozhang02: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@cross19841: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@SimonNg61490435: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@judejinjin: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@unsatisfyingman: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@dimsumdaily_hk: Late famous writer Ni Kuang suffers from T-cell lymphoma of the skin before passing away - 3 years ago

@hkdemonow: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@hkdemonow: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@patrickpoon: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@francisco_har: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@The_ChinaStory: The beloved Hong Kong martial arts (wu xia) and sci-fi writer Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) passed away last night. In 19… - 3 years ago

@XUJ70506316: Ni Kuang, a famous Hong Kong writer, passed away. Many people read his novels in their school days. - 3 years ago

@asexualflower: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Athenasaints: American Hong Kong novelist, Ni Kuang, famous for his sci-fi adventure series "Wesley", passed away today. Conside… - 3 years ago

@ewgfrthsdc: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@PT_Burnham: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@zyllovekw: RT @Byron_Wan: In 1983 Ni Kuang wrote a fiction 追龍 (Chasing the Dragon) in which a large city in the East would be destroyed. And it’s eeri… - 3 years ago

@Lisa29901153: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@zephyrchan: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@aimenlau: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@SnowFalcon9: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@whykay: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@mwangjd: RT @Langley02_: @hk_watch @YouTube Ni Kuang is a famous author, he predicted the future of the Hong Kong in Chasing The Dragon in the Wisel… - 3 years ago

@irishchinese: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@TiewWayKeng: 倪匡,卫斯理小说曾经伴许多人渡过童年阅读科幻小说的童年,小朋友们会用零用钱买或租他的小说,也会互相交换他的小说,更有大咖明星把他的小说拍成电影或电视剧,愿您安息 Ni Kuang, may your soul rip 🪦 天空就在… - 3 years ago

@mwangjd: RT @CoolLimaBean: R.I.P. Ni Kuang, Hong Kong screenwriter, science fiction novelist, and anti-communist. He has 234 writing credits on IMDB… - 3 years ago

@sevenleung12: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@WilCon99: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@antoniont1: RT @alvinllum: His novels aside, Ni Kuang is best remembered for his strong criticism on the ruling Communist Party. In 1989, he said any s… - 3 years ago

@dotCLN: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@bamobeni: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@cluny_brown: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@PolyVinci: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@deSantisStan: RT @dailylesliec: rest in peace to 倪匡 (ni kuang), who passed away earlier today. he was one of hong kong’s most respected writers and scree… - 3 years ago

@Bob_Sequious: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@Byron_Wan: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@autumnspring26: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@EDODthemovie: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@AnnaAnthro: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@DeaconDanielM: Very sad news. Ni Kuang was a prolific screen writer, and any Wuxia fan has probably seen dozens of his movies with… - 3 years ago

@1ThievingMagpie: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Hkgirls1502: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Hkgirls1502: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@VivienneChow: RT @Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fiction no… - 3 years ago

@AhJace: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@whatchinareads: What is Ni Kuang's contribution to the Hong Kong film industry? - 3 years ago

@NONPLVSD: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@NubiruStar: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@jasonbe: RT @yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lot of ti… - 3 years ago

@clansofintrigue: @BenjyBox @puritythrufire @GenreFilmAddict @TimesSqKungFu @eno_erif @CymreigSamurai @EchoLeeNumber2 Yuka Mizuno is… - 3 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@OmeteotI: RT @realJackEason: IMDb lists 233 writing credits for Ni Kuang. Within them is basically every Shaw Brothers movie you've ever heard of. Ma… - 3 years ago

@RobertParizek: RT @grady_hendrix: Two revolutionary talents died today. Peter Brook, the director who revolutionized Shakespeare and made a bigger theater… - 3 years ago

@TheElusiveRD: RT @realJackEason: IMDb lists 233 writing credits for Ni Kuang. Within them is basically every Shaw Brothers movie you've ever heard of. Ma… - 3 years ago

@CaniceTang: @inmediahk What a treasure Mr. Ni Kuang was! He also had said had he not fled from the persecution from the CCP an… - 3 years ago

@linshengliang: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@PereVallK: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@Thomassumthing: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@BrownCheong: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@Steezzeus: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@francisco_har: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@HanneHeering: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@D_S_Reviews: Tout est dans le titre de l'article, décès de Ni Kuang, célèbre scénariste de la Shaw Brothers, à l'âge de 87 ans... - 3 years ago

