Neil Ashcroft

British-born American solid-state physicist.
Died on Friday March 26th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Neil Ashcroft:

@citytwarbler: The legendary Neil Ashcroft - 4 years ago

@ChewyBB: @LoubinWally Of course, these rules do not apply to Lord Ashcroft, Stanley Johnson, Andrew Neil, etc. - 4 years ago

@molinaluna_aem: RT @ferbarusi: Siendo estudiante de 3º, saqué el Ashcroft de la biblioteca para ver qué era la fisica de estado sólido... y hasta hoy. Adió… - 4 years ago

@lorenz_peterson: RIP Prof. Ashcroft. Ashcroft and Mermin’s names are synonymous with solid state physics in my mind. What a legacy. - 4 years ago


@darnstadium: RIP. - 4 years ago

@AttilioZilli: He should rightfully be acknowledged in so many papers! - 4 years ago

@nuclear94: Neil Ashcroft, world-renowned theoretical physicist, dies at 82 | Cornell Chronicle Jt: Of interest to the solid st… - 4 years ago

@MohitFarhad: RT @K_KalantarZadeh: Prof Neil Ashcroft dies at 82 - RIP He was the author of the famous ‘Solid State Physics’ which is a widely used text… - 4 years ago

@MaziarNekovee: RIP Neil Ashcroft His famous textbook (by Ashcroft and Mermin) was my a great companion of my PhD days in theoreti… - 4 years ago

@JOVentura1: RT @K_KalantarZadeh: Prof Neil Ashcroft dies at 82 - RIP He was the author of the famous ‘Solid State Physics’ which is a widely used text… - 4 years ago

@AloysiusSoon: RT @K_KalantarZadeh: Prof Neil Ashcroft dies at 82 - RIP He was the author of the famous ‘Solid State Physics’ which is a widely used text… - 4 years ago

@K_KalantarZadeh: Prof Neil Ashcroft dies at 82 - RIP He was the author of the famous ‘Solid State Physics’ which is a widely used t… - 4 years ago

@NPNHWU: - 4 years ago

@vpardo_fisica: RT @NanoscaleViews: Someone who had an impact both through research (see all the superconductivity-in-hydrides work of late, for example),… - 4 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @NanoscaleViews: Someone who had an impact both through research (see all the superconductivity-in-hydrides work of late, for example),… - 4 years ago

@johnmdudley: RT @NanoscaleViews: Someone who had an impact both through research (see all the superconductivity-in-hydrides work of late, for example),… - 4 years ago

@Orad: RT @NanoscaleViews: Someone who had an impact both through research (see all the superconductivity-in-hydrides work of late, for example),… - 4 years ago

@MenendezPepe: Neil Ashcroft, world-renowned theoretical physicist, dies at 82 | Cornell Chronicle - 4 years ago

@NanoscaleViews: Someone who had an impact both through research (see all the superconductivity-in-hydrides work of late, for exampl… - 4 years ago

@heumpje: The end of an era. Probably best known for ‘the book’, he also made numerous contributions to condensed matter phys… - 4 years ago

@jairobndo: How it started How it’s going - 4 years ago

@victorvalbert: After retiring, Neil Ashcroft joined the lab of Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann: “Neil was wise and perceptive, fasci… - 4 years ago

@NUPV_Research: RT @sweeneystephen: RIP Neil Ashcroft. Like countless other students, I discovered solid state physics from reading Ashcroft & Mermin. htt… - 4 years ago

@artdaily: Artdaily recommends: Neil Ashcroft, world-renowned theoretical physicist, dies at 82 #NeilAshcroft… - 4 years ago

@SellersPVGroup: RT @sweeneystephen: RIP Neil Ashcroft. Like countless other students, I discovered solid state physics from reading Ashcroft & Mermin. htt… - 4 years ago

@khalsn: RIP. Your book always be bible for solid state physics |Neil Ashcroft, world-renowned theoretical physicist, dies a… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Neil Ashcroft, you will be missed - #NeilAshcroft #Neil #Ashcroft #rip - 4 years ago

