Nate Thayer

American journalist (Far Eastern Economic Review
Died on Wednesday January 4th 2023

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Nate Thayer:

@DeimosMetus: Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 The only difference between… - 2 years ago

@falubazzz: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@InesAgnieszka: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@kvconner: Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 'The “mad genius” journalist scored an exclusive in… - 2 years ago


@kvconner: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies - 2 years ago

@SovKiPeu: RT @RumordeCorredor: Nate Thayer, investigative journalist dies at 62 in Falmouth, Mass. His interview with Khmer Rouge’s genocide leader P… - 2 years ago

@earthyfeel: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@AndresSBraun: RT @geoffrey_cain: Nate Thayer was writing a book in the final decade of his life. He sent me his manuscript. With his permission, I edited… - 2 years ago

@sirenandtheking: RT @NPR: Nate Thayer, a Western correspondent who interviewed Pol Pot in the Cambodian jungle, has died at 62. "He was a rebel at the cor… - 2 years ago

@JaKonradiJa: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@MarekCzech1: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@Lucek86579995: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@BukowyJar: RT @KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemytu narkoty… - 2 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Nate Thayer (62) - amerykański dziennikarz freelancer, zajmujący się tematyką zorganizowanej przestępczości, przemy… - 2 years ago

@Red_Town_Carl: RT @NPR: Nate Thayer, a Western correspondent who interviewed Pol Pot in the Cambodian jungle, has died at 62. "He was a rebel at the cor… - 2 years ago

@SandraLotusLee: @RYP__ What a huge loss to the world. He left too soon. I hope Lamont, his canine child, is well pampered and safe… - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @geoffrey_cain: Saddened to learn about the passing of Nate Thayer, legendary journalist, former mentor, and briefly my housemate many y… - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @EmilyGorcenski: Goddamn, a shock. Nate Thayer has passed. Nate was instrumental in helping us in Charlottesville fight the Klan in 2017… - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @RYP__: I met Nate after he came out of Shock and Awe detainment. We became friends and our lives intersected when I was asked by ABC to… - 2 years ago

@Alpine_Joy: RT @NPR: Nate Thayer, a Western correspondent who interviewed Pol Pot in the Cambodian jungle, has died at 62. "He was a rebel at the cor… - 2 years ago

@xeroscape: Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@MeridianiPlanum: - 2 years ago

@AndyAnderson30: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@KyuT90889665: Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 - The New York Times - 2 years ago

@russelltim151: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@sydrasmith: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@LowrieJohn: @george_wright89 @fiona_kelliher @_andy_ball @nate_thayer See also courtesy of @geoffrey_cain: - 2 years ago

@Aceface4ever: RT @maureenpao: This was a hard one to work on. Am so grateful to have done it with @akuhnNPRnews, a colleague both at NPR and back in the… - 2 years ago

@problyneighbors: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@ItWasACoup: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@sclayton97: RT @RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@LowrieJohn: @george_wright89 @fiona_kelliher @_andy_ball True, especially for those of us fortunate to visit and work there and… - 2 years ago

@edogawa_joe: @SheilaSmithCFR @NPR @maureenpao Nate Thayer (who I met) knew all, it must have been hard on him, telling the free… - 2 years ago

@RYP__: Worth a read. From the great, late, Nate Thayer:: “Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist” - 2 years ago

@davidshepardson: RT @thomasbeller: This, by @PGourevitch about Nate Thayer, remains vivid. Just delightful absurdity… - 2 years ago

@Blurfo: RT @thomasbeller: This, by @PGourevitch about Nate Thayer, remains vivid. Just delightful absurdity… - 2 years ago

@kathrynlopez: RT @jaynordlinger: I learned a great deal -- a great deal -- about the Khmer Rouge from this man. - 2 years ago

@MaggieDSharp1: RT @NPR: Nate Thayer, a Western correspondent who interviewed Pol Pot in the Cambodian jungle, has died at 62. "He was a rebel at the cor… - 2 years ago

@McNamaraWriter: RT @thomasbeller: This, by @PGourevitch about Nate Thayer, remains vivid. Just delightful absurdity… - 2 years ago

@ColdMud: RT @thomasbeller: This, by @PGourevitch about Nate Thayer, remains vivid. Just delightful absurdity… - 2 years ago

@GiffordChrisJo1: RT @CTVNews: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies - 2 years ago