@PoliticalWelshy: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@FatDaddyCo: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@John17Churchill: RT @nikki_miumiu: “#HongKong is a civilised and democratic city, it will die once communist China takes over, they’re two different kinds o… - 3 years ago

@Adam_42m: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@tungwene: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@YahyahUniverse: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@MandyDUBHKG: RT @FY4Chan: Ni Kuang also made invaluable contributions to Hong Kong cinema, being credited over on the Hong Kong Movie Database with 221… - 3 years ago

@MandyDUBHKG: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@SCWKorsgaard: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@DanielYorkLoh: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@MandyDUBHKG: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Cruzlink2: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@ItsGQ: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@Kli_Nev: RT @clansofintrigue: #NowWatching HEROES OF THE EAST (1978, Lau Kar-Leung) There can be only one... two... OK about 100 ways to honour the… - 3 years ago

@Le_M_Poireau: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Terence: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@SaoriMurakami1: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@paperbacksnpugs: RIP Hong Kong screenwriter Ni Kuang. Here are just a fraction of his writing credits. What a career. - 3 years ago

@paperbacksnpugs: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@hkdemonow: RT @VivienneChow: Renowned Hong Kong author Ni Kuang passed away today. He was 87. We grew up reading his books, watching films and TV seri… - 3 years ago

@BelindaCheng14: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@_1Ear: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@cari68lea: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Terence: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@WGlassy: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Obmankenobi: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@dearbongo: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@12bot9: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Liddokun: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@gothfundme: RT @The_Angry_Otaku: Writer Ni Kuang, who created the stories of some of the most well known kung-fu and wuxia films ever made, has died at… - 3 years ago

@KingAtticus: RT @The_Angry_Otaku: Writer Ni Kuang, who created the stories of some of the most well known kung-fu and wuxia films ever made, has died at… - 3 years ago

@Cantonese_ie: Ni Kuang, the creator of character Chen Chun in Fist of Fury, portrayed by Bruce Li, died today. His science fict… - 3 years ago

@johan__fischer: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@arnohb112: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Barbacaca: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Barbacaca: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@Itsxianhere: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@itsmrmask: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@scarecrow1113: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@micelicun: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@IlanMuskat: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@pabalsan: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@OneMillionBDC: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@Ivan_Fdez_Fojon: RT @DomingoLopez72: Además de Alex Law también nos ha dejado Ni Kuang, el creador del aventurero Wisely, autor de más de 300 novelas wuxia… - 3 years ago

@ElZorroCiego: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@Ivan_Fdez_Fojon: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@JChanFrance: Triste jour. Nous avons appris le décès d'Alex Law le réalisateur de Painted Skin. Mais également celui de Kuang Ni… - 3 years ago

@ivanusto: 衛斯理走了!科幻作家倪匡逝世享壽87歲 生前抨擊中共「我根本不信一國兩制」 via @hakkanews - 3 years ago

@50firstkates: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@danyangggg: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (3) - 3 years ago

@adanyc: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@ericthewheeler: RT @realJackEason: IMDb lists 233 writing credits for Ni Kuang. Within them is basically every Shaw Brothers movie you've ever heard of. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Barbacaca: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@danyangggg: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (4) - 3 years ago

@atchoudamenane: RIP. NI KUANG - 3 years ago

@BurritoAlPastor: RT @RobinDLaws: When you say that Shaw Brothers martial arts films of the 70s adhere to tight conventions, you’re also observing that hundr… - 3 years ago

@StevenCraigKuhl: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@CoolLimaBean: R.I.P. Ni Kuang, Hong Kong screenwriter, science fiction novelist, and anti-communist. He has 234 writing credits o… - 3 years ago

@tweetheart4711: RT @grady_hendrix: Two revolutionary talents died today. Peter Brook, the director who revolutionized Shakespeare and made a bigger theater… - 3 years ago

@SiuChing_HK: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@JamesTalksGames: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@patkill83: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@Gooberzilla: RT @grady_hendrix: Two revolutionary talents died today. Peter Brook, the director who revolutionized Shakespeare and made a bigger theater… - 3 years ago

@yilinwriter: Speaking of which, when I was doing research on Jin Yong, I found out that Ni Kuang wrote a segment of Demi-Gods an… - 3 years ago

@NONPLVSD: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@munemoji: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@che_agnes: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Simon_Barrett: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@yayoimusume: RT @bigmikeleeder: RIP: Ni Kuang 倪匡 The prolific writer who wrote everything from The One Armed Swordsman, , Mighty Pekong Man, Chinatown… - 3 years ago