@Researchnewscc: Neil Ashcroft, world-renowned theoretical physicist, dies at 82 #NeilAshcroft #theoreticalphysicist #science… - 4 years ago

@sweeneystephen: RIP Neil Ashcroft. Like countless other students, I discovered solid state physics from reading Ashcroft & Mermin. - 4 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @FisicosMuertos: Neil William Ashcroft died on 2021 March.15 Working at @Cornell since 1975,in 1976 Ashcroft wro… - 4 years ago

@FisicosMuertos: Neil William Ashcroft died on 2021 March.15 Working at @Cornell since 1975,in 1976 Ashcroft… - 4 years ago

@frenchrh: RT @rpodgornik: “For the generation of physicists reared during the last quarter of the 20th century, Neil Ashcroft and David Mermin’s text… - 4 years ago

@ultimatile: RT @Mike_Banks: When I began my PhD the book everyone told me to read was "Ashcroft and Mermin", so ubiqitous nobody called it by its title… - 4 years ago

@_qnlw: I am sorry to hear Ashcroft passed. He was one half of the dynamic duo that led to me becoming a mathematician. 😅 - 4 years ago

@UCNZ: A University of New Zealand graduate, a @UCNZ Erskine Fellow [2005] & an esteemed colleague and friend to many acro… - 4 years ago

@mhdguimaraes: Sad to hear that Neil Aschroft passed away. His work and his book with Mermin were very inspirational when I was an… - 4 years ago

@proupin72: RT @Mike_Banks: When I began my PhD the book everyone told me to read was "Ashcroft and Mermin", so ubiqitous nobody called it by its title… - 4 years ago

@FreundlichGroup: RT @CornellCAS: "Neil was wise and perceptive, fascinated by the border between chemistry and physics. Our collaborators and I valued his p… - 4 years ago

@CornellChem: RT @CornellCAS: "Neil was wise and perceptive, fascinated by the border between chemistry and physics. Our collaborators and I valued his p… - 4 years ago

@ryanjmac77: Is it just me or does Richard Ashcroft sound like Neil Diamond? This isn’t a criticism just a genuine question. - 4 years ago

@cometscome_phys: RT @Mike_Banks: When I began my PhD the book everyone told me to read was "Ashcroft and Mermin", so ubiqitous nobody called it by its title… - 4 years ago

@anxorodr: RT @ferbarusi: Siendo estudiante de 3º, saqué el Ashcroft de la biblioteca para ver qué era la fisica de estado sólido... y hasta hoy. Adió… - 4 years ago

@T45356: RT @Mike_Banks: When I began my PhD the book everyone told me to read was "Ashcroft and Mermin", so ubiqitous nobody called it by its title… - 4 years ago

@mariozapatah: RT @ferbarusi: Siendo estudiante de 3º, saqué el Ashcroft de la biblioteca para ver qué era la fisica de estado sólido... y hasta hoy. Adió… - 4 years ago

@StephenWysocki6: RT @deadpeoplecom: Neil Ashcroft, you will be missed - #NeilAshcroft #Neil #Ashcroft #rip - 4 years ago

@mtbatchelor: RT @CornellCAS: "Neil was wise and perceptive, fascinated by the border between chemistry and physics. Our collaborators and I valued his p… - 4 years ago

@anadonbarcelona: RT @ferbarusi: Siendo estudiante de 3º, saqué el Ashcroft de la biblioteca para ver qué era la fisica de estado sólido... y hasta hoy. Adió… - 4 years ago

@CarlosGBall: RT @Mike_Banks: When I began my PhD the book everyone told me to read was "Ashcroft and Mermin", so ubiqitous nobody called it by its title… - 4 years ago

@nanophyslab: RT @ferbarusi: Siendo estudiante de 3º, saqué el Ashcroft de la biblioteca para ver qué era la fisica de estado sólido... y hasta hoy. Adió… - 4 years ago

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