@Phuket1943: RT @geoffrey_cain: Nate Thayer was writing a book in the final decade of his life. He sent me his manuscript. With his permission, I edited… - 2 years ago

@tressadora: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@AnnRutledgeRR: Nate Thayer, journalist who interviewed Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot, dies at 62 - - 2 years ago

@AggregateGlobal: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Los Angeles Times Obituaries - Nate Thayer, last journalist to interview murderous Cambodian dictator Pol Pot,… - 2 years ago

@ladymindful: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@news24holder: #News: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@ethancrowley: RT @NPR: Nate Thayer, a Western correspondent who interviewed Pol Pot in the Cambodian jungle, has died at 62. "He was a rebel at the cor… - 2 years ago


@slim_mirokujin: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@phendricks71: RT @todayInIreland: Nate Thayer’s obituary. What an interesting, unusual man / journalist. Just reading the name Pol Pot gave me shivers.… - 2 years ago

@KatCapps: RT @todayInIreland: Nate Thayer’s obituary. What an interesting, unusual man / journalist. Just reading the name Pol Pot gave me shivers.… - 2 years ago

@institute_trust: RT @jboren4507: Nate Thayer, investigative #journalist who interviewed Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot, dies at age 62. - 2 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@kaitlyn1958: RT @SleuthYooper: @CMominator @sally_sleuth @Chirparrooo @phoenixonwheels @nate_thayer #SeditionPinkRespirator #EyeShutPinkMask FBI: #151,… - 2 years ago

@JSharp1436: @lynnekodonnell @nate_thayer That's so young. Sad news indeed. - 2 years ago

@lynnekodonnell: RIP Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 #journalism @nate_thayer - 2 years ago

@blinxeto: #NateThayer RIP - 2 years ago

@nknewsorg: Journalist Nate Thayer has passed away at age 62 following a number of health issues. Thayer broke various North K… - 2 years ago

@undefeater: @nate_thayer One can also argue this: there is a meat industry that profits from the murder of animals to produce f… - 2 years ago

@Ryan_FSullivan: RT @NYTObits: “One of the most colorful, gutsy, by some standards certifiable mad genius journalists I have ever encountered.” - 2 years ago

@IoT2040: RT @maureenpao: This was a hard one to work on. Am so grateful to have done it with @akuhnNPRnews, a colleague both at NPR and back in the… - 2 years ago

@ZaxNewsStand: Nate Thayer, Bold Reporter Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dies at 62 The “mad genius” journalist scored an exclusive inte… - 2 years ago

@Dallas4Bernie: RT @TimothyS: RIP to a relentless reporter, the opposite of today's celebrity journalists. He called me a few times while on a story. Best… - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @TimothyS: RIP to a relentless reporter, the opposite of today's celebrity journalists. He called me a few times while on a story. Best… - 2 years ago

@TimothyS: RIP to a relentless reporter, the opposite of today's celebrity journalists. He called me a few times while on a st… - 2 years ago

@KelleyCurrie: #RIPower Nate Thayer One of the good ones and a standard setter for coverage of war, “peace” & SE Asia. Shaped my… - 2 years ago

@cylerconrad: RT @CurtisSChin: #USA 🇺🇸🙏 #Respect. Nate Thayer, the fearless reporter who was the last western journalist to interview Pol Pot, the lead… - 2 years ago

@Jbombasaro: Saddened to learn of @nate_thayer death - you bravely challenged oppressor's narratives in Cambodia, North Korea, t… - 2 years ago

@CurtisSChin: #USA 🇺🇸🙏 #Respect. Nate Thayer, the fearless reporter who was the last western journalist to interview Pol Pot, t… - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - - 2 years ago

@radhikapix: RT @ClancyReports: Respect. Nate Thayer, war correspondent who covered Southeast Asia, dies at 62. "He spent his last years on Cape Cod, wr… - 2 years ago

@MurfAD: RT @ClancyReports: Respect. Nate Thayer, war correspondent who covered Southeast Asia, dies at 62. "He spent his last years on Cape Cod, wr… - 2 years ago

@asgerrojle: He had a unique ability to uncover elusive information, doggedly pursuing stories about the DPRK to the bitter end - 2 years ago

@mjtacchi: RT @geoffrey_cain: Nate Thayer was writing a book in the final decade of his life. He sent me his manuscript. With his permission, I edited… - 2 years ago

