Nek Chand Saini

Indian artist.
Died on Friday June 12th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Nek Chand Saini:

@icharankamal: Indian artist Nek Chand Saini, who died recently, was well known for building which of the following? [A]Rock...

@sportzcrazed: Nek Chand Saini

@amazingvideos13: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@mlmtips1: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90


@amjross: RT @davidplotz: Nek Sand, the Indian bureaucrat who built an illegal, utterly sublime rock palace, has died.

@SlateGabfest: RT @davidplotz: Nek Sand, the Indian bureaucrat who built an illegal, utterly sublime rock palace, has died.

@hape_go_lueke: Why are so many creative people dying now? Nek Chand Saini Charles Correa ab aur kaun bhagwan?

@arundiwakar101: Indian artist Nek Chand Saini, who died recently, was well known for building which of the following? [A]Rock...

@mohapatrapratik: RT @hatsnbeards: #STORY of Nek Chand Saini. By @NGTIndia. #Good #reads

@hatsnbeards: #STORY of Nek Chand Saini. By @NGTIndia. #Good #reads

@Seraph167: Nek Chand Saini: The rock collecting genius | Self Improvement Blog on

@katia_poly: a palatial sculpture park,built illegally&inSecret byNekChand #Chandigarh #India

@sainiyouth_org: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@DianeMaglaque: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@onetimeeveryday: Nek Chand’s funeral procession in Chandigarh Nek Chand Saini, man behind Chandigarh’s iconic Rock Garden, dies at…

@deepinder5420: @BabaFaridGroup Nek Chand Saini was a self-taught Indian artist, known for building the Rock Garden of Chandigarh.

@mayankluv70: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@boneyardtales: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@cs_twits: ___Who was the creator of Rock Garden (Chandigarh) died recently? Nek Chand Saini. *India's New Supercomputer: BHASKARA. *Avoid plastic bags

@uganda111: A Tribute to Nek Chand Saini | Haresh Pandya

@GKFORWIN: Who was the creator of Rock Garden (Chandigarh) died recently? Nek Chand Saini. *India's New Supercomputer: BHASKARA. *Avoid plastic bags

@margweston: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@davidplotz: Nek Sand, the Indian bureaucrat who built an illegal, utterly sublime rock palace, has died.

@artillerymag: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@AnneKearney00: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@Selfsploitation: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@KtObermanns: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@shoeless_LindaB: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@whiterose02_wr: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@Chris_H_Olds: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@AppellateJunkie: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@furbyprincess: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@kjhower1: RT @atlasobscura: Sad: Nek Chand, builder of amazing rock kingdoms, has died at 90

@JASJYOT4: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@RocK_Patel_: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@allthenewsindia: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness | Indian Express

@nothinprsonal: Nek Chand Saini

@_pnema: Must read glowing tribute to Chandigarh architect nekchand

@jangra_sunaina: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@ankeeeta: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@_taylor_durden: RT @gunnithan: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness

@gunnithan: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness

@2old2boogie: RIP. Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness.

@rockfordashish: RT @GauravPandhi: Endearing piece on Nek Chand. King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness.

@indiatrending24: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness -

@GauravPandhi: Endearing piece on Nek Chand. King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness.

@BopsieChroedar: #India Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness: Having ...

@allthenewsindia: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness | The Indian Express

@news_in_summary: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness

@newsisay: #India Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness - The…

@onetimeeveryday: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness

@NewsGoogleIndia: Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness - The Indian…

@DeMOCKERYcy: "Nek Chand Saini (1924-2015): King of his kingdom, unaware of his own greatness - The Indian Express"

@vaibhav_saini_: People Bid Adieu to Nek Chand at Chandigarh's Rock Garden: People from all walks of life and prominent persons today poured in at the...

@AjayDureja1: नहीं रहा रॉक गार्डन को रचने वाला अनूठा कलाकार

@c_arvin71192: RIP Nek Chand Saini, man who created of Chandigarh’s iconic Rock Garden!

@Mathewshyd: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@amanljain: RIP Nek Chand Saini. (Architect of Rock Garden of Chandigarh)

@mail_today: Nek Chand Saini, creator of the famous Rock Garden, dies at 90, cremation today

@RachnaJadon: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@Bharat_Aayu: Nek Chand Saini.. Rip..

@captajayprmhry: I pay my tributes on the sad demise of Shri Nek Chand Saini who was the architect of famous Rock Garden at...

@odsharma: नहीं रहा रॉक गार्डन को रचने वाला अनूठा कलाकार

@kilojuliet8: RT @BinduW1: Creator of RockGarden dies at 90

@BinduW1: Creator of RockGarden dies at 90

@hemantkaul: Nek Chand Saini, Creator of #Chandigarh #RockGarden passes away! RIP & Thank you for making all of us really proud!

@Ts78699: RT @MissWamiqa: RIP the Great Innovative Creative Nek Chand Saini 󾍛🏻

@ramanrajpaul2: The founder of rock garden Mr. NEK CHAND SAINI in chandigarh Passed away on friday @12:12pm A great champion for beauty n art creature

@jaihindpost: नहीं रहा रॉक गार्डन को रचने वाला अनूठा कलाकार


@EkthaCoder: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.


@sureshTRIVERSE: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@GauraviSaini: Nek Chand Singh Saini. RIP Grandpa!

