Nawshirwan Mustafa

General coordinator of the Movement for Change (Gorran).
Died on Friday May 19th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Nawshirwan Mustafa:

@KurdistanPerwer: Nawshirwan Mustafa Kurdistan da ölmuş gibi yansitmaya çalişdilar ama aslinda Londra da ölmüş - 8 years ago

@WahidKovli: RT @rojava_jiyan: 🔴Hidden truth!! #Nawshirwan_Mustafa die in #London and not in #Sulaymaniyah #Twitterkurds #Barzani #Gorran @GorranChange… - 8 years ago

@KurdistanPerwer: RT @rojava_jiyan: 🔴Hidden truth!! #Nawshirwan_Mustafa die in #London and not in #Sulaymaniyah #Twitterkurds #Barzani #Gorran @GorranChange… - 8 years ago

@JiyanDk: Nawshirwan Mustafa mindet i København i går. Fotos: Deniz Serinci - 8 years ago


@SharvanHalo: RT @Dr_Partizan: Architect of the 1991 Kurdish uprising against Saddam. Rest in peace Nawshirwan Mustafa. - 8 years ago

@S_T_O_P_TERROR: RT @AriMurad_: Nawshirwan Mustafa The man who liberated KRI and led the Gorran movement to fight corruption. RIP Serok. Video: - 8 years ago

@RebazLaw: #Kurdistan has lost a great leader, a reformist, an opposition figure, and writer. R.I.P Nawshirwan Mustafa! - 8 years ago

@fernandohz55: RT @AriMurad_: Nawshirwan Mustafa The man who liberated KRI and led the Gorran movement to fight corruption. RIP Serok. Video: - 8 years ago

@jsoler63: RT @AriMurad_: Nawshirwan Mustafa The man who liberated KRI and led the Gorran movement to fight corruption. RIP Serok. Video: - 8 years ago

@hemaibrahem87: RT @LahurTalabany: Incredibly saddened by the loss of my friend Nawshirwan Mustafa. A true patriot & a man of great honour. He'll be truly… - 8 years ago

@JiyanDk: Fuldt hus til Gorran-leder #Nawshirwan Mustafa's mindehøjtid i Valby. - 8 years ago

@Rojname_com: The condolences messages to death of Nawshirwan Mustafa - 8 years ago

@knncchannel: The condolences messages to death of Nawshirwan Mustafa - 8 years ago

@knncchannel: Nawshirwan Mustafa laid to rest in Sulaiymanyah - 8 years ago

@knncchannel: Kurdish people pay tributes to his historic leader Nawshirwan Mustafa - 8 years ago

@knncchannel: The Leader of our nation, Nawshirwan Mustafa passed away - 8 years ago

@knncchannel: Nawshirwan Mustafa has passed away - 8 years ago

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