@upa89385: RT @guzeisha: >[Le Monde]ポルポト派を取材した米国人ジャーナリスト、ネイト・セイヤー62歳が死去。1997年、20世紀で最も血生臭い独裁者のひとりに出会ったクメール・ルージュの専門家。 - 2 years ago

@FloydWhaley: A thoughtful take on the late Nate Thayer from @washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@SplendidSpoon: RT @phnompenhpost: Veteran Journalists and historians are saddened by the passing of American journalist Nate Thayer, who once covered the… - 2 years ago

@imalexbeamyrnot: Local man makes good. I think the niece of the hanging judge mentioned here was a talented artist, w works hanging… - 2 years ago

@DrMarkPBarry: Remembering Nate Thayer, investigative journalist and former NK News member | NK News - 2 years ago

@rachelkennedy84: RT @lisaocarroll: Top tip for young journalists: “Just go knock on the door and see what happens,” Nate Thayer advised me. - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies - The Associated Press - en Español - 2 years ago

@LEON_Terrae: RT @geoffrey_cain: Saddened to learn about the passing of Nate Thayer, legendary journalist, former mentor, and briefly my housemate many y… - 2 years ago

@VladDavidzon: RT @ouvirak: Sad news. Just found this out today. I listened in person to Nate when he did a tour in the US speaking alongside activists fr… - 2 years ago

@chadocl: Experiencing the highs & lows of work + friendship with @nate_thayer — an unshakable investigative reporter. We wo… - 2 years ago

@sharp_writing: Powerful no-holds-barred obituary of Nate Thayer by @chadocl - 2 years ago

@DLF: Der bekannte US-Reporter #NateThayer ist tot. Er war der letzte westliche Journalist, der den Oberbefehlshaber der… - 2 years ago

@RodWebber: RT @phnompenhpost: Veteran Journalists and historians are saddened by the passing of American journalist Nate Thayer, who once covered the… - 2 years ago

@stephenatap: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies (from @AP) - 2 years ago

@phnompenhpost: Veteran Journalists and historians are saddened by the passing of American journalist Nate Thayer, who once covered… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Death of Nate Thayer, the American journalist who exclusively interviewed Pol Pot - 2 years ago

@LGomezPadrino1: RT @iambros: Fallece #NateThayer, el periodista que publicó la última entrevista al líder de los jemeres rojos de #Camboya, #PolPot, en la… - 2 years ago

@SteelMillJeff: RT @SFA_ch78: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@AlfonsoBauluz: RT @iambros: Fallece #NateThayer, el periodista que publicó la última entrevista al líder de los jemeres rojos de #Camboya, #PolPot, en la… - 2 years ago

@Fanfan92664271: RT @ouvirak: Sad news. Just found this out today. I listened in person to Nate when he did a tour in the US speaking alongside activists fr… - 2 years ago

@chewudom: RT @zenjournalist: When my wife and son were detained by the Thai regime in 2016, my friend Nate Thayer was one of our biggest defenders. W… - 2 years ago

@maliactu: Mort de Nate Thayer, le journaliste américain qui avait interviewé en exclusivité Pol Pot - - 2 years ago

@ksatnews: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies - 2 years ago

@ChundyHuon: RT @cambodiadaily: GREATNESS GONE: Nate Thayer’s journalism in Cambodia is essentially unrivaled, and his hammer-down persona influenced a… - 2 years ago

@kalyanky: RT @geoffrey_cain: Nate Thayer was writing a book in the final decade of his life. He sent me his manuscript. With his permission, I edited… - 2 years ago

@GamerGranny1: RT @EmilyGorcenski: Goddamn, a shock. Nate Thayer has passed. Nate was instrumental in helping us in Charlottesville fight the Klan in 2017… - 2 years ago

@WayneKoberstein: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@CTVCalgary: Nate Thayer, a fearless reporter who survived several brushes with death over decades covering conflict in Southeas… - 2 years ago

@PotrzebieSystem: @j6dreamteam @EnrahJ @so_cratic_meth @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@JackMurphyRGR: This is sad, last time I talked to Nate he was working on some domestic stuff that could use to be published. - 2 years ago

@helenecooper: Nate Thayer's body was found in his home this week. He was one of my heroes. The Far Eastern Economic Review - 2 years ago