@SenorWoberto: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@BenGConnolly: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@PetreRaleigh: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@YukKelvin: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@yilinwriter: Ni Kuang, Gu Long, and Jin Yong are often spoken about in the same sentence when it comes to their generation of "N… - 3 years ago

@ppzcorea1: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@AnnaAnthro: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@cbcampbell: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@coopercooperco: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@BeeBulky: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@TaiReiTroy: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@t3n0TYnpIQ0eF0D: 重溫 #倪匡 與陶傑星級對談: 【倪匡見過鬼?】 【倪匡半世紀前科幻橋段 今一一應驗?】 【電腦奴隸時代已到? 倪匡:有咩所謂】… - 3 years ago

@TangPingRen22: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (2) - 3 years ago

@TheEndofCinema: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@yilinwriter: Oh no, RIP 倪匡 Ni Kuang 😭 He wrote hundreds of wuxia and science fiction novels over his lifetime I have spent a lo… - 3 years ago

@bronsonyam: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@EdwinJDavies: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @TheGoldenRock: Farewell, Ni Kuang - 3 years ago

@sammy2lighters: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @realJackEason: IMDb lists 233 writing credits for Ni Kuang. Within them is basically every Shaw Brothers movie you've ever heard of. Ma… - 3 years ago

@swen_ryan: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@bobbiharlow: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@bobbiharlow: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@1f8PVxouToaU0R9: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@wostry: RT @realJackEason: IMDb lists 233 writing credits for Ni Kuang. Within them is basically every Shaw Brothers movie you've ever heard of. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Nin_99: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@raulvel61444087: RT @cineasia_online: Día triste para el cine de Hong Kong: también ha fallecido Ni Kuang, unos de los grandes guionistas de Shaw Brothers.… - 3 years ago

@jerryn13: RT @grady_hendrix: Two revolutionary talents died today. Peter Brook, the director who revolutionized Shakespeare and made a bigger theater… - 3 years ago

@taishijihkga: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@CheongKinMan: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@lowercasebooks: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@poppy208209: RT @b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (2) - 3 years ago

@1f8PVxouToaU0R9: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@MaximumMary: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@sunshinecityz: RT @Byron_Wan: In 1983 Ni Kuang wrote a fiction 追龍 (Chasing the Dragon) in which a large city in the East would be destroyed. And it’s eeri… - 3 years ago

@SilverEmulsion: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@Langley02_: @hk_watch @YouTube Ni Kuang is a famous author, he predicted the future of the Hong Kong in Chasing The Dragon in t… - 3 years ago

@catcat06411383: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@LK3406: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@Manchee902: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@NewIlluminatus: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@stokerslodge: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@zhongguowenhua1: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@fractallady: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@Defender_HK: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@WStrohmacher: RT @xinwenxiaojie: For Hongkongers of a certain age, the loss of filmmaker Alex Law and writer Ni Kuang in a single day amplifies the memor… - 3 years ago

@seanchen1688: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (4) - 3 years ago

@tweet4howi: @jinganyoung Two 🇭🇰 icons in arts and culture have passed away: Film director, Alex Law Kai Yui and the novelist, N… - 3 years ago

@K57281377: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@francis80456657: It is so shocking to hear about the death of Ni Kuang, one of my favorite writers in HK. The last time I saw him in… - 3 years ago

@b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (3) - 3 years ago

@brunoamato: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@hueIIbabineaux: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@ruisu_syo: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@MelissaHITAP: - 3 years ago

@b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (2) - 3 years ago

@b3108: 📺 倪匡 Ni Kuang, in his own words (1) - 3 years ago

@bellabdavid: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@bellabdavid: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@bellabdavid: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@805motifs: RT @SCMPNews: Ni Kuang, celebrated Hong Kong novelist, dies at age 87 - 3 years ago

@StanHKGMFM: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@luvmocha__: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@Richlove26: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@8worldnews: 香港著名作家倪匡今天(3日)传出逝世消息后,网民和文学界知名人士纷纷发文悼念这名香港一代才子,著名作家兼媒体人陶杰也发文形容倪匡,是全球华人世界70年来大脑最清醒的人。 #8视界新闻网 #8worldnews - 3 years ago

@Jman01234567: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@CindyWan19: RT @FY4Chan: Ni Kuang also made invaluable contributions to Hong Kong cinema, being credited over on the Hong Kong Movie Database with 221… - 3 years ago

@ianmacewan: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@haohailong: 郝海龙博客: 愿倪匡先生走好,愿自由洒满人间 - 3 years ago

