Neerav Patel

Indian poet
Died on Thursday May 23rd 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Neerav Patel:

@IWF_Writers: Neerav Patel, a pioneering Gujarati Dalit poet, passed away on 15 May, 2019. - 6 years ago

@aftabistan: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@JadhavSandeepS: RT @Shravs_Dalit: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@RahulBhartiya9: RT @Shravs_Dalit: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago


@Elysium84427844: RT @Shravs_Dalit: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@fulwani_hitesh: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@graziosco: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@GJaibhim: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@pradeep2004: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@ChrisGNguyen: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@pesbo: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@LeslieMartind: RT @thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@thirunangai: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@Pankh95754051: RT @Shravs_Dalit: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@psandesh: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@baburaj: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? MLB's Bill Buckner; poet Neerav Patel; conductor and organist Derek Holman; writer Ardish Bar… - 6 years ago

@gauthambuddha1: RT @Shravs_Dalit: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@ObedPwg: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn't Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@fagangstuffs: #news - 6 years ago

@somsirsa: RIP Neerav Patel, Pioneer of Gujarati Dalit Literature Whose Death Didn’t Make Headlines - 6 years ago

@sshingavi: #Poetry by Neerav Patel ... mourning the death of an important voice. - 6 years ago

@sshingavi: #Dalit #poetry #gujarati ... - 6 years ago

@tuhinaronna: India : Neerav Patel and the poetry of the oppressed. - 6 years ago

@Shravs_Dalit: Neerav Patel and the poetry of the oppressed - 6 years ago

@rsriram9: Neerav Patel & the #poetry of the oppressed: The bilingual Dalit #poet, who wrote in Gujarati & English, died rec… - 6 years ago

@livemint: #MintLounge | Dalit poet Neerav Patel who passed away on 15 May, was also a prolific editor and activist. His resis… - 6 years ago

@LangaMahesh: RT @saliltripathi: Gopika Jadeja writes about the late Neerav Patel and Gujarati poetry of the oppressed: - 6 years ago

@sharik19: RT @saliltripathi: Gopika Jadeja writes about the late Neerav Patel and Gujarati poetry of the oppressed: - 6 years ago

@ParomaMukherjee: RT @livemint: #MintLounge | Dalit poet Neerav Patel who passed away on 15 May, was also a prolific editor and activist. His resistance to c… - 6 years ago

@PoornaSwami: RT @saliltripathi: Gopika Jadeja writes about the late Neerav Patel and Gujarati poetry of the oppressed: - 6 years ago

@saliltripathi: Gopika Jadeja writes about the late Neerav Patel and Gujarati poetry of the oppressed: - 6 years ago

@pashamom: RT @livemint: #MintLounge | Dalit poet Neerav Patel who passed away on 15 May, was also a prolific editor and activist. His resistance to c… - 6 years ago

@ShernaKhambatta: Neerav Patel and the #poetry of the oppressed - 6 years ago

@sarvatathagata: RT @livemint: #MintLounge | Dalit poet Neerav Patel who passed away on 15 May, was also a prolific editor and activist. His resistance to c… - 6 years ago

@livemint: #MintLounge | Dalit poet Neerav Patel who passed away on 15 May, was also a prolific editor and activist. His resis… - 6 years ago

@Mint_Lounge: Dalit poet Neerav Patel who wrote in English and Gujarati died recently. His was an outspoken voice against caste t… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Neerav Patel - #NeeravPatel #Neerav #Patel #rip - 6 years ago

@thedscprize: Patel was a bilingual poet, elucidating his keen sense of poetic undercurrents within the lives of Dalits through h… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Neerav Patel (68) Gujarati poet from India - 6 years ago

@ANURAGDEY10: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away - 6 years ago

@rosammat: RT @AnjaliMody1: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away - 6 years ago

@Akshayamukul: RT @AnjaliMody1: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away - 6 years ago

@AnjaliMody1: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Neerav Patel - 6 years ago

@GJaibhim: RT @firstpost: A voracious reader and distinguished editor, Neerav Patel was among the pioneers of Dalit literature from Gujarat - 6 years ago

@kamblepravin121: RT @Shravs_Dalit: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away; but power of his verses lives on - 6 years ago

@Shravs_Dalit: Neerav Patel, poet and pioneer of Dalit literature in Gujarat, passes away; but power of his verses lives on - 6 years ago

@AcchevFilms: RT @NamitaGokhale_: Respects to the memory of a great writer - we were honoured to have Neerav Patel with us at the Jaipur litfest in Janua… - 6 years ago

@jennybhatt: RT @firstpost: A voracious reader and distinguished editor, Neerav Patel was among the pioneers of Dalit literature from Gujarat - 6 years ago

@therahulmane: RT @firstpost: A voracious reader and distinguished editor, Neerav Patel was among the pioneers of Dalit literature from Gujarat - 6 years ago

@NamitaGokhale_: Respects to the memory of a great writer - we were honoured to have Neerav Patel with us at the Jaipur litfest in J… - 6 years ago

@firstpost: A voracious reader and distinguished editor, Neerav Patel was among the pioneers of Dalit literature from Gujarat - 6 years ago

@AKASH_NANS: RT @naushad_solanki: I am deeply saddened by the news of demise of an eminent poet, translator and editor Neerav Patel. He will be remember… - 6 years ago

@hkdabhi: RT @naushad_solanki: I am deeply saddened by the news of demise of an eminent poet, translator and editor Neerav Patel. He will be remember… - 6 years ago

@wirefire: RT @krupage: Poet Neerav Patel has passed away. His poetry was searing and sharp... It was an honour working with him on my 'Bards of Resi… - 6 years ago

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