@j6dreamteam: @EnrahJ @so_cratic_meth @PotrzebieSystem @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@DCAnne: @VOANews Nate Thayer was a gifted force of nature in journalism and beyond. Rest in peace, no more pain. His great work will live on. - 2 years ago

@Srb1970Rita: Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies RIP - 2 years ago

@SplendidSpoon: RT @flux_the_system: @nickmartin @MaryKayMagistad A 1997 profile of "Kamikaze reporter" Nate Thayer that describes him as "the first Wester… - 2 years ago

@Yolie_Rios: RT @VOANews: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@j6dreamteam: @EnrahJ @so_cratic_meth @PotrzebieSystem @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@OliverJia1014: RT @VOANews: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@wrodgers2: RT @VOANews: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@j6dreamteam: @Freeman_Mary2 @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @PotrzebieSystem @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet… - 2 years ago

@Jaison96: RT @VOANews: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@EnrahJ: @so_cratic_meth @j6dreamteam @PotrzebieSystem @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@VOANews: Nate Thayer, Journalist who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@Freeman_Mary2: @so_cratic_meth @j6dreamteam @EnrahJ @PotrzebieSystem @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet… - 2 years ago

@R5Philly: @j6dreamteam @PotrzebieSystem @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@j6dreamteam: @R5Philly @PotrzebieSystem @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@R5Philly: @PotrzebieSystem @j6dreamteam @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@R5Philly: @j6dreamteam @PotrzebieSystem @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@R5Philly: @PotrzebieSystem @j6dreamteam @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@j6dreamteam: @PotrzebieSystem @so_cratic_meth @EnrahJ @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis… - 2 years ago

@BuddholeSurfers: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@MurrayHiebert1: RT @SotheaThai: RIP @NateThayer Tributes Paid to “Fearless” Journalist Nate Thayer - 2 years ago

@SammySettanni: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@UmarLeeIII: Quite a life. Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62. - 2 years ago

@Languorous_era: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@denicolo_chuck: RT @SteveCapus: @mbrauchli What a remarkable legacy & accomplishment #respect #ripNateThayer Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@denicolo_chuck: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@RodWebber: RT @Red_Town_Carl: Never been a better week to remember Pol Pot and to celebrate the life and times of Nate Thayer - 2 years ago

@Red_Town_Carl: Never been a better week to remember Pol Pot and to celebrate the life and times of Nate Thayer - 2 years ago

@PaulaWould: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@murphtracks: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer has an amazing story, and before his passing, we were working on a film about his journalism. Nate was going to… - 2 years ago

@carolgreenwell7: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@kellyesorelle: @PotrzebieSystem @EnrahJ @j6dreamteam @so_cratic_meth @R5Philly @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet… - 2 years ago

@Ed_Horrible: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@warehalljr: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@transhellterror: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@NatalieNsm: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@screaminime: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ClaudePro3: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@maximo_lockward: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@CathyMc01615409: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@ChrisBurkeShay: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@cjl1954: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@johnstout1950: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Robertamnesia: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 @donald_j_putin - 2 years ago

@JaneKer15585589: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Siadasha: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@tuohey_alice: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Kitten0409: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Ally_oopsy: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@michelle_verran: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@No_Nazis_Please: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@klmichaud: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@zo_sanz: RT @lemondefr: Mort de Nate Thayer, le journaliste américain qui avait interviewé en exclusivité Pol Pot - 2 years ago

@camicroq: RT @SteveCapus: @mbrauchli What a remarkable legacy & accomplishment #respect #ripNateThayer Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@pankowbaby: RT @SteveCapus: @mbrauchli What a remarkable legacy & accomplishment #respect #ripNateThayer Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@muktadirnewage: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Khmer Rouge’s Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@StevenErlanger: Nate Thayer. RIP. - 2 years ago

@LMelvin2154: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Cinderoak: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@robert_gerhardt: Nate Thayer, an American journalist who chased stories of conflict across the jungles of Southeast Asia and was the… - 2 years ago

@PGourevitch: RT @travisjudegrant: @PGourevitch @NewYorker After reading that, I want to check out everything Nate Thayer ever wrote. - 2 years ago

@tacticalrn70: Growing up, the Killing Fields in Cambodia is an early memory I have of🌎news on📺& discussed in our🏡. I’m a nerd &❤️… - 2 years ago