@Doug_Tilley: RT @WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled Avenger… - 3 years ago

@WillSloanEsq: Writer of such films as The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Five Deadly Venoms, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, Crippled A… - 3 years ago

@FY4Chan: Ni Kuang also made invaluable contributions to Hong Kong cinema, being credited over on the Hong Kong Movie Databas… - 3 years ago

@geledraak: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@KurtLaffreuxped: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@IndianOnDuty: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@MissyCooper13: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@kaho_tsang: RT @VivienneChow: Renowned Hong Kong author Ni Kuang passed away today. He was 87. We grew up reading his books, watching films and TV seri… - 3 years ago

@VivienneChow: …I was invited to join Chua Lam, (the famous film producer, author), for a seafood meal in Lau Fau Shan (far in the… - 3 years ago

@VivienneChow: Renowned Hong Kong author Ni Kuang passed away today. He was 87. We grew up reading his books, watching films and T… - 3 years ago

@BeijingEvening: On Jul.3, #HongKong media reported the death of the famous writer Ni Kuang, aged 87. He was one of the "Four Great… - 3 years ago

@TokuJoe: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@bigmikeleeder: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@jesper15mok: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@obesitywitspeed: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@linjack88: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@KonPeiTo_RX: RIP Hong Kong novelist Ni Kuang dies aged 87 - 3 years ago

@cassandraxhk: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@NonFilms: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Viola66807504: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@weihanguy: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@thaleslira: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@pboxell: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@DanielFreeHK51: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@KyleFiskeauthor: Rest in peace, Ni Kuang. If you're a fan of Shaw Brothers martial arts films, you know his work, as he wrote most o… - 3 years ago

@LauriDonahue: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@tangchaoheshang: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@Tamei: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@Ocean16931376: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@bob_lhkg: RT @kevinkfyam: RIP novelist Ni Kuang, who once denied having ever said that “a prostitute is more trustworthy than the Communist Party”, a… - 3 years ago

@DanielYorkLoh: RT @wl2chau: Legendary HK writer Ni Kuang (倪匡) passed away at the age of 87 this afternoon , according to his friend Shum Sai Shing (沈西城).… - 3 years ago

@adaw141: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@AsiaMokDoughton: Rest in peace Ni Kuang (1935-2022) 😔 - 3 years ago

@sogoodreviews: RT @al_tran: RIP to Hong Kong novelist and screenwriter Ni Kuang, the undisputed king of “all sales are final”. - 3 years ago

@ehronlime: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@reanimike: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@somebadideas: RT @al_tran: Chor Yuen on the work habits of ubiquitous Shaw Brothers screenwriter Ni Kuang (from the oral history published by the Hong Ko… - 3 years ago

@nickname002002: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@TheGoldenRock: Farewell, Ni Kuang - 3 years ago

@MandyDUBHKG: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@delaynomoar: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@XOpipinoodle: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@AnnaMShields: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@realfuryyy: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@GabeShepperd: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@sammyard078: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@louis_zuowei: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@cherrybomr: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@StateOfHongKong: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@thecarol: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@Emerald_REAgain: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@IFENG__official: Ni Kuang(倪匡), celebrated science fiction and wuxia novelist, has died at age 87. - 3 years ago

@AhJace: RT @Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@menghanfei: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@MC_SHIZU: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@miaowxx: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@Byron_Wan: Famed Hong Kong anti-CCP sci-fi writer 倪匡 (Ni Kuang / Ngai Hong) passed away at the age of 87 today. - 3 years ago

@ThatJamesHarker: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@henrymshen: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@HayleyLScanlon: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Adriano_Barone: For many, Ni Kuang name won't mean anything: - 3 years ago

@dearest_lesliec: Leslie with two of HK's four great talents, James Wong and Ni Kuang. The latter passed away today RIP💔 - 3 years ago

@ML03509599V2: RT @CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@tweet4852: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@DomingoLopez72: Además de Alex Law también nos ha dejado Ni Kuang, el creador del aventurero Wisely, autor de más de 300 novelas wu… - 3 years ago

@ML03509599V2: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@gloomgirlfriend: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@EcstaticNek: lrt Ni Kuang's novels were a big part of my childhood. His works inspired my interest in literature and nurtured my… - 3 years ago

@li83329225: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@XunlingAu: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@FoxflixnRice: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@freedomlok: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@SpikeVak: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@Wong666V: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@wostry: RT @Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwriter, for… - 3 years ago

