Nativo Lopez

Mexican-American political activist
Died on Monday May 20th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Nativo Lopez:

@roxanakopetman: RT @ocregister: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@ocregister: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@ladailynews: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@ivdailybulletin: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago


@SGVTribune: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@PasStarNews: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@DailyBreezeNews: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@presstelegram: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@WhittierNews: Memorials set for Latino activist Nativo Lopez in Orange County, Los Angeles - 6 years ago

@LeAnna03263585: Nativo Lopez, Immigrant-Rights Activist and the ‘Don King of Cockfights’ Dies Good riddance. - 6 years ago

@animalissue: Nativo Lopez, Immigrant-Rights Activist and the ‘Don King of Cockfights’ Dies - 6 years ago

@prioritydate: - 6 years ago

@animalissue: Nativo Lopez, Immigrant-Rights Activist and the ‘Don King of Cockfights’ Dies - 6 years ago

@redolfi_tony: RT @redolfi_tony: OBITUARY Nativo Lopez, 68, Mexican-American political activist, bowel cancer.[2] - 6 years ago

@radiobilingue: RT @lcamarillo1: .@gsanroman2 It’s an end of an era in Mexican OC politics with news of the passing of Nativo López today. - 6 years ago

@MorenaExterior_: Homenaje a Nativo Lopez. - 6 years ago

@JMSolizAbogado1: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@UnitedWeStayorg: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@GBataller_Lopez: RT @TE_GranEmpresa: El 1 de junio, en la final de la Champions, todos los espectadores que acudan a @Metropolitano podrán conocer el primer… - 6 years ago

@boyleheightsbt: Boyle Heights-born political activist Nativo Lopez, known for his immigration reform efforts in Los Angeles and Ora… - 6 years ago

@ericdchristen: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@ericdchristen: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@aretana: Rest in Power: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - Los Angeles T… - 6 years ago

@roxanakopetman: RT @AnnLHaley: Nativo Lopez, longtime voice for Latino rights in OC, dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@SarahFunes: RT @LatPoliticalAve: Immigrant Rights Activist Nativo Lopez dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@LatPoliticalAve: Immigrant Rights Activist Nativo Lopez dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@HashidKasama: Green Party - Nativo Lopez on Immigration - 6 years ago

@tonyhombreg: Descanse en Paz Nativo Lopez. Les dejamos la Entrevista que le hicieron los muchachos de Desde la Placita. - 6 years ago

@EsoqllamaNotici: NUESTRAS MÁS SINCERAS CONDOLENCIAS PARA SU FAMILIA! NATIVO LÓPEZ Un gran activista y lider Chicano en California.… - 6 years ago

@MyrnaSalas: Comunidad lamenta la muerte de Nativo López, quien dedicó su vida a luchar por los inmigrantes… - 6 years ago

@blade2626: Comunidad lamenta la muerte de Nativo López, quien dedicó su vida a luchar por los inmigrantes… - 6 years ago

@blade2626: New post (Comunidad lamenta la muerte de Nativo López, quien dedicó su vida a luchar por los inmigrantes) has been… - 6 years ago

@robinsnoticias: "Comunidad lamenta la muerte de Nativo López, quien dedicó su vida a luchar por los inmigrantes" #Univision… - 6 years ago

@memo_durgin: RT @mkbrito: - 6 years ago

@ADELAKANTOR: @xleighadeaf Santander ha tenido excelentes participantes Peter 2008, mary luz López 2009 , nativo ganador 2010 edisón 2012 - 6 years ago

@Mich95903828: Que en paz descanse Nativo Lopez, Longtime Mexican OC Activist, Passes Away at 68 | OC Weekly - 6 years ago

@dariaibntamas: Nativo Lopez, pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in Orange County, dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@CFEC_CA: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@JosueAmmermanMX: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@mozeenee: Difficult to accept reading this but I felt it was important to share. This man meant so much to la #raza, eventual… - 6 years ago

@AlanZuzunaga: Fallece Nativo López, reconocido activista defensor de los derechos de los inmigrantes - 6 years ago

@NuevaRepublica: Fallece Nativo Lopez, reconocido activista defensor de los derechos de los inmigrantes - 6 years ago

@GloriaJRomero: Obituary: Long-time voice for Latino rights, Nativo Lopez - 6 years ago

@ImAResistaSista: RT @gsanroman2: My obit for a complex and consequential Latino leader no longer with us. Nativo Lopez, Longtime Mexican OC Activist, Passes… - 6 years ago