@WilliamsSarah78: Journalist who interviewed Pol Pot dies on Cape Cod. - 2 years ago

@CGFlorez: Rest In Power 🙏His work gave “important historical details to the “killing fields” legacy of the Khmer Rouge’s 197… - 2 years ago

@The_best_man_57: RT @morandiniblog: Le journaliste américain Nate Thayer, qui avait obtenu en 1997 un entretien exclusif avec Pol Pot, le brutal dirigeant d… - 2 years ago

@LOGAN_TIM: RT @slackbastard: RIP Nate Thayer. @sexenheimer & I spoke to Nate about the weird partnership of American white supremacists and the North… - 2 years ago

@Rebelle__J: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@HillBmodm: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@ccaryl: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Cambodge_Mag: @ArnaudDarc - 2 years ago

@ZibbyZ: RT @joefree215: For journalists coming through the ranks of the Phnom Penh Post, Nate Thayer's name loomed large. Though few of us knew him… - 2 years ago

@YesCT: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@mydearestreader: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@ZibbyZ: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@GauloisCaporal: RT @morandiniblog: Le journaliste américain Nate Thayer, qui avait obtenu en 1997 un entretien exclusif avec Pol Pot, le brutal dirigeant d… - 2 years ago

@nbits60: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@liu_dimon: My friend Nate. So sad… - 2 years ago

@abramowitz: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@woahduderino: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@spwells: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 🙏 R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@riyazulkhaliq: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@bellmanNo82: RT @lemondefr: Mort de Nate Thayer, le journaliste américain qui avait interviewé en exclusivité Pol Pot - 2 years ago

@ConnellyAL: RT @damonwake: An incredible legacy for a journalist to leave. RIP Nate Thayer. - 2 years ago

@SophieZnS: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@michaeljsmiddy: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@moxiepassion: RT @maassp: If you were a journalist in Asia in the 1980s and a close reader of the Far Eastern Economic Review, as I was, Nate Thayer was… - 2 years ago

@JeromePandell: RT @Reaproy: RIP Nate Thayer, longtime friend & journo, who passed away in his sleep in Falmouth, MA. Nate lived hard & to the fullest, ble… - 2 years ago

@IGMardones: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@Simon67Jenkins: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@BonjourMrRacoon: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@jlwilliamsjr: RT @RPanh: Nate Thayer, journalist who scooped world with Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - The Washington Post Au revoir Nate… - 2 years ago

@RothAnim: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ScorpioHellfire: RT @nickmartin: This may have been the last thing Nate Thayer published: "Why I am a journalist and Anti-Fascist." In it, he wrote about h… - 2 years ago

@pbtait: RT @damonwake: You can read the @AFP obituary for him here: - 2 years ago

@ResidentElf: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@beyerstein: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer has an amazing story, and before his passing, we were working on a film about his journalism. Nate was going to… - 2 years ago

@Dallas4Bernie: RT @TimothyS: Very sorry to hear of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was a dogged journalist. He called me a few times about some Korea stories he… - 2 years ago

@AndyBrennan17: RT @DLamontJenkins: We just lost journalist Nate Thayer. We corresponded regularly up until just after Jan. 6 but sadly he was not in the… - 2 years ago

@King_Owl: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer has an amazing story, and before his passing, we were working on a film about his journalism. Nate was going to… - 2 years ago

@GeoffAndersen: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@khunkrane: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@GeoffAndersen: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@guzeisha: >[Le Monde]ポルポト派を取材した米国人ジャーナリスト、ネイト・セイヤー62歳が死去。1997年、20世紀で最も血生臭い独裁者のひとりに出会ったクメール・ルージュの専門家。 - 2 years ago

@DarinOlson5: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@7leaguebootdisk: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@broomstick33: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@jenelaina: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@AlmightyBoob: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@BefriaHongKong: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@melissakchan: RT @akuhnNPRnews: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62. RIP and respect to an exceptional journalist and forme… - 2 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@grestes57: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@scowlyguy: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@hommeebene1998: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@melodyisdestiny: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@melodyisdestiny: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@ShakingStick: RT @nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know him as w… - 2 years ago

@jprat: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@Flubadub4: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ShakingStick: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@nickmartin: If anyone needs free access to the Nate Thayer obituary, this gift link should hopefully work. While I didn't know… - 2 years ago