@Lauhuang1: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@hongkongpigpig: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@Futurhythm: Today is unrelenting... Ni Kuang, one of Hong Kong's Four Great Talents, Hong Kong's second most prolific screenwri… - 3 years ago

@danavan12: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@LK3406: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@b3108: [#hk 🧵] News of filmmaker Robert Law’s passing was quickly followed by the passing today of another HK writing grea… - 3 years ago

@0xA718: Ni Kuang - Wikipedia Wisely has left the Earth. ☹️ - 3 years ago

@Johnny14483057: RT @wl2chau: Legendary HK writer Ni Kuang (倪匡) passed away at the age of 87 this afternoon , according to his friend Shum Sai Shing (沈西城).… - 3 years ago

@hkdemonow: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@gongdouyan: RT @rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels, he wa… - 3 years ago

@CindyWan19: Sad news. Celebrated Chinese author and anti-Communist Ni Kuang 倪匡 has passed away. 1935 - 2022, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@rhokilpatrick: Legendary Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang has passed away aged 87. As well as being the author of over 300 wuxia novels,… - 3 years ago

@m_moos: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Ni Kuang - #NiKuang #Ni #Kuang #rip - 3 years ago

@hkcp123: RT @fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was THE M… - 3 years ago

@fredambroisine: Ni Kuang 倪匡 (1935-2022) wrote more than 200 #ShawBrothers movies between the late 60's and the early 80's. He was T… - 3 years ago

@psodennis: Thank you and R.I.P., Ni Kuang 😢 Goodbye, Wisely - 3 years ago

@wl2chau: 8/ As Ni Kuang passed away, the so-called "4 most-gifted literati of Hong Kong" (香港四大才子) has only left with Chua La… - 3 years ago

@wl2chau: 7/ Ni Kuang, born in Zhejiang, has harboured communist ideal in his young age but that vanised in the 1950s. Finall… - 3 years ago

@wl2chau: 6/ Ni Kuang is also well-known for his criticisms against CCP. Yet he denied to have make the quote "Prostitutes ar… - 3 years ago

@wl2chau: 5/ In an interview in 2019 (before the protests), Ni Kuang admited that the "big (oriental) city" referred to Hong… - 3 years ago

@wl2chau: Legendary HK writer Ni Kuang (倪匡) passed away at the age of 87 this afternoon , according to his friend Shum Sai Sh… - 3 years ago

@michaelmohk: #HongKong novelist Ni Kuang has passed away. He criticised CCP his whole life. Watch what he said in the show right… - 3 years ago

@jackbeomtuan: @JackBeomVerse Napagpalit ni kuang rider. - 3 years ago

@Ace56386286: @Fyza_anuar Kuang ajak natang ni... Jumpe depe aku memang sunak ah jabab nye - 3 years ago

@yemmeow: @tattyhassan @gatinarios Tadi don macam ni terbalik kuang kena marah dengan micha - 3 years ago

@momongie_agimi: Kuang ajar la game ni, sampai sejuk kaki tangan aku tengok😫 congratssssss dinfei!!!!!!! #MalaysiaOpen2022 - 3 years ago

@hydenamy: Shoppe skrg mmg main tolak coins eh. Dulu tak mcm ni. Boleh kumpul sampai ribu2 and jarang sgt tolak expired coins.… - 3 years ago

@EimanHakimy_: RT @KriptoMelayu: @EimanHakimy_ @FootyRankings Kuang ajaq depa ni, kena ajaq sikit.. bole depa cakap liga kita liga petani, agak-agak la ba… - 3 years ago

@KriptoMelayu: @EimanHakimy_ @FootyRankings Kuang ajaq depa ni, kena ajaq sikit.. bole depa cakap liga kita liga petani, agak-agak… - 3 years ago

@tasyajjang123: 알면서 물어?!?! 이사람.. 🤣🤣kuang asam punya kawan🤣🤣 ye la kawan ko ni ha yang pendek, hang ngn adik aku semua tinggi2. Aigo… - 3 years ago

@JaahJoottt: Company mana dia kerja ni? Kuang ajau betul aniaya orang. - 3 years ago

@Fatiiiinnnnnnnn: @_hasnizaramli hahhahahah tetibe jadi kucing! kuang ajar tul kucing ni - 3 years ago

@makcikbebel_: “Biasalah, orang Melaka & Nismilan memang kasau” bukan tiket engko kuang ajau ngan ogang ek 🫵🏼 Berbudi bahasa mela… - 3 years ago

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