@lovethesea720: RT @EAZYEABC123: Rest easy, Nativo Lopez. Thank you for organizing “El Dia Sin Inmigrantes” boycott in 2006 where 1 million people marche… - 6 years ago

@langloislane: Nativo Lopez: Presente. - 6 years ago

@LLERO_ONLINE: RIP Nativo Lopez. You showed many in the OC how to stand up for their rights. via… - 6 years ago

@CoalicionLa: Pronunciamiento en honor de mi hermano Nativo Lopez Vigil : Gil Cedillo - 6 years ago

@rongochez: I haven't posted about the passing of compa Nativo because in a way, I still can't believe that he's left us to be… - 6 years ago

@VPEPR: Nativo Lopez, who fought for the rights of immigrants in O.C. and L.A. during the 1980s, has passed away.… - 6 years ago

@REDRealEstateLA: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@armycop1973: R.I.P. Nativo Lopez ! - 6 years ago

@crablouis: RT @latimesobits: Nativo Lopez -- pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in OC and LA who led rent strikes, rallied street protests and to… - 6 years ago

@jillrep: "Charming in person to friends and enemies alike, Lopez took all critiques as welts of honor." Great obit for a hug… - 6 years ago

@CentroCSO: Rest in power, hermano Nativo - 6 years ago

@brooklynmarie: - 6 years ago

@brooklynmarie: Que descanse en paz. - 6 years ago

@cema_oe3: RT @mkbrito: - 6 years ago

@EastBayWkingFam: RT @mkbrito: - 6 years ago

@cjnreports: Remembering community, remembering leaders. Nativo Lopez 1951-2019 - 6 years ago

@xicano80562: RT @mkbrito: - 6 years ago

@LLEROCulture: RIP Nativo Lopez. You showed many in the OC how to stand up for their rights. via… - 6 years ago

@mkbrito: - 6 years ago

@FBuenAbad: RT @NuevaRepublica: No te olvidamos gran compañero, sólo te nos adelantaste Nuestro mas sentido pésame a sus familiares y amigos. A su memo… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Nativo Lopez (68) American activist - 6 years ago

@Claudia21184: RT @MayorOfLA: Saddened by the passing of Nativo Lopez — a warrior for defending the rights of all people, who fought hard to protect the l… - 6 years ago

@NuevaRepublica: RT @NuevaRepublica: No te olvidamos gran compañero, sólo te nos adelantaste Nuestro mas sentido pésame a sus familiares y amigos. A su memo… - 6 years ago

@Sammy_Roth: “The entirety of his adult life was focused around one noble cause: to ensure that immigrant workers and their fami… - 6 years ago

@NuevaRepublica: No te olvidamos gran compañero, sólo te nos adelantaste Nuestro mas sentido pésame a sus familiares y amigos. A su… - 6 years ago

@olivasdan: @GustavoArellano: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68… - 6 years ago

@NetoPeriodista: Se va un guerrero defensor de la familia inmigrante: Nativo López - 6 years ago

@MRamosDC: RT @pacorromendoza: Murió el activista Nativo López, víctima de cáncer - 6 years ago

@KFIAM640: A memorial service is in the planning stages for Lopez, who died on Sunday at the age of 68, according to a stateme… - 6 years ago

@bikeframeaid: A GREAT MAN PASSES. MAY HE REST IN PEACE - 6 years ago

@pacorromendoza: Murió el activista Nativo López, víctima de cáncer - 6 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @ocregister: Obituary: Long-time voice for Latino rights, Nativo Lopez - 6 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Nativo Lopez, pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in Orange County, dies at 68. - 6 years ago

@jlubas1125: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@jlubas1125: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@jlubas1125: RT @DaytonPubPolicy: Yes, I still have in my files the construction union mailers to Santa Ana Unified School District voters opposing the… - 6 years ago

@angie777_: RT @OCWeekly: An era of Latino politics in Orange County came to an end on Sunday afternoon with word of Nativo López, one of its stalwart… - 6 years ago

@globalissuesweb: Nativo López, un líder latino polémico y polarizador del sur de California, muere a los 68 años… - 6 years ago

@almondris7: RT @Newsantaana: Former SAUSD School Board member Nativo Lopez passed away today - 6 years ago

@TVMCCA: Gustavo Arellano: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@MAK7591: Nativo Lopez, a pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in O.C. and L.A., dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@REVUELTASManuel: Nativo Lopez, pioneering and polarizing Latino leader in OC and LA, dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@AnnBurroughs2: RT @CivicRafa: I met Nativo Lopez as a young organizer. He had unbound love & conviction...his commitment to social justice & civil rights… - 6 years ago

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