@LCRWnews: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@CharterhouseSq: RT @JeromeTaylor: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with P… - 2 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer: Friend, journalist, anti-fascist, lover of dogs. Doxed more Neo-Nazis than anyone on earth. Nate Thayer is… - 2 years ago

@warriorrabbit: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@cleopolitical: RT @nickmartin: I'm really sad to learn of the death of journalist Nate Thayer. I talked to him a few times in recent years while we invest… - 2 years ago

@TCristofoletti: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@TCristofoletti: RT @opccambodia: The OPCC mourns the loss of legendary journalist Nate Thayer who passed away peacefully in his home aged 62. He leaves beh… - 2 years ago

@damonwake: You can read the @AFP obituary for him here: - 2 years ago

@mirandabencomo: RT @akuhnNPRnews: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62. RIP and respect to an exceptional journalist and forme… - 2 years ago

@RPanh: RT @sstrangio: Nate Thayer's remarkable dispatch from Anlong Veng, #Cambodia, documenting his meeting and interview with Pol Pot. Published… - 2 years ago

@RPanh: Nate Thayer, journalist who scooped world with Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - The Washington Post Au revoir Nate… - 2 years ago

@adampiore: Nate Thayer is dead. Long live Nate Thayer. | Rod Webber - 2 years ago

@RadioFreeAsiaKH: - 2 years ago

@frenchette4232: RT @farhip: The very colorful life of journalist Nate Thayer, who scooped the world with Pol Pot interview. RIP. - 2 years ago

@kimvie: RT @andreasharsono: Far Eastern Economic Review journalist Nate Thayer, who dodged many a bullets covering Cambodia's civil war and intervi… - 2 years ago

@jmb_1985: RT @starsandstripes: Nate Thayer, an American journalist who chased stories of conflict across the jungles of Southeast Asia and was the la… - 2 years ago

@maipainaipa: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@travisjudegrant: @PGourevitch @NewYorker After reading that, I want to check out everything Nate Thayer ever wrote. - 2 years ago

@AmyArgetsinger: RT @farhip: The very colorful life of journalist Nate Thayer, who scooped the world with Pol Pot interview. RIP. - 2 years ago

@phnompete: RT @SteveCapus: @mbrauchli What a remarkable legacy & accomplishment #respect #ripNateThayer Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@lil3q6: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@joefree215: For journalists coming through the ranks of the Phnom Penh Post, Nate Thayer's name loomed large. Though few of us… - 2 years ago

@michaeljsmiddy: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@bronmorrison: RT @bernardharborne: A sad end to a life well-lived @nate_thayer; will be remembered mainly for his interview with #PolPot. Memories of bei… - 2 years ago

@vinnewell: RT @farhip: The very colorful life of journalist Nate Thayer, who scooped the world with Pol Pot interview. RIP. - 2 years ago

@aquaventus2002: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@pauljamesharper: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@boomthamlife: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@tenderfiend: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ranajitdam: RT @katerinareports: “Nate Thayer, an American journalist who chased stories of conflict across the jungles of Southeast Asia and was the l… - 2 years ago

@khuska41: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@paxr55: RT @rhreid: A talented, courageous, friendly complicated man. - 2 years ago

@petemoss_au: RT @mpeer: Nate Thayer, an American freelance journalist who interviewed #Cambodia's former dictator Pol Pot, has died at 62. - 2 years ago

@WoodyYin: RT @ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Falmouth… - 2 years ago

@ReturnOfThJabba: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer has an amazing story, and before his passing, we were working on a film about his journalism. Nate was going to… - 2 years ago

@_fongjorge: RT @SCMPNews: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Khmer Rouge’s Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@nuochan: RT @SCMPNews: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Khmer Rouge’s Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@catheri74619234: RT @akuhnNPRnews: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62. RIP and respect to an exceptional journalist and forme… - 2 years ago

@AI5AASIA: R.I.P Nate Thayer. Remember attending a party at his house in Bangkok soon after he had his final interview with P… - 2 years ago

@WendellAlbright: RT @rhreid: A talented, courageous, friendly complicated man. - 2 years ago

@ASongAXWires: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ZhentingLiu: #อาลัยเพื่อนร่วมอาชีพที่จากไป Nate Thayer นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันที่รู้จักกันกว่า 35 ปี จากไปเมื่อ3 มกราในบ้านพักที่ Fa… - 2 years ago