@onetimeeveryday: City in a garden Nek Chand, sits among idols in his Rock Garden in Chandigarh (Photo: Reuters) Nek Chand Saini, …

@KalraVijit: RT @anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #Sta…

@KrishIy3r: Had visited the Rock Garden two years ago! Words can't describe his art! RIP Nek Chand Saini!

@anmol_oberoi: RIP NEK CHAND SAINI ,Creator of Rock Garden,Chandigarh. Such a beautiful place with new innovations #Respect #Salute #StarOfPunjab

@Ruhani_Gupta: RT @eSAC_School: #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Eyebridge Salutes the Legend.

@Proper_Gabru: RIP Nek Chand Saini.

@jagritg: RT @eSAC_School: #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Eyebridge Salutes the Legend.

@HarleenHkb: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@sainiravi58: Chandigarh's Rock Garden creator Nek Chand Saini passes away RIP Nek Chand man behind iconic Rock Garden !!

@PakamamaniRenew: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@Jim_B60: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@PramodKhanna4: @jackkybhagnani : it is nek chand saini

@abhey_saini: Via .@the_hindu: Creator of Chandigarh's iconic Rock Garden, Nek Chand, is dead

@bhatia297: Nek Chand, creator of world famous Rock Garden, dies Nek Chand Saini (15 December, 1924 - 12 June, 2015) was a...

@abhey_saini: RT @TheHindu: Creator of Chandigarh's iconic Rock Garden, Nek Chand, is dead

@nikhilharitwal: Have been to rock garden Chandigarh beautifully designed by waste material Nek Chand Saini sir u will be missed.

@abhey_saini: Sad to know about the passing away of Mr Nek Chand, creator of Chandigarh's Rock Garden. RIP.

@deepakpandey26: RT @MANTRI_SAHAB: चंडीगढ़ तुम्हे कभी नहीं भूल पायेगा । 👇👇😓😭 Creator of Rock Garden Chandigarh , .....Nek Chand Saini is no more..... htt…

@MANTRI_SAHAB: चंडीगढ़ तुम्हे कभी नहीं भूल पायेगा । 👇👇😓😭 Creator of Rock Garden Chandigarh , .....Nek Chand Saini is no more.....


@saransh_forever: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@twitt2rahul: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@lokeshchandel: RT @xs2rahulz: RIP Nek Chand Saini (15 December, 1924 - 12 June, 2015) was a self-taught Indian artist, known for building the...

@xs2rahulz: RIP Nek Chand Saini (15 December, 1924 - 12 June, 2015) was a self-taught Indian artist, known for building the...

@xs2rahulz: RIP : Nek Chand Saini (15 December, 1924 - 12 June, 2015) was a self-taught Indian artist, known for building the...

@TheTopLists: The Creator Of Rock Garden, Nek Chand Saini, Passed Away At 90

@NiteseGupta: RIP Nek Chand Saini ! Thankyou for #RockGarden

@DivyalochanR: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@Adroit_A: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@gotzuu: Nek Chand Saini

@dasodiasachin: RIP Mr.Nek Chand Saini Ji Creator of Rock Garden of Chandigarh When im live in chandigarh in 2nd class i m go...

@News18Haryana: Exclusive: Creation of Chandigarh Rock Garden was unplanned, said Nek Chand Saini

@NewsEighteen: Exclusive: Creation of Chandigarh Rock Garden was unplanned, said Nek Chand Saini. WATCH:

@punitmuradia: RT @yuwaforindia: Nek Chand Saini, you will always be an inspiration for us & generations to come. #YUWA

@Vishwajit12: RT @yuwaforindia: Nek Chand Saini, you will always be an inspiration for us & generations to come. #YUWA

@jatinsapra: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@PrekshaOswal: Exclusive: Creation of Chandigarh Rock Garden was unplanned, said Nek Chand Saini

@pujaj2008: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@sahilsh78884173: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@aolshimlayouth: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@Hellboy041: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@indophilia: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@shalniprad: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@Rupeshm77: RT @yuwaforindia: Nek Chand Saini, you will always be an inspiration for us & generations to come. #YUWA

@yuwaforindia: Nek Chand Saini, you will always be an inspiration for us & generations to come. #YUWA

@JoelGeorgeV: RT @TimesNow: Chandigarh Rock Garden creator and Padma awardee Nek Chand Saini passes away at the age of 90

@BeingAnupama: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@vikasbisht0505: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@bansal023: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@employmentin: New post: Nek Chand Saini, creator of Chandigarh’s Rock Garden passes away

@AjitVirk: RIP....Nek Chand Saini creator director of world famous Rock Garden of chandigarh (India) is no more,he died tonight at PGI Chd.

@spandey16: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@Shaon666: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@anil_artani: RT @GoliwalaBaba: Creator of Rock Garden Chandigarh , Nek Chand Saini is no more..!

@ambujkaran: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@adityaraj553: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@PR3MRAWAT: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@bhavyatejj: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@RidlrDel: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@fabwrite: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@iamshahone420: RT @Kru172Music: Rest in Peace Nek Chand Saini, creater of one of the most iconic landmarks of Chandigarh, The Rock Garden. The...

@ashwani720607: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@AashaBisht: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@garimachitkara: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@Kru172Music: Rest in Peace Nek Chand Saini, creater of one of the most iconic landmarks of Chandigarh, The Rock Garden. The...

@mitenlapsiya: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@ABLuxury: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

@prasanto: RT @TrafflineDEL: Iconic #RockGarden creator and Padma Shree awardee Nek Chand Saini dies at 90. Great Tribute to the Legend.

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