@karmanomad: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@SCMPNews: Nate Thayer, who interviewed Khmer Rouge’s Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@haritho: RT @TMclaughlin3: Nate Thayer...scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with Pol Pot, the genocidal leader of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge… - 2 years ago

@omyword: RT @rhreid: A talented, courageous, friendly complicated man. - 2 years ago

@AllThingsNatSec: Awww! Dude. I knew Nate Thayer, although we never met. We used to speak on the phone all the time. He was working o… - 2 years ago

@frannie_ryan: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@RodWebber: This is another Nate Thayer demo we were working on. It's not quite ready for public yet-- but in light of Nate's p… - 2 years ago

@scientwest: RT @starsandstripes: Nate Thayer, an American journalist who chased stories of conflict across the jungles of Southeast Asia and was the la… - 2 years ago

@Mgon: RT @JonMoseley: @ronbryn @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams @R5Philly… - 2 years ago

@starsandstripes: Nate Thayer, an American journalist who chased stories of conflict across the jungles of Southeast Asia and was the… - 2 years ago

@markscogan: RT @mpeer: Nate Thayer, an American freelance journalist who interviewed #Cambodia's former dictator Pol Pot, has died at 62. - 2 years ago

@Aceface4ever: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@Marcdawson: RT @JeromeTaylor: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with P… - 2 years ago

@FillaDeMaria: @j6dreamteam @PotrzebieSystem @JonMoseley @ronbryn @gabyace @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ… - 2 years ago

@70s_classics: Nate Thayer, Journalist Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - Voice of America - VOA News #Polpot #Indochina - 2 years ago

@juhasaarinen: RT @JeromeTaylor: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with P… - 2 years ago

@Richardson_CW: RT @akuhnNPRnews: Nate Thayer, journalist who landed Pol Pot interview, dies at 62. RIP and respect to an exceptional journalist and forme… - 2 years ago

@lindasfree: RT @jordangreennc: Stubbornly independent from an editorial standpoint, @Nate_thayer is among the most generous journalists. His tireless e… - 2 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @JeromeTaylor: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with P… - 2 years ago

@Jimbo44070: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer: Friend, journalist, anti-fascist, lover of dogs. Doxed more Neo-Nazis than anyone on earth. Nate Thayer is… - 2 years ago

@AnupKaphle: RT @JeromeTaylor: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with P… - 2 years ago

@MureDickie: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@PotrzebieSystem: @j6dreamteam @FillaDeMaria @JonMoseley @ronbryn @gabyace @brainnotonyet @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ… - 2 years ago

@PotrzebieSystem: @FillaDeMaria @JonMoseley @ronbryn @gabyace @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ… - 2 years ago

@7leaguebootdisk: RT @BruceDGilley: One of the great journalists of war, Nate Thayer, has left us. I had the honor of working with Nate at the Review. These… - 2 years ago

@iyamiyam: RT @BruceDGilley: One of the great journalists of war, Nate Thayer, has left us. I had the honor of working with Nate at the Review. These… - 2 years ago

@kate_linebaugh: Nate Thayer, Journalist Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@marisoljimenezm: RT @AlbertoRodNews: ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere Nate Thayer, el periodista que entrevistó al genocida Pol Pot. - 2 years ago

@ItalianoPeter: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@maxw3st: RT @AFP: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with Pol Pot, t… - 2 years ago

@SplendidSpoon: Everything I know about Cambodia I learned from Nate Thayer while asking “Whats this? Whats this?” Over and over in his storage unit. - 2 years ago

@timkavanagh1200: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer: Friend, journalist, anti-fascist, lover of dogs. Doxed more Neo-Nazis than anyone on earth. Nate Thayer is… - 2 years ago

@TOK715C3: カンボジアのクメール・ルージュの大量虐殺指導者ポル・ポトとの1997年のインタビューで大規模なスクープを記録した実物大のアメリカ人フリージャーナリスト、ネイト・セイヤーが62歳で死去した、と彼の家族は水曜日に言った… - 2 years ago

@melissabcoad: RT @AFP: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with Pol Pot, t… - 2 years ago

@Nievenegro: RT @AFP: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with Pol Pot, t… - 2 years ago

@LognRun: RT @AFP: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview with Pol Pot, t… - 2 years ago

@AFP: Nate Thayer, the larger-than-life American freelance journalist who scored a massive scoop with his 1997 interview… - 2 years ago

@LoveNeverH8: RT @oliver_slow: "He broke the story in the Far Eastern Economic Review. Pol Pot told him: "Am I a savage person? My conscience is clear."… - 2 years ago

@SplendidSpoon: RT @oliver_slow: "He broke the story in the Far Eastern Economic Review. Pol Pot told him: "Am I a savage person? My conscience is clear."… - 2 years ago

@lfcgil: RT @schelzig: Nate Thayer famously found and interviewed Pol Pot before he died in 1997. As an Associated Press stringer at the time, Thaye… - 2 years ago

@timkavanagh1200: RT @RodWebber: Long live Nate Thayer - 2 years ago

@jruwitch: RT @gavafox: @NateThayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@NoBigGovDuh: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ronbryn: @JonMoseley @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams… - 2 years ago

@PatSample13: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer: Friend, journalist, anti-fascist, lover of dogs. Doxed more Neo-Nazis than anyone on earth. Nate Thayer is… - 2 years ago

@oliver_slow: "He broke the story in the Far Eastern Economic Review. Pol Pot told him: "Am I a savage person? My conscience is c… - 2 years ago

@gavafox: @NateThayer, who interviewed Pol Pot, dead at 62 - 2 years ago

@ronbryn: @JonMoseley @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams… - 2 years ago

@NIMITZCVN68: RT @AlbertoRodNews: ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere Nate Thayer, el periodista que entrevistó al genocida Pol Pot. - 2 years ago

@AlbertoRodNews: ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere Nate Thayer, el periodista que entrevistó al genocida Pol Pot. - 2 years ago

@oliver_slow: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@radianblood: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@ronbryn: @JonMoseley @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Nate Thayer, you will be missed - #NateThayer #Nate #Thayer #rip - 2 years ago

@cyberholz: A legend is dead. @nate_thayer RIP. You were uber-life. You cornered Pol Pot in the end – and in the end only Lamon… - 2 years ago

@PotrzebieSystem: @so_cratic_meth @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ… - 2 years ago

@ronbryn: @JonMoseley @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams… - 2 years ago

@MinnesotAtheist: RT @RodWebber: Nate Thayer: Friend, journalist, anti-fascist, lover of dogs. Doxed more Neo-Nazis than anyone on earth. Nate Thayer is… - 2 years ago

@ronbryn: @JonMoseley @gabyace @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ @DakotaVAdams… - 2 years ago

@Toe_curlerr: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@CLRans82: RIP the great Nate Thayer. - 2 years ago

@Bill_Flood: RT @JonathanLKrohn: RIP Nate Thayer. A cult figure in the journalism world, a semi-retired wild man who loved his dog Lamont, covered the… - 2 years ago

@JimLaurie_Asia: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@so_cratic_meth: @gabyace @ronbryn @JonMoseley @PotrzebieSystem @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17 @EnrahJ… - 2 years ago

@Sylandrophol: RT @DLamontJenkins: We just lost journalist Nate Thayer. We corresponded regularly up until just after Jan. 6 but sadly he was not in the… - 2 years ago

@joshspero: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@rcavada: Muere Nate Thayer, el periodista que entrevistó al genocida Pol Pot Nate Thayer, el perio… - 2 years ago

@FaithOrr: I didn’t know Nate Thayer. I can’t offer any personal words. What I do know is he was a great journalist and if you… - 2 years ago

@kaisimulator22: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@JonathanLKrohn: RIP Nate Thayer. A cult figure in the journalism world, a semi-retired wild man who loved his dog Lamont, covered… - 2 years ago

@amberrebekah: RT @RodWebber: A journalism legend is dead. The man who spent 15 years in the jungle successfully hunting down Cambodian dictator Pol Pot… - 2 years ago

@R5Philly: @PotrzebieSystem @EnrahJ @JonMoseley @ronbryn @gabyace @brainnotonyet @j6dreamteam @MPapagianis @bennybryant17… - 2 years ago

@CNguyenEc: RT @mbrauchli: Deeply saddened to learn of Nate Thayer’s passing. He was monomaniacal in his journalistic pursuit of Pol Pot, who was respo… - 2 years ago

@JohnMar37519591: RT @MurrayHiebert1: Nate Thayer, Who Interviewed Pol Pot, Dead At 62 - RIP, brother @PaulHandley2 - 2 years ago

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